Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 333 Purple Qi comes from the east

Chapter 336 Purple Qi comes from the east (please recommend and vote monthly)

Chu Yun, why are you here?

Sun Jizong still couldn't believe it. He looked at Li Xuan and then at Sun Chuyun. He thought this must be a coincidence, that Sun Chuyun must have appeared here because he was bored and wandering around, and there must be no other connection between the two. sure--

I came here with Li Xuan just now. Sun Chuyun looked at Sun Jizong with dissatisfaction in her eyes: Father, please don't accuse him unjustly. Li Xuan is a great talent and a good person.

Then there was another buzz in the entire courtyard, and almost all the Imperial Academy students watched this scene with excitement.

Long Rui and Wang Jing also looked at each other, knowing that Li Xuan must have been framed.

But this lord is really capable in this area——

Luo Yanze almost ground her silver teeth. She wondered what was going on? Li Xuan has hardly left her sight these days. How did this guy hook up with this girl?

What kind of good person is he? Sun Jizong felt like his heart had been stabbed, and he felt pain. He looked at Li Xuan with dark eyes, thinking that he was hunting geese all day long, but the geese pecked his eyes; after walking through many mountains, he finally encountered a tiger.

It's ridiculous that I was so complacent not long ago, thinking that the charm technique derived from the 'Charming Immortal Way' would definitely ruin Li Xuan's reputation.

But it turned out that his grandson's home was stolen, and the flowers he had raised for more than ten years were plotted against.

Thinking of this, Sun Jizong felt that his heart was filled with anger, and the fierce anger accumulated in his chest was about to explode.

The old man wearing the Eight-Liang Jinxian crown next to him thought to himself what the mess was. The girl who threatened to testify for Li Xuan was actually Sun Jizong's daughter?

If he hadn't known Sun Jizong's character well at this time, he would have even suspected that this guy was teaming up with this so-called Neo-Confucian protector to set a trap for himself.

But the scene before him still made him frown: Lord Huichang Bo!

I understand! Sun Jizong glared at Li Xuan with murderous intent: Chu Yun, why don't you come over here!

Sun Chuyun shrank her neck and hid behind Li Xuan: I won't go there. Dad, please don't accuse Brother Li wrongly.

Sun Jizong felt his eyes darken again, and he couldn't help but secretly feel cold, thinking that Li Xuan's charm was so terrifying.

He resisted the urge to vomit blood, and then said with a voice coming out from between his teeth: Li Xuan, you beast! My little girl is innocent and ignorant, and was deceived by you. But the fact that you committed adultery with my concubine is all true -

Uncle Guo, this is a bit messy.

Li Xuan didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and shook his head disapprovingly: When I rushed here from Liudaosi, I don't know how many people saw me along the way, and they were all my witnesses. In addition -

He looked deep into the crowd and saw a figure wearing embroidered clothing standing out from the crowd.

With one move of his hand, this man summoned a golden talisman from Li Xuan from a distance, and then raised his fist towards everyone here: Everyone, I, Wei Bailong of the Thousand Houses of Xiuyi Guards, am a subordinate of the Zuo Governor. Three days Previously, Mr. Li obtained a 'golden light shape-taking talisman' from my governor, and he has always worn it with him.

Sun Jizong couldn't help but change his face slightly, and his eyes gradually became serious when he looked at Li Xuan.

Li Xuan smiled slightly and held his hands indifferently: Uncle Guo has ulterior motives. If I don't make some preparations, I really don't dare to go to the banquet.

The function of the 'golden light photographing talisman' is similar to that of modern police body cameras and car cameras. It can record images for a period of time and can be said to be an anti-collision artifact.

This is an excellent thing, but unfortunately it is expensive, costing as much as ten thousand taels per piece, so it has not been popularized. But with Li Xuan's current ship capacity, one or two can still be used.

Li Xuan is by no means a fool. How could he go to the uncle's house for a banquet as soon as he entered the capital? Are you still spending the night in your uncle's house?

Even if you are not afraid of a few girls misunderstanding and capsizing the ship, you still need to avoid arousing Emperor Jingtai's suspicion. Notifying the Commander-in-Chief of the Embroidered Clothes Guard in advance can not only provide himself with upper-level insurance, but also make his father-in-law feel at ease. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

Sun Jizong felt waves of swelling and pain in his brain, and he had nowhere to vent his murderous intent and rage.

