Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 291 We are very loyal

Justice? What justice? Ao Shuying frowned in confusion and asked, Justice came to my bed?

Poyang Guicheng lowered his head and bowed in admiration: It is said that recently, Jing'an Bo Li Xuan, the son-in-law of Jiang Yunqi, the 'Ice Thunder Divine Halberd', likes to eat golden turtles, dragon crocodiles, and anacondas. Therefore, people everywhere are hunting these types of creatures, using In order to please Jiang Yunqi, the heavenly doctor. As the leaders of the three clans, they had no choice but to take this step and ask the Yuan Lord to uphold justice.

However, the foreign minister dismissed them at that time, saying that Yuan Jun was not free, and asked them to come back in a few days. As for how Uncle Jing'an got into His Highness's bed, I don't know—

He would never dare to say that it was because of his own convenience that the three guys had the opportunity to sneak into Ao Shuying's dormitory.

Ao Shuying frowned and thought, what is this? Trouble caused by a foodie?

Ao Shuying was about to ask where those three bastards were, but Xue Yunrou hugged Li Xuan and looked at her with a sad and angry expression: Ao Shuying, what did you do to Xuan Lang?

She found that Li Xuan's body was covered with wet mucus, and the top and bottom were mushy.

Hearing her indignant voice, Ao Shuying felt inexplicably guilty, but then she was irritated, stuck her neck and sneered: I can do whatever I want to him, do I need to tell you?

Poyang Dragon King Ao Zhihui naturally had to be on the same side as Ao Shuying. He immediately stared at the two girls coldly and said: What does my cousin want to do that I need to explain to you? As the master of the Yangtze River, Li Xuan can It is a great blessing for him to have the honor to sleep with him.

Ao Shuying couldn't help but glance at him, thinking what was this guy talking about? What to sleep with?

If there weren't any outsiders here, she would have torn his mouth apart right now! She just used Li Xuan as a pillow and licked it!

The hundreds of dragons outside were also making noise at this moment.

That's right! What's wrong with my cousin having sex with him? We dragons can have sex with whoever we want!

It's not like he's at a disadvantage. This niece of mine is the most beautiful woman in my Four Seas Dragon Clan. Being able to fall in love with him is indeed his blessing.

You humans all say that 'food and sex are the nature of things'. Love between a man and a woman is the law of nature and human relations. It's just a matter of sleeping with him for one night.

A graceful gentleman, a lady who loves to be jealous, this is what the Book of Songs says!

Isn't he okay? My sister has been merciful and didn't drain him dry. What else do you want?

Yes, if you really want to talk about it, my second sister is the one who suffers. All her 450 years of Yin Yuan were destroyed by this guy.

——This is Ao Gun, the Dragon King of Yangzhou. His eyes are full of pride: Speaking of which, this Li Xuan can be regarded as my cousin's husband. If he can satisfy my sister and marry him formally in the future, he can be made a god.

Ao Shuying's face was calm, but his fists were already clenched, and there was a click sound. Traces of purple-red thunder flashed and exploded around her.

Li Xuan, who had not yet fully recovered, was confused for a while. He thought to himself, have I been fucked? Have I changed my profession to a Dragon Knight? I do not know.

Yu Hongshang was so angry that her face turned blue, but at this time, the yin and yang in her body was gradually changing.

Yunrou, let's go!

Yu Hongshang looked at Ao Shuying with cold eyes: Master Shui Deyuan, right? I, Yu Hongshang, have recorded this deep hatred! I will definitely repay you in the future.

After she finished speaking, she flicked her sleeves and led everyone under her command out of the Dragon Palace.

Xue Yunrou also looked at Ao Shuying with eyes as sharp as a sword: I, Xue Yunrou, will never forget this shame and humiliation.

Then she held Li Xuan in her hands and followed Yu Hongshang away.

Poyang Dragon King Ao Zhihui asked Ao Shuying with his eyes, if they were going to stop him?

Ao Shuying glared, wondering why he left the others behind? Are you really using it as a slave husband?

If a fight breaks out, there is actually nothing they can do about it, and it is certain that both sides will suffer losses.

Although the woman's yin and yang are in reverse and her cultivation is flawed, she is really desperate. One-third of the more than a hundred dragons here may die.

And when Yu Hongshang and others left and disappeared into the small void of the Dragon Palace, Ao Shuying glanced at the dragons outside with knife-like eyes.

You are so brave!

Her voice was not loud, but it was like thunder, resounding deep in the hearts of all the dragons: Go to Xingyun Palace! Bring me those Pingbo, Fubo, and Mingfei.

※※ ※※

About a moment later, the three of Pingbo, who were tightly locked by fist-thick chains, were escorted by a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals to the Xingyun Palace of the Dragon Palace.

This is the largest hall of the Poyang Lake Dragon Palace, with a length and width of up to a hundred feet. The interior is decorated with gold and silver, as well as various rare treasures in the water, making it look majestic and resplendent.

At this time, the atmosphere in the palace was not only solemn and solemn, but also chilly.

These three people were brought into the hall and knelt down. Their faces turned pale, and their eyes looked fearfully at the 'Shui De Yuanjun' Ao Shuying who was sitting above with a livid face, as well as the hundreds of people lined up on both sides. Many-headed dragon.

