Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 408 Lang Qing and Concubine Yi Dao

Wu Zhiqi was also trying his best to restore its body, and more lunar water was condensed by it, turning into extremely thick water shields.

The battle just now taught it a profound lesson. Luo Yan and Li Xuan used Arrancar to disable its Taiyin Water Wall.

However, after Li Xuan spoke, Wu Zhiqi's pupils still opened in surprise.

A descendant of Li Lexing? Is that contemporary Uncle Chengyi your father?

He then laughed loudly: Looking at Huaibi's calf nose, you are right. This generation of Chengyi Mansion is really not simple!

When he said this, Wu Zhiqi had noticed that the two swords in their hands began to look like phantoms.

At the same time, two extremely sharp sword intentions were entangled together, impacting its soul, and its unparalleled sharpness created a crisis in its mind.

Wu Zhiqi's attitude was as wild as before, and he laughed ferociously: Are you going to use the ultimate move? Then come over here! With your little ability, you want to kill my body, you are wishful thinking!

In the next moment, its figure was submerged by the two purple and red sword lights.

Li Xuan's left and right hands, the 'Blue Blood Thunder Bird Sword' and the 'Sun-Blocking Void Sword', both erupted into hundreds of red lights and shadows. The sword's light was so powerful that it could destroy everything. In just an instant, Wu Zhiqi's water shields were chopped into pieces.

And even the tiny blades of light that spread out were extremely sharp, cutting this area into pieces.

In fact, Li Xuan's current cultivation level is still unable to fully control the 'Phantom Lightning Three Thousand Slash' style. Most of the three thousand slashes are just random cuts.

But even if they were just cutting randomly, he and Luo Yan still had an outrageous tacit understanding. In response to each other, one person cuts out the wound, and the other continues to expand the wound deeply. If Wu Zhiqi wants to move the left branch, then Luo Yan will definitely make it suffer from the right branch. If Wu Zhiqi wants to move the right branch, Li Xuan will definitely make it move to the left branch.

The speed of the two swords became faster and faster, and they became more and more violent. When outsiders looked at it, they saw only purple and red light and thunder slashing at random. Countless sharp sword energies filled the circular space around Wu Zhiqi.

Don't even think about it! Wu Zhiqi's roar continued, and Taiyin water shields continued to form on the surface of its body: Two mortals also want to kill Wu's body? You are wishful thinking-

But its voice is getting weaker and weaker, and the endless and continuous sword light has completely broken through its defense, constantly cutting into its body, tearing its body to pieces, and destroying its spirit. read.

Holy shit! At this time, Li Yan had repaired the Nanxi River channel. He raised his eyes to look at the battlefield above, and not only burst out a series of swear words: Is this fucking meat sauce? Second brother's cultivation level Have we reached this point?

Su Zhaojun was also feeling cold all over. She thought that with such speed, power and sharpness of the knife, she estimated that her life would be cut off within three sword strikes.

She thought that even if they were truly in heaven, the weaker ones wouldn't be able to sustain the eight or nine hundred swords between the two of them.

Only Wu Zhiqi's legal body, which is at the level of the ultimate heaven, relies on the heavy rain around Tongbai Mountain to obtain nearly endless water vapor, and can sustain it until now.

Huaibi Sanren had been paying attention to the battle situation on Wu Zhiqi's side. When he discovered that Wu Zhiqi's body had also been cut into two pieces by Li Xuan, he directly flicked his sleeves and called back the cyan sword light in front of him. 1. Start escaping quickly to the south.

Want to escape? Xue Yunrou sneered and displayed her magic power. The pair of 'Zheng Yi Fu Demon Sword' turned into two huge dragon claws in mid-air and grabbed Huaibi Sanren.

At this time, the thunder cloud summoned by Huai Bi Sanren also shot out countless thunderbolts, turned into a giant thunder fist, and struck in the direction of the dragon's claws.

This ball of thunder was quickly broken into pieces by the 'Zheng Yi Fu Demon Sword'. The two sword lights had not exhausted their remaining power and bombarded the cyan sword light of Huai Bisan's human form from a distance.

The latter swayed slightly and almost fell from the air, but then he stabilized his escape light and accelerated his speed to fly away.

Xue Yunrou didn't care at all when she saw this. Instead, more coldness appeared at the corners of her lips.

In the next moment, a plain white beam of light struck across the void and struck Huaibi Sanren's sword light. It was Yu Hongshang's ice soul divine light. Immediately afterwards, a huge chi dragon swooped down from the cloud sky, just in time to collide with Huai Bi Sanren's sword light. This was Helian Fulong's weapon, the Han Chi Dragon Spear.

Although they were sitting on the top of the mountain, they were suppressing Wu Zhiqi's body. But it can still be done with a little extra effort.

At this moment, Li Xuan's 'Phantom Lightning Three Thousand Slash' was finally used up, and between him and Luo Yan, the huge water ape collapsed, turned into pure water, and fell into the mountains below. Among them, it was frozen into ice in a moment.

