Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 318 The true function of Taotie

Xia Houying didn't understand where his sense of crisis came from.

Li Xuan's Thousand Kills in a Flash? Just ridiculous. The Demon-Subduing Captain in the distance, who was in the realm of Nine Layers of Buildings and also practiced the two methods of light and fire, couldn't do it, let alone Li Xuan?

So is it because of the opponent's sword skills? This is not very realistic either.

Li Xuan's Ice and Thunder Sword Dao is only at the middle stage of the 'Intention' realm. The Haoran Martial Intent is stronger, but it is only at the later stage of the 'Idea' realm. But this was not worth mentioning in front of him.

In terms of lethality, it is a little bit interesting. This person has two power-enhancing magical weapons on his body, as well as the increase in the original scroll, making Li Xuan's majesty brilliant and boundless.

Even he, Xia Houying, did not dare to use his own body to straighten Li Xuan's blade.

These alone could not make him feel this almost heart-paralysis-like sense of danger.


Xia Houying didn't have time to think about it, he instinctively responded with his strongest killing move.

In an instant, countless black bamboo leaf swords gathered around him like dragons, rushing towards Li Xuan like a mighty river.

He thought that no matter what kind of method Li Xuan used, he only needed to nip it before it sprouted, so this danger could not be called a danger.

However, at this moment, Xia Houying saw a bright light flashing in front of him.

It was the sunrise at this time, and the sunlight shining down from the sky reflected on the huge curtain of swords cut by Li Xuan. In front of Xia Houying's eyes, it was as dazzling as a ball of sun.

So fast!

This was Xia Houying's first impression. At this time, Li Xuan's sword speed had begun to exceed the limit of Xia Houying's vision, and a large number of afterimages of the sword light were slashed in his field of vision.

So strong!

This was Xia Houying's second impression. At this time, the wave of bamboo leaf swords that rolled through like a black dragon under his control had already begun to clash with Li Xuan's sword screen.

However, his bamboo leaf sword collapsed at the first touch.


In the clear, harsh, and continuous sound, the bamboo leaf swords were continuously swept away, collapsed, and even shattered. Li Xuan's two long swords were not only extremely sharp, but also as powerful as mountains.

Wherever the sword shines, no one can match it!

The sword wave that was originally like a black cloud soon became thinner and was swept away by Li Xuan's sword curtain.

The word shun originally means 皚, which means the time in the blink of an eye, but within the blink of an eye and a quarter of an instant when the two of them fought again, Li Xuan slashed out one thousand three hundred and twenty swords, killing Xia Hou Ying's 'Ten Thousand Leaves Silent Kill' was shattered to pieces, and the unparalleled sharp edge was cut right in front of Xia Houying's eyes.

With this kind of knife speed, this is impossible!

Xia Houying's pupils dilated furiously, and he formed two long black swords in each of his hands, and began to use the sword intention of 'bamboo' to resist Li Xuan's sword power.

He transformed himself into a bamboo that was hardened even after countless blows, regardless of the wind from east to west, north or south. He intended to use his own tenacity and flexibility to deal with the endless tide of swords in front of him, but he was oppressed by Li Xuan's double swords. Overwhelmed, struggling to cope, constantly retreating, but always maintaining.

The latter's slashing speed has reached three times or even more than three times his, and is rising endlessly.

The opponent didn't have many tricks, just a series of heavy cuts one after another.

But at this extreme speed of the sword, no sword intent or rhyme seems to be effective.

The question is, how could such a sword technique come from the hands of a martial arts cultivator with only the fifth level of cultivation?

At this moment, thousands of feet high in the sky, the girl wearing a golden armor also had her pupils constricted.

This is the 'Phantom Lightning Three Thousand Slash' in the Phantom Sky Sword. After it is launched, it will continue to slash three thousand times.

The spiritual thoughts she conveyed to the sword-wielding boy were full of shock and disbelief: But even if you practice the 'Three Thousand Phantom Lightning Slash' to the extreme, it is impossible to achieve the true Thousand Slashes in an Instant.

