Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 319 Is he really here to investigate the case?

Finally here.

When Li Xuan got off Di Xinglong, he heard laughter coming from the steps. He looked up and saw two figures standing on the steps.

One of them is also wearing the Six-Path Demon-Subduing Armor, and is the Demon-Subduing Captain of the Six-Path Division; the other is a stern and strong-looking woman in her twenties. She is wearing a crimson flying fish suit, with a seal of internal arrest supervisor hanging on her waist. It actually seems to be a large stall where internal police officers are arrested.

The one who spoke was none other than the Demon-Subduing Colonel of the Six Daosi Division. This man was in his thirties, with a face as red as a jujube, and a beard that was longer than his chest. He looked at Li Xuan with a smile: I am Zhen Chun, the captain of the Youlongdu Fu Demon School of Qinglong Hall, and I have met Jing'an Bo!

Captain Zhen! Li Xuan's eyes narrowed and he clasped his fists towards this person.

He had heard of this name, and he was now one of the three most famous captains in Qinglong Hall.

The woman also raised her fist towards Li Xuan: Yu Yunhuang, the head of the Internal Affairs Supervisor, has met Uncle Jing'an.

At this time, Le Qianqian put her head next to Li Xuan's ear: She is the princess of Changning, the eldest daughter of His Royal Highness Prince Anyang of the Zongren Mansion, and the cousin of Yu Hongshang. It is said that she is very popular with the Queen Mother Sun.

Li Xuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, feeling a sense of surprise in his heart.

Do you think that a dignified princess actually serves as the head stall owner of the inner factory? There will be no such strange things in the future, right?

But then he thought that this was Dajin, a fantasy world. Although similar to the Ming Dynasty of his time, it was still very different.

Xue Yunrou can inherit the Tianshi Mansion, so a female stall seems to be nothing.

As for this 'Empress Dowager Sun', she should be the empress dowager of the current dynasty, the biological mother of the Emperor Zhengtong who is currently imprisoned in Nangong, and the aunt of the current Emperor Jingtai.

There were many distracting thoughts passing through his mind, but his face showed no trace of emotion and he bowed slightly: I'm here to see you, Princess!

I prefer others to call me Yu Stall. Yu Hongshang's voice clearly contained impatience: There is no need for so many extravagant gifts. Your Majesty and the others are already waiting anxiously. Let's solve the case first.

She should take the first step and go straight to the depths of the 'Ciqing Palace': The place where the incident happened was in Hanyuan Pavilion. At the end of Chen hour the day before yesterday, His Royal Highness went to Hanyuan Pavilion to study. And at the beginning of noon hour, Fei Yuan, a doctor of the Five Classics of the Hanlin Academy who was in charge of lecturing that day, was poisoned in front of His Highness the Crown Prince. Afterwards, we also found highly toxic substances in His Highness the Crown Prince’s food——

Yu Yunhuang briefly introduced the case, and when she was talking about it, they had already entered an attic.

When Li Xuan entered, he glanced upward and found that it was the words 'Hanyuan Pavilion'.

After entering, he found a corpse lying on the left side of the hall in the building. This person was dressed in the robe of a sixth-grade civil servant, with a white scarf covering his face.

There are two book desks in the middle, one of which is still upright, with tea and refreshments such as purple sweet potato cake and mung bean cake placed on it; the other one has fallen to the ground, with various refreshments scattered all over the floor. And because of the freezing weather, the tea on the ground was not completely dry for nearly three days.

Yu Yunhuang pointed to the ground and said, The one on the left belongs to His Royal Highness, and the overturned desk on the right belongs to Fei Yuan.

Has this place been touched before? Li Xuan glanced around carefully, then took out the tool box from his small Sumeru ring, took out a long horny needle from the box, and began to examine the food one by one.

In ancient times, silver needles could only test for poisons containing sulfur, because silver needles would turn black when exposed to sulfur, but they were unable to detect highly toxic poisons such as arsenic and cyanide.

The long needle in his hand now is taken from the bald whale in the North Sea. With the miniature talisman carved on it, as well as special medicine and magic, it can detect nearly 60 to 70% of the world's secrets. toxin. Therefore, this item is also the standard configuration of ‘Lingwu’.

Sure enough, when Li Xuan took out the narwhal needle, he put it into a ball of medicine prepared by Li Xuan. The tail end of the narwhal needle began to change into black and purple.

But looking at the food, Li Xuan suddenly felt a little hungry again.

