Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 447 Li Xuan’s Unparalleled Hegemony

The giant beast emerging from the blood mist has a somewhat similar image to the white tiger.

As recorded in The Classic of Mountains and Seas·Western Mountains, Qiongqi looks like a tiger, with a shape like a cow, hedgehog hair, and wings. It has a tiger-like shape, a strong body like a cow, and hard hair like a hedgehog. A pair of black wings.

The shape of this Qiongqi is roughly similar to the image described in The Classic of Mountains and Seas, but its body is actually made of blood and soil. It is red all over, with blood around it, and a vicious aura lingering, and a thick black evil force seems to Blood flows in its body.

If you look carefully, you can also find faces emerging one after another on the surface of this Qiongqi body.

It glanced around with its ferocious eyes, and then locked its gaze on Li Xuan and Luo Yan.

As Qiongqi spread out his wings, the dark clouds in the sky rolled wildly, covering all the bright moon and stars in an instant. The light from the entire sky was also taken away, making the place dark and unable to see.

The man in black and wearing a bamboo hat glanced at Qiongqi from a distance, first smiled with satisfaction, and then turned his cold eyes to Li Xuan.

Now that the time, place, and people are all right, you, Dharma King, can start. Someone told me that this person has deep luck and is involved in many heavenly positions. If you delay for a moment, there will be more variables.

Just as the man in black clothes and hat was talking, Li Xuanze and Luo Yan looked at each other, and at the same time they shuttled back and forth like light and electricity.

This time, the two of them were pointing at ‘Qiongqi’!

This ferocious beast not only absorbed all the light between heaven and earth, but also interfered with the two people's photoelectric method, reducing their escape speed by at least 10%.

One of Qiongqi's natal magical powers is dispute, which is a magical power that can cause disputes to occur in everything in the world.

It can cause a war to break out in an originally peaceful country, or it can cause harmonious brothers and couples to quarrel with each other, or even fight with each other; it can even affect individuals, causing blood and flesh to be at odds, and teeth and lips and tongues to conflict.

The effect of this magical power on Li Xuan and Luo Yan is to reduce the synchronization rate between the two, making them no longer able to communicate and communicate with each other.

But just when the two swords struck, the body of 'Qiongqi' had turned into a black shadow, diving into the darkness like a swimming fish.

At this time, the Mongolian Dharma King Losang Tsundamba had his eyes burning with fire, staring at the golden sword light transformed by Luo Yan. Long masculine mantra.

Be careful, Sister Yan. At this moment, Le Qianqian's voice suddenly sounded in Li Xuan's ears, with a hint of panic in her words: That's the 'Inverse Ai Ran Ming King's Heart Curse', which is the secret of the soul. , using the love desires of all living beings to attack Sister Yan’s sanity. There should be a Buddha treasure in the hands of that Dharma King to cooperate.

Li Xuan's figure had already flown in the direction of Luo Yan.

The moment Le Qianqian spoke, he had already noticed something unusual about Luo Yan. The escape light she transformed into was already shaking and falling to the ground.

Under the impact of the incantation of Mongolian Dharma King 'Losang Tsundamba', Luo Yan's consciousness gradually became faint and reached the point where he could not think.

At this time, the figure of the man in black and wearing a bamboo hat has also sped away in the direction of Luo Yan; the prince of Watsa, Trolos Boronahalle, opened his thousand-stone divine bow to gather the strength of thousands of troops. , unexpectedly fired dozens of wolf fang blood arrows in an instant, bombarding Luo Yan like chasing the stars and chasing the moon.

Li Xuan's pupils suddenly shrank, realizing that the primary target of these people was not him, but Luo Yan!

In the end, his escape was a step faster, and he came to Luo Yan's side first, supporting the girl's body, and at the same time using his body as a shield to protect Luo Yan behind him.

And in the next moment, the full moon sword of the man in black hat had already struck him.

Is this risking your life to protect each other? It's really a seed of infatuation. No wonder you can have such a tacit understanding——

The pair of full-moon swords struck a thousand cuts in an instant, and in one breath, they struck at least seven hundred cuts on Li Xuan's body, all of which divided the void and everything.

But just a hundred times later, the mockery in the eyes of the man in black clothes and hat disappeared and turned into a look of astonishment.

The sword technique he practices is the 'Eternal Divine Splitting Sword', the core meaning of which is to cut!

The sword of the man in black hat can split everything, from tiny dust particles to mustard seeds, to mountains, rivers, heaven and earth, and stars in the universe.

When cultivated to the extreme, it is said that it can split the time sequence and divide the eternity, so it is called the Eternal God Splitting Sword.

But at this time, the sword of the man in black hat and his sword intention were unable to shake Li Xuan's defense for a moment.

noble spirit!

The man in black and wearing a bamboo hat had a look of surprise in his eyes. He discovered that an extremely pure purple aura was flowing outside Li Xuan's body, mixed with Li Xuan's outer gang, magic weapon and membrane.

In addition, a 'taotie' shape appeared behind Li Xuan, sucking away at least half of the sword power of the man in black hat.

At this time, a barrage of arrows from the prince of Vasa, Cholos Boronahalle, also came. Li Xuan raised his hand and summoned the 'Dayan Aegis' in front of him.

The dozens of arrows bombarded it, making a sound like a mountain shaking, but Li Xuan's footsteps just slid back. His body stood as tall as a mountain, without shaking at all.

