Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 240 I’m here to fall in love

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Where to Escape the Witch Main Volume Chapter 240 I'm here to fall in love. Since he was going to watch the ceremony and watch the excitement, Li Xuan simply called Xue Yunrou along.

Although he had never been in a serious relationship in his previous life, he knew that women, as creatures, needed companionship. If he didn't want to be poached by the old man next door, it was best not to leave his girlfriend aside.

And when they followed Wang Jing and Long Rui to the Imperial Academy's Outer Courtyard in Yuhuatai for the second time, they found that the courtyard was already packed with people, rubbing shoulders with each other.

Li Xuan thought the Imperial Academy selection competition was boring, but there were quite a lot of people coming here to watch the fun.

Except for the Confucian scholars and some famous ladies in Nanjing City, the rest are mostly nearby residents.

Although most of these ordinary people could not understand the things of scholars, it did not prevent them from joining in the fun.

There were even more than 200 stalls outside the courtyard gate, forming a temporary market as large as the Chenghuang Temple Fair. As a result, Liudaosi had to mobilize a large number of people to ensure the safety of the market.

Coincidentally, the person sent here to take charge was actually Ming Youdu.

All of Li Xuan's subordinates had complicated expressions when they saw Li Xuan and Xue Yunrou fighting each other. Ma Chenggong had a look of resentment on his face. Why is it that while he is as busy as a dog every day, Li Xuan can take the girl to Yuhuatai to play leisurely?

"Did Quan Ding Tian Quan Jiu invite you here?" After listening to Li Xuan's explanation, Ma Chenggong sneered disdainfully: "What kind of person is Quan Jijiu, and he would invite you on a special trip? You like Qianzhi. Fool me. Okay! Okay! You have repeatedly solved major cases recently. It is natural for the superiors to give you a few more days off. No one will say anything.

Although my old man has not had a break for a month and has been locked up in prison for the few free days he has, I am very convinced of you Qianzhi and I am not jealous at all. I am serious. "

But when he said the last sentence, Li Xuan could smell the sourness from ten miles away.

Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue looked at Le Qianqian with some sympathy. But the latter's pretty face was slightly pale, and there was nothing unusual about it.

The two went to see Jiang Hanyun again and found that Colonel Jiang had gone somewhere and no one was seen anywhere.

Luo Yan looked intently at Xue Yunrou, who was holding Li Xuan's arm tightly for a long time, then sneered one last time and continued to patrol the market casually.

But although this person pretended not to care, he peeked at Li Xuan from time to time.

Xue Yunrou seemed completely unaware. She was in high spirits and took Li Xuan to play in the market.

But whether it was a coincidence or not, Li Xuan found that the two of them often appeared near Le Qianqian and Luo Yan.

Whenever this happens, Xue Yunrou will be extra affectionate to him.

It wasn't until the beginning of Shenshi that the bell rang in the Imperial Academy, and the two of them entered the outer courtyard of the Imperial Academy at Long Rui's urging.

The moment Li Xuan stepped over the threshold, his mind moved slightly and he looked at a tall building on the right. Quan Dingtian was suddenly there, saluting him from a distance.

Li Xuan also clasped his fists in response.

"The test this time is about the six arts of a gentleman, which are etiquette, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and numeracy. Among them, music is represented by poetry, and imperialism is represented by riding. Our Confucian school keeps pace with the times. The method of chariots was developed during the ancient Warring States Period It has been eliminated, and the method of riding and fighting has become popular in the world. And the music and dance of ancient times have long been lost."

Long Rui didn't notice the interaction between Li Xuan and his teacher Quan Dingtian. As he led the way forward, he explained: "Among them, archery and imperialism have been competed in the morning, and etiquette, music, calligraphy, and mathematics in the afternoon. Among the four items, the calligraphy item is the most important. It not only tests calligraphy, but also the meaning of scriptures and inscriptions, as well as contemporary literature and craftsmanship."

Li Xuan asked strangely: "The sacrifice at Xiaoling Tomb seems to be on the second day of October? It's only a few days away, right? Why did you only think of selecting supervisors to read prayers at this time?"

"That's why I said it was a sudden and major incident."

Long Rui spread his hands with a look of helplessness on his face: "Originally, there was a senior fellow named Zhang in our Imperial College, who was the undoubted leader of the prison guards. Regardless of his character and knowledge, he could convince everyone. Master and several ministers Master Ye also designated this person to participate in the sacrifice at Xiaoling Mausoleum. But recently, something happened to this senior brother’s family, and he had to go home to observe mourning, so the prison had to re-select him.”

Having said this, he raised his head and looked at the rostrum in front of him where several great scholars were sitting: "Now that the tiger has left the mountain, the wild boars, leopards, hozens, foxes, wolves and so on in the mountain will naturally have to compete with each other. Look at the king of the mountain. Who does it belong to?"

Li Xuan was even more puzzled: "But it seems that I can't help with this matter, and I can't come as counselor."

It would be okay to let him be a judge and give more points to the two of them, but Li Xuan doesn't intend to get too deep into the Confucian sect right now.

"Mainly 'number'."

There was a smile on Long Rui's face: "You don't have to worry about anything else. Only the word 'number' is something that Xiquan and I worked hard on. It just so happened that this time, although the Imperial College was tricky in formulating the questions, it allowed him to do so. As a team of three, we are also allowed to invite help from outside the Imperial Academy. At this level, the two of us are counting on you to be humble."

