Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 449 The Years Divine Spear Meng Qingfan

When the body of the Mongolian Dharma King ‘Losang Tsundamba’ was blasted into pieces by the Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Extinction Divine Needle, the entire battlefield fell into deathly silence.

The man in black hat was stunned for a while, as if he never expected this scene to happen.

Until the 'Thousand-Armed Buddha' started to go crazy. This huge Buddha with Buddha as its core began to use thousands of demon-conquering pestles to attack in all directions crazily. Waves of air surged wildly, blasting huge pits one after another on the ground.

Until the thunder-winged golden roc fell like lightning and caught the still intact head of 'Losang Tsundamba'.


The sandalwood bracelet on the wrist of the man in black hat exploded with a second sandalwood stone. This caused the body of 'Qiongqi' to expand by nearly one-third, becoming violently powerful.

It opened its bloody mouth and actually pressed Li Xuan's blade, swallowing Li Xuan, Luo Yan, and the two machine puppets in one gulp!

But at this time, the man in black clothes and hat did not advance but retreated, and his figure quickly disappeared into the distance.

Without the restraint of the 'Inverse Aizen Ming King's Heart Curse', Luo Yan will soon wake up, but he has lost a heavenly position and a false heavenly position.

With the combination of the 'Heaven Strikes the Earth and the Yangyang Divine Sword', it is not difficult to kill a person like him.

Although Qiongqi is strong, it is not enough for Lord Rabbit, who has extreme knife speed and extreme escape speed.

At this time, the remains of Mongolian Dharma King ‘Losang Tsundamba’ had been taken away by the Thunder-winged Golden Roc. The speed of this divine bird was unparalleled in the world and it would soon leave the battlefield.

The man in black hat expected that if he didn’t leave now, he might not be able to leave again.

But at this moment, the man in black clothes and hat suddenly felt something in his heart, and looked up into the void, where the thunder-winged golden roc flew away.

Something's wrong!

The man in black hat sensed the power of timing over there, and there were some changes. Then the thunder-winged golden roc that had flown to an altitude of two thousand feet suddenly stagnated.

At this time, almost everyone's eyes on the entire battlefield were attracted by the crazed Thousand-Armed Buddha and Qiongqi who 'swallowed' Li Xuan in one mouthful. But no one noticed that the jade unicorn on the mountainside was surrounded by fluorescent lights and its body was changing.

Meng Qingfan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Sun Chuyun slaying Prince Cholos Boronahale with his sword and severely injuring Mongolian Dharma King Lobsang Tsundamba.

This means that she doesn't have to expose herself to everyone's view, nor does she have to 'betray' her master and brother.

However, this thunder-winged golden roc is still a huge hidden danger.

As long as Grand Master Mengwu's spiritual pet is still hovering in the sky, they and others will always be exposed to the sight of the northern overlord.

Li Xuan would still be in danger—damn it, why should I care about his life? Just because that guy is your first man?

Anguish appeared on Meng Qingfan's face, but Sen Leng's murderous intent still emerged from her eyes.

The next moment, the girl in golden armor transformed into a stream of light and pierced out.

When Meng Qingfan transformed into a unicorn, her natal magical power, Times and Streams of Light, had a different scene when it was used by the human body. She was holding a golden spear. Wherever the tip of the spear pointed, time within three thousand feet was temporarily frozen.

Also frozen at the same time was the Thunder-Winged Golden Roc!

When the golden light of Meng Qing Brahma's incarnation flashed over, a big hole was instantly blasted out in the center of the body of the thunder-winged golden roc.

Meng Qingfan's devastating gun power instantly ended all life in the Thunder Winged Golden Roc's body.

Who are you--

The pupils of Mongolian Dharma King ‘Losang Tsundamba’, who only had his head left, shrank for a while, and he had already recognized Meng Qingfan’s identity.

——Meng Qingfan, the ‘Spear of Time’ of Jinque Tiangong!

How come there are so many tyrannical female cultivators surrounding Marquis Jing'an of the Jin Dynasty?

Meng Qingfan's expression also froze slightly, and then he shot back without hesitation, blasting the head of 'Losang Tsundamba' and the remaining soul of him to pieces.

Now that the Dharma King has recognized her, there is no need to live anymore——

Meng Qingfan even swept her spiritual consciousness back and forth after taking out the gun to ensure that no trace of Lobsang Tsundamba's spiritual consciousness remained in the world.

This man must die!

Her speed was extremely fast, and it only took a hundredth of an instant to go back and forth in the darkness. When Meng Qingfan returned to his original place and transformed into the body of Qilin again, everyone around him was completely unaware.

On the battlefield, only Xuan Chenzi had a slight reaction. He turned his head and looked at the jade unicorn, which looked listless, and wondered what happened just now?

Then he looked up in surprise and saw the thunder-winged golden roc that had fled the battlefield suddenly fall from the sky.

But before it reached the ground, the remains of the Thunder-Winged Golden Roc had already turned into flying dust and dissipated. As for the head of ‘Losang Tsundampa’, the whereabouts are unknown.

But Xuan Chenzi had already felt that the divine thoughts of the Mengwu Dharma King had dissipated between heaven and earth.

His eyes suddenly became confused, wondering who did this?

Is there a hidden heaven around here?

However, Xuan Chenzi's eyes were quickly attracted by the movement in front of him.

With a shocking sound, two crimson blades shot out from Qiongqi's back, and the figures of Li Xuan and Luo Yan broke out from inside almost at the same time.

