Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 254 The fusion of ice and thunder

Jiang Yunqi came and went in a hurry. About half a moment later, this man rushed back with a large amount of lead, tin, and mercury.

When he arrived at the martial arts arena, he saw Li Xuan holding a ball of water in his hand, surrounded by thunder and lightning, making a sizzling sound.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Yunqi looked strange: "Is it related to the blending of ice and thunder?"

"We are using electrolysis to produce a gas called hydrogen."

Li Xuan explained: "Uncle, look carefully -"

Only then did Jiang Yunqi discover that there was a strange 'qi' condensed on top of Li Xuan's palm. It was very light, and the whole thing showed a tendency of rising and dispersing, but it was forcibly captured by Li Xuan's true energy and could not escape.

"Actually, hydrogen exists in the sky, and most of it exists in the top layer of the sky. My abilities are limited and I can't take them down directly and use them, so I can only make them on site. By the way, there is also carbon dioxide, which can be used to make dry ice. There is also nitrogen, which can have similar effects after being liquefied. But in the same way, I can't suck them in, and I can't separate them by sucking them in, and their critical temperatures are higher than liquid hydrogen.

When Li Xuan said this, the hydrogen gas had gathered to the size of a water tank. A glimmer of light also appeared in his eyes at this moment: "Pay attention, uncle. Next, I will use it as a medium to use thunder and lightning to cool down."

The moment Li Xuan finished speaking, the thunder and lightning began to change itself. In conjunction with the true energy released by Li Xuan, it gradually generated high pressure and actually compressed the hydrogen into liquid bit by bit.

"This is--"

Jiang Yunqi watched carefully, and a hint of strangeness gradually flashed in his eyes. He found that during this process, the temperature around the air mass increased to a certain extent, and a large amount of heat was released.

"Next, I will relieve the pressure."

As Li Xuan released the high pressure, the liquid hydrogen instantly turned into a white mist, and the surrounding air dropped rapidly.

"Using thunder to create ice? Is there such a thing?"

Jiang Yunqi's eyes were filled with ecstasy at this time. The true energy in his body was gradually restless and even boiling at this moment.

Just the scene that Li Xuan showed him could significantly reduce the difficulty for him to break through to heaven.

"So how to use ice to create thunder? But what do you mean by superconductivity?"

At this time, his eyes were full of extra expectation, even eager to see what Li Xuan was talking about about superconductivity. What was going on?

"No, using ice to create thunder is a bit complicated,"

Li Xuan scratched his head. He couldn't tell this person that his method was to visualize a complete set of thermal generators?

He used to watch videos on his mobile phone and saw several talented people hand-making various parts of small thermal power generators and then putting them together to convert mechanical energy into alternating current.

Another day, he could ask Leng Yurou to help him make the generator in his memory and show it to Jiang Yunqi, but there was definitely nothing he could do now.

And this method is actually very low and crude, it is just a temporary solution for him to integrate ice and thunder.

In the future, when he is strong enough and has enough materials, wouldn't it be nice to directly use 'tritium' to complete the nuclear fusion experiment, and then visualize the nuclear fusion on the spot?

The visualization method can only visualize phenomena that he has seen. Li Xuan has never seen what nuclear fusion looks like, but he can directly conduct nuclear fusion experiments when he has enough ability.

Theoretically, as long as the temperature and pressure are sufficient, tritium can fuse.

And what cannot be done in modern times may not be possible in this world of immortals and heroes with many magical materials and magical powers.

It should be noted that the temperature of liquid tritium is very low, and it can be said that it is used to generate thunder from ice - at that time, he could also derive it from it and cultivate both fire and light.

"My method of creating thunder from ice should not be of much help to my uncle. However, the superconducting method I will show my uncle next can achieve the blending of ice and thunder."

Li Xuan said while holding a ball of tin in his hand. As a large amount of lightning spawned in his hand, the tin block quickly melted into a liquid state.

He was removing impurities from the tin block. In the following experiments, the higher the purity of the tin, the better.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xuan stretched the ball of tin into a line and surrounded it around the martial arts field.

After doing this, Li Xuan raised his fist towards Jiang Yunqi: "Please ask uncle to take action and lower the temperature of these tin wires to the lowest level you can achieve. The lower the better!"

As far as he knows, the superconducting critical temperature of tin is minus 269.43°C.

With Li Xuan's current cultivation level, it is definitely impossible to do it. He can now make the temperature in a very small range reach minus 270 degrees Celsius, but he can never spread this temperature to this tin line that is more than a hundred feet long.

"The lowest temperature I can do? This is easy,"

Jiang Yunqi raised his sword eyebrows, raised his hand and grabbed the front end of the tin wire, and at the same time injected a strong cold force into it.

He was afraid that the temperature would not meet Li Xuan's requirements, so he kept nothing at all and poured a steady stream of cold energy into it.