The Xiuyi Guards, our internal police officers, and you, Captain Zhen, all conducted surveys at the scene. However, the three of us were very careful and did not damage the scene too much.

The prince was also very cautious. At that time, he not only invited several adults from Zhan Shifu who were on duty in the East Palace, but also Qianhu Wei Bailong, the embroidered guard who was in charge of guarding the East Palace, came to the scene to observe. With several of them supervising, no one could do anything.

Yu Yunhuang clasped her hands behind her back and glanced sideways at Zuo Daoxing, the commander of the Xiuyi Guards next to him: This Wei Qianhu is an able subordinate of Mr. Zuo and has been rewarded several times by His Majesty.

Zuo Daoxing replied calmly: Wei Qianhu is a conscientious and conscientious person. He is highly praised by my embroidery guards.

At this time, Li Xuan looked at the needle in his hand and said in deep thought: The food and tea in front of the prince are poisonous, and the overturned tea on Fei Yuan's table is also poisonous? But I couldn't detect the food spilled on the ground. Toxins are released, what’s going on?”

This is because His Highness the Crown Prince's tea and snacks were delivered before Chen Shi. Fei Yuan also had a portion, but he ate it. After His Highness the Crown Prince saw it, he summoned another portion.

The person who answered this time was Zhen Chun, the Lieutenant of the Youlongdu Fu Demon School. He said with a solemn expression: The refreshments given to Fei Yuanhou are indeed non-toxic. The tea has not been touched, but the hot water has been replaced midway. The Dahongpao of Wuyi Mountain , it will taste good if you soak it three or four times.”

Li Xuan nodded slightly, and then he continued to inspect the scene.

Li Xuan's experience in on-site investigation is still not very rich. Fortunately, he now has the 'God-protecting Heavenly Eye', which is much more effective than a magnifying glass. He also keeps in mind the words 'patience' and 'carefulness', which is the same as autopsy. The key points are also the same.

It was not until the end that Li Xuan walked up to Zuo Daoxing and started looking at the corpse.

This corpse had obviously been treated by a cold magician. After three days, the corpse still showed no signs of decay. Li Xuan's hands were cold to the touch, but the body was not frozen.

Li Xuan estimated that the time of death of this person was at the beginning of noon three days ago, that is, between 11 and 11:30 in the morning.

This person died from the highly poisonous 'Blood Cherry Red'.

There was a bit of disdain in Yu Yunhuang's eyes. But when she saw Li Xuan inspecting the corpse, the contempt in her expression immediately faded away: This is a poison that has been circulating in the world since seven hundred years ago. It is colorless and odorless, and its effects are completely invisible. An omen. People who are poisoned by this poison will usually die within an hour to an hour depending on the amount of poison. After death, blood-red spots in the shape of cherry blossoms will appear on the body.

Li Xuan has noticed this strange corpse stain, which is exactly the same as the bloody cherry red recorded in the book.

He still examined Fei Yuan's body very carefully, not missing any detail, and asked at the same time: Is it possible to bring this poison in from outside the palace? If it can be brought in, what method should be used?

You mean Fei Yuan himself? Zhen Chun, the captain of the Fumo School, looked outside the palace: This possibility is almost impossible. If ministers want to enter the palace from the outside, there are four gates: Chengtian Gate, Duanmen, Meridian Gate, and Huiji Gate. The secondary palace gates. Each of the secondary palace gates is guarded by dedicated personnel, and there are also special magic weapon detection to strictly prevent entrainment. The possibility of foreign ministers bringing in something as highly poisonous as blood cherry red is extremely small.

Yu Yunhuang said with profound meaning: Outsiders can't be brought in, but it doesn't mean that the people in the palace can't do anything. For example, the embroidery guards, the pharmacy, and the internal transportation department and the internal government supply warehouse.

Princess, what do you mean by this? Zuo Daoxing glared at her with sullen eyes: Is this a hint to Uncle Jing'an that your Majesty did this?

I didn't say that.

Yu Yunhuang snorted: But there are rumors outside that His Majesty wanted to appoint the second prince as the crown prince, but because the prince was humble, kind and popular, he could not succeed, so he chose to poison him.

It's ridiculous! The emperor can tolerate even the emperor, so how can he not tolerate a prince? How can he do such a small trick?

Zuo Daoxing spoke in a cold voice, with a glint in his eyes: On the other hand, the East Palace is particularly suspicious. Outsiders cannot penetrate the huge Ciqing Palace. The prince's meals have always come from the Renshou Palace. Sent by Xiao Zao.