Following closely behind were the mechanical puppets ‘Demon-Subduing King Kong’ and ‘Peacock Thousand Machines’, but at this time everyone’s attention was on the pair of ‘Heaven Strikes Earth and Yangyang Divine Sword’.

Those two lightning-like sword lights cut off all Qiongqi's limbs with one whirling slash! And just when the ferocious beast had to crawl on the ground, they rose into the air again and broke into the chest and abdomen of the Thousand-Armed Buddha.

Two red rays of brilliance flashed and penetrated continuously, cutting thousands of times in an instant, causing wood powder to fill the sky. After about two breaths, I don't know what the two of them destroyed, and finally the Thousand-Armed Buddha could no longer move.

After that, the pair of 'Heaven Strikes Earth and Yangyang Divine Sword' pursued the man in black clothes and hat.

The Qi of the two resonated with each other, each increasing their power, and their escape speed far exceeded that of the man in black who was in heaven.

But just when they were about to catch up, a huge rune circle suddenly appeared in front of the man in black. Then the void above suddenly tore apart, and a giant hand covering the sky penetrated from the crack in the void.

Just before Li Xuan's swords struck, the big hand grabbed the man in black and pulled him into the crack in the void.

When Li Xuan's 'Blue Blood Thunder Bird Sword' failed, he couldn't help but look at Luo Yan, with a hint of panic and confusion in his eyes.

This big hand reminded him of Wu Zhiqi and Xiang Yao. Just showing part of the body, the aura is extremely terrifying.

But Li Xuan then ignored the big hand and the fleeing man in black clothes and hat. He had more important things to deal with now. As Li Xuan's escaping light flashed, a moment later, Li Xuan came to the side of Sun Chuyun who was sitting cross-legged with a purple complexion.

She had just killed Prince Waci with one sword and severely wounded King Mengwu, but she had paid a huge price for it.

The crazy 'Thousand-Armed Buddha' locked onto her alone and continued to bombard her with the 'Devil Subduing Pestle'. Of the thousand Buddha's hands, 800 were targeting Sun Chuyun.

Although Sun Chuyun's escape skills are excellent and unpredictable, he has acquired the true meaning of martial arts of the wind has no appearance, the clouds are impermanent, and he also has an immortal sword and two top-quality magical weapons. But under the suppression and bombardment of the 'Thousand-Armed Buddha', Sun Chuyun could not withstand it no matter how strong he was.

If Li Xuan and Li Xuan hadn't broken the seal in time and destroyed the 'Thousand-Armed Buddha', Sun Chuyun might have been on the verge of death at any time.

Li Xuan frowned and sensed Sun Chuyun's injury. Then he took out a drop of golden liquid from his sleeve and touched it between Sun Chuyun's eyebrows.

This is the 'Penglai Jade Liquid' that Jiang Yunqi personally refined and made. It is an elixir that is made by refining and compressing the 'Penglai Jade Liquid' and then mixing it with several kinds of medicine. It can restore the human body's injuries and replenish vitality in a silent and moisturizing way.

Shortly after the Yichang War, Jiang Yunqi specially made this medicine to help him recover from hidden injuries in his arms and legs.

But before Li Xuan could inject the medicine into Sun Chuyun's eyebrows, Sun Chuyun opened her eyes and slapped his hand away.

I have my own medicine, so I don't have to worry about it.

She looked at Li Xuan with cold eyes: What I owe you, I'll treat it as repaying it today. It won't matter in the future.

Li Xuan's face couldn't help but twitch, and he remembered a sentence inexplicably.

——Today you are indifferent to me, but tomorrow I will make it impossible for you to reach high!

Luo Yan also arrived with a sword at this time. She looked at this scene with a look of vigilance and displeasure on her face.

She knew Li Xuan's temperament. The more Sun Chuyun behaved like this and put on a posture of rejecting others, the more this guy would care.

Among the many girls surrounding Li Xuan, isn't the one Li Xuan cares about the most Jiang Hanyun who ignores Li Xuan?

But she didn't say anything, UU Reading www.ukkshu. nnet Although Luo Yan was struck by the 'Reverse Ai Ran Ming King's Heart Curse' just now, he did not completely lose consciousness. He could still sense the outside situation.

This Sun Chuyun really saved her and Li Xuan's lives this time.

At this time, Sun Chuyun also looked forward: Are you ignoring that Qiongqi?

At this time, 'Qiongqi' has recovered his limbs.

After the man in the black hat left, the ferocious beast lost control. Driven by its nature, it turned towards the cowardly Xue cavalry, killing and devouring crazily.

Demon-Suppressing King Kong and Du Peacock Qianji, plus Xuan Chenzi and Jade Qilin, are struggling to contain them on both sides.

They didn't want to save the lives of these timid knights, but they were worried that this 'Qiongqi' would swallow more energy and blood and become stronger.

Li Xuan took a careful look at Sun Chuyun, sighed secretly in his heart, and then walked towards Qiongqi.

His pace seemed slow but was actually fast, and he arrived in front of 'Qiongqi' in an instant.

Just when the giant beast was alarmed and vigilant, Li Xuan used his 'Electronic Leap' to flash and landed on top of 'Qiongqi's' head, and pressed 'Qiongqi's' forehead with his left hand.

At the same time, a huge gluttonous figure appeared behind Li Xuan, and he began to devour Qiongqi's spirit!

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