From this point of view, it is indeed not Uncle Jing'an. Sun Jizong sneered, and then his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes: Get this Zhang Yue and that bitch, and send them to Ying Tian Mansion!

As long as he is convicted of adultery, he can still skin his friend Li Xuan alive! And that bitch who dared to betray never expected to see the sun the next day.

At this time, Gong Xiaowu's face had no color at all: Are you going to kill all the slaves? But this slave is absolutely true. It was on the orders of uncle Guo that you invited Mr. Zhang to the Imperial Academy. of.

Zhang Yue's face turned red and he glared angrily: Fuck you, Immortal Banban, you were the one who kidnapped me to the uncle's house a few days ago, but now you are saying that I seduced your concubine?

No matter how carefree he was, he knew that having an affair with his uncle's concubine was definitely not something he could handle, so he couldn't let this crime be proven under any circumstances.

Li Xuan smiled at this. He opened the folding fan of Song of Righteousness with a swish sound, and then he didn't think it was winter, and he put it on his chest and waved it gently: Uncle Guo, This guy is not someone you can catch just because you want.

Before that, Uncle Guo should go to the imperial court with me and make it clear about setting up a trap. After all, I, Li Xuan, am also a nobleman conferred by the imperial court. How can I, a contemporary protector of Neo-Confucianism, tolerate such humiliation by your Uncle Sun Guo?

Sun Jizong was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned back and looked at the talisman in Wei Bailong's hand.

But at this moment, what frightened him even more was the looks on the faces of the Imperial College students at the back. Sun Jizong looked around and saw those students. They all had cold eyes and were talking to each other.

Let me just say, Lord Protector, his character is flawless, how can he commit adultery?

Sure enough, he was framed. How could a relative be so arrogant? So bold!

It's annoying, because of Li Zhetian's death, all Confucian scholars in the world should uphold the love of protecting the law. He is so brave -

How can the Demon Queen's brother be a good person?

He also deliberately set up a trap in the Imperial College, his intentions are to be punished!

Sun Jizong also saw the Imperial College offering wine in the crowd, as well as the many doctors and officials from the Imperial College, all of whom had unhappy expressions on their faces.

He turned his head with a pale face, and then asked Li Xuan hoarsely: Li Xuan, what do you want?

He knew that these rotten Confucian scholars in front of him were the greatest assets for his grandson, His Highness the Crown Prince, to secure his position.

The man on the throne of the Forbidden City will never miss any opportunity to rectify Huichang Bo Mansion.

First of all, I need a document from Uncle Guo. Li Xuan pointed at Xiao Wu in the palace with a folding fan with a half-smile: Uncle Guo must write it on the spot to prove that this little dance girl will meet with you in the Changbo Mansion. not related.

Then, I would like to think about how to satisfy my uncle, and not leave the matter to the government for judgment.

Sun Jizong's expression immediately became uncertain. And just when he was hesitating, the old man wearing the Eight Liang Jinxian crown suddenly said: Uncle Huichang, can you talk about these messy things in your family later?

He looked at Li Xuan with a faint look: Dangtang Neo-Confucianism is really getting better and better. How noble is the status of the protector of Neo-Confucianism? How important is a tool like Wenshan Seal to suppress religion to our famous religion? It fell into an unreasonable way. The hands of a child.

Li Xuan couldn't help but stare at this person: This gentleman is not good at speaking. Who knows which prince of the dynasty he is? Dare to make false claims about the inheritance of our Neo-Confucianism?

Presumptuous! This was a servant behind the old man. He glared at Li Xuan: My master is the Holy Duke Yan!

Li Xuan had actually guessed something. He cupped his fists and saluted with an expressionless expression: It turned out to be the Queen of Saints, disrespectful! But even Yan Shenggong has too much control. When will the inheritance of Neo-Confucianism and the Dharma Protector need Yan Shenggong? Got permission?

The so-called Yanshenggong is the hereditary title of the eldest descendant of the saint. It started from the former Zhao Dynasty and has been followed to this day.

The contemporary Yanshenggong was named Kong Xiude.

However, Li Xuan said he was disrespectful, but he showed no respect at all.