This not only reduces the temperature of the tin wire to an extremely low level. A large amount of cold power overflowed from the tin wire, causing a layer of ice to quietly condense on the surrounding ground.

"This is the limit of what I can do now, what do I do next?"

Li Xuan concentrated on sensing it with his mind for a moment, and then smiled slightly: "Next, uncle, you can try to input thunder and lightning into the tin wire. Remember to keep the temperature of the tin wire."

At this time, Jiang Yunqi had a vague premonition, and his mind became more nervous than ever before. He took a long breath, looked up at Li Xuan again, and then thunder and lightning sprang up in his right hand.

The next moment, Jiang Yunqi felt his scalp was exploding, and his whole body was trembling, as if there was an electric current flowing through his body: "This is - there is no loss? The power of thunder I input, there is no loss at all? No, it’s more than that, the lightning propagates so fast, incredibly fast! Is this the superconductor you are talking about, Xiaoxuan?”

At this time, his Gang Qi was also vibrating violently. Then it couldn't help but surge out and spread in all directions, making one side of the school ground once again become a hell of ice, and the other side turned into a sea of ​​lightning and lightning.

Li Xuan was startled, hurriedly flashed his figure, and suddenly retreated fifty feet away. But the astonishing cold power, as well as the lightning and lightning full of destructive power, are still invading.

Li Xuan had no choice but to fly up to 50 feet in the air amid lightning and lightning. Then it slowly fell to the eaves of a nearby roof.

But at this moment, an astonishing phenomenon was happening in the martial arts arena. The cold air and thunder and lightning were actually blending together.

They no longer repel and explode like when Li Xuan came before, but mix together. The ice mist spread in all directions, and the wild thunder emitted by Jiang Yunqi filled it.

Within this ice mist, their loss is zero, but the speed of bombardment and dispersion in all directions is close to that of light, making it difficult to see and capture.

——This phenomenon is very unphysical and unscientific, but it actually happened in front of Li Xuan's eyes.

At the same time, Jiang Yunqi was also laughing wildly, with great comfort, joy, and strong excitement.

"So that's it, I've got the way! I've got the way!"

He kept repeating this sentence, maybe he couldn't help himself, because there was powerful real energy in his words. As a result, the entire Jiang Mansion, and even the surrounding areas, began to shake.

"What's going on?" At this time, Jiang Hanyun had flown in and landed next to Li Xuan: "What is my father doing? Why are he so crazy? The servants in the house are about to have their eardrums blown. He was shattered."

And when she focused her attention on the martial arts arena, she froze on the spot: "This is? Ice and thunder blending? Father, he achieved ice and thunder blending?"

"What blending? What attainment?"

Mrs. Jiang's figure then flashed and came to the roof where they were standing, looking towards the direction of the martial arts field. Then her face became dull for a while. Then the man's eyes showed ecstasy: "Is this a breakthrough? After seven years of being blocked under the throne of heaven, this old man's forehead was almost swollen, and now he has finally taken this step. It's rare!"

But at this moment, Mrs. Jiang's eyes also contained a trace of imperceptible sadness and sadness.

She knew that the day Jiang Yunqi stepped onto the throne of heaven would mean that the couple would have to part ways sooner or later.

No matter how extraordinary a martial cultivator is, their lifespan will not be less than three hundred years. If you are good at taking care of yourself, then five hundred years will not be difficult.

After all, she couldn't accompany her husband to the end - she could only occupy a very small part of Jiang Yunqi's long years.

Jiang Hanyun didn't think too much. She felt happy and surprised at the same time: "Dad, he was still looking sad yesterday. How come he suddenly achieved the fusion of ice and thunder?"

Mrs. Jiang was also puzzled: "It's really unexpected. Yesterday, he told me in frustration that if he couldn't do it in six months, he would try to find a magic treasure and use the secret method of blood refining on UU Reading , see if we can set up a trap and die together with Li Zhetian. In short, we cannot leave this disaster to our mother and daughter."

"Dad, did he say that?" Jiang Hanyun was extremely surprised. She didn't expect that her father would have such a decisive idea.

This made her heart palpitate, but she also felt lucky: "Fortunately, we have a breakthrough. With my father's ability, he will definitely be able to compete with Li Zhetian in half a year!"

"That's a given."

At this moment, Jiang Yunqi's voice suddenly came. At this time, he had stopped laughing, and at the same time collected all the scattered true energy into his body: "You all come here and talk."

When the three of them arrived at the martial arts arena as instructed, Jiang Yunqi bowed to Li Xuan and said, "Xiao Xuan, Jiang can't thank you enough for your enlightenment today!"

Li Xuan quickly stepped aside, not daring to accept Jiang Yunqi's gift. Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Hanyun couldn't help but look sideways at Li Xuan in astonishment.

Everyone thought that the opportunity for Jiang Yunqi to integrate the two methods of ice and thunder today was actually related to Li Xuan? What's going on?

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