Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 434: Helping others to eliminate disasters

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In the early morning of January 16th, in a study on the east side of the Duke Fu's Mansion, Huangfu Xuanji, the governor of the Zuo Army Governor's Mansion, looked at the people in front of him with a calm expression.

There were about seven people standing in front of him. Except for Huangfu Xuanji's confidant Sun Ran, the others were several of his old troops and right-hand men in the army.

The person who was speaking was a general wearing the uniform of a third-grade military attache, and the content was related to the sincere Bo Li Chengji.

——Last night, when my subordinate invited Mr. Li, a member of the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War, to drink at Zuiyue Tower, he had already given the 70,000 taels of silver to him.

Mr. Li has made a clear promise that he will recommend Li Chengji to be promoted to the Governor of the Right Army Governor's Office today. Sir, this is a transcript of the memorial written by Sir Li.

This person respectfully presented a piece of rice paper full of handwriting to Huangfu Xuanji.

Huangfu Xuanji snorted dissatisfiedly: Since Yu Jie took charge of the Ministry of War, these civil servants have become trembling. In the past, why would we need to ask them for help?

Huangfu Xuanji did have reasons for dissatisfaction. Before the Tumubao Incident, the promotion of military attachés in the Jin Dynasty was originally the responsibility of the Fifth Army Governor's Office. But since the Tumubao Incident, this authority has gradually been occupied by the Ministry of War.

Their Fifth Army Governor's Mansion is still in charge of the military affairs of the local garrison, but now all personnel promotions and transfers must be endorsed by the Military Selection Department.

Then Huangfu Xuanji took the piece of rice paper and looked at it carefully. After a moment, he smiled with satisfaction and said: Ci Feng is quite sharp, and he deserves to be from the second class. But just being a member of the Ministry of War is not enough. You have to be Mobilize more people in the DPRK to build momentum.

Before the court meeting later, you guys can go on my behalf to say hello to those acquaintances and colleagues in the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion. There are also those civil servants who have good relations with our Fuguo Duke. Sun Ran, these people are left to you. Try to get them to move for me.

Several military attaches present responded in response, and the counselor Sun Ran also bowed slightly: This matter will fall on the students, sir, just don't worry.

Huangfu Xuanji nodded slightly when he heard the words: In short, you have given me enough benefits. If they want any promises, you can agree to them first. There is no need to be stingy. No matter what, this time, Li Chengji must be removed from the position of admiral of the navy. Take it down—

But at this time, he found that Sun Ran's face seemed to have a somewhat worried look. He couldn't help but raise his thick eyebrows slightly and his eyes were unhappy: Mr. Sun, do you think something is wrong?

Sun Ran's heart was awe-inspiring and his face was solemn: Your Excellency's move is a wise one. The post of Commander-in-Chief of the Right Army is a dream for an ordinary second-grade military attaché, but for Li Chengji, it means promotion and demotion. Once this person leaves the Yangtze River and is transferred to Beijing, he will be like a tiger entering Pingyang. From then on, he can only be manipulated by adults.

The student is just worried about the current situation between the DPRK and China. Yu Jie, the Minister of War, will definitely come forward to stop it. Your Majesty will probably not let you get what you want. This matter may not be possible.

That's why I want you to build momentum. Huangfu Xuanji laughed out loud, with a nonchalant expression: Uncle Chengyi pacified the floods in the Yangtze River and saved millions of lives. He has done a great job. What is it like for the court to not reward meritorious service? The officials are making noises about it. Your Majesty, even Your Majesty cannot help but think carefully.

And you, your Majesty, have no fear at all towards Li Chengji and Li Xuan and his son? As a cabinet minister, don't you worry about this? As far as I know, the old ministers of the orthodox emperor now hate them deeply.

My lord, I see you clearly!

Sun Ran actually agreed with Huangfu Xuanji's words. Their emperor's authority in the court had not been clear due to his improper position. It was not until he became more powerful in recent years that the situation gradually improved.

But since the seventh day of the first lunar month of this year, when the news came out that Prince Yu Jianji had passed away, the imperialists in the DPRK began to feel uneasy and everyone was in danger.

