Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 253 Opportunity for Heavenly Throne

For the next day, Jiang Hanyun indeed took good care of him, like a gentle little wife, considerate to every detail.

Li Xuan enjoyed this feeling very much and found that he was really a scumbag.

He couldn't help but think, couldn't we all be together? He doesn't want to let down Xue Yunrou, but he can't suppress his admiration for Jiang Hanyun; he likes Le Qianqian so much that he can't help but want to bully her, and is an indispensable assistant; Luo Yan always knows his Intentions and illusions can also change many people——

However, he was destined to keep this thought in his heart.

And that afternoon, Li Xuan was able to walk freely.

On the one hand, Jiang Yunqi's medical skills were so great that he tried his best to avoid damaging his body when expelling the sword's intention from him; on the other hand, the martial arts cultivator's physical fitness and resilience were really so strong.

For example, Li Zhetian recovered from such a serious injury in just one breath.

Although Li Xuan is only in the fourth-level building realm now, Leng Yurou gives him the 'Skyscraper Wheel', Jiang Hanyun gives him the 'Thunder Technique Body Refining', and there are so many elixirs for him. Physical fitness is definitely at the forefront among martial arts practitioners at the same level.

The key is that his current cultivation has greatly increased. After experiencing the training in the Imperial College battle, the true energy in his body has inexplicably improved a lot.

The true essence has grown by about 30%, and it has become purer. Now, there is actually only a thin line between us and the Fifth Level Tower Realm——

Li Xuan was puzzled and could only recall that when he faced Li Zhetian, his mind was completely occupied by blood, and he actually put life and death aside, forming a majestic momentum.

At that time, every time he recited a poem, the 'powerful energy' in his body grew stronger, which may have also benefited his true energy.

After all, 'True Yuan' is, in the final analysis, a type of spiritual power. It only undergoes different changes when combined with a person's Qi and blood.

In fact, strictly speaking, he is no longer in the fourth level.

Just in terms of the intensity of his own 'magnificence', both in terms of purity and quantity, it far surpasses the vast majority of Confucian scholars at the sixth level of the Confucian sect, and can even stand shoulder to shoulder with the famous Confucians of the seventh level.

But first of all, 'Haoran Zhengqi' is not his main method. Secondly, when Confucian students are in the fourth level of the building, they usually choose one of the four books and five classics as their own classics, and chant it every day. The method is to carve the seal into one's soul.

But Li Xuan did not fully recognize the sage's teachings. There was a lot of dross in it that needed to be discarded.

He thought that even if one day he wanted to imprint some kind of scripture into his soul, it should be "Marxism-Leninism", "Selected Works of Taizu", "Selected Works of Emperor Shizu", "Das Kapital" and so on - this idea It's ridiculous, but it's also interesting to think about.

Or they may compile their own scriptures and choose their scriptures from the Four Books and Five Classics, instead of completely following the Confucian sages.

Therefore, it is difficult to define what level his current 'haoqi' cultivation level belongs to.

After that, Li Xuan turned his attention to his chest.

I found that the evil spirit entrenched there had indeed shrunk in size.

At that time, his majestic energy rushed straight into the stars, and with the power of Yu Zi and others to protect him, the majestic righteousness of thousands of supervisors gathered together and filled his body inside and outside. Naturally, there is a tendency to squeeze these evil forces.

Later, Li Xuan pretended to be a public servant for personal gain, and deliberately guided him, which eliminated more of these evil spirits.

This wave can be said to be a bloody profit.

Although a lot of life essence is lost, it may lead to a loss of overall life span. But because a large number of Yin evil spirits have been eliminated, he can live longer now, earning himself at least half a year of life.

And if the life essence is taken good care of, it can still be restored. With Jiang Yunqi's help, his longevity will not be lost too much.

So strictly speaking, his contribution was actually very small.

After Li Xuan carefully observed it, he felt overjoyed, thinking that he finally had a chance to earn money again! And the volume is quite large, it lasts for more than half a year!

With this thought, Li Xuan felt something was wrong and hurriedly slapped his face to warn others.

He found that he was really brainwashed by this magical weapon, and he even had the concept that "life is for krypton", and he became accustomed to it.

Next, Li Xuan took his waist knife and walked to the backyard of Jiang Mansion.

Jiang Hanyun had already told him that there was also a very spacious martial arts field there, with a width and length of fifty feet. It was the place where their father and daughter usually practiced martial arts.

Originally, according to Jiang Yunqi's medical advice, it was best for him not to use force or do any strenuous exercise for two or three days. But now, Li Xuan couldn't wait to experience the ten poems that engraved his soul, as well as the couplet, and the corresponding ten kinds of poetic meanings that could be applied to martial arts.

For example, the sentence "a big roc rises with the wind in one day and soars ninety thousand miles", which can make his sword silhouette rise to the sky in an instant.

In the future, if he cultivates enough, sooner or later he will be able to truly "surge up to 90,000 miles".

There is also 'Xing Tian Wu Qianqi, fierce will is always there', which can greatly increase his strength and greatly strengthen his mental thoughts.

