Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 409 Water floods Buddha’s knees

When Li Yan was interrogating Tao Zhen, he was in a dense forest 230 kilometers away. A figure with a handsome appearance, wearing a censor's robe, with his right hand trembling slightly, pointed at a puppet with Tao Zhen's birthday written on it.

But when his fingertips touched the puppet's eyebrows, the trembling of the right hand increased sharply again, and he was still unable to press hard.

Why don't you take action? A hoarse and cold voice sounded from behind the envoy.

Following this voice, a group of water nearby condensed, forming a figure the size of a finger. He looked at the green-robed envoy coldly: How long are you waiting for? Tao Zhen has been captured by the general of the Chengyi House. Capture is a huge hidden danger, do you want to wait for him to bring everything out?

I don't dare to take action. The green-robed censor exhaled at this time and took his right hand back. He looked at the two purple-red photoelectrics in the distance that were falling to the ground with obscure eyes.

It's easy for me to kill Tao now, but I can't escape their senses. I will be hunted to death in a moment at most. Just now, Wu Zhiqi's body and the Huaibi Sanren were all killed. They kill.

The tiny water man couldn't see the scene two hundred miles away. He was stunned when he heard the words: How could it be so fast? That's Tongbai Mountain, the place where Wu Zhiqi sealed. How long did it take for them to arrive?

They suppressed Wu Zhiqi's true form with the Four Great Ice Techniques. Qingpao Censor's voice was slightly bitter: We have omitted two people, Jing'an Bo Li Xuan and Demon-Suppressing Captain Luo Yan. These two swords are as powerful as lightning, and there are very few powerful men in the world who can stand up to them.

The little water man looked at him in disbelief. After a long time, its expression became extremely solemn and said: You shouldn't have let Tao Zhen live until now. He should have died long ago.

After hearing this, the green-robed censor fell silent for a while, his eyes showing dissatisfaction.

Before this, who would have thought that Wu Zhiqi would be suppressed so quickly? That Tao Zhen is still useful, and they must use his power to further destroy the Han River waterway.

Can someone else take action on your behalf? Xiao Shuiren felt something was wrong after he said this. Only the person in front of him could do this secret method of killing someone two hundred miles away, so he spoke again Turn: How much does Tao Zhen know? Does he have any evidence?

The green-robed censor shook his head slightly: This Tao Supervisor will not let go of the hawk before he sees the rabbit. If I don't come up with some real information, how can I persuade him? I thought I could take his life at any time, and I didn't do anything. What kind of defense? As for the evidence, is it important?

He sighed: Please tell Governor Huangfu and ask him to be prepared. Uncle Cheng and his son will definitely take revenge with all their strength afterwards. For the current plan, only by defeating them severely with this flood can we resolve this disaster. .”

The tiny water man was silent for a while, and then turned into water vapor and dissipated, leaving only a cold voice: I understand, you can take care of yourself!

※※ ※※

In front of Li Yan's eyes, Tao Zhen had collapsed on the ground like mud. His whole body was scarred and he was as angry as a thread.

It's ridiculous. When you did such a crazy thing, you didn't think about the court rules, but now you want others to tell you the rules. Isn't this ridiculous?

After Li Yan gave a cold expression, he said with serious eyes: The Governor of the Zuojun Governor's Office also knows Huangfu's secrets, and Si Zhengliang, the Supervisory Envoy of Huguang Road - this is interesting. Before this New Year's Day, our family will return Did Huangfu Xuanji send him filial piety?

The total amount is thirty thousand taels of silver. Su Zhaojun also looked coldly: For many of my family's businesses, the Fuguo Palace also holds a third share.

At this moment, Li Xuan and Luo Yan both had their swords falling from the air. After Li Xuan stood still, he said in a regretful tone: This person used the art of sending spirits to gods. His body is not here anymore. It’s a pity here.”

The pity he said was referring to the sacred object that Huai Bi entrusted to him. The soul that can entrust a heavenly position is either a top-notch heavenly material or an earthly treasure, or a quasi-immortal weapon.

If they had known this, he and Luo Yan would have been merciful just now, maybe they could have saved this sacred object.

Xue Yunrou was not surprised at all. She had just discovered that the combat power of the Sanren Huaibi was weak: The spirit of a divine object is different from the divine body. This person's soul must be seriously damaged. I will activate the righteous path. Try your best to find this person’s location.”

Youze flashed in her eyes: The identity of this person makes me a little concerned. He is a Sanren of Huaibi from Jiugong Mountain. He is given the royal title of Xuan Huai Zhenren and is the Master of Taiqing Palace in Jiugong Mountain.

What I don’t understand is why, as a Huaibi Sanren, he risked the disapproval of the world and participated in instigating this flood in the south of the Yangtze River? What is his plan?

The Jiugong Mountain lineage belongs to the Zhengyi branch of the ‘Imperial Taoist Sect’.

During the former Zhao Dynasty, Zhang Daoqing, the founder of the imperial Taoist sect, was ordered by the emperor to establish an altar in Jiugong Mountain and built three palaces and twelve courtyards, making Jiugong Mountain one of the five famous Taoist mountains in the world.

Each of the three palaces and twelve courtyards has its own inheritance, and the master of Taiqing Palace is equivalent to one of the three leaders of Jiugong Mountain.

Huaibi Sanren?

Li Xuan murmured, then shook his head slightly: The truth behind this can be investigated later. Our top priority is to calm down the flood as soon as possible. Brother, is there any news from the Tongtian River?

Since Zhenjiang has been held for generations, the secret agents of Chengyi House are spread across both sides of the Yangtze River.

Their next actions must rely on the intelligence channels of the Chengyi House.