Even though it was later reported in the palace that the imperial doctor had made a wrong diagnosis and that the Jiangnan miracle doctor had resurrected Yu Jianji with his wonderful skills, this failed to stabilize the hearts of the imperial officials.

This was because Emperor Jingtai had only his only son, Yu Jianji, and he had many battles with Grand Master Mengwu. As a result, his injuries accumulated in his body and he was in poor health.

And if anything happens to the emperor, only the legitimate emperor's sons will be able to inherit the throne in the future.

Therefore, as long as the ministers in the court reach a consensus, there is no need to worry about the emperor not compromising and submitting.

However, Sun Ran was not only worried about Yu Jie and Emperor Jingtai. He then frowned: In addition, I am also worried about sincerity Bo Li Chengji. This person is old and cunning, and may not be willing to submit. And he knows about Wu Zhiqi's unblocking. It may be related to adults, and they will definitely fight back.

There is also Jing'an Bo Li Xuan. Years ago, this man almost single-handedly defeated many ministers of Dali Temple and the Imperial Procuratorate, and even contributed to the dethronement of the crown prince. Not only is he deeply involved with Longhu Mountain and the Dragon Clan, but he is also very powerful. It is said that his swordsmanship with his subordinates is comparable to that of Heaven.

So students think that we have to take some precautions in addition to this.

Li Chengji? When Huangfu Xuanji heard this, he sneered with disdain: In the past, the old dog who used to bow down in front of my door and wag its tail begging for mercy, what can he do?

As for Li Xuan, he was just relying on that unicorn, but the situation now is different from that of years ago. Will he try to find the unicorn now? See what I'm afraid of? The prince and the queen mother are afraid of him because they are worried about losing their reputation, but what does Huangfu Xuanji do with this good reputation?

As for the military power of this father and son, they have heavenly status, don’t we, the Duke of Fuguo, not have it? I am the commander-in-chief of the right army, I know you, how dare you take action against me? This is outrageous!

He then flicked his sleeves to stop Sun Ran's words: Mr. Sun is too worried. In fact, as long as Li Chengji is removed from the position of admiral of the Navy today, 90% of the sincerity of the Li family will be reduced. Then Even if the Li family comes back, why should I be afraid?

Sun Ran thought for a while, then clasped his fists and said nothing.

Indeed, as Huangfu Xuanji said, the reason why the sincere Li family has such power lies in the position of admiral of the Jiang Navy.

At this time, Huangfu Xuanji looked at the map next to him: By the way, where is Si Zhengliang now?

He fled to Ningbo yesterday, and may have left the sea for Goryeo last night.

The person who answered was another person, who was also wearing the robe of a third-grade general. His expression was cold: Sir, do you need to silence him? There are subordinates on that ship, and they can easily sink him into the river.

What are you talking about?

Huangfu Xuanji glanced at him sideways: How can I be such a cold-hearted person? This man has served me for many years, and he has worked hard without any merit. And since he has gone to sea, it doesn't matter. You can give me a gift later. The money passed——

Just as he was saying this, he heard the bell ringing on the other side of Miyagi City. This was the bell ringing at the beginning of Mao Shi (five o'clock in the morning). At this time, Miyagi City would turn on the keys and open the palace gate.

The Synodic Dynasty, which was postponed to today due to the Lantern Festival, will also begin soon.

Huangfu Xuanji immediately cheered up and, with a group of subordinates, strode towards the gate of Fu Guogong's Mansion.

He is full of confidence and looking forward to the upcoming court meeting.

But just when Huangfu Xuanji left the mansion and rode on an earthly dragon. There was an internal police officer who was wearing Baihu costumes and ran over from the street in a hurry, and half-knelt down in front of Huangfu Xuanji's horse.

Sir! My master asked me to tell you that about an hour ago, Li Wenyu, a member of the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War, committed suicide at home out of fear of crime!

Huangfu Xuanji looked stunned for a moment, and then looked at his advisor Sun Ran in great surprise.

