Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 292 I’m actually a little disappointed

Soon after, the more than a hundred dragons in the Xingyun Palace all turned earth-colored and their eyelids trembled slightly, listening to the continuous screams and whipping sounds outside.

It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! You actually added salt and chili powder to the whip. Are you really my sister?

It's been twenty-five lashes, are you finished yet?

Second sister, I'm doing this for your own good. It's rare for you to meet a man you like. If a dragon doesn't show off its lust, is it still called a dragon?

Thirty lashes, oh~ I'm doing it for my second sister and for the lifelong sexual happiness of all my brothers, what's wrong with me?

Ouch~ I was wrong, I was so wrong. Be gentle, please be gentle!

Ah! No, don't hit it there. You can hit it anywhere else, just hit it as you like, but don't hit it there!

Are you really smoking? I'm going to give it up. I really will give it up! Please~!

The whipping lasted for about a moment, and then Ao Shuying walked in from outside the palace door with his skin torn and bruised, his eyelids drooped and weak. She threw the dragon into the main hall, and then glanced at the dragons here with cold eyes.

I know you are all unconvinced. Dragon nature is so lustful, but I insist on controlling your lower body. But don't you think about it, how many evil creatures with dragon blood are there in the world now because of your lust? How much evil will it bring to you and others by harming the world and taking the vitality of heaven and earth? How much trouble will it bring to the Dragon Clan?

You all think that the vitality of the world is sufficient, and you can extract it and harvest it, don't you? You can go and look through my dragon clan's commandments and see the reason why the heaven and earth were catastrophic 430,000 years ago and the dragon clan was almost extinct! How did the Phoenix and Suzaku appear? Isn't it because they can't survive that most of the dragons have taken the initiative to twist their bloodlines, change their shapes, and become birds?

Our Dragon Clan once dominated the world, but how come we are now reduced to the bottom of the water, living off the breath of the human race? Wasn’t it because he had demanded too much from nature in the past that he was rejected by the world and could no longer survive on land?

Dragon nature is lustful, but you are not beasts. Only beasts can only follow their instincts.

I would like to ask you again, how many real dragons are there here? Apart from me, there are only three in total! What benefit does breeding those evil species bring to our dragon clan?

After training all the dragons to silence, Ao Shuying looked at Mingfei and the other three who were still kneeling on the ground.

I will talk to Li Xuan about the matter of your three clans. There is no harm in eating normally, it is in the cycle of heaven. But indiscriminate hunting and killing have passed. This is not Li Xuan's original intention. But as the saying goes, what is good for the top will be worse for the bottom. Well, neither he nor Jiang Yunqi can shirk this responsibility.

But you and the other three have impure intentions and have the intention to cause death, which is why they caused today's disaster. It can be said to be a heinous crime! I think there is a reason for the incident, the circumstances are excusable, and you were instigated by others, I will spare your life. Death crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be forgiven. I sentence you and others to be whipped a hundred times by Li Xuan himself and to be sent to Tongtian River to perform hard labor until death. Do you believe it?

Na Mingfei, Fubo and Pingbo were stunned when they heard this, and then they all fell to the ground with sincerity: His Highness is indeed fair and strict, and the three of us are convinced.

The so-called Tongtian River is in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the front section of the Jinsha River, where the Yangtze River originates. It is in the Qinghai area. There are hundreds of thousands of great monsters in the Qinghai-Tibet land, which is not the same as the water tribe controlled by the Four Seas Dragon Clan. They come down the river almost every year and start a big fight.

It is extremely dangerous to do hard labor there, and you may die at any time.

But the three of them had given up all hope when they heard that Li Xuan was the benefactor of the Lord of the Yangtze River.

Now that the three of them have not only saved their lives, they have also received a personal promise from the Lord of the Yangtze River to resolve the disaster of annihilation for their three tribes. How can we not be happy about this?

