Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 241 How dare you look down on science students

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"Do you want me to write comments on these articles?"

Li Xuan felt a little guilty and felt a heavy weight on his shoulders.

After all, these are articles written by famous scholars. Can you imagine a junior high school student grading homework for a professor?

"If you don't want to, just stamp it with Wenshan seal."

Quan Dingtian thought of Li Xuan's ugly calligraphy: "In fact, it would be better not to write. Those old scholars are all extremely conceited. Who likes to be criticized for their articles? They ask you to criticize, but actually The seal of Wenshan Seal is used to show one's academic orthodoxy. But you'd better divide all articles into three, six or nine grades to show the difference in knowledge and encourage self-examination."

Li Xuan understood that this was not really for him to criticize, but for him to stamp and authenticate.

Just like those modern industry associations, if they are certified, stamped and awarded by the association, the products of the manufacturers are authentic and more advanced.

This was simpler than he thought. It was just a stamp and a score, and it didn't take much effort.

"And!" Quan Dingtian hesitated for a moment and then said: "This selection ceremony, if Lord Protector has time, please be sure to watch it until the end."

Li Xuan thought that this person called him here not only to transfer these articles to him. He felt strange secretly, but he agreed neatly.

As for the so-called loyalty to others by taking their money, he received a salary from the Ministry of Rites, which naturally gave him some strength.

Quan Dingtian left in a hurry, and Li Xuan couldn't wait to open the bulging cloth bag.

Then he became depressed, thinking that these great scholars really didn't smell like copper at all.

There are calligraphy and paintings, folding fans, inkstones, and hand-copied Confucian classics, but there is no gold, no banknotes, and not even elixirs.

"It's very good!" Xue Yunrou took one look at it, and then praised softly: "It can be seen that the gifts prepared by these people are very thoughtful and very stylish."

Her eyes moved as she spoke, squinting at Li Xuan's face, and then smiled: "It's also very valuable. Look at Shen Qinan's picture of the mountains of the Yanjiang River. It's worth at least three thousand silver when it comes to the market. This man has become famous, and now many People begged him for a painting but couldn't get it. After his death, the price of the painting is estimated to have increased tenfold.

There is also this handwritten Book of Songs, which is clearly written by the great scholar Lin Donghai. Look at the characters, the pen is full of ink, the flowing clouds and flowing water, the hero has strong bones but the font is thin, like a frost forest without leaves, the waterfall is flying. Lin Donghai was born into a poor family, but after ten years of officialdom, he had nothing to lose and his family was poor. From this Book of Songs, we can see that he had a serious intention. "

"But there's just no cash."

Li Xuan reluctantly threw all these things into the Xiao Xumi Ring. He wondered if he could still sell these things.

Once these paintings and calligraphy enter the market, will he, who is a good scholar and protector of the Dharma, still want them?

But his wallet had just experienced a heavy blow, and now it was in urgent need of recovery.

When the two returned to the examination room, they found that the ceremony test had ended, and both Long Rui and Wang Jing had received "above" grades.

The next test is 'Music', and the question is to compose a poem or a poem based on the theme of 'Yong Zhi'. The two still passed the test without any suspense.

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Although their poetic talents are not very good, the standard of the entire Imperial College is average. The two of them were rated as 'above average', and they were actually among the best among all the Imperial College students.

The best among them is just "Shang Xia".

Li Xuan looked at the poems that had been posted and felt that the overall quality was indeed mediocre, with only a few outstanding ones.

It seems that poetic talent and literary talent are not something that can be promoted by improving intelligence, but by cultivating Haoran righteousness.

It's a pity that he can't participate. Otherwise, whether it's 'people didn't know Lingyun wood at that time, they waited until Lingyun became a master' or '******, *****', it would be enough to beat everyone here. . He had dozens of poems about his ambitions in his mind, letting him choose from them. He really missed the opportunity to show off.

Only the awe-inspiring righteousness is very impressive. As the saying goes, singing to express one's ambitions, and poems about one's ambitions are the easiest way to express one's own generosity. And the poems of more than 5,000 people were gathered together on the sutra wall, and their majestic and majestic energy shot straight into the sky. It was like a bullfighting force that shook the mountains. It was so strong that it made demons and monsters escape.

Li Xuan saw with his spiritual eyes that outside the gate of the Imperial College, some of the black energy lurking in the market was washed away and shaken by this unstoppable force.

The weak ones were directly shaken away, while the strong ones screamed and fled in panic. But as long as they leave the crowd, the people of Mingyou City no longer need to use rat weapons, or capture, or kill them, they can simply and neatly deal with them.

The next test is 'number', and at this moment, there are only more than 200 people left in the examination room. Most of the five thousand students in the Imperial College have been eliminated in the previous four passes.

Especially in the etiquette test that Li Xuan missed, it was unacceptable to make any mistake in any movement, nor to have an ungentlemanly and graceful posture, and even the grade of upper middle school was unacceptable. This level alone has actually caused 90% of the Imperial College students to lose hope.

