Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 145 The year is not enough to make up the quantity

When Jiang Hanyun wandered around the yard for half an hour and glanced inside the door for the seventh time, Li Xuan could no longer sit still.

He wondered if he had offended this boss again? Could this woman want to beat me?

Lord Captain!

Li Xuan cautiously took the sound-transmitting conch given by Mrs. Jiang in his hand, then walked out and asked, Excuse me, sir, do you have anything to tell your subordinates?

He carefully observed Jiang Hanyun's face, and as soon as the situation went slightly wrong, he would seek help from Mrs. Jiang as soon as possible.

When Jiang Hanyun saw him coming out, she couldn't help but blush slightly: It's nothing, I just see the moonlight is good, and I want to take a walk here.

Li Xuan looked up at the sky and saw that the moon was covered by dark clouds, and the stars in the sky were all gone. The whole sky was completely dark.

Li Xuan was in a daze for a while, thinking about this woman. Is she blind or is she deliberately teasing me?

Then he thought about the time when Zhao Gao called a deer a horse. What happened to the ministers who upheld their integrity afterwards? The result is either being sent to the frontier, or being 'clicked'.

So Li Xuan decided to follow his heart: The moonlight tonight is really bright and bright, and it is intoxicating. No wonder the captain is so elegant.

Pfft! Jiang Hanyun couldn't help laughing, but then her face turned even redder, and she hesitated a little: I, um, I do have something to tell you. I want to ask you tomorrow Is there any—” at noon?

At this time, Peng Fulai ran in excitedly from outside the hospital.

Qianzhi, we have a clue!

As Peng Fulai spoke, he thrust a jade talisman into Li Xuan's hand with excitement: Look at this.

Li Xuan took it in his hand and took a look at it, then asked with confused eyes: Is this the 'Shadow Talisman'? Where did it come from?

Of course it's Shenzhidu. Didn't you ask me to go there to check for clues that may be related to the theft in the palace? This is what I got from there. Look inside -

As Peng Fulai said this with a smile, he heard a 'boom' sound next to him, and smoke and dust suddenly filled the courtyard. He and Li Xuan were both shocked. Then he discovered that it was Jiang Hanyun who suddenly punched the pillar next to him.

Jiang Hanyun's terrifying power was fully revealed at this moment. Naturally, the pillar could not be saved and was directly shattered into powder. Then the mortgage building behind him also suffered, and collapsed after a muffled sound.

Li Xuan couldn't help but swallowed, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead: Master Captain, I wonder what my subordinate did wrong? By the way, you just said you have something to tell me?

He was hesitating whether he should use the sound-transmitting conch to ask Jiang Mu for help in this situation?

It's okay! You're right, but I'm just a little bit unhappy.

Jiang Hanyun glared at Peng Fulai fiercely, then snorted coldly, turned around and walked out of the courtyard.

Peng Fulai was confused for a while, and turned his head to look at Li Xuan with an extremely stiff neck: I shouldn't have offended this female devil, right? Why did the captain look at me just now, as if he wanted to kill me?

How do I know? But the way she looks at you is really fierce.

Li Xuan rubbed his chin with his hand and thought carefully for a while, but still couldn't figure out the reason. Finally, he decided to scare the little fat man: I guess it's because you and Zhang Yue were not diligent enough in the office, or because you drank flower wine with Ma Tou'er. , which pissed off this big female insect. She really wants to teach you a lesson, but she is holding back.

Peng Fulai's face suddenly turned pale with fright, as if he recalled a painful memory. He looked at the ruins behind Li Xuan and felt his calves trembling.

What should I do? I feel that the most unlucky thing in my life is being assigned to Mingyou Capital.

Zhang Taishan was fooled by us and he didn't say anything yet.

Li Xuan laughed, and then looked at the jade talisman in his hand.

He thought for a moment and recalled how to activate the 'Shadow Talisman', then he held a seal in his hand and placed it on the jade talisman, saying the word 'appear'.

The 'Shadow Talisman' suddenly overflowed with a ball of green light, projecting an image that looked like a 'three-dimensional holographic projection' in front of Li Xuan.

In the image, there is a palm-sized copper bowl, with an elegant and dignified shape and gorgeous decorations.

Bronze bowl?

Li Xuan looked at it with some doubts: Is there anything wrong? It just looks better. Hmm~ This seems to be a royal weapon?

He belatedly discovered that the pattern on the copper bowl was a five-clawed golden dragon.

Peng Fulai finally calmed down at this time, and then he looked at Li Xuan in surprise: How can this copper bowl just be more beautiful? Even among imperial vessels, it is the best. This is cloisonné, the current emperor This thing I only got after I ascended the throne is also called 'copper tire cloisonné enamel'.

It is said that this kind of craft is very special and extremely difficult to make. Nowadays, there are less than a thousand cloisonne spread among the people in the whole country, and most of them are given by the royal family. Also, look at this dragon pattern, it’s so exquisite, don’t you feel nothing?