In his previous life, he read a few obscene articles on a website called a certain point. I know the name of the Kong family in Qufu as seventy-two generations of slaves and twenty-five ministers of the dynasty.

What Li Xuan couldn't accept the most was a poem written by Kong Decheng, the last Yan Shenggong during the Republic of China, which said, Jiang, Chuan, Zhu and Si are from the same source. What's more, they are from the same state, so how can they be different people, advocating that China and Japan share the same culture and race. Then Kong Decheng's cousin Kong Lingyu sent a message to congratulate Wang Jingwei on the third anniversary of his return to the capital.

In this world, as far as Li Xuan knew, the Confucius family in Qufu, Shandong Province was also full of misdeeds, or even worse.

Such a family, even if it is a saint, is not worthy of Li Xuan's respect.

The face of Yan Shenggong Kong Xiude was obviously green: Neo-Confucianism is my Confucian lineage. As a saint, why can't I control it?

He took a step forward, and a majestic aura rose up all around him. With a boom, the roof and surrounding walls and furniture were turned into powder.

At this time, everyone in the surrounding area felt the tyrannical pressure that emerged out of thin air.

A few days ago, a master sent me a letter, saying that this generation of Confucian Dharma protectors is actually a child with a yellow mouth who is less than twenty years old and has no learning and skills. He is deeply worried about this and is worried that my fortune in Confucianism will decline as a result.

Kong Xiude stroked his beard while speaking, his temperament was elegant and awe-inspiring: I came to Beijing today just to see how good you are, Uncle Jing'an. Now it seems that you are indeed disrespectful and arrogant.

I don’t know why Yuzi and those sages of Neo-Confucianism chose a scholar like you to be a protector of Neo-Confucianism, and I don’t want to comment. But with your current ability and your current character, you are absolutely unable to shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting the Dharma!

At this time, Kong Xiude's eyes actually had a red luster, and he looked at Li Xuan: If you still have the slightest respect for the teacher, please quickly hand over the Wenshan Seal and let me keep it for you. When your character and knowledge enable you to take on the role of protector of Neo-Confucianism, it won’t be too late to get the Wenshan Seal back from me.”

He originally wanted to take advantage of Li Xuan's adultery with Sun Jizong's concubine and directly and legitimately obtain the Nawen Mountain Seal.

It's a pity that this uncle of the country failed more than succeeded.

However, in Kong Xiude's view, Sun Jizong's plan would be better if it succeeded, and it didn't matter if it failed.

Scholars are sharp-tongued, and with the status of Yanshenggong, he can also turn black into white and white into black. He used words to obtain righteousness, even forced Li Xuan to submit, and borrowed Wenshan Yinqiang, but the result was the same.

Li Xuan was under the heavy pressure of Kong Xiude's majesty, and his heart was secretly awe-inspiring. He didn't understand why the person in front of him wanted to be his enemy, but his malice and coveting of Wenshan Seal made him extremely wary.

But Li Xuan's face was calm and calm. He opened the folding fan of Zhengqi Song again with a 'wow' sound, placed it on his chest and shook it: I still say the same thing, Yan Shenggong is too involved. Neo-Confucianism and Dharma Protector Inheritance, when does it turn to need Yan Shenggong’s permission?

Yu Zi and the sages of Neo-Confucianism entrusted Wenshan Seal to me in the hope that I could safeguard the orthodoxy of Neo-Confucianism. To lose the Wenshan Seal is to lose one's way and to fail what Yuzi entrusted.

He looked at Kong Xiude coldly: It's easy for Duke Yan Sheng to get this Wenshan Seal. After getting Yu Zi's permission, it won't be too late to ask for it from me.

Kong Xiude was not surprised at all. He gave a cold smile: He is indeed a person who does not know the law and has no respect for his elders! It seems that he is forcing me to take action?

At this time, the Beijing Imperial College student who was standing not far away was offering wine, but he couldn't stand it: Master Yan Shenggong, logically speaking, the inheritance of the Neo-Confucian Dharma Protector has nothing to do with Yan Shenggong.

shut up!

Kong Xiude turned back and glared at the Jijiu: I am the direct descendant of a saint and the leader of the Confucian sect, so why can't I control him? Master Jiujiu, what are your intentions in helping this man? Do you want to sever yourself from our Confucian school?