Renshou Palace, the residence of Empress Dowager Sun, is to the north of the East Palace, with only a wall separating the two.

Yu Yunhuang couldn't help but look gloomy: You mean this is the prince's doing? But His Royal Highness is generous, loving, and respectful of the virtuous, how could he do such a heartbreaking thing?

Zuo Daoxing sneered: The prince is benevolent, but now there are more than one noble person in the palace who is willing to do this for His Highness.

This is even more impossible. Yu Yunhuang clenched his fists and looked at Zuo Daoxing: Don't forget that His Highness's tea and snacks are also highly poisonous. If it is as you said, then the noble man you call is going to kill the prince as well. Poison?

The prince never drinks tea or snacks when attending lectures. This is a well-known fact. Zuo Daoxing's eyes were uncompromising: How do you know that that person didn't want to poison the prince together with the intention of framing the emperor?

Li Xuan ignored their argument and continued to ask: Then how did these foods come in? Wasn't there anyone testing them in the middle?

He knew that in ancient times, when nobles dined, someone would usually test the poison.

There are eunuchs who test poisons here. Zhen Chun, the captain of the Demon Fu school, replied: They usually use some common methods to test the poison first, and then try to eat it. However, this person was already poisoned in less than half an hour after being detained. If you die from a fatal attack, you will also die from a blood-red cherry blossom.

Although he answered everything he knew, his eyes looking at Li Xuan were somewhat casual, and his tone was not very respectful: This case is actually quite simple. It's just that the chef and the eunuch who tested the poison committed the crime. These foods containing blood cherry red were delivered to Fei Yuan and His Highness. The key is how to find the real culprit behind the scenes——

At this time, Li Xuan's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he focused on the nails of Fei Yuan's right hand.

Then he took out a small brush and gently scraped Fei Yuan's fingertips. After a while, some yellow dust came out.

It looks like dirt, but Master Fei's clothes are very clean and his nails are neatly manicured.

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Li Xuan put all the dust into a small porcelain bottle: Qianqian, help me check and find out what this dust is. If you can't figure it out, go to the imperial doctor. Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue will accompany her.

He was worried that Le Qianqian would be scared because he was unfamiliar with the place, and Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue would not be able to help here. Rather than letting them watch from the side, it would be better to send them to protect Le Qianqian.

Zhen Chun, the captain of the Demon Fu school, could not help but be slightly startled. Zuo Daoxing and Yu Yunhuang, who were facing each other tit for tat, also looked at each other in disbelief. These dusts were something they had not discovered before.

Previously, everyone's attention was focused on the dead chef and several chamberlains who died of poison.

Just after the three people left, Li Xuan cut open Fei Yuan's chest to see the food in his stomach. The various snacks inside had not been digested, and it did take Fei Yuan about an hour to take them.

Li Xuan did a toxin test and found that it was indeed highly toxic.

Then he asked again: Besides the prince, who else was there at that time? I have to ask about the situation when the incident happened.

There are two eunuchs accompanying the prince, as well as Xi Huaien, the chief eunuch of Ciqing Palace. Yu Yunhuang replied coldly: At this time, they are all being detained in a wing in the east palace.

Excuse me, please invite them over. After Li Xuan said this, he touched his deflated belly again: By the way, can you bring me some food? Finally, bring two roast pigs and roast beef. Okay, I want a whole head.”

Do you want to eat now? Yu Yunhuang thought she heard wrongly at first, but when she saw Li Xuan nodded heavily, she couldn't help but see anger in her eyes: This is an important place in the palace city, and a case is still under investigation.

And there are two roast pigs and a whole roast cow. Is this a 'little' meal? Is this guy really here to investigate the case?

Li Xuan stroked his belly and shook his head: I can't investigate the case if I don't eat well. Isn't there a saying? The emperor never lacks hungry soldiers.

Three hours ago, he swept away all the food that Peng Fulai and Le Qianqian carried. But in the end, I only ate half full, and when I arrived in the palace, I started to feel hungry again. Li Xuan has been patient until now, and finally can't bear it anymore.


Just a little later, the emperor, the cabinet ministers and the six ministers were gathered in the Gate of Taihe.

Even though 'Taihe Gate' has the word men, there is a large hall in the center, with palace gates on both sides. And this palace named ‘Taihe Gate’ alone can accommodate hundreds of people discussing politics.

Everyone was originally talking about the military intelligence warning message coming from the Xuan Mansion in the north, but at this time, no one, including Shaobao Yujie, had the intention to pay attention to the Mengwu Tanqi who appeared in the Xuan Mansion, nor did they want to do anything about it. Debate over the allocation of military resources.

