Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 435 Moving like thunder

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It wasn't until he entered Chengtianmen that Huangfu Xuanji knew that his close adviser Sun Ran had been murdered. At this time, his face turned pale, and the anger in his eyes almost turned into substance.

Thorough investigation! Take my name card and go to the Shuntian Mansion Yamen and the inner factory to urge them to investigate the case thoroughly! In the most virtuous place in the capital, in broad daylight, they are so brave!

Let them find the murderer as soon as possible, Ben will kill them with a thousand cuts!

Following Huangfu Xuanji's roar, several attendants immediately ran away holding his name card.

Huangfu Xuanji then looked around with cold eyes.

Sun Ran's death made him furious, but at the same time it also made him frightened.

Huangfu Xuanji had already realized the danger of his opponent. The counterattack of the Chengyi Prefecture was fierce and fierce, completely beyond his expectation. The key was the opponent's unscrupulous means, and he actually assassinated him in a place like Yongfang, which was close to the palace and where nobles gathered. Counselor, what else can't the other party do?

So the most important thing right now is not Sun Ran's death, but how to fight back.

He realized that today, no matter what, it was necessary to remove Li Chengji from the position of Admiral Cao Jiang. Only in this way can the opponent's backlash be suppressed.

But now with the deaths of Li Wenyu and Sun Ran, members of the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War, his only way was to come forward in person and contact his brother and father's colleagues in the old army.

Huangfu Xuanji then found a few familiar figures among the ministers who filed into Chengtian Gate.

Huangfu Xuanji's eyes brightened slightly, and he strode over immediately. What surprised him was that after seeing him, the expressions of several military attachés and ministers over there changed slightly and they speeded up to get out of the way.

His expression was as if he was avoiding a disaster star, with a hint of helplessness and fear.

Seeing this scene, Huangfu Xuanji couldn't help but be slightly stunned and looked at these people in astonishment. He frowned and walked towards another group of people who were walking in from Chengtian Gate.

It was also a group of military attachés and honorable ministers, headed by Cao Yi, Wu Dinghou, the governor of the Chinese Army Commander's Office. As the only surviving nobleman after the defeat of Tumubao, Wu Ding Hou Cao Yi now also holds a high position in the court and has a prominent position.

However, when Huangfu Xuanji strode over, everyone around Wu Dinghou had expressions of concentration.

Next, many people pretended not to see Huangfu Xuanji, speeding up their pace and getting around him.

Wu Dinghou Cao Yi also did not give Huangfu Xuanji a chance to speak. He cupped his fists towards Huangfu Xuanji and walked towards the depths of the palace with the pace of a dragon and a tiger.

Uncle Cao! Huangfu Xuanji was shocked and angry when he saw this: It was my father who protected the conquests in the past, so that Emperor Taizong could be exempted from your guilt.

Wu Ding Hou Cao Yi looked helpless and finally stopped. He then looked back at Huangfu Xuanji with complex eyes: Huangfu nephew, why are you doing this?

Huangfu Xuanji glanced at the ministers who were passing by, and then gave a confused salute to Wu Dinghou Cao Yi with clasped fists: Uncle Cao, our families have been friends for more than a hundred years, why do you want to stay away from your nephew today? ?”

Don't you know what you did? Cao Yi looked at Huangfu Xuanji. After a long time, he sighed slightly: That's all, for the sake of the friendship between our two families, I will tell you the truth. Yesterday, the sincere brother Li Chengji sent a message to all the noble martial arts families, whoever dares to help you this time, the sincere Li family will fight to the death with them until death.

When Huangfu Xuanji heard this, he almost laughed at first. He thought to himself that Li Chengji had lost his mind and gone crazy? Doing such an insane thing?

After their northern general was in Jingnan, when had he ever been threatened like this by someone pointing his nose at him?

If Li Chengji said such words, it would only arouse public anger and provoke more enemies for the Chengyi House.

But then Huangfu Xuanji became cold-hearted. The reality was not that Lee Seung-ki was being targeted in isolation, but that Huangfu Xuanji was being shunned by everyone.

——There must be something going on that he doesn't know about.

Huangfu Xuanji's expression turned ugly: So, Uncle Cao, you just listened to what he said?

Cao Yi, the Marquis of Wuding, hesitated for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: One day ago, Datong grain merchant Liang Tong was arrested by Liu Dan, a Shanxi embroidered garment merchant, on the charge of colluding with the Mengwu thorn tribe to support the enemy with grain, grass and weapons.

In the past twenty-two years, Liang Tong smuggled 1.5 million stones of grain and grass, and sold 220,000 weapons into the grasslands. We have also found Liang Tong's private collection of weapons and supplies, as well as his secret accounts as evidence of his crime. In addition, the recent case of the Artifact Alliance also left many loose ends unsolved.

Huangfu Xuanji couldn't help but be slightly stunned, wondering what the collaboration case in Shanxi had to do with the fight between him and Uncle Chengyi?

He knew that Liang Tong, a grain merchant in Datong, had paid filial piety to the Duke of Fu in previous years, earning about 30,000 taels of silver every year. However, this person actually had little to do with Huangfu Xuanji.

When this person comes to light, no one can blame him.

As for the Artifact Alliance, it has little to do with their family.

But Huangfu Xuanji then thought of what was going on, and his breath stagnated slightly.

Liang Tong and the Artifact Alliance were able to send grain, grass and weapons into the grassland, which was bound to be deeply involved with the generals in Datong, Xuanfu and other places.