At this time, his majestic energy burst out again, and his momentum was ten times stronger than before. A crimson pillar of air stretched between heaven and earth, oppressing Li Xuan in the distance.

And many of the Imperial College Supervisors present made a loud noise.

The majesty lasts forever? Red-blooded heart?

The majestic energy will last forever means that Kong Xiude's cultivation has reached the fourth gate and the eleventh level of the building, and the majestic energy can last forever.

The red heart of red blood refers to Kong Xiude's majestic and pure spirit, which is comparable to the po realm of martial arts.

As expected of Duke Yansheng of this generation.

What a strong momentum, but this is a bit bullying the small.

But I think what Yan Shenggong said seems to make sense. I also feel that the current generation of protectors are too young and do not understand Confucianism.

After being reprimanded by Kong Xiude, the Imperial Academy priest's face turned purple. But after thinking for a while, he finally suppressed it and said nothing.

Li Xuan was unmoved. Still swinging the folding fan calmly, his Wenshan Seal showed a layer of fluorescence on his sleeves.

Mr. Yansheng wants to use his strength to deceive others, but it is difficult for Li to be convinced by this level of arrogance.

Among the many schools of thought in the world, the one that Li Xuan feared the most was the arrogance of Confucianism. With Yan Shenggong's cultivation, Li Xuan was able to fight against him even without any external force.

After all, in terms of purity, except for a few people except Shaobao, no one in the Confucian sect can surpass him.

But at this moment, Kong Xiude smiled coldly again. Then in the next moment, countless majestic auras rushed up from the bodies of the numerous Imperial College Supervisors around them, and were forcefully extracted by Kong Xiude, condensing into a majestic pillar of majestic aura, with glorious majesty.

At this moment, the pressure on Li Xuan increased countless times in an instant, and the surrounding ground sank several feet in an instant, and all the bones in his body were making clicking sounds.

In the past, you defeated Li Zhetian by borrowing the power of many supervisors in Nanjing Imperial College. Now I will let you experience what Li Zhetian felt back then.

Kong Xiude walked closer as he spoke. He looked at Li Xuan coldly: Shu Zi, why don't you kneel down!

At this time, Li Xuan felt that everything inside was burning, and the energy and blood in his body were overwhelming. The arm armor Taotie was already operating at full strength, sucking in the majestic energy that was coming to him, and the original copy of Song of Righteousness in the scripture box began to flash golden handwriting, but this could only help him resolve two or three tenths of it.

The majestic pressure on his body caused a large number of capillaries in his body to rupture, and his bones were in danger of shattering.

Li Xuan never wanted to kneel down to Kong Xiude. He instinctively wanted to bite the tip of his tongue and activate his life force to resist.

But at this moment, Li Xuan's mind moved slightly, and he suddenly remembered a poem, a sword intention that existed in his mind.

Clinging to the green mountains without letting go, the roots are still in the broken rocks; after being struck by countless blows, they are still strong, regardless of the winds from east to west, north and south——

At this moment, in the Forest of Steles of the Imperial Academy, the dozens of Confucian scholars who were still staying here to study the 'Bamboo Meaning Stele' all looked extremely surprised, looking at the monstrous sword light rising from the stone stele in front of them. .

At this moment, all the Confucian students in the Western Academy of the Imperial Academy looked at the bamboo leaves falling in the sky in astonishment, as well as the purple bamboo condensed behind Li Xuan.

The pupils of several great scholars, led by Imperial College Jijiu, shrank at this moment.

Is this, Purple Qi coming from the east?

The Dharma of the Sword Intent!

The purple energy is full of energy, and the energy and sword are integrated into one? This Lord Protector is really amazing.

At this time, almost everyone present was shocked and stunned, watching Li Xuan stand calmly and calmly with his hands behind his back, being crushed by Nayan Shenggong's majestic energy.

He held the Blue-Blooded Thunder Bird Sword in his hand and looked at Kong Xiude who had already walked within ten steps. His eyes still refused to give in, and there was even more intent to lock Kong Xiude away from him.

I've experienced it, so what?

It’s a big chapter of 5,000 words. I’m seeing a doctor in the hospital today. It may not be updated tonight. I will make up for the 1,000 words I owe tomorrow.

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