Ao Zhihui, bring them all to me and let Li Xuan execute them with his own hands!

After Ao Shuying snorted, she glanced upward in the direction where Yu Hongshang and others were leaving.

Then her figure changed and turned into a red thunderbolt, flying out of the Dragon Palace. Ao Zhihui rolled up Mingfei and the three of them, and the same figure rose into the air, chasing Ao Shuying.

At this time, not only the more than a hundred dragons in the hall stretched their necks to see where Ao Shuying was going.

Yangzhou Dragon King Aogun, who had been lying on the ground pretending to be a dead fish, also raised his head, and then said Tsk: What she said about asking Li Xuan to execute him personally was nothing more than finding an excuse to follow him. Believe it or not, she said no, no, no , In fact, I like it very much——


Ao Gun's words stopped suddenly because a huge ax was nailed in front of him.

Ao Shuying should have snatched it from the shrimp soldiers and crabs around him. At this time, it was inserted barely a centimeter in front of the tip of his nose, making Ao Gong shiver all over.

It's so insidious, that woman is still staring here.


Soon after everyone flew out of the water, they arrived at the shore several miles away and found a quiet place in the nearby mountains and forests.

At this time, Yu Hongshang's breath was already unstable. After she fell to the ground, she swallowed a pill and went directly into concentration to adjust her breath. The 'Dao Heng Xuanji' placed in front of her began to emit a faint blue light.

The accompanying Deputy Heavenly Master Zhang and several senior masters from the fourth sect quickly formed a formation around Yu Hongshang. Their movements were extremely fast, and in less than half a moment, they had set up a huge formation.

Xue Yunrou, with tears in her eyes, was cleaning Li Xuan's body beside her and helping him dress as his hands and feet were still numb.

Li Xuan was speechless. Xue Yunrou looked like she was the little daughter-in-law who had been bullied and harmed by bullies.

But although he was angry about being plotted this time, he didn't feel that he had been insulted. On the contrary, I feel a little regretful that I could not experience the process personally.

But are you really **? I really have no impression at all.

He had just sensed his body, and there seemed to be no sign of being 'disasterd'.

I'm fine, Yunrou.

Li Xuan swallowed a pill to restore his energy, and then continued to visualize the great sun. It didn't take long for Li Xuan's body to return to normal. He hugged Xue Yunrou, who was in his arms, and comforted: It doesn't matter. Look at me, is this okay? Isn't it just that someone slept with him all night? ?

He knew that men had no human rights. In his previous life, he had never heard of any cases of men being harassed or raped.

It might have happened, but Li Xuan was ignorant and had never seen it.

The key is that the Dragon King is quite beautiful, no less beautiful than any of Xue Yunrou and Yu Hongshang beside him. Those dragons said that she was the most beautiful woman in the Dragon Clan in the Four Seas, and that was probably true.

But men really have to protect themselves when they go out.

Xue Yunrou hugged Li Xuan tightly, with tears in her eyes: It's all my uselessness that made you feel wronged, Mr. Xuan. If I had been more vigilant at that time, and if I had been more powerful, I wouldn't have let you suffer this kind of injustice. .”

Li Xuan felt that the conversation between the two of them was getting more and more wrong. He was very familiar with this scene.

Don't cry, Yunrou. It's nothing to be raped by a man last time. The worst we can do is go back. I swear I won't be a human unless I take revenge.

Who fell in love with you? At this time, Ao Shuying's voice suddenly sounded in their ears. The man with a bright red face appeared twenty feet away and glared at Li Xuan: Don't talk nonsense, I didn't have sex with you. Nothing happened last night.

Xue Yunrou was stunned and looked over suspiciously: Nothing happened, how is this possible?

She remembered that Li Xuan's body was sticky at that time.

Ao Shuying guessed what she was thinking and couldn't help but hum: I said nothing happened, so nothing must have happened.