The soul of Wu Zhiqi's body no longer exists at all, and it completely dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

At this time, Li Xuan's breath restored less than half of the real energy consumed by the 'Three Thousand Phantom Lightning' in his body. Then he and Luo Yan coincidentally looked at the ray that had escaped in mid-air. The cyan sword light dropped rapidly.

Huaibi Sanren had already sensed the sight behind him, which made his mind feel cold and his soul almost numb.

But at this time, affected by the cold power, Huaibi Sanren couldn't escape any faster even if he wanted to. In just three snaps of his fingers, the two purple and red lights had already caught up to his side.

Huaibi Sanren simply slowed down his escape speed, and his tone was cold.

Are you really greedy enough to keep a poor man here? Let's see if you have such ability!

At this time, countless rain clouds in the sky gathered in the surrounding clouds, and thousands of electric currents burst out from them.

The figure of the Sanren Huaibi has two births, two births, three births, and countless third births. Thousands of cyan sword lights appear in the clouds and sky.


Luo Yan couldn't help but smile ha, and then she controlled the red sleeve sword, her figure suddenly accelerated to the extreme, locked one of the cyan sword lights and bombarded away. Treat the thousands of fake bodies and thousands of thunders of Huaibi Sanren as nothing!

Li Xuan was unable to distinguish Huaibi Sanren's real body and prosthetic body, simply because in this extremely fast state, he could not use the Heavenly Eye to Protect the Dao.

But Li Xuan didn't need to identify it. At this time, he let his head go blank, without thinking, he just controlled the 'Blue Blood Thunder Bird Sword', transforming into red thunder and lightning and crashing rampantly in the clouds.

This state is very strange. Li Xuan obviously doesn't have a target, he just lets it go and shuttles around randomly with the power of thunder and sword. But every time he struck, he could synchronize and coordinate with Luo Yan, working together as one, and having a tacit understanding. The sword struck the cyan sword light with incomparable precision.

There were constant sharp sounds of 'ding-dong-dang' in the cloud sky, and the two people's light-escape swords were like lightning spears, constantly piercing Huaibi Sanren's true body, and the cyan sword light became increasingly dim.

How is this possible? Huaibi Sanren's body has been pierced with countless wounds. His soul was also slashed to pieces by the violent thunder and lightning sword light, and he could no longer react. At this moment, he only had two questions in his mind, and he couldn't figure them out.

One was the thought that had existed in his mind before. How did these two people maintain the same mental coordination and tacit understanding at such high speed?

The other one arose not long ago. He thought that Luo Yan was obviously a master of illusions, so it was not surprising that he could break his illusions. But this Jing Anbo, he was obviously confused by his illusion and kept running around aimlessly, but why could he bump into him coincidentally and coordinate perfectly with Luo Yan?

Xue Yunrou watched this scene from a distance, but her feelings were extremely complicated, shocking, envy and unwillingness flashed in her eyes, and she even felt a little sympathy for Huaibi Sansheng.

She hummed one last time and looked away. Xue Yunrou felt uncomfortable looking at the scene over there.

And just a moment later, the green cold sword light exploded with a bang. A dull green flying sword suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the top of a mountain on one side.

The body of the Sanren Huaibi exploded into dust that filled the sky and scattered between the heaven and the earth.


When Xue Yunrou landed on the ground, she found that Li Yan and his wife were interrogating someone with cold expressions.

Xue Yunrou looked at his clothes and knew that this must be Tao Zhen, the supervisor of Tongbaishan Water Supervision. There were also several generals from the Chengyi Mansion standing next to them. They also had cold expressions and murderous intent in their eyes.

This was obviously the work of the Chengyi Prefecture. When they started to seal Wu Zhiqi, these generals from the Chengyi Prefecture who were lurking around Tongbai Mountain also captured Tao Zhen.

You are very brave, Inspector Tao!

Li Yan was sitting on a stone with a golden sword. He seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He looked at the old man with white hair and beard who was kneeling on the ground in front of him: I'm very curious about what kind of promises and benefits he made to you. , making you do such a crazy thing?

You old man, what do you think of the imperial regulations and my uncle Chengyi's house?

Tao Zhen looked up with a pale expression and glanced at Xue Yunrou, who was falling in the sky, and the figure who was stationed on the top of the four mountains.

There was a bit of surprise and regret in his eyes, but UU Reading supported himself: I don't know what General Li is talking about. Are you talking about Wu Zhiqi's seal? I am indeed responsible for this matter. , Dereliction of duty, ah——

Tao Zhen let out a scream when Zhaojun suddenly stepped on his hand. With a cracking sound, all the bones of his fingers were shattered.

Have you neglected your duty? I advise you to think clearly before speaking.

Li Yan laughed, his eyes were sinister and cold: Tell me, who is behind you?

Li Yan glanced at the sky and said in a leisurely voice: It is estimated that at this time, your family should have been captured. Your three sons, seven grandsons, and two aunts, all of them Their life or death depends on what you say now. If you can satisfy me, I will leave them a decent body.

Tao Zhen's pupils suddenly shrank slightly: You dare? Tao is an official of the imperial court.

At this time, there was another 'click' sound. This was Su Zhaojun stepping on his other hand, and Tao Zhen's screams resounded through the forest again.

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