Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 354 Covering the sky with one hand

At noon on the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month, Baoding, Hebei Province.

Lu Liancheng, the deputy sect master of the 'Shen Gong Sect' belonging to the Artifact Alliance, and a group of knights from the sect, escorted dozens of carriages to the Juvenile Prison in Baoding where the Royal Horse Prison was located.

His face was pale and his eyes were worried.

This is because Lu Liancheng received two pieces of news one after another not long ago.

The first news was that a ship carrying raw materials for bow making in their Shen Gong Sect was seized by the people from the Water Transport General Military Mansion. All the iron ingots, rhinoceros horns, ox horns, animal sinews, etc. trafficked from Tiannan Land All supplies were seized.

Although the total value is not very expensive, only about 120,000 taels of silver. But if they can't get these things back, there will be a gap in the raw materials for Shen Gong Sect's crossbows next year.

The second news was that four of the Shenji Building's ships sailing in the Yellow River waterway were hit and sunk by several large aquatic monsters, causing all the cargo worth a total of 690,000 taels of silver to sink to the bottom of the water.

What worries Lu Liancheng is, is this a coincidence? Or is it a force with huge influence on the water that takes action against the Artifact Alliance?

Could it be Uncle Chengyi's Mansion and Uncle Jing'an Li Xuan?

This is a young man behind Lu Liancheng. He said worriedly: I heard that Li Xuan overthrew our entire artifact mountain the day before yesterday. He is obviously going to fight with our artifact alliance to death.

Nonsense! Lu Liancheng glanced at his nephew: The things over at Shenqi Mountain have yet to be confirmed. How old is Uncle Jing'an? Uncle Chengyi's house doesn't have many people in the north. What can they do against us? The main hall?

He rode his horse and thought deeply: Uncle Chengyi has a strong influence on the Yangtze River waterway, but can he influence the Yellow River aquatic tribe? Duan Dong, the commander of the water transport, has no friendship with Uncle Chengyi's mansion. They are not the same people.

While they were talking, the convoy had arrived at the Juvenile Prison of the Royal Horse Prison.

Lu Liancheng saw from afar in front of the gate, a young eunuch wearing a green robe standing in front of the threshold with a wooden face.

Lu Liancheng immediately dismounted, strode to the door and saluted: Lu Liancheng pays homage to Eunuch Ma.

Deputy Sect Master Lu, there is no need to be polite. The eunuch named Ma sneered and glanced at the convoy with complicated eyes: I'm sorry, Sect Master Lu, I'm afraid all the weapons and crossbows you sent today will be Take it back. There is an order from above that starting from yesterday, all the twelve inner palace supervisors, four divisions and eight bureaus are not allowed to purchase any supplies from the Artifact Alliance.

Lu Liancheng was stunned for a moment, then he clasped his fists and said, But Mr. Ma, this is a finalized deal. These crossbows and weapons are all made by our Shen Gong Sect in accordance with the regulations of the Royal Horse Supervisor.

The key is that they have spent no less than ten thousand taels of silver on this business.

There's nothing we can do about it. The young eunuch put his hands behind his back and shook his head indifferently: It's not that I don't follow the rules, but that you have offended someone. This is what Princess Changle means. If Ma collects your goods, Ku, you will have to abandon your position tomorrow and be sent to Fengyang. This arm can't twist your thigh, can it?

Princess Changle? Lu Liancheng's expression changed as he thought of a possibility.

I really don't know how you angered the eldest princess Changle to this point. Her Royal Highness the eldest princess rarely interferes in internal affairs, but this time she has the power of thunder and cannot be disobeyed.

The young eunuch looked at the deputy master of Shen Gong Sect coldly: For the sake of being friends for five years, I would like to remind you again. Make preparations when you go back. I heard that the imperial eunuch has already prepared to pay tribute to you. The number of 'Rhinoceros and Thunder Bows' has increased to one hundred and fifty. The eunuch who conveys the order is already on his way to your Divine Gong Sect.


Lu Liancheng almost froze in place as if struck by lightning: One hundred and fifty Rhino Thunder Bows, are they going to kill our Divine Gong Sect?

The Rhinoceros Thunder Bow is a powerful bow with a bow power of forty stones. It is very powerful and is deeply loved by military generals. As early as the Hongwu period, it had been ordered as a tribute by Taizu.

However, the production process of this kind of bow is extremely complicated and requires a large amount of precious materials. In the past, the Divine Gong Sect could only submit thirty swords every year, but these thirty swords took up at least one-seventh of the Shen Gong Sect's manpower.