Li Xuan looked stunned. He really didn't know much about this. This was mainly because he came from modern times. In that era, he had seen all kinds of fancy craftsmanship and all kinds of dragon and phoenix patterns, but Li Xuan never cared about them.

Since time travel, the utensils in Chengyi's Mansion have always been very luxurious, and Li Xuan has become accustomed to them.

That is to say, this is probably one of the stolen artifacts? Li Xuan was startled and raised his spirits: Where did the image of the Divine Knowledge City come from? Where is the real thing?

In the black market! God knows there are people lurking in the Yangzhou black market and saw someone selling this thing. The sellers there probably know how powerful it is, and they only dare to show it to regular customers and merchants from Nanyang, but no one has taken it over yet.

Peng Fulai pointed at the image: And it's not 'very likely', this is one of the stolen bronzes. I just looked through the list of artifacts that His Highness the Second Prince brought to Nanjing and found this thing. It's called 'Golden Thread' There are nine pairs of enamel gold dragon lamps in total, which are used to worship Xiaoling.

Li Xuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, thinking that this clue was much easier to trace than the previous three lines.

Yangzhou Black Market? Which black market is it? Is it Yangzhou Ship City? The one we have been to several times before?

——In Li Xuan’s memory, this Yangzhou Ship City was located at the mouth of the Yangtze River and the canal.

Businessmen and private boat owners who run black market businesses will tie dozens of large boats together with hooks and locks every morning, like a floating city on the water, for people to buy and sell on.

That should be regarded as the place that the imperial court hated the most. Merchants from all over the country traded tens of millions of dollars in silk, porcelain, Hotan jade, private salt, paper, weapons, etc. every year through this black market.

In addition, there are various cultivation artifacts and rare treasures, which are also worth tens of millions.

Therefore, from Hongwu to Yongle years, the imperial court sent troops several times to destroy and destroy the looters, but failed to achieve any success. Just because these boats gather and disperse on the river, they can be broken into pieces at any time. They also have deep backgrounds and are well-informed. No matter the court, there is nothing they can do.

After Yongle, as the Jin Dynasty's national power turned from prosperity to decline, it gradually had to let it go.

Of course it's Ship City. Among the large-scale black markets in Yangzhou, this one is the only one. Peng Fulai laughed and said, In any other place, our Sixth Division would have rushed in to get people.

Li Xuan felt a headache again: Can we still enter that place now? Lao Peng, can you still get the order to climb into the city?

The smile on Peng Fulai's face gradually stiffened: I'm afraid it won't be easy!

The so-called boarding order is a voucher for entering the Ship City, something similar to an invitation letter. Yangzhou Boat City distributes it every month, and only guests recognized by Boat City can get it.

In the past, they were wealthy dandies, and it was easy to get an order to enter the city. But now, they are already official servants, and they are the most taboo in Ship City.

Liudaosi, in particular, had many grievances with Ship City in the past.

If you want to go to Ship City, I have a lot of ideas here.

Following these words, Luo Yan walked in from outside the hospital: I have an acquaintance there who can help us get in.

Li Xuan's eyes lit up and he looked at Luo Yan intently. I remembered what Jiang Hanyun said about Xuanyinglou's evaluation of this person - broad connections and quick thinking. He is also familiar with the black and white roads of Nanzhili, and knows those urban foxes and social rats very well.

At this time, Luo Yan's eyes fell on the ruins behind them again. His expression was extremely shocked: What's going on? I just walked away for less than two minutes. Why was this house demolished?


What Li Xuan didn't know at this time was that at the end of the Yangtze River and on the coast of the East China Sea, on a huge ice floe floating on the sea, a middle-aged man wearing a raincoat suddenly changed his expression and suddenly pulled out the fishing rod in his hand. rise.

The next moment, a huge golden turtle broke out of the water under the power of the middle-aged man, UU Reading www. uukanshu. net then fell heavily to the ice.

This golden turtle was as big as a human being. After landing, it kept struggling, trying to turn over. Countless high-pressure water guns and water cannons were sprayed from all over its body, smashing the surrounding ice into craters.

But as the middle-aged man flicked his sleeves, its body was quickly sealed in a piece of forest blue ice. It walked ten feet away, followed by the other two golden turtles.

It's less than three hundred years old again——

The middle-aged man was very disappointed. He looked at the human-sized golden turtle and the two slightly larger golden turtles that were also sealed in the ice, with a look of confusion on their faces.

This woman is really talking nonsense. A three-hundred-year-old golden turtle has not yet become a sperm. Doesn't she know how rare this is?

The middle-aged man complained, looked at the already dark sky, and scratched his head helplessly.

Forget it, the year is not enough to make up the quantity. Three golden turtles from 200 to 250 years old, Jiang is worthy of him. I wonder how outstanding this young man is? He actually made me work so hard for him, haha ,hehe--

At this time, there was a sudden 'click' sound under his feet. Countless cracks suddenly appeared in this hundred-foot-square ice floe, and then it fell apart with a roar.

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