Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 355 One more bowl of soft rice

Li Xuan was slightly surprised when he saw the head of Dai Longli, the leader of the artifact alliance, being chopped off.

He wanted the Artifact Alliance to give him an explanation. No matter what, he had to bring out several important figures to calm the anger in his heart. But he didn't expect these people to be so ruthless, and actually killed Dai Longli, the leader of the Divine Artifact Alliance, and Bai Zheli, the owner of the Divine Machine Building, right in front of him.

After Wei Shumeng said those words, Li Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

I thought to myself, damn, there is such an operation?

He originally wanted to laugh, but then his expression gradually became serious. Thinking that he could really accept the other party's proposal.

This method is beneficial to both parties, and it kills two birds with one stone.

If Leng Yurou becomes the leader of the artifact alliance, wouldn't this artifact alliance belong to her own?

As Li Xuan's thoughts changed, he looked at Su Zhaojun meaningfully. He saw Su Zhaojun nodded slightly to him, obviously thinking that this condition was acceptable.

Li Xuan was also greatly moved, but after thinking about it, he didn't immediately agree: Where is Yurou now? I need to see her.

Regarding the matter of being the leader of the artifact alliance, he had to ask Leng Yurou himself before making a decision.

Wei Shumeng understood what he meant, and immediately leaned over and said: It's just south of Juyongguan, about five hundred miles away from here. Please follow me.

He led the way first and drove westward for half a day, arriving in the Taihang Mountains until he reached the foot of a green mountain peak.

Leader Leng is not only very accomplished in concealed weapons, but he is also extremely smart and has a thorough understanding of the mountains and rivers of the North.

When Wei Shumeng mentioned the words 'Leng Alliance Leader', it was very natural: After she was attacked near the outskirts of Beijing, she fled to the west to our surprise, allowing Dai Longli to deploy a large number of manpower and experts on both sides of the northeast. The wait was all in vain. We chased him all the way here, and then there was nothing we could do.

He pointed at the bare mountain next to him: The whole mountain is made of black bluestone. There is a quarry below, which is specially used for the emperor's tombs. The top is extremely dangerous, with cliffs as high as a hundred feet, and as smooth as the ground. Even six Martial arts practitioners in Chonglou cannot climb up, and there is only a path to the east that can pass.

The problem is that Leader Leng has a lot of 'Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Magnetic Extinction Divine Needles' in her hands, and even the monks of the fourth sect dare not expose them to her at will. We had a fourth sect martial arts cultivator that day, and Sikouduan, the ‘Green Underworld Sword’, died in her hands.

Li Xuan took a look at the terrain here and was not only amazed, but also thought that it was thanks to Leng Yurou that he was able to find this place.

In such a dangerous place, no matter how many powerful hidden weapons the Artifact Alliance has in its hands, they will not be of much use.

Wei Shumeng continued to explain the situation in a flattering tone: We lost a lot of manpower that day, and in the end we had to turn our attack into a trap. But Leader Leng should not be short of food and water, and it would be no problem to hold on here for two or three months. So. We invited Si Kongnan, the Kuangsha Swordsman from the North, who was as famous as Qiu Qianqiu and a quasi-celestial level master. However, she used a fourth-level extermination needle and was seriously injured on the spot.

So the other Tianzhi whom Dai Longli invited with a lot of money did not dare to come, and he wanted to invite another expert. But it just so happened that my uncle broke into the mountain, destroyed our main hall with one man and one sword, and used overwhelming means to force our artifact alliance into a desperate situation, so he no longer had money to hire anyone.

At this time, Li Xuan had already walked halfway up the mountain and came to the small trail on the east side of Shandong.

Li Xuan didn't dare to climb up, so he shouted loudly with his majestic thunderous voice: Yurou, Brother Xuanchen, Li Xuan has arrived, you can come down!

Then he saw a pretty-looking Taoist nun above, with a head popping up from the edge of the mountain. Her movements were as fast as lightning, she glanced down, and then retracted.

Li Xuan was secretly surprised, thinking who was this woman? That's not Leng Yurou, I've never seen it before.

Then he thought of a possibility, and then he thought to himself, fuck me!

Sure enough, the next moment, he heard a delicate voice above: Is it really Brother Qian? Are you lying to me? But why are you with the people of the Artifact Alliance? Please give me another proof, Brother Qian.

Li Xuan thought to himself that his majestic thunderous voice was unique and unparalleled.

He thought for a while and then continued loudly: When Qi is strong, blood is also strong. However, one must master one of them. Qi is the guide and blood is the medium. If Qi and blood flow smoothly, people will not grow old, just like running water does not rot and door hinges do not grow old. Beetle——

This was the content of the first volume of the Wugou Divine Code. Xuan Chenzi believed it immediately, so he came up again and stared at Li Xuan carefully: You are really Qian's brother.

Leng Yurou's head emerged from his side at this time.

She took a careful look at Li Xuan and Su Zhaojun, and then jumped down from the top neatly: Second Young Master, First Young Madam.

Leng Yurou's expression had always been clear and cold in the past, but now her eyes were a little ashamed and uneasy: I'm sorry for making my family worry about me.

Leng Yurou probably knew how much resources and price it would cost the Chengyi Mansion to force the Artifact Alliance to make concessions.

Even before this, Leng Yurou had no hope of reinforcements from the Chengcheng Mansion.

