Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 448 Sun Chuyun’s Sword

The Buddha summoned by Mongolian Dharma King Lobsang Tsundampa is a thousand feet tall. Its palm is as big as ten acres, and its palm is covered with immeasurable Buddha light. With one blow, the ground around Li Xuan was forcefully pressed down by a foot.

However, the wood is fragile, and Imperial Envoy Li Xuan's 'Blue Blood Thunder Bird Sword' can easily cut it open.

But ‘Losang Tsundampa’ didn’t care at all. A palm strike struck down, and the momentum seemed to crush the earth and crack the mountains and rivers.

He did not care about the loss of the Buddha's power at all. Each of the thousands of giant palms of the Buddha struck down like a mountain of tai.

Tantra is different from Chinese Buddhism. In addition to its own practice, Chinese Buddhism also borrows power from the Buddha.

Tantric Buddhist practice is to attribute all great power to oneself. One should have successful masters, Dharma kings, and living Buddhas who are saints, Arhats, and even the living Dharma bodies of Bodhisattvas. They use their own flesh and blood to collect incense and make vows.

The Mongolian Dharma King Lobsang Tsundampa has a large number of followers in the grassland, reaching nearly one million, which makes his Buddhist power almost endless.

Li Xuan's blade was extremely sharp and could break through hundreds of giant palms with force, but when Buddha's 200th palm fell, the power of his sword began to be unsustainable.

After all, he is only at the seventh-level tower level. No matter how proud Li Xuan's true energy power is among his peers, it is still limited compared to these heavenly realms.

Li Xuan's sword soared into the sky, across the sky and the earth, breaking through two hundred, three hundred, or even four hundred giant palms, making the world filled with countless wood dust, but his true energy was also nearly exhausted.

At this time, even the heavenly essence refined and accumulated in his magical weapon 'Four Symbols Refining Furnace' was almost exhausted.

——To use the full power of the arm armor ‘Taotie’, it must be activated with heavenly true energy. However, it has only been more than a month since he obtained the ‘Four Symbols Refining Furnace’. How much heavenly true energy can be accumulated in it?

The man in black hat watched coldly. He did not make any more heavy attacks. Even with his level of power, he could not continue to use extreme swords like 'Sealing the Moon and Cutting the Stars'.

However, the man in black hat increased the frequency of his sword attacks and tried his best to help Mongolian Dharma King ‘Losang Tsundamba’ consume Li Xuan’s true energy.

He was waiting for the moment when Li Xuan's vitality was completely exhausted, then he could easily behead the pair of 'Heaven Strikes Earth and Yangyang Divine Sword'.

But Li Xuan below suddenly took a breath, and determination appeared in his eyes.

He visualized the 'Great Sun' in his mind, and poured the power of faith and wishes accumulated in the jade bag in his chest into it crazily.

Even Buddhist Tantric Buddhism cannot completely solve the problem of incense and vows polluting the soul. Therefore, the Dharma Kings and Living Buddhas of the past dynasties need to be reincarnated as soul boys every two hundred years. The dragon clan cultivates the blood and flesh body and does not care about the soul.

Li Xuan could not help but care, his path could not stop at heaven, but the majestic wishes of millions of people were accumulated in Yugui. It would be a pity not to use them. The method taught to him by Green Qiluo was too tame. It can only be used in steady stream.

The method that Li Xuan recently came up with is to use 'Visualization of the Great Sun' as the furnace and 'Incense and Faith' as ​​the fuel, and put it into fusion to burn it out.

——No matter what you are, after experiencing the combustion of nuclear fusion, it will either be converted into energy or other substances.

However, Li Xuan has never tried this idea. He didn't know what the consequences would be, whether he would be able to eliminate the contamination of the soul by the 'incense and faith' as ​​he predicted.

But at this time, Li Xuan had no choice!

And just a moment later, Li Xuan's blade did not weaken but became stronger. The red light sword shot up thousands of feet. The power of the sword was unparalleled. Not only did it smash the giant palm that was pressing down, it even counterattacked the Buddha!

The wood dust scattered in the sky was also ignited by the light of his sword, forming a sea of ​​fire that filled the sky.

Even Li Xuan's golden body seems to be a bit more tyrannical at this time!

The wounds inflicted by the man in black hat on his body shrank significantly, from three inches to two inches.

This is impossible!

The man in black clothes and hat also showed shock and anger in his eyes, and even a bit of fear.

He thought, where did this guy get his magic power? This is not Yichang. Li Xuan is backed by the majesty of thousands of Confucian scholars.

The man in black hat originally thought that this mission was very simple.

As long as the 'Heaven Strikes Earth and Yangyang Divine Sword' are eliminated, the three heavenly positions can sweep everything together, and a few mere fourth gates are vulnerable to a single blow.

But the scene in front of him made him feel slightly depressed, and even made him feel a little uneasy.

Lobsang Tsundampa's 'Reverse Aizen Ming King Mantra' cannot last long, once that Luo Yan regains consciousness. So today's battle will definitely be a lose-lose situation.

Although they can kill the pair of 'Heaven Strikes Earth and Yangyang Divine Sword', he and Lobsang Tsundamba themselves will also pay a huge price.

The man in black and wearing a bamboo hat could no longer maintain a peaceful state of mind, and he let out an angry roar: Qiongqi Spirit! Come back to me!

At this time, on the south hillside, Qiongqi's huge body had almost reached the Five Elements Formation. There was greed in its eyes, and it was extremely eager for the thousands of blood meals on the mountainside.

However, after the man in black clothes and hats roared, Qiongqi paused. He turned back and looked at the man in black clothes and hats, with strong dissatisfaction in his red eyes.