At this time, Li Xuan had already blasted out one thousand five hundred and thirty-two swords in one and one-half blinks!

The sword-wielding boy was speechless and could only clenched his fists: It must have been activated by some secret method that we don't know about. Theoretically speaking, he shouldn't be able to hold on for long--

Li Xuan's sword wave below is still continuing, heading towards one thousand six hundred swords.

Bamboo is indeed very tough, but as long as his knife speed is fast enough and the knife he cuts is sharp enough, then there will be no bamboo in the world that he can chop continuously!

If it still keeps cutting, you can continue to cut, the second cut, the third cut, endless, endless! until it is cut off.

At this time, Xia Houying's body had dozens of blood-stained wounds - they were all wounds caused by Li Xuan's slashes. Although they were not very deep, they were filled with blood-colored ice crystals that were difficult to melt for a while.

Li Xuan's blend of ice and thunder made his blade and mind full of cold energy. Even a strong fourth-sect master like Xia Houying, who has a tenth level of cultivation, cannot ignore his cold magic essence and the 'Nine Nether Absolute Cold'.

Especially when facing Li Xuan's Thousand Kills in a Moment, Xia Houying had no energy left to resist.

At this time, Li Xuan's dazzling wave of knives was almost engulfing him.

One thousand nine hundred cuts in two seconds - Xia Houying's pupils were already bloodshot. What secret method did you use?

How did this guy achieve such a fast sword speed and infuse each sword with power that was not inferior to that of Jiuzhonglou martial arts cultivator?


That was the sound of the two swords in Xia Houying's hands being blown apart. His swords were made up of bamboo leaf swords that scattered and gathered together. In less than two blinks just now, the sword in his hand collapsed six times, and they all recovered in an instant.

However, when Xia Houying wanted to 'gather' again, he realized that he could not summon enough 'bamboo leaves', which made his pupils shrink into needle shapes.

This sword is a high-level magic weapon and is not easily damaged. But most of the spiritual imprints he left in the bamboo leaf sword were destroyed by Li Xuan's sword power, making them no longer able to obey Xia Houying's orders.

It's too much!

Xia Houying suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and stimulated by the essence and blood, the remaining bamboo leaf swords gathered together again, a total of two hundred, forming a sharp but thin wave of swords.

His swords seemed to rush towards the sword curtain that Li Xuan slashed with a desperate will.

But Xia Houying's people suddenly turned into a ray of green light and flashed away to the east.

——It was a magic weapon in the shape of a 'bamboo shuttle', dragging Xia Houying's figure to fly away into the distance. The speed is like a flash of light, and the initial speed is no less than Xue Yunrou's 'Xuanming Zhiyang Shuttle'.

But Li Xuan's figure followed closely. His divine wings have long been restored, covering the surrounding two hundred feet of space.

Sparks continued to burst out from Xia Houying's bamboo shuttle and continued to vibrate. That was Li Xuan's knife slashing at it continuously, and the still crazy speed of the knife blasted the protective spiritual barrier of the 'Bamboo Shuttle' magical weapon until it was on the verge of collapse.

But even so, Xia Houying still believed that he could escape.

However, Xia Houying's mind fell into the ice cave in the next moment. He saw a figure in his twenties on the top of the hill in front of him, wearing the Captain's armor of the Six Daosi Division.

This man was holding a pair of red-sleeved daggers and was looking at him with cold eyes.

——It was Luo Yan who independently fought against three people in the tenth level of the building. But how could this person be here?

Xia Houying didn't have time to think about it. Forced by Luo Yan's sword intent, his 'bamboo shuttle' magical weapon had no choice but to turn.

But this moment of delay has put Xia Houying into a desperate situation. The 'Bamboo Shuttle' magical weapon shattered into pieces, and his figure was subsequently engulfed by the endless sword light, and then chopped into flesh and blood with each knife!

It wasn't until Xia Houying's entire body was chopped into pieces that Li Xuan stopped the sword. Then he couldn't help himself and began to breathe heavily, and a large amount of sweat dripped from his forehead.