There are twelve sects in the Artifact Alliance, with tens of thousands of people. Although there is no heavenly throne, the overall wealth, power, and financial resources are superior to those of the Chengyi Mansion.

Especially in the north, the Chengyi Mansion is even beyond reach.

However, what makes Leng Yurou feel slightly strange is that behind Li Xuan, there are a large number of members of the Artifact Alliance, including Wei Shumeng, the general manager of the Artifact Alliance.

In particular, the demeanor of these people seemed to be extremely respectful to Li Xuan, even close to being groveling.

Su Zhaojun was very happy and warmed her heart when Leng Yurou said the word 'home'. She smiled slightly and said, You have to thank me, the family didn't have much trouble this time. It was all his fault. With one hand, he can control the universe and subdue evil spirits.

Leng Yurou was stunned when she heard this and looked at Li Xuan carefully, with some suspicion in her eyes.

Is it actually the work of the second young master?

Leng Yurou actually believed it in her heart. She knew how huge Li Xuan's potential connections were.

Yu Hongshang, Xue Yunrou, Jiang Hanyun, Le Qianqian, and even Luo Yan around the young master - none of them are simple.

But she still couldn't put the boss-like Li Xuan in front of her together with the carefree playboy in the past.

For you, little brother, he went to great lengths to fight. Su Zhaojun said with a smile: You may not expect what he has done for you, and the whole world is almost overturned because of you.

At this time, Li Xuan cupped his hands to Xuan Chenzi who was following behind him and said, Thank you so much, Master Xuanchen...Senior Sister for your help.

He felt very complicated in his heart. On the one hand, he was very grateful. Without Xuan Chenzi's help, Leng Yurou might not have been able to survive until now. But just because of his gratitude, he felt even more guilty.

Looking at Xuan Chenzi's female crown, which no longer had any masculine characteristics, he sighed secretly, thinking that this person had reached this point after all.

Xuan Chenzi was elated because of Li Xuan's title: This is what it should be. I will always remember Qianzhi's kindness in my heart. If it weren't for Qianzhi, where would I be now?

When Li Xuan heard this, he shuddered all over. He nodded slightly with a wooden face, and then asked Leng Yurou: The Artifact Alliance is willing to accept you as the leader of the Artifact Alliance. Yurou, what do you think?

Leng Yurou was stunned again and glanced at the people behind Li Xuan.

Wei Shumeng and others immediately bowed to her: We are willing to obey the order of the leader.

Leng Yuroutan opened her mouth slightly and could barely close her mouth from ear to ear. She was extremely surprised in her heart. She wondered what Li Xuan had done to the Artifact Alliance? She actually made these people willing to serve her as their master.

Fortunately, she was used to being cold-faced and cold-spoken. Although she was extremely surprised and had ups and downs in her heart, her face didn't show much strangeness.

Leng Yurou thought for a while, then turned to ask Li Xuan and Su Zhaojun: What do you mean at home?

In the past, Peacock Villa was the core of the 'Artifact Alliance', but when Leng Yurou was born, Peacock Villa had been destroyed for more than two hundred years. In my memory before the age of seven, I was always in a state of evading pursuit and wandering around, until I was adopted by the Liu family.

She has no feelings for the Artifact Alliance and Peacock Villa. Only the sense of security in Chengyi's Mansion can make her nostalgic and make her feel warm.

Leng Yurou doesn't like to scheming with others. She would rather spend her time in her forging room, studying mechanisms and equipment.

But if it was good for Uncle Chengyi's house, she couldn't refuse.

Yurou, just reluctantly agree to them. If you refuse, I'm afraid it will be difficult to end today's matter.

Su Zhaojun saw Leng Yurou's intentions, and she smiled meaningfully: If you are not able to bear the mundane duties, Uncle Chengyi's Mansion can deploy some capable people to help you.

She has seen what kind of thing her brother-in-law is, and maybe she has already coveted this little maid.

But with Leng Yurou's background, she might not be able to hold her head high in front of those people, so she still had to have a family fortune with her.

Leng Yurou nodded and said with a decisive attitude: Okay! You guys get up, I agree.

Li Xuan still looked solemn and said: Don't worry, I still have a few conditions here. First of all, the Artifact Alliance can no longer trade with the Mengwu, and UU Reading can no longer provide Zhang Guanlan with cannonballs and rainstorm pear blossom needles. . And you must invest at least three million taels of silver to rebuild Peacock Villa for Yurou, and then the princess must also provide 10% of the shares.

Wei Shumeng had already been mentally prepared for this. The conditions proposed by Li Xuan were even more generous than he expected.

He and everyone behind him were overjoyed, and even had no intention of bargaining anymore. They all said in unison: We are willing to comply!

Leng Yurou saw that these people all looked as if they were being pardoned, and couldn't help but look at Li Xuan again, and then her pretty face blushed slightly.

She realized that Li Xuan must have done terrible things to these people because of her, to be able to frighten these powerful people to this point.

Li Xuan was keenly aware of her strange look. He felt happy and instinctively wanted to flirt with her a few words.

But at this moment, Wei Shumeng suddenly remembered something: Lord Jing'an Bo, I have something that I don't know whether I should say. A few days ago, I saw the former leader Dai Longli having a private meeting with the envoy of Huichang Bo Sun Jizong. They discussed in detail I don’t know what the content was. I only heard a few words, so I guess the two of them are colluding and seem to be doing harm to you, my lord.”

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