Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 334 Loyalty Shines on the Sun

Chapter 337: Loyalty Shines on the Sun (please recommend and vote monthly)

I've experienced it, so what?

Behind Li Xuan, the purple bamboo shadow swayed gently. The bamboo body was slightly bent under the weight of the majestic energy, but its roots were deeply rooted in the earth and could not be shaken.

The same was true for Li Xuan's body. The red gold air pillars Kong Xiude Ling placed on top of him were vast and heavy. Li Xuan just regarded them as the strong wind blowing past. They did not stay in things or stay in the body. This made him Most of the pressure on him disappeared in an instant, and the rest was resolved by Taotie's arm armor and the scroll of Song of Righteousness.

The injuries in Li Xuan's body, the ruptured blood vessels, the shocked lungs, and the cracked bones, all recovered quickly under the influence of his amazing recovery power.

At this time, everyone in the courtyard had different expressions. The Imperial College students did not react one after another until Li Xuan's words came out. Then the entire courtyard was like an exploding oil pan, with a roar of boom. Everyone was whispering and discussing.

Purple energy is coming from the east! It's actually purple energy coming from the east!

It is true that the red pole produces purple! The purple intention is still a little bit worse, but this is not because his majestic energy is not pure enough, it is just because his cultivation is still weak and his majestic energy is insufficient.

Did you think of anything about this sword intention method?

With such pure grand will, no wonder it can kill Li Zhetian! This is equivalent to soul-level martial intent.

No wonder you can gather all your strength to compete with the throne of heaven.

This sword's intention is also extraordinary! It has actually reached the soul realm.

Is this the modern Neo-Confucianism and Dharma protection? In terms of talent alone, it is truly unparalleled in the world.

Long Rui and Wang Jing in the crowd looked at each other and saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes. Both of them thought of the bamboo monument they had seen before.

But before that, they could not connect the Bamboo Meaning Monument with Li Xuan no matter what.

Sun Chuyun stood behind Li Xuan, looking at Li Xuan who stood as firm as a mountain with great admiration, her pupils shining.

She thought that the so-called 'Li Qian' was Li Xuan. No wonder he has such talent, no wonder he can write such beautiful poems as I don't have the wings of a colorful phoenix, but I have a clear mind.

No wonder Li Xuan can become a Dharma Protector of Neo-Confucianism, a Dharma Appearance of Sword Intent, and a Purple Qi from the East!

——Such pure majesty, only a few people in the world can surpass it.

Luo Yan's face turned serious, and purple fire ignited in her pupils. A pair of red sleeve knives appeared from her hand. Others barely saw Luo Yan make any movements. However, several servants of Huichang Bo Mansion who quietly approached and tried to capture Zhang Yue and Gong Xiaowu were killed or injured.

Even Huichang Bo Sun Jizong himself stopped temporarily and looked solemnly at this handsome and handsome captain who was as if he was banishing an immortal to subjugate demons.

Sun Jizong's cultivation level, which was close to the half-step heaven, made him instinctively sense the danger.

Luo Yan turned his murderous eyes towards Kong Xiude, the 'Shenggong Yan'.

Her hands began to breed phantoms and began to reveal the three thousand hands of great mercy and the thirty-three dharma bodies of Guanyin.

Although she was merciful to Li Xuan, she resented Li Xuan's behavior and her resentment was hard to calm down.

But when Li Xuan was humiliated by Kong Xiude, and when Yan Shenggong attacked Li Xuan with overwhelming force, Luo Yan felt as if her chest was going to explode, and endless hostility grew from within.


But just when Luo Yan's red-sleeved sword was about to be slashed out, a beam of golden light fell across the sky, covering an area of ​​30 feet outside Li Xuan and 'Yanshenggong' Kong Xiude, like a layer of golden light. The membrane isolates the two people from the world.

The fetal membrane of heaven and earth?

Luo Yan couldn't help but frown, recognizing that this was a powerful fairy treasure refined from the 'fetal membrane' when the world was first born. A few years ago, she had seen something similar by chance.

She immediately raised her head and looked at where the golden light came from. Then she saw a girl in golden armor standing three feet high in the sky, which made her pupils shrink slightly.

Heavenly position——

The girl in golden armor looked indifferently at the people below, as well as Luo Yan in the crowd.

The rules of the Zique Heavenly Palace are indeed that you cannot attack mortals, but there are many ways to work around it.

For example, at this moment, she couldn't kill Li Xuan personally, nor could she intercept Luo Yan, but she could use the immortal treasure on Kong Xiude and Li Xuan to eliminate all external interference.

Within the golden film, Kong Xiude's aura was cold and solemn, and his eyes were changing.

He could sense that Li Xuan's sword had locked onto him from afar, and the unparalleled killing intent made Kong Xiude's soul feel stinging.

There is also the two-foot-tall 'Devil-Suppressing King Kong' behind Li Xuan, which also has its sword stationed in front of him, but not drawn.

Kong Xiude has realized that if he takes even one step forward, he will encounter a deadly counterattack by the opponent.

This is the embarrassment of Confucianism cultivators, if they cannot subdue their opponents with their majesty. Then even martial arts cultivators with much lower realms can still pose a fatal threat to them.

Kong Xiude can forcibly extract the majestic energy of many Imperial College students here and use it for his own use. His majestic power is enough to confront those who are half-step to heaven. But even so, he couldn't guarantee that he could withstand Li Xuan's violent attack within ten steps.

At this time, he finally remembered that Li Zhetian died at the hands of Li Xuan. This caused a little sweat to form on the tip of his nose.