This is the Phantom Three Thousand Slash! Let you show off in front of me, the Tiger of Jinling!

Luo Yan glanced at Li Xuan with surprise and appreciation, then raised her head and looked at Yunkong.

She is ready to use the Three Thousand Hands of Great Mercy and Great Compassion, and the Thirty-Three Dharma Bodies of Guanyin if the two above are also enemies. Then except for this Buddhist sacred weapon, she had no other way to let them escape.

Let's go! At this time, the armored woman in Yun Kongkong was already thinking about leaving: This Xia Houying is far worse than Li Zhetian. At least Li Zhetian can relax his figure better than him.

She then noticed the sword-wielding boy's impulsiveness and immediately said: Brother, don't be impulsive! This boy is indeed a threat, but he is not worth your life, and you can't kill him. The 'Golden Tower Book' has given us strength and immortality. But it is also a supervision and shackle for us. It is a rule stipulated in the 'Golden Palace Book' that we are not allowed to take action against mortals. As long as we people have the idea of ​​taking action, we will be killed by the 'Golden Book'.

The sword-wielding boy frowned: Once this son enters the capital, Heaven will be further disrupted.

I can only think of other ways. Seeing that the other party had restrained his murderous intent, the armored woman turned into a golden light and left: To stabilize the secret, you don't necessarily have to kill people. Didn't we prepare a backup plan?

On the ground, when Li Xuan sensed two dangerous qi jets leaving the air, he slumped down.

Luo Yan also relaxed, and then asked Li Xuan with a smile: How does it feel? How does it feel to kill a master of the tenth level of the tower alone? This is on the same level as Lin Ziyang.

What do you mean by yourself? Without you to stop him, he would have just escaped. My superconducting escape method cannot go beyond the range of the divine wings.

Li Xuan sneered: Besides, I've even killed Li Zhetian, how will it feel if I kill him?

He then looked towards the river behind him and found that the fighting on Le Qianqian's side had also subsided. Those still alive in black armor had all evacuated, leaving only a mess and a large number of corpses on the scene.

Who are these people? And your three opponents? Judging from their methods, they seem to be from the Dunjia Sect?

You actually recognize it? Luo Yanyu nodded slightly in surprise: They are from the Dunjia Sect. One of them ran away after I cut off an arm. They probably didn't want to risk their lives. As for the others Yes, I only know that some of them are Shandong thieves and some are Guanxi swordsmen. Most of them are hired by others. They often do this kind of job of hiring murderers.

Li Xuan was not surprised by Luo Yan's performance. Although those three people were in the same realm as Xia Houying, the gap between them was huge.

Xia Houying was probably equivalent to the mini-boss in the game in his previous life, while the three masters of the Dunjia Sect were at the elite monster level at most. Another analogy is the difference between a flagship phone and a thousand-yuan phone.

In this world, the level of cultivation and true energy can be improved step by step, and there are many elixirs and magic weapons that can be used. But the realm of 'martial arts' - rhyme, momentum, intention, soul, soul, and spirit - can only be mastered by human understanding.

If the former is hardware, then the latter is software. Even a supercomputer with a computing power of teraflops will not be more powerful than a mobile phone or a personal computer if it does not have appropriate algorithms and software drivers.

So about the water transportation yamen in Taierzhuang, they haven't done anything yet?

When Li Xuan said this, he suddenly felt extremely hungry. His expression changed slightly, and he immediately took out several porcelain bottles from the Sumeru Ring, and then swallowed the 'Nine Nether Essence Oil' inside.

Celestial Master Zhang Shenye had given him a total of five bottles earlier, and Li Xuan thought he could handle it for a while. Since he had been staying at Longhu Mountain, he had no chance to buy it.

But at this time, Li Xuan felt regretful. For some reason today, after swallowing these bottles of 'Nine Nether Essence Oil', he still wasn't full.

So he had to take out more food from the Kosumu Ring and wolf it down.

These were all given to Li Xuan by Mrs. Liu before he left home. Fortunately, otherwise he would have the urge to chew on the dirt.