Li Yan looked slightly stern: Those water monsters in the Tongtian River have moved south in large numbers. And because the water vapor has condensed in northern Sichuan and Xiangfan, it has been sunny along the Jinsha River for seven consecutive days. If you are ready to take action against them, then in Jinsha The upper reaches of the river are the best location and the best time.”

He looked at Li Xuan expectantly: The problem is that there are no less than 200,000 water demons in the Tongtian River, and they are all demons who have achieved cultivation above the fourth floor. Ba Snake Changze lives among them and controls an army of 200,000 demons. Its combat power is equivalent to Zhongtian position. If you want to capture and kill it, it is still a bit dangerous.

After Li Xuan heard this, he chuckled: It won't be more difficult than suppressing Wu Zhiqi.

At this time, Luo Yan next to him happened to see Le Qianqian's figure walking this way. She immediately flicked her sleeves and sent a cyan flying sword to Le Qianqian: Qianqian, this magic weapon is given to you.

Eh? Le Qianqian looked at Luo Yan and Li Xuan in surprise: How can this be done?

This flying sword is exactly the one that Li Xuan and the others obtained from Huaibi Sanren. It is a truly top-quality magic sword.

It should be known that among the magical weapons, the value of the weapon's attribute is far superior to other weapons of the same level.

I'll give it to you if I tell you. Qianqian, do you think Li Xuan and I can use this sword? Luo Yan laughed, and then looked sideways at Li Xuan: Mr. Xuan, do you have any objection?

How could Li Xuan have any objections? He immediately nodded his head: Just hold it, Qianqian. This sword can make up for your shortcomings. If you feel embarrassed, can you give her a gift in the future?

Xue Yunrou stared at Luo Yan with a gloomy expression, thinking that this purple butterfly witch should not be underestimated.

※※ ※※

Leshan Giant Buddha, also known as Lingyun Giant Buddha, is located on the side of Lingyun Temple on the east bank of the Nanmin River in Leshan City, Sichuan Province, near the confluence of the Dadu River, Qingyi River and Minjiang River.

During the Han and Tang Dynasties, the water here was extremely fierce, and boats were often overturned at this point. During summer floods, the river rushes straight into the mountain walls, causing numerous shipwrecks and casualties.

The eminent monk Haitong Zen Master recruited a large amount of manpower and material resources to reduce the power of the water and save all living beings, and it took 180 years to build this giant Buddha.

The Leshan Giant Buddha is a seated statue of Maitreya Buddha, sixty-six feet high.

At this time, Huaibi Sanren, who was sitting cross-legged on the shoulder of the Buddha, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, falling into a coma.


The other woman in Taoist attire sitting on the Buddha's shoulders suddenly looked stunned. She lifted up the jade with a slight panic, and at the same time looked at the gray-bearded monk next to her: Uncle Jiudeng, my master respects him. What's going on? Why was his soul so severely damaged for no reason?

The divine object entrusts the spirit. The divine object has been destroyed, and the natural spirit has been severely damaged.

The monk looked about thirty years old. He was wearing a golden and red cassock. He had a solemn appearance and wise eyes. He fed a pill into the mouths of Huaibi and the others, and then put a little blue spirit into their mouths. The liquid dripped into Huai Bi's eyebrows.

Then he looked towards the north in the direction of Tongbai Mountain with doubt and confusion: This shouldn't be the case!

His junior brother Huaibi stayed with Wu Zhiqi's body, and with the current water situation near the Han River and the blood food provided by Huaibi San people, Wu Zhiqi now has the power to approach the middle heaven position, even if there are three to four There is nothing they can do if they join forces.

And as long as the heavy rain continues around, the magic power of this great demon will be endless.

I want to ask who else in this world can resist the cooperation between Wu Zhiqi and Huaibi Sanren?

Uncle Master? The face of the woman in Taoist attire was pale: But Jinque Tiangong took action? Or is it Zhu Mingyue of Liudaosi?


Master Jiu Deng shook his head: This flood coincides with the weather. As long as we don't release the true bodies of Wu Zhiqi and Xiang Yao, Jinque Tiangong will not care. As for Zhu Mingyue, he is still far away in the north. territory,

He frowned: Wait a minute, when your Uncle Chi comes back, he should know what's going on.

And just about half an hour later, a cyan light and shadow flew through the clouds in the distance and landed on the Buddha's shoulders.

Things are tough,

This is a man wearing a Confucian scholar's robe. UU Reading He has a refined temperament and a fairy-like demeanor, but his eyebrows are furrowed, full of worry: They use the four great ice laws to He suppressed Wu Zhiqi's body, and then in less than two seconds, Wu Zhiqi's legal body and Junior Brother Huaibi's spirit were both killed.

Master Jiu Deng's pupils shrank: Who are they? Junior Brother's magical artifact, and whose hand was it destroyed by?

Li Chengji, Yu Hongshang, Xue Yunrou, Helian Fulong, Jiang Yunqi.

The man in Confucian uniform shook his head with a cold face: Normally, they can't kill Wu Zhiqi's body, but when I arrived, the war over there was over, so I don't know what happened.

After he finished speaking, he also smiled bitterly and said: If the floods in the Han River are quelled, it will be like breaking an arm of ours.

Master Jiudeng silently looked at the surging flood below. At this time, the water surface was still about seven feet away from the Buddha's knees.

Unless the Buddha's knees are submerged, it is difficult for the divine treasure to appear.

Master Jiu Deng's face was cold: Contact Ba Snake Changze and ask it to speed up its journey south. Also, you and I can also consider further relaxing the seal of Xiang Yao.

After hearing this, the man in Confucian uniform showed no unusual expression. If Xiang Yao's body is further strengthened, it will definitely be a catastrophe in the human world, but this is better than the failure of their ten-year plan.

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