And 'not afraid of clouds covering his eyes' can not only help him get rid of illusions, but also ignore other people's spells and sword power to a certain extent, which is especially helpful in dealing with hidden weapons.

As for "asking the boundless earth, who controls the ups and downs", not to mention, the meaning of Taizu's words has a wide range of applications. At the limit, it can control the ups and downs of all things in the world, even birth and death; blended into the sword's will, You can have unparalleled courage.

The ‘Freedom of Ten Thousand Types of Frosts’ can free him from the control of spells.

To a certain extent, this is the ‘magic’ of Confucian scholars!

Confucianism specializes in cultivating awe-inspiring righteousness, unlike Buddhist and Taoist monks, who also have various spells, incantations, and even supernatural powers to coordinate with it.

——Their "law" only exists in scriptures and small words and great meanings, which is similar to the "law, technique, and momentum" of the Legalists.

However, Li Xuan came to the martial arts arena eager to try, and found that one side of the place had turned into a hell of ice, and the other side was flashing with thunder. In the center of the two, there were constant explosions, and countless ice powders were splashed in all directions.

There was a figure standing in the center, somewhat blurry in the thunder and ice mist. But Li Xuan still recognized him, that person was Jiang Yunqi.

The latter also discovered Li Xuan's arrival and took the initiative to disperse the vast power that permeated the martial arts field.

"Xiaoxuan, do you want to practice sword skills?"

Ever since Li Xuan passed the torture of Wenxinling, Jiang Yunqi's attitude towards him has changed drastically, and now he is even more kind: "Let's wait for two days, and then we can really take good care of our bodies. The reason why we warriors have hidden dangers in our bodies is If there are too many, you just don’t know how to cherish your body, and you don’t know how to recuperate.

Theoretically speaking, if we are physically stronger, our lifespan should also be longer. But in fact, whether it is a mortal martial arts or a heavenly one, the longevity is far less than that of Buddhist and Taoist martial arts. "

Li Xuan looked thoughtfully at Jiang Yunqi, the remaining current around him, and the ice covering half of the school field.

"I see that uncle was trying to fuse ice and thunder just now?"

"Did you see it?" Jiang Yunqi put his hands behind his back and looked at the ice layer on one side helplessly: "I am indeed studying the fusion of ice and thunder. I'm not afraid of your jokes, Xiaoxuan. I have no choice now and am almost desperate. .

He may have wanted to find someone to talk to, but he sighed again, looking extremely troubled: "This is the biggest obstacle for your uncle and me to reach heaven. As early as seven years ago, I reached the twelfth floor. It is the pinnacle of the realm, but because ice and thunder repel each other, Yin and Yang cannot merge and merge, so that they are blocked in front of the heaven until today."

After hearing this, Li Xuan asked in confusion: "Is it so difficult? Speaking of which, the ancestor of my family also used the two methods of ice and thunder to break through to heaven?"

"That's the only one in the last thousand years."

Jiang Yunqi smiled bitterly and said: "I have learned that your ancestor Li Lexing used a foreign object, a strange object that can also have the power of ice and thunder. And such a rare treasure can only appear once in tens of millions of years."

He put his hands behind his back and said: "I tried visualizing Yan Bing. Their martial arts practice of ice and fire is to use this method to create fire in the ice. I also tried to use ice to conduct electricity, but the effect was not ideal. Speaking of which, Xiaoxuan, what you practice is also the method of ice and thunder, and this path is not easy to follow."

"That's not necessarily the case." Li Xuan thought to himself that the ice and thunder in his body were so harmonious that they truly blended into each other.

But at the same time, admiration also grew in his chest.

The talent of Mr. Colonel Captain is truly terrifying.

Under the circumstances where ice and thunder repel each other and cannot be fused, they can actually push these two methods to the threshold of heaven. He is actually one of the top five masters in the fourth sect under Heavenly Rank.

How powerful does this have to be? How powerful is the power of the soul?

"Not necessarily?" Jiang Yunqi heard the pride hidden in Li Xuan's words. He couldn't help but looked over curiously: "Xiao Xuan, do you have any ideas?"

Li Xuan did not answer but asked: "Uncle, I need a lot of lead, tin, or mercury now. Is there any in this mansion?"

"I have these three things in my pharmacy." Jiang Yunqi raised his eyebrows slightly, becoming even more confused: "What do you want these things for?"

"To demonstrate a method of blending ice and thunder called 'superconducting'."

Li Xuan knew that the time to show off had come again. The corners of his lips slightly raised, and he felt a little excited: "It's very troublesome to explain, so why don't I just demonstrate it to you, uncle? I don't know if this will help you break through to heaven. But even if it can give you a little inspiration it would be nice.”

He thought it would be best to help Jiang Yunqi reach the throne in one fell swoop, so that he could return the favor. After eating so much Tiger Pill and Turtle Pill brewed by Mrs. Jiang herself, his mouth was already soft and he was so embarrassed.

Jiang Yunqi also saw the excitement on his face, and couldn't help but think slightly: "Wait a minute, I will get the things over later."

For some reason, he felt a bit of anticipation in his heart.

——Could it be said that the opportunity for him to break through to heaven fell on this child?

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