She would never show weakness in front of others, and being able to do this was already her limit. It was hard to say that it was actually her saliva, let alone that she hugged Li Xuan and licked it all night.

Really? Xue Yunrou's eyes were still a little doubtful.

She thought that Longxing was very lascivious, and Li Xuan not only had a good skin, but had also become famous recently, and could be said to be both good-looking and good-looking. This Ao Shuying is probably coveting Li Xuan's beauty, which is why she acted like last night.

She refused to believe what Poyang Guicheng said that those three people secretly threw Li Xuan on Ao Shuying's bed.

Are all the soldiers and generals in Poyang Dragon Palace dead? That is the bedroom of the Lord of the Yangtze River——

However, Xue Yunrou has also heard of the reputation of this female Dragon Lord, who is majestic, upright and sassy.

She didn't lie. This was Yu Hongshang. She opened her eyes and looked over: Xuan Lang did not do that last night, huh! He didn't do that kind of thing with anyone.

If not, she would not have withdrawn from the Dragon Palace so easily.

Although the yin and yang in her body were in reverse at that time, she could still collect some interest in advance for a small price.

Xue Yunrou glanced sideways at Yu Hongshang: But Hongshang, how do you know?

I just know it! Yu Hongshang's pretty face turned red. She actually sensed Li Xuan's state from the evil spirits left in his body.

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. It turned out that his perception was correct and he wasn't being fucked?

But what's the matter with this little disappointment in his heart?

Shui Deyuanjun Ao Shuying couldn't help but look relieved. It would be best if this misunderstanding could be solved. She is not afraid of a few more powerful enemies, but there is no need to get into trouble over such a thing.

I came to find you because of the three of them.

At this time, Ao Zhizhi happened to bring Ming Fei and the others to the lake.

Ao Shuying raised her hand and sent a thick black whip to Li Xuan: This is the culprit of this incident. They plotted against you and wanted to kill you. There is no way to escape the blame. . I sentence them to be sent to Tongtianhe to perform hard labor until death, and each of them will be whipped one hundred times, and these one hundred lashes will be executed by you, Li Xuan.

Her original intention was to let Li Xuan vent his hatred. If the anger in Li Xuan's heart cannot be resolved, the newly promoted Jing'an Bo can wipe out these three tribes with just a few clicks.

Li Xuan thought for a while, then picked up the whip and hit the master Pingbo hard, causing the golden turtle's skin to crack and his face to be distorted in pain.

Li Xuan only got ten lashes, and Ming Fei who followed him also received ten lashes. Only Fu Bo received twenty lashes from him. This is because among the three, only this one has the most ill intentions toward him.

After that, Li Xuan stopped and threw the long whip back: For the subsequent whipping, UU Kanshu please ask His Highness Yuanjun to ask someone else to do it for you. In addition, regarding the indiscriminate killing and arrest of these three tribes , In fact, before setting off this time, I had communicated with Uncle Jiang Feifu. My uncle had already prepared to close fishing for two years, and he would not accept any of the golden turtles, dragon crocodiles, etc. that came to his door. It was just that the time was short and there were not many Someone found out.”

Ao Shuying was about to talk about this, but when he heard the words, his eyes could not help but light up, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he felt more and more appreciative in his heart.

Next to them, Ping Bo, Ming Fei and the other three couldn't help crying, feeling unspeakable regret in their hearts. If they had known about this earlier, they would never have ended up in this situation.

At this moment, two lights and shadows suddenly projected from the horizon.

Those were two flying talismans, which landed in front of Deputy Tianshi Zhang and Xue Yunrou respectively. Xue Yunrou took it in her hand, then her eyes changed and the color on her face faded.

Deputy Heavenly Master Zhang also frowned instantly, his eyes serious.

What's wrong? Li Xuan looked over in shock.

Something happened over there at Longhu Mountain. Xue Yunrou raised her head with a pale face: This is the call for help from Longhu Mountain.

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