This guy--

The words of the man in black hat were full of incredible emotions.

He had already slashed 1,200 times, but he only cut wounds up to three inches long on Li Xuan's unprotected body parts.

But it only takes a moment for Li Xuan's injury to recover.

This made the man in the black hat dumbfounded for a while. He thought that no wonder this man was able to face Xiang Yao head-on - as far as he knew, the fifth level of the Henglian Hegemony's 'Vajra Indestructibility' was nothing more than this.

In the previous battle in Yichang, he thought that it was the restraint of several heavenly officials and the help of countless Confucian scholars that gave this person the ability to fight against Xiang Yao.

--wrong! This person's physical strength should be stronger than that in the battle in Yichang.

Otherwise, his heavenly sword would not be able to cut off even Li Xuan's limbs.

The man in the black hat asked himself that although his strength was far inferior to that of Xiang Yao, in terms of destructive power and lethality, he was definitely not inferior to the physical body of Xiang Yao in Yichang who was restrained by many heavenly beings.

Cut the moon and cut the stars!

The figure of the man in black clothes and bamboo hat rose up from the sky, using the power of heaven and earth. When the sword fell, the ground under Li Xuan was cut open with a crack as deep as a thousand feet.

Li Xuan also felt an extremely sharp force that was about to split apart his thick, mellow and unbreakable Gang Qi, even affecting his flesh and blood, his bones, his soul, and even every cell! To split his whole body into two!

Li Xuan took the 'Heavenly Dao Fruit' in his mouth without hesitation.

There was not much left of this thing after the previous battle with Xiang Yao, but Li Xuan knew that this was definitely not the time to be stingy.

Xingtian dances with relatives, and the strong will is always there!

Following Li Xuan's explosive roar, his body suddenly grew stronger, his muscles swelled and knotted, and his aura condensed into substance.

At this moment, Li Xuanjing actually refused to defend and counterattacked. With the help of Li Zhetian's Void Sword Intent, he lifted his sword up into the air. The sword light shot up hundreds of feet, wiping everything he touched into nothingness.

And when the sword light of the man in black hat finally defeated his void magic sword, it was inflicted on Li Xuan's body. He suddenly vomited blood from his mouth and half-knelt on the ground under the pressure of the endless knife.

But the sword of the man in black clothes and bamboo hat failed to break through his body-protecting aura, and it also failed to injure Luo Yan behind Li Xuan at all.

The eyes of the man in black clothes and hats contained shock and anger, but then he calmed down his emotions and turned his gaze to Luo Yan, who was unable to move behind Li Xuan.

Just when Li Xuan was suppressed by his 'Eternal Divine Split Sword', the two sword lights he controlled were already silently slashing towards Luo Yan.

His mission this time was just to destroy the pair of 'Heaven Strikes Earth and Yangyang Divine Swords'. Therefore, no matter who of these two people dies, he can achieve his wish.

But at this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly again. Two burly figures about two feet tall appeared behind Li Xuan.

——Those are the machine puppets 'Demon-Subduing King Kong' and 'Peacock Thousand Machines'. They are holding giant shields on the left and right, covering Luo Yan's side.

The two swords qi from the men in black hats slashed at them, only causing some cracks in the giant shields they held.

What made the man in the black hat even more heavy-hearted was Li Xuan. He had severely injured this guy's lungs just a moment ago, but just one tenth of the time he couldn't breathe, and this guy's Qi had returned to full strength.

Is this the Marquis Jing'an of the Jin Dynasty?

On the southern hillside, Su Ding'an from thousands of households looked at this scene in great surprise.

His previous respect for Li Xuan was partly due to the importance his immediate superior, General Zhu Guoneng of Xuanfu, paid to Li Xuan, and partly due to the sincerity behind Li Xuan, as well as the emperor's favor for this person.

——He was conferred the title of Marquis at a young age without any military merit. How much does the emperor love him?

Su Ding'an also felt a sense of injustice in his heart, believing that the emperor and the court were unfair.

Until now, UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett He saw with his own eyes Li Xuan and Luo Yan working together to shake the Heavenly Throne, and watched Li Xuan confront a Heavenly Throne swordsman head-on with his hegemonic body, and remained undefeated for twenty breaths. , the waves in my heart are uncontrollable.


The eyes of Mongolian Dharma King ‘Losang Tsundamba’ also flashed scarlet.

He thought that if the Jin Jin Marquis continued to live in the world, it would be the biggest disaster for the Mengwu in the future.

At this time, he needs to continuously attack Luo Yan's mind with the 'Inverse Ai Ran Ming King's Heart Curse', and the whole person cannot move.

But as 'Losang Tsundampa' spat out a mouthful of blood, a huge Buddha in front of him began to rise from the ground.

It is a wooden body that grows out of the earth and does not stop growing until it is nearly a thousand feet tall. Then the Buddha grew countless arms and attacked Li Xuan with the force of Mount Tai.

At the same time, Sun Chuyun, who was also located on the south hillside, was watching this scene and frowned slightly.

Then she stepped out of the magic circle set up by Le Qianqian and walked straight in the direction of the Mongolian Dharma King 'Losang Tsundamba'.

Strangely enough, none of the many powerful people in heaven and pseudo-heaven present were aware of her existence.

With just one step, Sun Chuyun held the sword at her waist with her right hand, and calmly came to the front of Mongolian Dharma King Lobsang Tsundamba and Wasi Prince Choros Boronahalle.

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