When they were chatting in the restaurant just now, he discovered that Li Xuan's ability in calculation was extraordinarily strong.

This person seems to have never studied "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" and "Summary Sutra", but the above questions are not difficult for this person.

Wang Jing also looked sincere at this time, and asked solemnly: "Please Qianzhi, please help me two!"

Li Xuan immediately felt relieved. He patted his chest and said, "Sure! I'll make sure you pass!"

Arithmetic! Before college, he studied science. What is so difficult about arithmetic problems in this era?

It's not that people in this era are less intelligent than him, but that modern people have mastered many mathematical tools, and their calculations are much more convenient and faster than those in ancient times.

Li Xuan's confidence in this aspect is much stronger than poetry.

But before he finished speaking, a sneer suddenly came from beside him: "You two dare to call yourself wild boars and leopards. Why are you fighting for the title of king? What a shame! If it were your senior brother who went to Beijing to take the exam, you would still be You have this qualification. As for you two, they are just like toads and rats and rabbits."

Several people looked back following the sound and saw two young men wearing supervisor robes standing a few steps away.

Long Rui's expression immediately turned cold: "It's not certain who is talking so boldly. Don't forget the two items of archery and imperialism this morning. Both of you lost to Xiquan, and your results were no better than mine. That’s pretty much it.”

The expressions of the two people suddenly became unsightly.

One of them snorted coldly: "Shoo, although imperialism is a gentleman's art, the foundation of us scholars is still in the art of writing, etiquette and music. Only in this afternoon's comparison can we see the true meaning."

When he said this, he raised the corners of his lips slightly: "Especially the calculations after the ceremony and music. I am really looking forward to your results."

This person swept the tail of the typhoon towards Li Xuan again: "Is this the foreign aid you invited? A vulgar martial artist from the Six Daosi Division. He knows what arithmetic is? The teacher's questions this time are very difficult. I advise you to hurry up. Don’t embarrass Master Jijiu.”

Wang Jing's eyes immediately condensed slightly, and her eyes became sharp: "If you two don't want to fight, then keep your mouths clean. Brother Qian's character and knowledge are not only something Shouzhi and I admire greatly, but also Our teacher is also highly praised. He is the guest invited by Shouzhi and I, and we cannot allow you to be presumptuous!"

Li Xuan glared at him with dissatisfaction: "My dear friend, I don't like to hear what you are saying. The Six Daosi have been suppressing demons in the world and guarding the peace of this world for thousands of years, while the warriors on the frontier have been protecting their homes and countries since the Jin Dynasty. Since the founding of the country, we have sacrificed millions of lives, what is so despicable about us warriors?"

He didn't bother to argue with the man and just convinced him with his virtue.

He immediately took out the "Song of Righteousness" folding fan he won from cousin Le Qianqian from his sleeve, and then opened it with a 'swipe' sound. Shake gently on your chest. A majestic aura, followed by a brilliant response.

In the past two days, his two methods of ice and thunder have improved by leaps and bounds, which indirectly benefited his awe-inspiring righteousness. At this time, he only showed a level of 30 to 50%, but he was already extraordinary, attracting people around him to look at him sideways.

The eyes of the two people opposite also bulged, and they showed incredible expressions. They were both knowledgeable people, and they knew that Li Xuan's majestic, pure, majestic, and majestic body was far above them and not inferior to them. Famous Confucian.

The folding fan with the song "Song of Righteousness" was signed by Huang Shangbin! How could such a scholar's most precious treasure fall into the hands of a warrior?

One of them couldn't help but swallowed his saliva: "So what if you are powerful and tyrannical? The skills question tests your arithmetic skills. Let's see you in an hour, and then we will see the real results!"

When these two people left, Long Rui said to Li Xuan: "One of these two people is called Chu Wen and the other is Xi Hanqing. They are disciples of the Minister of Rites in Nanjing. Due to the academic dispute with my two teachers, they have always been at odds with our senior brothers. To deal with it. In fact, when it comes to writing articles, although we started five years later, we are not worse than them. Only in the calculation of skills, we always lose to them. "

When he said this, the corners of his lips twitched slightly: "Actually, even in arithmetic, he and I are only slightly better than us. There are other experts in the Imperial Academy, and we can only hold them back."

At this time, the bell rang again in the Imperial College. This was the bell that informed the Imperial College students that the ceremonial examination had officially begun. Long Rui and Wang Jing walked towards the examination room with hurried expressions.

This level is simple. UU Reading is a test of etiquette. The five Confucian etiquettes - auspicious etiquette, bad etiquette, military etiquette, guest etiquette, and honorable etiquette - must be tested one by one.

But the Imperial College paid extra attention to it. After all, the most critical requirement for this Xiaoling sacrifice was that there should be no mistakes in 'etiquette'.

Just after Long Rui and Wang Jing left, Li Xuan took Xue Yunrou to a remote alley in the Imperial Academy to meet Quan Dingtian, who had invited him here.

Then this person directly handed over a stack of articles: "These are the articles that need to be reviewed by the Guardian recently. There are thirty-four in total. This is the first time in more than ten years that the number is a little too much. I'm sorry for the Guardian's trouble."

At the same time, this person also delivered a large package to Li Xuan: "This is the reward given by my colleagues in the Confucian sect to the Lord Protector."

Li Xuan couldn't help stroking his forehead and wiping off a handful of cold sweat.

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