I just took a look from a high place, and there was already a cavalry team of three hundred people heading here. When Luo Yan said this, he couldn't help but be stunned. She looked at Li Xuan dumbfounded: Why are you so good at eating? Are you crazy?

Leave me alone, I'm in a special situation now. I'll explain it to you later. Li Xuan smiled bitterly and said, Do you have anything to eat there?

At this moment, Li Xuan felt a stab of pain in his left and right arms. He opened his sleeves and discovered that several golden lines appeared on both of his arms. He touched it with his hand again and found that it felt like metal.

Li Xuan couldn't help but was slightly stunned. He had only found the metal grid under his skin before. But today, these metals have covered the surface of his skin.

Especially on his left arm, he seemed to see the illusion of a golden glutton, with a fierce light flashing in its eyes, grinning at him, growling in a low voice, as if it wanted to pounce on him.

Li Xuan let out a 'hum', and his luck made a majestic and thunderous sound. At the same time, he channeled Haoran's righteous energy into his right palm, and then slapped the illusion hard, shattering it with one palm.

At the same time, three unfamiliar memories and images suddenly poured into the depths of his mind.

Li Xuan felt that his mind was about to explode. He frowned deeply and showed pain on his face. But after a moment, he felt a little bit shocked and surprised in his heart.

Those three strange memories actually came from three people respectively - Zhang Zhaoyuan, Li Zhetian, and Xia Houying who had just died in his hands.

There are not many memory scenes, only some fragments of them practicing martial arts. But these few picture fragments all contain their purest and most powerful sword intent, sword intent.

But what is going on?

Follow the vx official account and read books and get cash!

Li Xuan thought as he ate vigorously. He felt that he was still very hungry.

What are you doing?

Luo Yan was very surprised. Seeing Li Xuan start eating and drinking like crazy again, she shook her head, took out some cakes from the small universe bag and threw them to Li Xuan: I only brought a little with me to eat as snacks on the road.

Then she reached out and summoned all the many black bamboo leaf swords scattered on the ground.

Xia Houying did not carry any space magic weapon. This bamboo leaf sword and the bamboo shuttle were the most valuable things on Xia Houying's body. The bamboo shuttle has been damaged, but the bamboo leaf sword still has enough value.

At this moment, a crimson thunder suddenly fell from the sky.

Luo Yan's eyes froze again, and he instantly grasped his pair of red sleeve knives. Light and shadow are like wheels, and time is like a shuttle. The sword intention was condensed but not released.

When the crimson thunder fell and hovered, it turned out to be a vermilion chariot.

Li Xuan recognized this chariot, its shape was the same as the 'Red Thunder Chariot' that Ao Shuying once carried him for a ride. But it's probably not the same one. The patterns on it are slightly different, and the carts are also pulled by four blue dragons.

Standing in the car at this time was a middle-aged figure wearing a bright yellow flying fish suit, an embroidered spring knife hanging from his waist, and a stern face.

But Mr. Chengyibo? The man clasped his fists towards Li Xuan: I am Zuo Daoxing, the 'Commander of the Xiuyi Guards', and I am here to welcome Mr. Chengyibo into the capital on the emperor's order.

Zuo Daoxing then looked at the messy scene. His eyes were cold and apologetic and helpless in his words: Just now, Zuo was blocked by an expert on his way here. Please forgive me, Lord Chengyi. It’s Zuo’s fault for being late.”


Just two hours later, the 'Red Thunder Divine Chariot' pulled by four dragons arrived in the capital with roaring sounds.

Just as the chariot approached the city wall of Beijing, Li Xuan faintly saw five golden dragons circling and rising from the four directions of the city wall and the palace, staring at the chariot they were riding on.

The four-headed dragon pulling the chariot shrank its body immediately, showing fear, but then, under the control of Zuo Daoxing, it crossed the city wall and continued to fly towards the Forbidden City.

At this moment, a token hanging on his waist flashed fluorescent light, and the five huge golden dragons that were paying attention also turned into golden powder and dispersed in the sky.

Zuo Daoxing also explained: Dharma weapons are not allowed to fly over the capital, but now it is urgent to follow the authority.