At this time, almost everyone in the hall was looking at the eunuch Wang Chuanhua, the leader of the imperial eunuch, who was making a report.

In other words, Li Xuan has entered the East Palace an hour ago? Why are you reporting now? The emperor looked at Wang Chuanhua from the throne, with a look of expectation in his eyes: Also, has Li Xuan discovered anything? ?”

Because the ministers are arguing about the military situation, I don't dare to interrupt. After Wang Chuanhua finished saying this, his expression became a little strange: I don't know what Uncle Jing'an has discovered. But according to what I have learned from the past two The subordinate replied that Jing Anbo had been eating since he had been investigating the case there for half an hour.

Is he eating? Wang Wen, the Grand Bachelor of Jinshen Palace and the Minister of Civil Affairs, looked at Wang Chuanhua in disbelief: In the East Palace, eating at this time? He should be a martial arts cultivator from the fifth floor, right? He didn't do anything before entering the palace. Are you full?”

Although the martial arts cultivators in the Fifth Level Building cannot live without food, theoretically speaking, they will be fine if they go without food for three to five days.

Wang Chuanhua hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the truth: Master Jing'anbo has a good appetite and has already eaten two roasted whole pigs and one cow. Just now, Jing'anbo asked the imperial dining room to prepare another roast pig.

The emperor on the throne and everyone present could not help but feel demented when they heard this.

If Li Xuan were present at this time, he would definitely use words like messy in the wind and I fucked the dog to describe the mood of these people.

Yu Jie, the Shaobao who recommended Li Xuan a few days ago, was also stunned for a while, not knowing how to react.

The assistant minister of the cabinet, the Minister of Household Affairs, Xiao Ci, snorted: This is simply child's play! Is he here to investigate the case, or is he here to eat and drink? Does he know how important the East Palace murder case is?

The second assistant to the cabinet, Shaobao Takagu, slightly raised his hand towards the emperor on the throne: I heard that Jing Anbo is only nineteen years old now, and he has nothing to do. With his own ability, he may not be able to get to the bottom of Fei Yuan's case. Now. Time is running out, and in my opinion, it is better to replace the person as soon as possible. I still recommend Zuo Baoyuan, the Minister of Punishment, who knows the subtleties, discerns the subtleties, is cautious and upright, capable and steady, and is worthy of the big responsibility.

Emperor Jingtai also had a bad taste in his mouth. He thought, is this my Jing'an Bo? But after hearing Gao Gu's words, he frowned and looked at Yu Jie: Yu Aiqing, what do you think?

Yu Jie can guess Emperor Jingtai's thoughts, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Net is probably not willing to make substitutions. The emperor may not have much faith in Jing'anbo's ability, but he needed to use Li Xuan's brand of Neo-Confucianism and Dharma protection to calm the public opinion outside the palace and win the trust of the officials outside the Meridian Gate.

After thinking about it, he bowed slightly and said: Jing'an Bo solved several major cases in Nanjing and made the Jiangnan catastrophe disappear. He must be well-deserved. I ask your Majesty and all ministers to be patient and wait and see. yes.

Shaobao Gaogu and Hubu Shangshu Xiao Ci immediately showed dissatisfaction. Shang Hong, who was at Zuo Chunfang University, also frowned slightly.

But just before these three people spoke, Wang Wen, the Grand Scholar of Jinshen Palace and the Minister of Civil Affairs, had already taken a step forward and said: I also think that the replacement is unnecessary. Those who were run by Jing'an Bo Li Xuan in Nanjing Every case has been well documented, which shows that his talent is outstanding.

In addition, the governor Tongzhi Zuo Daoxing and Princess Changning Le Yunhuang who accompanied the case were both outstanding people who handled matters quickly and repeatedly solved major cases. With them accompanying you, there won't be any oversights, and how can anyone prepare to replace someone after just inviting someone else?

When the emperor heard this, he nodded slightly and said, Then wait a little longer.

He then looked in the direction of Hanyuan Pavilion with an indifferent expression.

It can be said that Wang Wenzhi's words are in his heart. With Zuo Daoxing watching over there, no matter how absurd Li Xuan's actions are, nothing will go wrong.

At this time, in the Hanyuan Pavilion of the East Palace, Li Xuan was finally 80% full. He took a handkerchief to wipe off the oil on his hands, and then looked at Xi Huai'en, the eunuch leader of the East Palace who was brought over.

Eunuch Xi, please tell me what happened before and after the incident?

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