Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 100 Fulfilling a long-cherished wish of decades

Sure enough, there is another woman here. She has a cultivation level on the sixth floor. I wonder who she is?

Although the woman in purple did not look back, the magic power she possessed was enough to see the scene behind her: They are really brave, they actually dare to break into your dragon's pond and tiger's den directly.

The corners of the mysterious scribe's lips maintained a contented smile: If you dare to break in, you will naturally have something to rely on.

You are also very brave. You dare to let them in during a scene like the Taishan Mansion Lord's Festival, and you are not afraid that they will ruin your important event?

The woman in purple was lost in thought: The left and right arms of His Highness the City God of Nanjing are both powerful, especially Zhang Yan. If this person hadn't become a Yang God before he died, he would have been a figure like Duke Wen Zhonglie. If this person was the former Come on, I’m afraid it’s going to be a little tricky.”

Zhang Yan? He should be here already, but no matter who comes today, it will be of no use.

The mysterious scribe walked down the last step of the second underground floor with cold eyes: This is a stage that I have carefully prepared for myself and for them. I am looking forward to their performance, and then I will end it according to my script.

At this time, Li Xuan had also followed the group of people in front of him walking down. When the scene on the second floor of the prison gradually unfolded before his eyes, Li Xuan's eyes condensed again.

The most eye-catching thing on this floor is naturally the figure trapped on a huge pillar by chains as thick as a child's arms.

This man was astonishingly three feet tall. His body was half-kneeling, with hundreds of spikes engraved with blood-colored talismans nailed all over his body. Looking at what he was wearing, he was dressed like a Fucheng Huang, a fourth-grade robe, but the crown on his head was gone, and his hair was disheveled.

He was raising his head at this time, his eyes were spitting fire, and he was glaring at the mysterious scribe and the many demons and ghosts who were walking down one after another.

Li Xuan guessed that this person was unable to speak, otherwise the City God of Dasheng Pass would have cursed loudly at this time.

Next to the city god, there are dozens of pillars, tied up with a group of god generals and night wandering gods. Among them, the three thickest ones are the magistrates and civil and military judges of Dasheng Pass. These three are much more sluggish, and their bodies are already somewhere between virtual and real. This is a symptom of severe damage to their vitality and excessive loss of divine power. However, their souls were nailed to those giant pillars, unable to escape, unable to move, and naturally unable to escape.

After Li Xuan glanced at them, he moved his eyes to the ground.

There should be many rooms on the second floor of this prison, but they have all been razed at this time. The 10,000-square-meter space inside is filled with talismans condensed with silver mercury.

Those talismans almost all look like ghost-painted talismans, but they have a unique beauty. When they are combined together, they are not only magnificent, but also contain unparalleled mystery, attracting the Yin energy from all directions.

As for mercury, the yin is silver mercury and the yang is cinnabar. The methods of yin and yang for righteousness and evil can be used, and they are extremely easy to use.

Are you two going to transform into a demon body together?

This time it was not a human-faced dog, but a ghost in the shape of a waitress. She had a good-looking face and a nice voice, but Li Xuan knew that the other party had used a trick to deceive her. Under this blindness, I don't know what kind of terrifying face it is.

The maid looked at him with some embarrassment: There are only a few strangers in Dasheng Pass, and we haven't prepared so many places. And your wife is only in the Sixth Level Tower Realm, which does not meet our requirements-

Of course together! Before Li Xuan waited for the maid to finish speaking, he held Xue Yunrou's right hand tightly and swept over her with cold eyes like a knife: My relationship with Roumei is as strong as gold, and life and death are the same. If we can't be resurrected together, Why should I hurry over here? Come on, we are still waiting to go to Wushan together after resurrection to fulfill our long-cherished wish of hundreds of years.

As he finished speaking, he felt sharp pain in his waist. But it was Xue Yunrou who pinched his waist, used the strength to twist the screws, and turned it hard.

Li Xuan could only endure it, wondering why this girl didn't care about the overall situation at all? What if this is revealed?


The maid turned her head and looked at the direction of the Taoist priests. She didn't know how they communicated. One of the Taoist priests waved his hand impatiently, and the maid laughed: There happened to be a guest who missed the appointment. Come with me. The location is on the left -

Li Xuan followed her forward and soon reached the south side of the prison.

Right here! The waitress pointed in front of them: After standing still, the guests must not move. It will take up to an hour and a half. By the end of the hour, the two guests will be able to shape their bodies.

Li Xuan didn't think much and was ready to step in. But Xue Yunrou grabbed his arm. At this time, her eyes were extremely solemn: This is the departure of the south, and separation is fire. Entering this formation, you and I will turn into firewood and let it burn.

Li Xuan's pupils shrank, and then he instinctively looked at the mysterious scribe in the center of the circle.

He noticed that they were the only two people who were taken away from their positions to the south. In other words, the mysterious scribe may have long been aware of their identities, and even this itself was a trap for them.

And when he looked back, in addition to the mysterious scribe who seemed to have expected it, all the demons and monsters in the dungeon, as well as the Taoists in red robes and the women in purple, all at the same moment pulled Han into his arms. With cold murderous eyes, he looked at Li Xuan and the others. Their faces became eerie and terrifying at this moment. The light in this large dungeon seemed to suddenly dim a bit, and it truly turned into a devil's cave. UU reading www.

Fuck, Tingtian Mastiff couldn't help but yell, It's indeed a trap! This is what they set up.

Do it!

This was the voice of Judge Wu Guo Liangchen, who immediately separated from the statue and appeared next to Li Xuan. With a flick of the big gun in his hand, the maid next to him was blasted into ashes and her soul was scattered.

Judge Wen also appeared later, and when he swiped the Daguan Dao in his hand, it was a hundred feet of sword energy that enveloped most of the demons in the prison.

Xue Yunrou also took action at the same time. She held the 'Yin Yuan Umbrella' in front of her, like a shield, protecting Li Xuan and her behind. The 'Xuanming Zhiyang Shuttle' that once carried them on the Nine Netherworld River had now shrunk to three feet in length and was suspended in the sky above them. More than ten rays containing Yin evil or Yang fire were stimulated from the inside, intercepting and smashing the spells of the six red-robed Taoists one by one.

——According to their planned tactics, once the battle starts. Xue Yunrou's only mission is to protect Li Xuan, who is carrying two statues of gods and the original Song of Righteousness.

The next moment, a muffled sound of boom came from the second-floor prison, but it was Judge Wen's sword light that was shattered by those demons working together!


This is the woman in purple. She raised her hand and pointed, and four half-moon scimitars spurted out from her sleeves. They were all spinning at high speed, slashing towards Judge Wen Zhang Yan like a crescent moon.

The latter slashed with his broadsword continuously, blocking the light of the sword and sending it flying away. His figure was still like thunder and lightning, rushing towards the direction of the City God without any hesitation.

Behind him, Judge Wu Guo Liangchen fired a shot into the ground: See the dragon's head, break it for me!

As his divine power burst out, countless cracks spread out from the ground in an instant, completely shattering the entire 100-meter-long sacrificial array.

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