Li Xuan was slightly focused, looking in the direction of Miyagi.

Over there, there was a pillar of red gold rising up into the sky. It actually penetrated the sky and shook the stars! It is like a golden pillar standing between heaven and earth.

——That was actually the combination of countless Confucian scholars' majesty, which was more than ten times stronger than the majestic golden pillars of the Imperial College students back then.

This is?

It is the officials in the capital and the students in the Imperial Academy who live in Kouque. Zuo Daoxing sighed: Now the public sentiment in the capital is turbulent, and your majesty and all your lords are also waiting impatiently. However, it happened to rain all night long because of leaks in the house. Not long ago, The warning came from the north that Mengwu detectives were riding at the gate and entering and exiting the Xuanfu area. But if this case cannot be solved quickly, the princes in the court may not be able to deal with official duties.

He clasped his fists with a solemn expression and said, Don't worry, Mr. Jing'anbo. I, the Xiuyi Guard, will get to the bottom of your attack on the canal and give you a satisfactory answer.

——Just now, he used the excuse of urging from the emperor and the princes in the court, so that Li Xuan and others did not even have time to survey the scene, so they could only hurriedly board his chariot.

Therefore, he must give Li Xuan an explanation for this case.

Li Xuan was relieved. Before he left, he knew that the court was eager to solve the case, otherwise it would not have agreed to his conditions so simply. But I didn't expect that the capital would be so urgent.

At this time, Zuo Daoxing had already ordered the four dragons to slow down slowly and stopped the 'Red Thunder Divine Chariot' in the Meridian Gate.

When they arrived here, Li Xuan, Luo Yan and Peng Fulai behind him looked slightly solemn. I found a dark figure kneeling in front of the Meridian Gate. Among them, there are dozens of people wearing bright red official robes above the fourth rank, and there are no less than 2,000 civil servants at all levels below the fourth rank. The rest are all wearing square scarves and blue Confucian robes. There are about ten thousand Confucian students in the Imperial College.

The scale of the Northern Imperial College is much larger than that of Nanjing. There are more than 20,000 people in total, and nearly half of them are concentrated here.

These people also noticed the arrival of the 'Red Thunder Divine Chariot', and they all raised their heads and looked towards Li Xuan.

Who is that? Wearing a flying fish suit and six-path demon-suppressing armor, Zuo Daoxing is actually quite respectful to him?

Who else could it be? Of course it's us, the protector of Neo-Confucianism. Isn't it always said that UU the emperor wants to invite this person to solve the case of Fei Yuan in the East Palace? Zuo Daoxing should have gone to pick him up, even The 'Red Thunder Divine Chariot' has been used.

That's the Lord Protector? He's actually so young?

It is rumored that this Lord Protector is less than twenty years old. I wonder if he has any new works coming out? Although this person does not follow the path of a civil servant, his talent is unparalleled in the world.

This time the imperial court is actually smarter. I, Yuan, can still trust the character of the protector.

Exactly! By removing Li Zhetian, the Protector has really done a lot of harm to our Neo-Confucianism. It is really a great shame and humiliation for us.

Don't be too happy. This gentleman can be recognized by Wen Xin Ling and his character is acceptable. Whether the case can be solved is another matter.

A young man with no hair at all, what does he know about solving the case? It is said that all the people involved in Fei Yuan's death have been poisoned, and there are no clues at all. What can he find out?

Li Xuan noticed that the gazes projected towards him contained either reverence, admiration, or enthusiasm, but they also contained disdain, doubt, and even hostility.

He glanced at these people and then followed Zuo Daoxing to the Meridian Gate. The latter actually prepared five earth dragons for him.

Your Majesty has ordered that Sir Fran and your subordinates walk around the palace today. In addition, in order to avoid suspicion, Your Majesty has asked Sir to solve the case directly without the need to appear in court.

Then the group of people ran like thunder and entered the palace at high speed. Only a moment later, they had arrived at the 'Ciqing Palace'.

——In the Forbidden City in Beijing, this is where the East Palace is located.

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