Forced to death? This is what the other party thinks. The young eunuch said in a sarcastic tone: As far as I know, Princess Changle is not just targeting your family, but all the twelve sects of the Artifact Alliance have been omitted. But you do this is the weapons business, and now the situation in the north is tense.

Don’t you sell so many crossbows to the grassland every year? It can be seen that manpower is abundant. Your Royal Highness, she is just and true to her name. Even if the censors from other dynasties knew about it, they would have nothing to say.

Lu Liancheng felt his head was swollen and his heart was flustered.

At this time, a knight wearing the attire of Shen Gong Sect hurriedly rode over: Deputy Sect Master, the situation is not good.

He got off his horse and saluted Lu Liancheng anxiously: Just now, the Taoists we hired all swarmed away. They said that the Tianshi Mansion had issued an order that all Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Taoist disciples were not allowed to interact with each other. Our Artifact Alliance is involved in any way. Otherwise, the ultimatum will be withdrawn immediately and we will be kicked out.

Also, Uncle Li, who was rushing to the Water Transport General Military Mansion for an event, had already replied with a letter. It is said that the situation is not good this time. The Water Transport General Office not only impounded our ship, but also the ships in Leiji Hall and Shenfeng Fort. Duan Dong has made it clear that Jing'anbo wrote to him, saying that our Artifact Alliance colluded with Mengwu and asked him to strictly inspect all the ships and cargo of our Artifact Alliance. also--

Having said this, the Shen Gong Sect disciple sent several pictures to Lu Liancheng.

Lu Liancheng suppressed his dizziness and took the pictures into his hands. But after just one glance, he felt a tightness in his chest, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spat out from his mouth.

——That was the wanted order issued by Xiu Yiwei, and the portrait of his brother, Lu Lianhai, the master of Shen Gong Sect, was among them.

The charges are colluding with the Mongols, smuggling weapons, and conspiring to attack Jing'anbo.

At this time, the voice of the disciple of the Shen Gong Sect was extremely dry: It has been confirmed by the Shenqi Mountain that the night before yesterday, Uncle Jing'an overthrew our main altar. That uncle Jing'an has already spread the word to the world. , we can either send Leng Yurou back now and give him an explanation that satisfies him, or we can wait for him to drive us all away!

At the same time, in Luoyang City, the shopkeeper of Fuyun Restaurant frowned and walked back to his store with worries in his eyes.

Fuyun Hao belongs to the Shenji Building of Luoyang City. It does a lot of business, including wrapping animal skins, hardware, rice, salt, etc. It also sells weapons, crossbows, and hidden weapons in private.

But just now, he received several bad news from his boss.

One of the four ships filled with cargo that sank in the Shenji Building was one of them.

Luoyang's Shenji Tower is one of the top three sects in the Divine Artifact Alliance. There are nearly a thousand disciples in the building, and the total value of various industries is no less than nine million. However, such a huge loss is enough to shake the Shenji Tower. bone.

The key is that the goods from the Shenji Building will no longer be able to use the waterway.

But just when the shopkeeper was worried and wondering whether he could borrow a batch of goods from other shops, he saw a large number of soldiers rushing into the store.

He was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then became furious: What do you do? This is the property of the Shenji Building, and the Prince Zhou's Mansion in Kaifeng also has members. Whose soldiers are you, and dare to mess around here?

But those soldiers turned a deaf ear, and the leader of the hundred households looked at him coldly: According to the order of the Henan Patrol Censor, all properties of the Shenji Building will be inspected from now on, and the Shenji Building will be strictly investigated for collaborating with the enemy, betraying the country, and selling weapons!

Are you the shopkeeper here? Very majestic! They also moved King Zhou out. Someone come! Get this bastard and send it to Luoyang Mansion Prison!

The shopkeeper's face suddenly turned blue.

He thought, didn't his artifact alliance have a conflict with that Jing Anbo? Why did Henan's patrol censor also get involved and look after Jing'an Bo?


On the night of the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month, in a cave near Miyun in Jizhou, Hebei Province, everyone, including the leader of the artifact alliance Dai Longli, had cold and gloomy expressions, making the atmosphere here as cold as ice and extremely depressing.

The so-called Cunning Rabbit Three Cave, the Artifact Alliance has built several secret bases in the north to prevent accidents. This cave with many rooms, like an underground palace, is one of them.

After they left the Artifact Mountain, they fled here.

