Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 26: Being upright is not afraid of slanting shadows

Ma Chenggong failed to retaliate successfully. The waist knife he had just pulled out was slapped away by Jiang Hanyun who was standing not far away.

Why are you so angry? The manager has an order. This is the spiritual beast of the City God. No one in the Six Daosi Division can hurt it in the slightest today. The words are still in your ears, how can you knowingly commit the crime?

Then Ma Chenggong was grabbed by the ear by a tall woman who came up from behind, and was dragged out of the crowd like a dead dog.

How miserable! Zhang Yue expressed sympathy: Will he be severely beaten by his wife?

I think he might be castrated. Peng Fulai waved a folding fan: I have heard of his wife's name. She is also the famous Iron Lady of our Six Dao Division.

Within two days of joining the Six Daosi Division, he had already recognized everyone in the Suzaku Hall.

As one of the parties involved, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel ashamed: Probably not. We only drank wine that night and did not spend the night in Dingfang Building. As long as he explains clearly, the problem will not be big.

He then asked very strangely: Do we have to go through the front door? Can't we use the side door or the back door? Since we know that this spiritual beast is powerful, there is no need to go through it.

It is said that the steward was furious and considered it a great shame and humiliation.

Peng Fulai shrugged: Although he explicitly ordered not to harm the 'Tingtian Mastiff', he also restricted everyone in the Suzaku Hall to resolve the matter within half a day, otherwise they would all be punished. In addition, the Chief Superintendent also awarded a reward. Whoever kills this Tiantian Mastiff will be rewarded heavily by Zhuque Hall. In addition to ten thousand taels of silver, which will be recorded as a great achievement, he will also be granted permission to enter the seventh floor of the library for three days, or wait for half a year. After opening the Tang Dan Furnace, you will get a Diyuan Dan.

The ‘Lord General Manager’ he refers to should be the current Master of Suzaku Hall, who is also one of the only four second-grade ‘Demon-Subduing General Managers’ in the Six Daosi Division.

Peng Fulai glanced at Li Xuan again: Especially you people from 'Mingyou Capital', from Captain Jiang on down, you have to take the test one by one. This disaster was caused by you people in this city.

I see!

Li Xuan thought that this would explain why his boss, Ma Chenggong, knew it was a trap and still insisted on hitting the gun.

While they were talking, Jiang Hanyun was standing in front of the steps with her hands on her hips, scanning the people present with her cold eyes that hated iron and steel; while scolding in her voice that could make one's ears pregnant. : They are all a bunch of shameful people. As the saying goes, if you are upright, you are not afraid of a slanted shadow. You guys have done too many bad things, so you are afraid of this little beast today. How can we really be upright on weekdays? It is indomitable and upright, so why fear its magical power of listening?

There was a buzzing sound in the crowd. Li Xuan knew that they usually didn't have the courage to provoke the 'Blood Hand Shura', but there were many people here today, and everyone's courage was a bit stronger.

Jiang Hanyun didn't care. She turned around and stepped onto the first step. At the same time, she sneered: I want to see what secrets you, a little beast, can tell me to force me back!

Your name is Jiang Hanyun. The spirit beast looked at the girl under the steps with interest: Twenty-three days ago, you read a book of erotic pictures.

There was an uproar in front of the gate, and everyone looked at Bloody Hand Shura with shocked and unbelievable eyes.

Jiang Hanyun's complexion turned green and white, white and black, black and red, and steam was steaming from the top of his head.

There was a look of hesitation in her eyes, but she still stepped onto the second level: Stop spreading rumors and making trouble for me. Why didn't you say that the erotic pictures were a batch of evidence I seized? As a case handler, I People, take a look and see what’s wrong?”

Li Xuan discovered that his beautiful boss's neck was red. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself, thinking that if you didn't feel guilty, why would you be blushing? This explanation is really unconvincing.

Na Ting Tian Mastiff also had calm eyes, without any extra expression: The same thing happened three months ago, and you watched it for a quarter of an hour. Of course, that was also a seized evidence.

Before it finished speaking, everyone heard a 'click' sound. Then everyone saw that the stone steps under Jiang Hanyun's feet were cracked in a large area, and even the surrounding area was weighed down by one foot.

The aura of the girl in silver armor also became extra cold and cruel. There was even a trace of violent true energy leaking out of her body, leaping like fire, and spreading its teeth and claws like a demon.

Say, keep talking! Jiang Hanyun stepped onto the third floor, with a stiff smile on his face: I am upright in my body, upright in my heart, and will do what I do -

Tingtian Mastiff looked at her contemptuously: When you were twelve years old, you had a crush on——


Jiang Hanyun didn't wait to hear what the Tianmastiff said, she pulled out her waist knife and said, I'll kill you!

Fortunately, at this time, many people around were already wary and on alert. So a group of people rushed forward, hugging the waist and pulling the legs.

No! Captain Jiang, have you forgotten what the chief steward said?

Captain Jiang, calm down! Calm down! Your Excellency, there is no need to argue with this beast.

Sir, no, UUReading If you even hurt a hair on it today, our Sixth Division will not be able to handle the case in Nanjing City. The City God will never end with us.

Only then did Jiang Hanyun's fearfulness become apparent. She raised her hand and threw a group of people away. With one lift of her leg, more than a dozen people were kicked away at the same time, causing everyone to flip over.

A total of fifty or sixty people worked together, and the three demon-subduing school captains worked together to barely suppress the Blood-Handed Shura, and managed to avoid hurting the Tingtian Mastiff.

The latter might also be afraid, so he took two steps back, his expression no longer as calm as before.

This fuss lasted for half a moment. Jiang Hanyun finally let go of her anger. She stood back at the foot of the steps and continued to look at the Tianmastiff with cold eyes. Her chest was heaving violently, as if she was about to explode.

Li Xuan thought to himself that if this person's gaze could kill, then the listening mastiff must have been cut into pieces by her.

After Jiang Hanyun, no one dared to come forward. Everyone looked left and right, with obvious fear on their faces.

Li Xuan saw something was wrong and began to move back quietly.

I'm back, you just pretend I haven't been here today.

He has too many secrets, and he doesn't dare to confront this Tiantian Mastiff. Especially the matter of traveling through time itself is a secret that cannot be seen in the light.

But before he could withdraw from the crowd, he heard a roar from behind: Sorry, go up and try!

Li Xuan looked back and found that it was Ma Chenggong who had a black nose and swollen eyes.

He couldn't help but be speechless, thinking that his boss was very vengeful. But during the flower wine four months ago, this guy was obviously very excited and happy.

At this moment, Li Xuan felt a sharp gaze coming from behind. When he turned around, he found that it was Jiang Hanyun, the captain of the Demon-Subduing School, who was looking at him.

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