Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 25 Who can live without a little privacy?

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Regarding the update, let me explain here. Since it is a cheerful and suspenseful article, it is a bit brain-consuming. The land reclamation has not yet entered the state, so the writing is not very fast. There are currently two updates per day, and additional updates will be added during the forced promotion period. Please forgive me!


When Li Xuan rode his horse and rushed to the Six Daosi Zhuque Hall, he found that the Zhuque Hall was extra busy today. Hundreds of people gathered around the gate, bustling and talking.

Li Xuan was surprised to find Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue again in the crowd.

Both of them knew that Li Xuan was attacked and fell into coma, and were very worried about him. It wasn't until I asked Li Xuan and found out that he was fine that he smiled playfully again.

Li Xuan asked depressedly: Why can I see you everywhere? What are you doing here? Are you involved in another case?

Peng Fulai did not answer, but directly pulled out a black wood token from his sleeve and waved it in front of Li Xuan's eyes.

Li Xuan couldn't help but was stunned, and asked strangely: When did you join the Six Daosi Division? I have never seen you enter the Six Daosi Division as a trainee before.

Suzaku Hall is short of people to recruit new people recently. My old man directly donated 500,000 taels of silver to the Six Daosi Division, skipping these two steps.

Peng Fulai didn't mean to show off, and his face turned bitter: As you can see, I am also an eighth-level inspector of the Sixth Path Division, and my status is a 'trainee warrior'.

Li Xuan understood that this was the power of the Peng family.

As for the trainee warrior mentioned by Peng Fulai, it can be regarded as a job type within Liudaosi, just like Li Xuan's identity is trainee spirit warrior.

This is the most unskilled occupation in the Six Daosi Division. It has nothing but force and is worse than a handyman. Li Xuan originally tried to turn in this direction, but unfortunately his force was never up to standard.

What about you, Taishan? Li Xuan asked Zhang Yue again: Don't tell me that your father also donated money!

Do I still need to donate money? Zhang Yue looked a little complacent: During the martial arts test, several reviewers gave me full marks, but I am still just a wrestler apprentice now and I have to train for two months before I can get it. The official status of inspection.

Only then did Li Xuan remember that the person in front of him was already a master with a cultivation level close to the fourth level. He was also very strong and had always been the most powerful among the three of them.

This guy is actually very lazy. He spends ten days fishing and eight days drying nets, which is only slightly better than Li Xuan himself. But because of his extraordinary talent, immense strength, and the fastest cultivation speed among them, the reviewer had no reason not to like him.

But Li Xuan felt strange. He looked at Zhang Yue and then at Peng Fulai: It's so strange. What do your family think? Why did they send you to Liudaosi without any agreement?

Zhang Yue couldn't explain why, and Peng Fulai smiled bitterly: Why else? Of course it's for refuge. It is said that there have been constant turmoil in the court recently, and even your father, Uncle Chengyi, has been swept away, not to mention our two families? Sorry, don’t you feel that the atmosphere in Nanjing is not right recently? Is there a feeling that a storm is coming?”

He sighed with emotion: So sincerity has the foresight. With the Six Paths Conquering Demon Division, at least we don't have to worry about disaster for the whole family. It's a bit late for both of us.

Li Xuan stood there and thought for a while, then looked in front of him: Then what's going on? The door of the majestic Six Daosi Suzaku Hall was blocked?

When he mentioned this matter, Peng Fulai smiled sinisterly and said: A while ago, someone in your Zhuque Hall was involved in a case and destroyed a statue of the City God. He was so angry that he sent the spirit beasts under him to block the door. .”

Li Xuan had already seen the situation at the door, and he couldn't help but have a confused look in his eyes: Are you kidding me? Such a small thing as big as an arm doesn't seem to have very high cultivation, so he can block this place. so many people?

He knew that the so-called 'City God' is the god of the underworld, who rules over the underworld of a city. He is also one of the eight gods specified in the Confucian Zhou Guan and is the god who protects the city believed by the people and Taoism.

These city gods are usually served by deceased famous ministers and military generals. At the beginning of the Jin Dynasty, Jin Taizu once granted the title of city god to the world, and divided it into four levels: king, duke, marquis and uncle. Every year, sacrifices were performed by the king and The governor of the prefecture and county is in charge.

The origin of Nanjing’s City God is particularly impressive. He was the Lord of Jiangnan during the Warring States Period three thousand years ago, ‘Jiang Wu’. His achievements during his lifetime can be equaled to Sun Ce, the little overlord in Li Xuan’s world.

But what was blocking the steps at the entrance of Suzaku Hall at this moment was a small spiritual beast.

The head of the spirit beast looks like a tiger, the body is in the shape of a dog, the ears are also pointed and long, and there is a single horn on the forehead. It raised its chin and looked down at the people below with cold, arrogant and contemptuous eyes.

Don't underestimate it. This is the authentic Tingtian Mastiff. It's called 'Tingtian Mastiff'. It has pure blood. It's actually just a little Tingting. Peng Fulai smiled mischievously: Don't look at it because it is small, but it may be patient. Damn it, there are dozens of people here who have suffered from it. I’m sorry, you’ll know when you look at it next. Look, there’s another one who doesn’t know how to die——”

Li Xuan has discovered that many people in the crowd are indeed pale and depressed, and they all look like they are lifeless and can no longer survive.

At this moment, the person walking up the steps was a young man wearing a silver-white armor of the same style as Jiang Hanyun - this was actually a fifth-rank Demon-Subduing Captain.

But as soon as the spirit beast opened its mouth and uttered two human words, the captain's body froze.

Your name is Lei Yun, and I like your second sister-in-law Mi.

The captain named Lei Yun could not help but turn pale, and a large amount of cold sweat broke out on his head. He hesitated for a moment, then took the second step. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

The spirit beast then sneered: Two years and seven days ago, you took a peek——


Before he finished speaking, the Demon-Subduing Captain on the steps raised his hand, hunched over and stepped back step by step.

At this time, everyone in front of the door looked at him with complicated eyes. Some were sympathetic, some felt sympathy for him, and naturally some were contemptuous.

Do you understand? The legendary listening beast can monitor everything in the world, and is especially good at listening to people's hearts.

Peng Fulai chuckled and said: They have also established a rule. There are five steps in total. Each step has a personal sentence. As long as someone can survive it, the door can end and the city god can return to his life.

At this time, another person walked up to the steps, and the twelve spears arranged in a fan shape behind him were particularly eye-catching. Li Xuan was startled and recognized that this was his immediate boss, Ma Chenggong.

This person hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward.

The spirit beasts above didn't even bother to look at him: You succeeded in making a horse, and you hid nine hundred taels of silver in the pit under your rice vat.

Li Xuan's face couldn't help but twitch slightly, thinking that Lao Ma was in such a miserable state this time.

He knew that Ma Chenggong's wife also worked in Liudaosi, so she was probably among the crowd now. But it is really not easy for his boss to save all this private money.

Ma Chenggong's face turned pale as expected, but after a few breaths, he still braved a cold gaze from behind and climbed up the stairs again.

You are very brave and don't know whether to live or die.

The spirit beast finally opened its eyes: Four months ago, you were invited by your subordinate Li Xuan to go to Dingfang Tower to drink flower wine.

Ma Chenggong collapsed. He pulled out his sword and shouted with murderous intent: Ahhhh, I'll kill you!

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