Although they didn't understand what happened, the three of them knew that they might have caused a big trouble.

Ao Shuying sat lazily on the chair and asked coldly: Li Xuan was sent to my bedroom by you? You want me to uphold justice, but why do you want to throw him on my bed?

She obviously didn't do anything, but the old man Mingfei only felt a huge pressure, which almost crushed his soul, and his bones were also making a clicking sound, as if they would fall apart at any time.

At this time, the old man Mingfei even found it difficult to speak: Back to your highness, this is indeed what we did. At that time, we thought that this person had a deep background and might not be able to seek justice from Yuan Jun. Even if Yuan Jun Even if you make the decision for us, it may not be the result we want, and it is still difficult to vent our hatred.

So after the three of us discussed it, we threw Li Xuan on your bed, thinking that no matter what happened, it would be difficult for this person to have a good outcome.

When he did this, he had no intention of living, so he didn't bother to hide it.

You are quite honest. Ao Shuying's eyes became darker: So are you planning to use my knife to kill people?

That's true! Master Pingbo also turned pale: This move greatly offends His Highness. The three of us are willing to die!

Looking at your appearance, it seems that you still have the will to die. Ao Shuying's lips twitched slightly, half-smiling but not smiling: Then the three of you know that the reason why I was able to cleanse the evildoers three hundred years in advance and break the seal. I can only rely on Li Xuan's help to get out, and he is my great benefactor?

Pingbo and the other three were stunned when they heard this, and looked up in disbelief: How is this possible?

Ao Shuying was too lazy to explain, so she glanced sideways at Poyang Guicheng. Poyang Guicheng was shocked. Immediately understood: This matter is well known among the Dragon Clan. There is also a mark left by His Highness Yuanjun in Li Xuan's body. We, the Yangtze River Water Tribe, must be treated as honored guests and shall not be harmed!

He looked at these three people with some pity. One of them was wandering in the sea and rivers, and the two lived between water and land. They deserved to suffer this disaster.

The mark in Li Xuan's body has become more obvious since Ao Shuying broke the seal.

As long as the real Yangtze River Aquatic Tribe is spiritually enlightened, they will never dare to offend Li Xuan just by looking at him.

How could it be? At this time, Fubo Sanren felt as if he was struck by lightning, and the thoughts in his mind could not move: It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous.

He thought it turned out that the three of them came to find Lord Shui Deyuan, but they were actually trying to escape the tiger's mouth?

This kind of feeling is indescribable to Fubo Sanren. It's like catching a murderer and going to see an official, only to be surprised to hear in the hall that the official is the murderer's wife.

He felt like why was it so dark today? In this bright and clear world, is there no place for reasoning?

At this time, Ao Shuying also asked calmly: You three idiots would never have thought of what happened today. Tell me, who ordered you? If you recruit him, I can at least keep you three. One life.”

This is all the idea of ​​the three of us, no one -

Master Pingbo smiled bitterly, but he was only halfway through his words. Ao Shuying flicked his finger, making Pingbo's head feel like being hit by a hammer.

Think it through before speaking. You haven't thought about it. Does that person have bad intentions when he instigates you like this?

When the three heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned again.

They all thought it was right! That guy knew that Li Xuan was Ao Shuying's benefactor and asked them to throw Li Xuan into this man's bed. Isn't this a bad intention? Deliberately taking advantage?

They subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the dragons on the left and right sides of the hall. At this time, the more than a hundred dragon heads looked at them expressionlessly.

Old Mingfei found that he could not recognize him at all, and the cold gazes from the dragons also made them feel cold all over.

He realized that the three of them could not afford to offend these dragons.

But Ao Shuying knew what had happened. She clenched her fists and looked at the dragons in the hall with an indifferent expression: Sure enough, I am waiting for you! Stand up for yourself. If you confess now, you can be exempted from ten lashes!

All the dragons looked confused, looking left and right, as if they had nothing to do with me and didn't know anything about it.

Who is this? To do such a thing?

It's really bad!

Could it be you, Ao Zhen? You loved this kind of prank when you were little.

Get out! I won't do such a thing.

At this time, Ao Shuying made another 'pop' sound and crushed her armrest: Do you have to do it for me? Do you have to let me beat you head-on-head?

The dragons didn't dare to look around anymore, UU Reading all looked silently, looking at their noses with their eyes, and their hearts with their noses, as silent as cicadas under the pressure of Ao Shuying's momentum.

Ao Gun, the Dragon King of Yangzhou, felt weak and his heartbeat increased sharply. However, he saw that although the dragons were afraid, they all looked unmoved, and he couldn't help but be moved.

He's quite courageous. Ao Shuying sneered: I'll give you one last chance. As long as you recruit this person now, all the other accomplices will be exempted.

So, headed by Ao Zhihui, the Dragon Lord of Poyang, all the more than a hundred dragon heads turned their faces and looked at Ao Gun.

And just when Ao Gong's face changed drastically, and he was angry that he had been betrayed, Ao Shuying had already picked up a long whip from his sleeve, and at the same time, majestic purple thunder spread out beside her.


Ao Shuying spoke every word with gnashing of teeth and anger.

She wanted to beat this bastard to death first, and then give Li Xuan an explanation.

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