Originally, they thought that Uncle Jing'an would have nothing to do with them in the end, but from the 19th to the 20th of the twelfth lunar month, bad news came one after another, making it difficult for everyone to eat and sleep.

As the core of the Artifact Alliance, even if everyone here is on the run, their information is much sharper and better informed than that of the Divine Gong Sect.

Not only all twelve members will report all their situations as soon as possible. The Artifact Alliance arranges overt and covert lines in various places to deliver news to Zongshan.

Therefore, everyone can clearly understand how bad the situation of the Artifact Alliance has become at this time.

The Yangzhou Ship City is already preparing to expel seven of our ships. It is said that Jing'anbo is joining forces with Yangzhou Longjun to put pressure on us. Once they lose the protection of the Ship City, these seven large ships will probably be destroyed!

The key is that our members in Yangzhou Ship City still have a store. The loss is no less than two million taels.

All the properties of Qingyang Fort in Jinling have been sealed up. It was the work of the eunuchs left behind in Nanjing. That guy with no balls has nothing to do with Jing'an Bo. It's clear that he wants to take advantage of the situation and seize my family's property.

New news, the patrol censor in Shandong has also taken action. The properties of Shenfeng Fort in Qingzhou and Jinan have also been confiscated.

Are these censors crazy? We didn't offend them!

It should be the identity of the bastard Neo-Confucian Guardian. Didn't Li Xiangu say that this generation of Neo-Confucian Guardians is different from the previous ones. They are the disciples of Wen Zhong Lie Gong. Their inheritance in the Confucian sect is inferior to that of Yu Zi. They all have to be orthodox. I didn’t believe it before—”

Shandong and Nanzhili are following closely, so the patrol censors in other places will also be unable to sit still. What should we do?

Wei Shumeng was in a daze. Three days ago, he never dreamed that Uncle Jing'an could turn everything upside down in just a few days and force them to this point.

He looked around and found that the face of Bai Zheli, the owner of Shenji Building, was also bloodless.

Wei Shumeng was not surprised at all. The blow the Shenji Building suffered this time was also extremely heavy. They were unlucky. The current Henan censor, Zhou Gang, was famous for being upright, not afraid of the powerful, and known for his finesse.

It is said that more than half of the upper echelons of the Shenji Building were captured and imprisoned by the Henan Patrol Censor.

Everyone in the cave was still arguing.

I think peace is the most important thing. Maybe we can ask the Chengguo Duke's Mansion and the Rongguo Duke's Mansion to make things right for us. In the past, we also had filial piety.

Here's a bird! He needs someone from Leng Yurou. We don't want to hand him over, so why should the two princes help us deliver the message?

Then we have to give up like this? That is the complete Peacock Secret Technique, the five-stage Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Yuan Magnetic Extinction Divine Needle. With this thing, we can save at least eight million taels of silver every year.

Everyone, my master has an order. If the main hall does not have a countermeasure, our Northwest Hundred Swords Hall will have to withdraw from the Artifact Alliance.

It's not that we are unethical. We joined in order to do better business. We can't trap thousands of us in the Hundred Sword Hall for this matter.

If you want to do what I want, I'll fight with their Uncle Chengyi Mansion!

Fighting for eggs? His family has so many talents to help him, what should we use to fight for it? We must find a way, otherwise my family will not be able to pay the salaries of those who worship the masters.

Wei Shumeng looked at the livid-faced artifact leader in the hall, and then at the restless people present, and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

He knew that now, the Artifact Alliance must make a decision as soon as possible. Otherwise, the entire Artifact Alliance would fall apart and be completely dispersed within a few days.


Li Xuan waited on the sixth day, the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, in the half-destroyed temple of the artifact at the top of the mountain, when he saw a group of people galloping in from the broken gate in front of the mountain. The one who can be seen in the distance is Dai Longli, the leader of the Artifact Alliance, and his deputy, Wei Shumeng, the general manager of the Artifact Alliance.

It seems like I can still go back to Beijing to celebrate the New Year.

Li Xuan sat in the chairman's seat in the hall and said with a hint of ridicule: I thought they could last for how long!

They are not a sect, they are more like a joint account of a chamber of commerce. How cohesive they can be, and they can last for seven days is already very good.

When Su Zhaojun said this, she was looking at her brother-in-law intently.

She knew that Li Xuan's attack on the Artifact Alliance this time covered all aspects, and the power he used was terrifying. It could be said that it was as powerful as covering the sky with one hand, and he could crush them unstoppably.