At this time, its body, which was hundreds of feet tall, remained indifferent and unmoved despite being bombarded by dozens of magicians and thousands of crossbows on the hillside.

Only Leng Yurou's third-order 'Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Extermination Divine Needle' created a horrific wound on its chest, and Xuan Chenzi's rapid stabbing sword could also pierce its body. But Qiongqi's body was made of a mixture of soil and blood. It didn't care about its injuries and had an unruly expression, resisting the orders of the man in black.

You really are an evil beast! The eyes of the man in black clothes and hat showed a fierce look, and at the same time, a bunch of blood-colored sandalwood bracelets in his right hand suddenly exploded into pieces.

Qiongqi was extremely angry and resentful, but then he still roared unwillingly, and his body was like a swimming fish, charging towards Li Xuan.

At this time, in the Five Elements Formation on the mountainside, Le Qianqian's face relaxed, and then she collapsed on the ground.

In order to resist Qiongqi and prevent the beast from approaching, she summoned the spirit of 'Houtu'.

But just this short period of confrontation almost depleted her mana, and she had to exit the state of trance.

Then Le Qianqian raised her head and looked at Li Xuan with a pale face.

General Zhonglang resisted the 'Eternal Divine Splitting Sword' of the man in black and also supported King Mengwu's 'Thousand-Handed Buddha'. But when Na Qiongqi also joined in, could Master Zhonglang still be able to sustain it? ?

The 'Jade Qilin' who was further behind frowned slightly, and her forelimbs were slightly arched, making a pounce. Already preparing to change her body and face the enemy in her human form.

Although she was afraid of the consequences of exposing her human form, at this moment, Meng Qingfan still instinctively excluded all distracting thoughts and all honor and disgrace.

Leng Yurou took out her only fourth-order 'Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Extermination Needle' with a slightly hesitant expression.

She is still not sure where this extermination needle should reach in order to help Li Xuan to the greatest extent.

Mongolian Dharma King ‘Losang Tsundamba’ is temporarily unable to move, so he is undoubtedly the best target. But that prince of Watsa, Trolos Boronahalle, has always been guarding the Dharma King. His cultivation level has reached the level of pseudo-heaven, and he has gathered thousands of troops, and his strength is infinitely close to the level of heaven.

Even if Prince Waci cannot block the power of the fourth-level ‘Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Extermination Divine Needle’, ‘Losang Tsundamba’ can respond as long as it slows down its power slightly.

At this time, Leng Yurou looked slightly startled and saw a graceful female figure in front of the Dharma King and Prince Waci.

Is that Sun Chuyun? But why is she in that position?

Are the Dharma King and Prince Wasai idiots? Even if Sun Chuyun walked up to them, there was no reaction at all?

Or are they unable to see Captain Sun?


The anger in the eyes of Mongolian Dharma King ‘Losang Tsundampa’ has turned into substance. He is still unable to move, but the Buddha’s light and golden energy are shining all over his body!

At the same time, traces of golden blood burst out from his body and flew towards the thousand-foot Buddha.

At the moment when the golden blood seeped into the Buddha's body, huge 'Devil-Conquering Pestles' grew in the palms of the giant Buddha's thousands of giant hands, and struck Li Xuan's head with an even more violent momentum.

The muscles in the arms of Prince Tros Boronahalle also swelled at this moment, and a series of arrows carrying his endless killing intent were shot out from the Thousand Stone Divine Bow in his hand like rain hitting banana trees.

He knew that if Li Xuan was not killed now, the situation would be even more difficult later!


Boronahalle's eyes showed excitement, and he saw that Qiongqi's spirit had wandered behind Li Xuan. Then he took a sharp bite and bit down on the top of Li Xuan's head.

Borona Halle thought that even if this guy's physical strength had reached the sixth level of 'eternal immortality', he would definitely die at this moment!

But at this moment, a warning sign suddenly appeared in the mind of Vassa Prince Tros Boronahalle.

He saw a girl in silver armor who suddenly appeared in front of him and seemed to have been there since ancient times.

Who is this?

As soon as this thought arose in Boronahalle's mind, he saw the long sword on the girl's waist unsheathed, emitting a bright silver light.

And Prince Wasi failed to make any reaction at all, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net His head was severed.


The Mongolian Dharma King 'Losang Tsundamba' next to him didn't notice Sun Chuyun's presence until Prince Waci's head was broken off. He looked at the silver-armored girl next to him in panic.

However, Sun Chuyun's sword had already penetrated the heavy defenses in front of him, and penetrated into his chest with force.

Lobsang Tsundampa's eyes couldn't help but show confusion, shock and anger, wondering who was this and how did he appear here?

He instinctively ended the 'Anti-Aizen Mingwang Heart Curse' and retreated like a fleeting shadow.

Just because the sword in the woman's hand was clearly a powerful fairy weapon, enough to threaten his life!

Lobsang Tsundampa's thoughts were cold. Not only did he try his best to use the Buddha's power to lay a heavy barrier in front of him, the Thousand-foot Buddha turned around with madness and bombarded Sun Chuyun with a thousand demon pestles. past.

At this time, the thunder-winged golden roc hovering in the sky was also turning into a beam of light and swooping down in the direction of Lobsang Tsundamba, intending to help.

However, despair appeared in Lobsang Tsundamba's eyes, and he saw a ball of colorful brilliance in front of him.

——That is the fourth level of the Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Extermination Divine Needle!

In just one thousandth of a finger snap, the body of Mongolian Dharma King Lobsang Tsundamba exploded into bloody powder.

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