Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 146 Magnificent Ship City

The opening hours of the black market ship city are generally from the end of the morning to sunset in the evening.

But when Li Xuan and the others got the 'Shadow Talisman', it was already the end of Youshi (seven o'clock in the evening). Then it takes an hour or two to travel from Jinling to Yangzhou.

Therefore, no matter how eager Li Xuan and others were for this clue, they would have to wait until the next day.

After the class ended, Li Xuan first asked Li Dalu to set up an outpost. After making sure that his sister-in-law hadn't returned yet and the family war hadn't broken out yet, he headed back home.

That night, Li Xuan hesitated again and again and let Leng Yurou do the 'Skyscraper Wheel' for him. After half an hour of howling like ghosts and wolves, he swallowed a Six-Path Man Yuan Dan.

It should be that his muscles and bones were further stretched by Leng Yurou and his meridians were smoother. The effect this time was actually better than last night.

When Li Xuan finished carrying Zhou Tian, ​​he found that the green spot on his chest was a little smaller, maybe only as thick as the tip of a needle. But he was still very pleased. His current life span was estimated to have exceeded thirty-six days, and he might be able to use months as the unit in the future.

Another thing that made him happy was that early the next morning he tried out moves with Leng Yurou, and he actually managed to get through forty-seven moves.

——I don’t know what happened to Sister Leng in the past two days. When I used to feed him moves, she would only defend but not attack. But since yesterday morning, Leng Yurou has changed her style. Now she only attacks but not defends. Every time she kills, Li Xuan is sweating profusely and loses his armor. Leng Yurou's sword struck him all over his body many times, leaving bruises everywhere.

Yesterday, Li Xuan basically lost in twenty rounds; by this morning, Li Xuan could hold on to forty-seven moves.

This is because of the torture in the palace, which made Li Xuan more confident. When controlling the 'situation', one becomes more calm, smoother and has a bit more freedom.

Therefore, when Li Xuan rushed to a small dock in the east of the city to meet Peng Fulai and the others, although his whole body was sore, achy, and swollen, he was still in a happy mood.

But after arriving here, Li Xuan was confused for a while, his eyes hesitant: Luo Youyou, is this what you said about taking us in? Don't you need to disguise yourself or something?

Hearing what Luo Yan said, he didn't need to do anything. He could just dress up as a guest and board the ship.

Isn't this already disguised? Luo Yan was also confused. He pointed at the clothes on several people: They all have their demon-slaying armors covered inside, and the waist knives and other things have been given to the little fat guy to carry.

Who is the little fat guy? Peng Fulai yelled. Then he also frowned: What Qianzhi means is that it's best to change our appearance, put on makeup, and change our appearance. We are somewhat famous in the black market of Ship City, and there is a high possibility of being recognized. .”

Mainly because they went to Yangzhou Ship City five times, but had two fights with people, and almost got on the ship city's blacklist.

In addition, the big and small bosses of this ship city also frequently visit various romantic places in Jinling City, and often meet with them.

But now in Jinling City, who doesn't know that Li Xuan and his two best friends have joined the Six Daosi Division, and that the three big dandies have reformed their evil ways?

If it hadn't been for this reason, he wouldn't have been embarrassed by the order to ascend the city.

Also, you don't have an order to board the city, how should we board the ship? It's useless to put the weapons in my Qiankun bag, they will check it.

Luo Yan thought for a moment, then suddenly clapped his hands: I almost forgot!

He took out four strips of black cloth from his sleeves and gave one to each of Li Xuan and the others: Put this on, and I'm sure they won't recognize it. As for the boarding orders and weapons, you don't have to worry. I’m familiar with them all.”

Le Qianqian put it on stupidly, while Li Xuan, Zhang Yue, and Peng Fulai glanced at each other, all with black lines on their foreheads.

Zhang Yue even shook his head: Luo Youyou, you probably don't know. In this Ship City, masks are generally not allowed. Even those wanted criminals who are inconvenient to reveal their identities, and evil cultivators. Unless they have a deep background, I’m familiar with the big boat owners and I have their guarantee.”

Then Zhang Yue saw Luo Yan without saying a word. Looking at him with a smile, Zhang Yue was slightly startled when he saw this, and then consciously covered his face with a black cloth.

He was secretly surprised that Captain Luo's connections were so good? Even Peng Fulai can't do this kind of thing.

——Now the Peng family has two large ships worth 7,000 yuan in Ship City. They are one of the core shareholders of Ship City. Their family is also a big player in Yangzhou.

About an incense-burning time later, a three-story ship slowly docked at the pier.

The five of them waited until everyone on the pier had boarded the ship one after another before walking up the gangway. Then as expected, they were stopped by a bald man with a naked upper body and muscular muscles.

Five guests, please show us the order to enter the city!

After meeting Li Xuan, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed, because this young leader of Ship City was considered an old acquaintance of theirs.

Li Xuanyuan, Peng Fulai and the others were causing trouble on the ship before, and it was this guy who left them behind.

What's particularly distressing is that this person's eyes are flowing between Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue, with a strong suspicion in his eyes.