This seemed to have affected Li Xuan's martial arts. In the past few days, Su Zhaojun felt that Li Xuan's power was getting thicker and more domineering.

He is neither a civil servant nor a military commander, but his influence and power are greater than those of the general soldiers of the imperial court.

All of this turned into Li Xuan’s power——

Thinking of this, Su Zhaojun couldn't help but secretly sigh again. She thought that without her noticing, her little brother had grown into a giant tree.

What are you going to do next, little brother? Will they hand over someone and then stop fighting?

Ha! Li Xuan laughed when he heard this: I have spent so much manpower and material resources, and I only get this little result? Is it worthy of my friends? In short, it depends on their sincerity -

While they were talking, a group of people from the Artifact Alliance walked into the Artifact Hall with pale faces.

The leader of the Artifact Alliance, Dai Longli, glanced at Li Xuan with a complicated expression, then knelt down and bowed: Dai, please pay homage to Uncle Jing'an! Please show your respect and forgive us for our arrogance and ignorance, and for offending your house. Mistake.

What a arrogant person, Li Xuan said sarcastically, and then asked, Where is Yurou? Did my maid bring it with her?

Dai Longli's face almost twisted for a moment, but then he calmed down, and there was no abnormal color on his face.

Behind him, Wei Shumeng answered respectfully: Your Majesty has not been captured by us. She and Xuan Chenzi of Tianshi Mansion have been trapped on the top of a peak in the Taihang Mountains. She has a powerful hidden weapon beside her. The body, that Xuan Chenzi’s body skills are unparalleled, our people can’t get up, and they can’t get down either.”

His face looked a little embarrassed: Before coming, we had someone notify your family, but she refused to believe it and shot our messenger down with a rainstorm pear blossom needle.

Li Xuan couldn't help but be stunned and looked at Su Zhaojun.

He thought that since Leng Yurou was not captured, why didn't he ask Uncle Chengyi's Mansion for help? But then Li Xuan realized that this must be the method of severing the connection with the flying talisman by the Artifact Alliance.

In addition, there are many hidden weapons in Leng Yurou's hands, as well as the Innocent Treasure Book practiced by Xuan Chenzi. If the two of them work together to hold on to the dangerous position, the Artifact Alliance may not be able to take it down.

Even if what you say is true.

Li Xuan sneered: You don't think this matter will end like this, do you? Have you thought about what kind of explanation you are going to give me?

Dai Longli's face was dark and his voice was hoarse: The Divine Artifact House is willing to offer two million taels of silver and various devices worth a total of five million taels in exchange for your uncle's hand. In addition, in the future, the sincere uncle's house and Jing'an Bo Mansion holds 10% of the shares of our Artifact Alliance.

not enough!

Li Xuan shook his head casually: I don't see sincerity. If it's just this little thing, you should go back. Let's continue until you and I live together.

Su Zhaojun also sneered: You colluded with Mengwu and sold weapons privately. Shouldn't you give the Xiuyi Guards an explanation to the court? So many people in the Tianshi Mansion died because of your hidden weapons, and there is no explanation? Princess, How shall you appease their thundering wrath?”

Dai Longli's face was cold. He held a great annihilation needle in his sleeve. He stood up and said, So, Uncle Jing'an, is he really planning to fight us to the death?

Li Xuanzheng was sulking secretly, preparing to sneer. But I heard Wei Shumeng say: Master Jing'anbo, no matter how much money we have, we can't afford to pay, but this time there is a better way to resolve the dispute between us. UU Reading

Dai Longli couldn't help but be stunned. He was puzzled and angry. How could Wei Shumeng be so good at making opinions?

But at this moment, warning signs grew in his heart and a chill grew on his back. At this moment, silver needles shot out from the sleeves of at least twelve people at the same time, and shot into Dai Longli's back before he could temper them.

The same person who suffered the same fate as him was Bai Zheli, the owner of the artifact building. He was riddled with holes from at least 7,000 silver needles at very close range.

You— Dai Longli's eyes were splitting as he looked back behind him in disbelief.

But what greeted him was a flash of sword light in Wei Shumeng's hand, which neatly chopped off Dai Longli's head.

The collusion with Mengwu was all done by Dai Longli and Bai Zheli, the owner of Shenji Building. We didn't know about it.

Wei Shumeng knelt down again and clasped his fists: Our Artifact Alliance is willing to accept Leng Yurou, the master of Peacock Villa, as the leader of the Artifact Alliance.

He secretly praised his wit and thought that there could be no better solution than this.

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