But this little bit of fear that grew deep in his heart also made Kong Xiude furious. His pupils dilated with countless bloodshot eyes.


At this moment, the mighty sky pillar around him expanded again and continued to expand. The scope of extraction of Hao Qi was also expanded to the entire Imperial College, covering thousands of Confucian students in the Imperial College.

Most of them restrained their arrogance immediately because they did not agree with Kong Xiude's actions and did not want their power to be used by the contemporary Yan Shenggong.

But just a part of it had caused Kong Xiude's majestic energy to condense into a red gold pillar that shook the stars.

Kneel down!


At this moment, the land around Li Xuan sank three feet again. Countless cracks grew from here, and then spread out in all directions like spider webs.

There was also a trace of blood on the corner of Li Xuan's lips at this moment. But his figure was still as upright as a bamboo.

Even after countless hardships, you are still strong, no matter how strong the wind is from east to west, north or south!

Kneel? Li Xuan laughed out loud, and the chill in his eyes deepened: I kneel down on my knees in front of the sky and my parents, who do you think you are? Do you dare to let me kneel down for you?

Under the impact of Kong Xiude's majestic energy, Li Xuan's sword intention was not only not scattered, but became more condensed under the pressure, becoming sharper and more dangerous.

Pieces of thin bamboo leaves were scattered and mixed into the red gold pillar. They were light and seemingly harmless, but in the blink of an eye, Kong Xiude's clothes were cut with dozens of rips.

A section of Li Xuan's 'Blue Blood Thunder Bird Sword' had also been pulled out at this time, and the sharp cold light made almost everyone who witnessed it feel stinging in their eyes.

Kong Xiude, who was the first to bear the brunt, felt a chill running down his spine. At this moment, the skin on his neck also showed a trace of blood under the sharp sword intent.

At this moment, almost everyone had a feeling that the moment Li Xuan's sword came out, it was the moment when Yan Shenggong's head was severed.

Kong Xiude's face twitched slightly, then he flicked his sleeves, and then pieces of green bamboo slips rushed out from his sleeves and surrounded Kong Xiude's side.

The crowd in the distance was commotion again.

What is this?

Its Qi is red gold and should harmonize with heaven and earth.

It's Master Dong's Spring and Autumn Dew, the most precious treasure of Confucianism!

Due to the burning of books and entrapment of Confucians during the First Emperor's reign, most of the Confucian treasures of the pre-Qin era were destroyed. Therefore, Spring and Autumn Fan Lu written by Master Dong himself has been the world's most authentic calligraphy since the Han and Tang Dynasties.

The Imperial Academy priest in the crowd looked at this scene with a cold expression, and then suddenly said: Everyone, wait, step back a hundred feet!

Many people immediately looked over in surprise, including the golden-armored girl in the sky. The Imperial Academy was offering wine, but their expressions remained unchanged. They waved their sleeves and said, Anyone who disobeys the order will be expelled from the Imperial Academy.

Wang Jing and Kong Rui immediately retreated a hundred feet away after hearing this. Both of them knew that this Jijiu was secretly helping Li Xuan.

Sure enough, all the Imperial College students present retreated, and the aura they had been forcibly extracted by Kong Xiude was almost gone. This caused the crimson gold pillar issued by Kong Xiude to decline in an instant. Compared with its peak, it had lost at least 30% of its power.

Kong Xiude also had an angry look in his eyes, and glanced at the Imperial College priest, and then focused his cold eyes on Li Xuan.

The next moment, he raised his hand and clapped it, holding a golden seal in his hand. Under the seal, you can faintly see the seal characters of 'Dacheng Supreme Saint Wenxuan King'. And Kong Xiude's majesty also turned from decline to prosperity again at this moment.

Although it is not as good as before, it is still impressive and powerful, and the mountain is full of glory.

But I underestimated you.

Kong Xiude looked at Li Xuan coldly: But I want to see how long you can last with this level of cultivation? Just because you are so unruly and disrespectful, I will definitely take back your Wenshan Seal. No!

Li Xuan's face turned pale and his eyes were slightly dim.

What Kong Xiude said was the truth and he could not refute it. The Bamboo Intent Sword consumes a lot of energy, and one strike can squander 90% of his true energy.

At this time, Li Xuan just held back his sword, so that the energy and blood in his body could remain strong.

But in the confrontation with Kong Xiude, his true energy continued to be depleted. Li Xuan estimated that he would not be able to maintain the bamboo sword intention for another half hour at most.

But at this time, he was not helpless. For example, the loss of life force activates the ‘Wenshan Seal’.

This is a Neo-Confucian treasure comparable to the original version of Song of Righteousness, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net is powerful enough to change the tide of battle. But with Li Xuan's current cultivation level, every time he uses this device, he will lose at least a year of his life.

Unless it's like the battle between the Imperial College and the Tianshi Mansion, where everyone can be mobilized to mobilize it - but he doesn't have such a reputation now.

After a moment, Li Xuan took a long breath and turned part of his thoughts and attention into his mind.

He wanted to waste his life at this time, but it would be too much of a loss. In addition to this, Li Xuan has another way, which is to improve his heroic cultivation.

After cultivating Confucianism to the sixth level of the tower, you need to carve a Confucian classic deep in your soul as your foundation. Use it as the core to break through the realm and achieve ‘loyal heart shining on the sun’.

Li Xuan's spiritual cultivation has long been sufficient, and his majesty has reached the peak of the sixth level.

But I had been hesitating before and was unable to take this step.

Li Xuan cannot agree with many principles in Confucian classics, and he does not know what kind of fruits his ideas will bear after they are realized.

But today, Li Xuan knew that he had no room for hesitation.

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