It's just because these two figures are too eye-catching and special, one is as round and fat as a ball, and the other is as tall as an iron tower.

Old Dai! At this time, Luo Yan smiled slightly and greeted the bald man: It's me, Luo Yan, don't you remember?

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart. He had already foreseen the result, and he would probably be kicked off the gangway by this person later.

They have been to Ship City five times, but they have never seen this guy sell anyone's face. From now on, we can know the person's nickname - Cold-faced Daisan, referring to this guy, who never shows mercy in his dealings.

What Luo Yan! I——

The bald man's tone was very rude at first, but as his pupils relaxed slightly, a hint of understanding appeared: It turns out to be Brother Luo, are you going to Ship City?

Exactly! Luo Yan clasped his fists: We have to go to Ship City to do some business temporarily, but we haven't been able to get the order to board the city for the time being, which makes it difficult for you, Lao Dai.

What's so embarrassing about this? It's rare for Brother Luo to beg me for help.

The bald man laughed loudly in the astonished eyes of many younger brothers behind him and said, But this scarf must be taken off, and you must check what you carry with you. Weapons, talismans, etc. can be stored here.

Luo Yan held up his hand again and said: Old Dai, please do it for me! It's a bit inconvenient for these friends of mine to be identified. I know all the rules of Ship City. I guarantee that nothing will happen.

This - I don't have a problem, but there is still a search in Ship City behind.

The bald man was obviously a little embarrassed, but his eyes were dazed for a moment, and he laughed again: Okay! Who asked me to owe you a favor?

With a wave of his hand, Li Xuan and others boarded the ship as if in a dream.

At this time, all the guests on the boat stayed away from them as if they were avoiding the plague.

They were able to board the ship without an order to board the city, and they were able to avoid inspection with their faces covered - these people seemed to have a lot of background at first glance, and they might be some unparalleled murderer.

Li Xuan and the others paid no attention to these people's interest. They all sat down at the bow of the ship on the second floor.

This building boat may seem bulky, but it is extremely fast, not inferior to the awning boat that Li Chengji took Li Xuan and the others to Poyang Lake.

About five or six moments later, they saw a huge water city in the distance.

It was all made up of huge ships, and the end was invisible at a glance.

After getting help, the situation here turned out to be normal. The leader of Ship City who was responsible for checking the identity of the guests was also familiar with Luo Yan. This man put Li Xuan and others in without any hesitation.

It's really coming up. After passing the gangway, Peng Fulai whispered in Li Xuan's ear: What is this guy's background? I feel like his background is much better than yours.

The background of the three of them is naturally headed by Li Xuan. Although he was only an earl in his family, he was almost hereditary admiral of the Jiang Navy. This status in the Jin Dynasty was much more impressive than that of the Zhang Yue family's military attachés in the capital for generations.

He is from the kindergarten camp of Liudaosi, and he is an orphan adopted by Liudaosi before. Li Xuan shook his head: However, Xuanyinglou said that this person is very well-rounded and is familiar with the black and white of Nanzhili.

Are you from a youth camp? Zhang Yue raised his eyebrows in surprise: I really didn't notice it.

While they were secretly discussing, Le Qianqian looked around with shocked eyes: Is this Yangzhou Ship City? It's really amazing, just like a real city. I've seen it in books before, but I always It’s unimaginable.”

Wherever she looked, there were more than 180 large ships with a material of more than 3,000 materials connected together by wooden planks and rivets, forming a floating ship city with an area of ​​at least 500 acres.

Li Xuan was also quite shocked. Although he already had memories of Yangzhou Ship City in his mind, he was still severely shocked by this spectacular scene.

In his previous life, there was actually a larger cruise ship of 220,000 tons, which was like a mobile city floating on the sea, but Li Xuan had never seen it. UU Reading

He is a forensic doctor of the moonlight clan and has never even experienced a serious trip.

In fact, this boat city is very unscientific. Under normal circumstances, it should have been washed ashore by the current, but there are many magical powers in this world. Not only did this city sail safely on the river, they stepped on the deck, It's very stable and you can't feel any shaking.

Just like that, it is said that there is also a ship city on the sea in the south, but its scale is twenty times that of Yangzhou.

Peng Fulai took the lead and walked towards the south in a familiar manner: The person selling the 'golden silk and enamel golden dragon lamp' was Xuanyiju on the ship, who was the most aggressive and unscrupulous black marketeer in South Zhili. At least half of the stolen goods in Jinling City are sold through them. It is said that the person behind the scenes is the man from Zhenjiang, a wealthy man who has cultivated to the 12th level of the tower and divides the money from the ground. Their Xuanyi residence is opened in Xu Guogong's house On the ship, this ship is usually arranged to the south of the Ship City.

He specially explained for Le Qianqian: At least half of the ships here belong to various noble families in Jinling. They don't do business, so they just rent out the floors on the ships and make a lot of money every day.

While Peng Fu was speaking, they had passed three large ships in a row through the planks nailed to the ship's sides.

At this time, Li Xuan's expression moved slightly and he looked at a stall placed on the deck on one side.

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