Since Taizong ascended the throne, Datong and Xuanfu have been under the control of their distinguished nobles Jingnan. The relationships among them are intricate and involve most of the northern Wumen——

Liu Dan of the Thousand Households of Shanxi Embroidery House is Li Chengji's brother-in-law. It is said that this person has obtained a detailed list from Liang Tong, which involves thousands of households and more than 20 people on guard. And now the Artifact Alliance , right in the hands of Uncle Chengyi.

When Cao Yi said this, he clenched his fists and roared angrily with a flushed face: If it hadn't happened this time, I wouldn't have known that those lifeless bastards would be so bold as to do such a bastard thing!

How many years ago had Duke Qi been wiped out in the grasslands? Don’t they remember the pain? How dare you condone businessmen and sell grain, grass and weapons to the grasslands. After the defeat in Tumubao, they still didn't know how to stop.

His voice was complicated, as if he was resentful, unwilling and angry at the corruption of the northern generals' children.

Huangfu Xuanji's heart was as cold as ice. He knew that the Duke of Qi mentioned by Cao Yi was the number one hero of Jingnan in the past. During the reign of Emperor Taizong, he led hundreds of thousands of troops to conquer the grassland, but the entire army was wiped out.

From then on, Emperor Taizong of the Jin Dynasty banned arms trading on the border and on the grasslands, and even arrested several big businessmen, skinning them and removing their grass.

As for Liu Dan of Shanxi Embroidery House Thousand Households, Huangfu Xuanji had also heard of it. He was the cousin of Mrs. Liu of Li Chengji.

Although Shanxi Xiuyi Qianhusuoqianhu was only a fifth-rank official, it had a low and powerful position. Just because Xiuyiwei only had fifteen thousand-household offices in the entire Jin Dynasty.

Each thousand-household office is in charge of patrolling and arresting matters in a province.

But Huangfu Xuanji never expected that this fatal blow would come from Shanxi.

In other words, Lee Seung-ki is threatening this matter?

Although he didn't say that in the letter he wrote to me, the threat is self-evident.

Cao Yi sighed: Our balls have been pinched, so what else is there to say? He said in the letter that this is just a personal grudge between him and your Huangfu Xuanji, but if we intervene, then It’s the conflict between the Chengyi Prefecture and the Northern General.”

When Cao Yi said this, he smiled bitterly and said: At any other time, I wouldn't have cared about this handle in his hands. The generals involved in the case were all dead. But now Yu Jie is in charge of the Minister of War and has the most power in the world. There is no sand in human eyes.

Since the prince became seriously ill, the emperor may have wanted to establish his authority. Once that list falls into Yu Jie's hands, there will definitely be a bloody storm. Xuanji, you should understand the painstaking efforts of me and all of you.

Huangfu Xuanji felt inexplicably angry. He understood what Cao Yi meant. He was just worried that the case would eventually implicate various families, so he wanted to sacrifice Huangfu Xuanji?

Uncle Cao! Huangfu Xuanji tried his best to calm down the depression in his chest: We are all Jingnan generals, and we have been in the same boat for more than a hundred years. Uncle Cao, are you just watching Li Chengji attack your nephew?

Cao Yi's complexion gradually turned cold. After a long time, he spoke: Xiao Nephew, I naturally want to help you, but I can't help you. You need to know that it is not the time before the Tumubao Incident. I, Jing, It is difficult to destroy 100% of the gate and 80% of it, and now we can barely maintain a foothold in the court and maintain a miserable existence.

But the Chengcheng Mansion, which you have offended this time, my nephew, is in full swing. I've also heard about things in the south. Jing'an Bo and Li Xuan are in the six heavenly positions, and they can even kill big monsters like Wu Zhiqi, Chang Ze and Xiang Yao. Its momentum is no less powerful than that of the former Duke of Fuguo. I would like to say something inappropriate here——

He looked at Huangfu Xuanji and spoke in a leisurely and indifferent tone: Even if the emperor passes away and the new emperor ascends the throne in the future, he will definitely treat their family with respect and win over them. Their family has a foothold in the world. The foundation is already force, not the favor of the emperor.

As for your nephew, why do you have to offend them? Also, I don’t know what your purpose is in releasing Wu Zhiqi, but no matter what your intentions are, you have chosen the wrong opponent and your methods are too vicious.

Why did my uncle say that? How dare my nephew be so bold and release Wu Zhiqi? This matter is simply ridiculous!

Huangfu Xuanji was just about to say that this fact was framed by Chengyi's house, but then he was speechless under the cold gaze of Cao Yi.

He had noticed the anger in Cao Yi's eyes.

Xiannephew, if you say it's not true, then it's not true. Wu Dinghou Cao Yi's face became even colder: Anyway, I can't help you in the fight with Uncle Chengyi, and I can't help you either. Nephew, please take care of yourself.

After he finished speaking, he finally remembered the affection between Huangfu Shenji, the first auxiliary Duke of the country, and Huangfu Yu, the king of Hejian, and sighed again: You have to be careful during the court meeting later. If possible, it is best to Take some precautions in advance. Lee Seung-ki, the sincere man, is very resourceful and ruthless, and his methods will definitely not be limited to these.

Based on what I know about him, since this person has made a move on you, he will definitely pick melons from the vines, cut the grass and remove the roots, leaving no future troubles. Also, Peng Babai, a wealthy businessman from Huaiyang, was running around Beijing for Li Chengji yesterday. He visited a total of 17 civil and military officials, and I don’t know what the secret discussion was about.

At this time, Huangfu Xuanji felt chilled all over. He raised his head and looked in the direction of the Gate of Supreme Harmony in the distance, and at this moment he actually felt a little afraid.

He was already fearing the arrival of this lunar dynasty——

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