This Li Yuanwailang was the key to their resigning Li Chengji to the capital, but as a result, the protagonist of the drama died before the drama began.

Huangfu Xuanji's heart became cold and he frowned at the same time: Is Mr. Li's death really a suicide?

The guard replied in a respectful voice: It is undoubtedly a suicide. Our internal police department also sent capable personnel to the scene, and no doubts were found. Li Wenyu drank poisoned wine in the study and died of the poison.

Huangfu Xuanji only found it funny. Would such a good person commit suicide?

Moreover, this foreign minister of the Ministry of War went to a brothel with one of his subordinate generals last night. Such a person would suddenly drink poison and commit suicide? And what sin is he afraid of?

Although this person committed suicide by drinking poison, it should be related to Uncle Chengyi's house.

At this time, the guard raised his head and glanced at Huangfu Xuanji: We found out that when Mr. Li returned last night, he was stopped by Peng Babai, a wealthy businessman from Huaiyang, and said a few words. After that, Mr. Li returned to the mansion less than two hours later. , committed suicide.

My big stall is probably related to yesterday's Tianjin Cangchang. Yesterday, three people from the Ministry of Household Affairs jointly filed a petition to impeach Mr. Li for reselling the grain and grass in the warehouse and accepting bribes when he was serving as the supervisor of Nanchang in Cangchang Yamen, resulting in a total of 40,000 yuan in the warehouse. Seven thousand taels of silver and 150,000 stones of grain and grass were missing. This memorial is now in the General Affairs Department.

Peng Babai? Huangfu Xuanji's face turned pale. He knew that this man was not only a giant businessman in Huaiyang, but also one of Li Chengji's most powerful wings.

But at this time, he had more doubts in his mind: As far as I know, Li Wenyu is very cautious as an official. It is impossible for him not to balance his books before leaving office. And even so, he does not need to commit suicide?

The guard could only shake his head: I don't know, I can only guess that Uncle Chengyi must have the conclusive evidence of Li Wenyu's crime.

Counselor Sun Ran's face changed slightly and said: Sir, as far as I know, Uncle Chengyi's house has always been ruthless. The reason why Li Wenyu committed suicide is probably not just a matter of evidence. I guess that Peng Babai might have threatened the lives of his whole family. .

Once Li Wenyu abandons his official position, it will be easy for the Li family to destroy him.


Huangfu Xuanji snorted angrily, with a hint of gloom in his eyes. And after thinking for a moment, he said to Sun Ran: Mr. Sun, go to Shangguan Zhi, the governor of the Chinese Army Governor's Mansion, and ask him to bring up the matter of Li Chengji. That guy is greedy for money. As long as the money is enough, he will I will definitely agree. Mr. Sun, you must let him raise this proposal in court today, and also bring more guards.

Sun Ran immediately accepted the order and galloped away with his men.

At this time, the imperial court was approaching, so there was not much time left, so he galloped with all his strength and ran out of two long streets in an instant. But just as he galloped into the Shibei Alley of Dashi Yongfang, countless crossbow arrows suddenly shot out from the corners on both sides.

Thousand-gold magic crossbow?

Sun Ran was slightly startled, and UU Reading immediately wanted to cast a spell to resist. But he found that there were no less than a dozen thousand-gold magic crossbows bombarding him on both sides, using top-notch talisman arrows. The few guards he carried were killed alive by thousands of finger-sized arrows in just a moment. Sun Ran's protective spells and the two high-level magic weapons on his body were also riddled with holes in an instant.

What finally appeared in Sun Ran's eyes was a dark sword light.

Take people's money and eliminate disasters for them. It was a figure of about twenty years old, like a bamboo pole, with his face covered, and his eyes were crystal clear and as deep as obsidian.

He came in a flash and pierced Sun Ran's eyebrows with a sword: Let's go on the road. I want someone to pay fifty thousand taels of silver and take your life, Sun Ran!

Sun Ran recognized the person in front of him, Mei Qingxin, the twelfth 'profit-seeking' person on the black list.

But at this time, his body was nailed to the stone wall behind. His eyes were full of shock and anger, but gradually dimmed.

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