The next 'fun' test was nothing more than a death struggle.

And when Li Xuan entered the room and came to Long Rui and Wang Jing's side, Li Xuan found that their faces were a little green and cold.

"What's wrong?"

"Look over there, those two bastards are just foul!"

Long Rui pointed to the left and said helplessly: "They invited Zhen Huandou."

"Zhen Huandou?" Li Xuan was confused: "Who is that?"

He followed the direction of Long Rui's finger and found that the two bastards he was talking about were Chu Wen and Xi Hanqing, who had had conflicts with them before.

At this moment, beside these two people, stood a dignified-looking young man in white clothes. He was about eighteen years old, with straight features and a nose like a gallbladder.

This person is sitting in front of the desk, with a graceful demeanor and an unswerving gaze.

Chu Wen and Xi Hanqing winked at Long Rui and smiled with mockery on their faces.

"He is the second person in our Nanzhili literary circle who is more recognized by the younger generation. Our senior brother Zhang is known as the Little Wenzong, and this Zhen Huandou is known as the 'Jiangzuo Model'. Not only does this person have a noble and impeccable character, he even His talent is also first-rate. Especially his arithmetic skills, almost no one in Nanjing can match him."

Long Rui explained with a bewildered expression: "I really don't know what method these two used to invite this little saint Zhen."

"They are brothers. What's so strange about inviting Zhen Huandou here?"

Wang Jing sighed: "Anyway, just do your best. The teacher said it well, the most important thing is participation."

——He doesn’t hold out much hope now.

Li Xuan thought that you two would be too disrespectful of me, a science student from the modern world.

It has only been two years since he graduated from college, and he has not yet returned all he has learned to the teacher.

However, he didn't say anything more. He also sat cross-legged and waited quietly for the Imperial College Master to hand down the question paper.

What Li Xuan and Long Rui didn't know was that on the high platform, Quan Dingtian and the two Imperial College Secretaries behind him were paying attention to them.

"Isn't that Lord Protector?"

The pale-faced one of the two Siye had a look of astonishment in his eyes: "Are you being invited to take part in the math test? Lord Protector, he is also proficient in math?"

Another person was stroking his long beard: "I wonder how good the protector is? But with Jiang Zuo's example here today, I'm afraid everyone will be overwhelmed by him and lose their luster."

Quan Dingtian said calmly: "Just wait and see, let me know below that you can post questions."

He was actually a little annoyed that Long Rui and Wang Jing invited Li Xuan to participate.

As a protector of Neo-Confucianism, if Li Xuan participated in this kind of competition, winning would not be a joy, and losing would be a loss of majesty, which would be a great harm to the authority of the protector.

But he couldn't say anything at this time. Neither Long Rui nor Wang Jing knew Li Xuan's identity. The latter's participation was within the rules, so could he still ask him to leave the field?

Li Xuan, who was sitting in front of the desk, quickly received the question. In triplicate, delivered to the three of them.

Long Rui and Wang Jing immediately frowned and looked sad. Li Xuan looked at the questions carefully. For a top-level science student, there should be no math problems that they can't solve in this era.

The problem is to review the topic. In this era, the writing is unfamiliar and one must accurately understand the meaning of the writing.

"A is driving a flock of sheep toward the lush grass, and B is dragging a sheep after him. He jokingly asks A if he has a hundred. What A said is correct. If there is a flock of sheep like this, and half a flock is added to the flock, you will get one." It’s just a matter of chance, who can figure out the secrets?”

The general idea is that A drove a group of sheep to find dense grassland. At this time, B followed with a fat sheep. B asked A: "Are you driving 100 sheep?" A replied: "My sheep are not 100. If you add the number of my sheep now, plus half of the existing sheep, plus half of the current half of the sheep, plus the one sheep you lead, it will be exactly 100. Please guess, how many sheep do I have now?"

At this moment, a snapping sound suddenly came from the examination room. Including Long Rui, Wang Jing, and even Zhen Huandou, they were all making quick calculations.

Li Xuan thought for a while, and a calculation appeared in his mind.


In just a moment, he wrote the words thirty-six on the test paper.

"Give me the second question!"

The person in charge of the exam near him was a seventh-rank Imperial College professor named Zhi Le. This person was surprised and looked over: "You didn't even count?"

"You can do mental arithmetic!"

Li Xuan looked calm: "Do you still want me to write down the solution to the problem?"

In this era, abacus and calculation chips are used to solve problems. There is a weird way to solve problems!

Even if you want to write, it is nothing more than continuing to show off using mathematical formulas from later generations.

"That's not necessary. UU Reading "

The person who spoke directly came over and read Li Xuan's answer first. His eyes showed surprise first, and then he also sent the second question to the three of them.

Long Rui and Wang Jing couldn't help but look confused. They had just figured out how to solve this problem!

At this time, a few feet away, Zhen Huandou was also writing numbers on the examination paper: "Question 2!"

At the same time, he also glanced sideways in the direction of Li Xuan, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Where did this guy come from?

It is a pity that as an outsider, he cannot participate.

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