Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 485 8th Level Tower Realm

In the early morning, when Li Xuan woke up from his trance, he felt energetic and open-minded.

At this time, Luo Yan, who was on the other side of the bed, was also sitting cross-legged, surrounded by countless silk threads woven from "light" and "fire". They were wrapping Luo Yan like silkworm chrysalises.

how to say? As they were doing it yesterday, they achieved breakthroughs in their cultivation.

Li Xuan's Haoqi cultivation and Zhenyuan cultivation have been cultivated for more than four months from January and Leap January to now, and they have already reached their peak.

At this time, the thoughts in his mind were flowing freely, his spirit was relaxed, and his majestic energy and true energy were in full swing, and he naturally crossed the threshold of the eighth-level building realm.

That night, at least a quarter of the evil karma poison accumulated in his body was eliminated.

This made Li Xuan feel relieved. Before, his life expectancy had been hovering around two months. It relies entirely on various elixirs, 'Visualization of the Great Sun', and Jiang Hanyun's 'Dual Method of God and Heaven', etc.

It was not until today that Li Xuan made a breakthrough in cultivation that he took a step back towards the gate of the underworld.

In the future, Li Xuan will expel the evil karma poison much faster. . The reduction in the total amount of evil karma and poison means that their overall power is weakened, and the effect of the Great Sun visualization will be correspondingly enhanced.

Then he has a chance to earn money again——

Luo Yan woke up after a moment of delay, and then the silk threads woven by the flames turned into four wings and spread out. It was like a butterfly with condensed flames spreading its wings, especially brilliant and beautiful.

Li Xuan frowned: "Yan'er, are you experiencing the Nine Yang Heavenly Silkworm Transformation? Are you talking about the Nine Suns or the Silkworm Transformation?

It wasn't until today that Li Xuan knew the fundamental skills of Luo Yan's cultivation.

This made Li Xuan's heart tighten slightly.

The 'Nine Yang Heavenly Silkworm Transformation' is very powerful and extreme. It is not a skill that ordinary people can practice.

It has nine Yangs, nine changes, and nine lives - Jiuyang is the nine-level Yang realm. Each rise in the Yang realm can make a person's Yang fire power more intense.

The Nine Transformations are nine times of transformation. During the practice of the Nine Yang Celestial Silkworm Transformation, you will experience nine times of transformation. Every time the silkworm sheds, it will increase the level of Yang realm, bringing a large amount of true energy and mana.

Nine Lives means that the 'Nine Sun Silkworm Transformation' can use nine 'silkworm sheds' to gain nine lives and nine opportunities to resurrect from the dead.

And every time he is resurrected, the practitioner's true magic power will become much stronger. The rise in the Yang realm will make their power of Yang flames even more unstoppable.

But such a powerful body comes with a price.

The lifespan of a cultivator of the 'Nine Yang Celestial Silkworm Transformation' is extremely short.

In this world, the normal lifespan of a pseudo-celestial martial cultivator is usually about two hundred years, but a practitioner of the 'Nine Yang Celestial Silkworm Transformation', even if he has not experienced 'death', cannot live past the age of thirty-seven.

Every time they return from death to life, they will consume at least one year of their life.

Their life trajectories are usually extremely brilliant, but extremely short.

"The four Yangs and four changes have already happened." Luo Yan opened her eyes and squinted at him with her long and charming eyes: "Don't worry, I won't use the opportunity to return to life even once. Your visualization of the big sun , it helped me a lot.”

This means that she still has plenty of life left. She is only twenty years old now, and she is still far away from the deadline of thirty-seven years old.

Her current cultivation level is at the eleventh level, and she is not far from the heavenly realm.

Luo Yan thought to herself that there was no way she could cross the threshold of 'Heaven'.

Her small heavenly realm is still short-lived, but she still has a lifespan of a hundred years.

Li Xuan still couldn't let go: "With your talent, if you are not good at practicing any martial arts, why did you choose this Nine-Yang Celestial Silkworm Transformation?"

Luo Yan avoided answering and looked out the window in a daze.

She thought that ten years ago, as an orphan with nothing but hatred, what other choice could she have?

Only the 'Nine Yang Heavenly Silkworm Transformation' can ensure that her great revenge will be avenged and that she will die with the enemy.

Nine times of silkworm shedding can elevate her cultivation to the pinnacle of the world. No matter what kind of enemy you are, you can get rid of it.

She never wanted to live. In this world, she had no one else to care about except her adoptive father and grandmother.

And even if she was with her adoptive father and grandmother, she couldn't stay any longer——

At that time, Luo Yanke never thought that such a lustful but upright boy like Li Xuan would come to her. And the enemy that he had been thinking about and prepared to risk his life for revenge would be so simple, so fragile, and so vulnerable under Li Xuan's hands.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then Le Qianqian's soft and soft voice came into the room: "Well, Mr. Zhonglang, there is someone outside looking for you."

Li Xuan looked unhappy and said, "Who is here? Let him wait outside."

At this time, it was the time when he and Luo Yan were inseparable, and the King of Heaven and I had to step aside.

Le Qianqian's voice fell silent for a while, and then he said hesitantly: "That person seems to be in a hurry. I think you should come out and see him as soon as possible."

Li Xuan frowned, thinking that with Le Qianqian's temperament, if it wasn't an urgent matter, she would never come to him at this time.

He looked at the sky again and found that it was indeed getting late, and the sun was already shining brightly outside.

So Li Xuan looked at Luo Yan with questioning eyes.

Luo Yan didn't doubt it, and she also knew Le Qianqian's character. She would only come to disturb him when it was absolutely necessary.

"You go ahead and I'll dress you."

Like a little wife, she helped Li Xuan put on his clothes, taking care of everything from the inside out.

Li Xuan didn't adapt well, but let Luo Yan do what he did.

When Luo Yan hung his goldfish bag and jade pendant on his waist, Li Xuan remembered something again: "By the way, Yan'er, a while ago I asked Fu to find someone to go to Chengde Mansion and give it to your parents and brother. , all rebuilt the tombs.

It is estimated that it has been completed by this time. We can find a time to go there to pay homage to your parents and comfort their spirits in heaven. Also, this time the Ministry of Rites will give your parents a memorial arch, so we happened to go there and build it together. "

Luo Yan was stunned for a moment, and then she felt the emotions in her chest were surging, almost being warmed by Li Xuan's words.

But after Li Xuan opened the door and left, Luo Yan walked to the dressing table and stared blankly at the beautiful girl in the bronze mirror in front of her.

After a long time, another bean-sized teardrop fell silently from Luo Yan's black and white eyes.

She knew a long time ago that it would never be possible for her and Li Xuan to achieve success.

How could the majestic champion of the Jin Dynasty marry the daughter of a sinner and a notorious thief?

But if, if I had not acted willfully and become the Purple Butterfly Witch a few years ago, and I was still the daughter of Xia Guangwei, the Salt Patrol Censor, would the outcome have been different?


After Li Xuan came out of the backyard, he asked Le Qianqian strangely: "What's going on? Who came to see me?"

"It's the female Taoist girl next to Sister Yunrou." Le Qianqian said with a blushing face: "She asked Zhonglang if you were free today? If you are not free today, Sister Yunrou will come to find you. I listen to her From her tone, Sister Yunrou seems to be very angry."

She didn't dare to tell the truth in front of Luo Yan just now, because she was afraid that a war for heaven and earth would break out in the Zhongjun Juanshi Yamen today.

After Xue Yunrou returned from Longhu Mountain, her cultivation level had reached the tenth level, and her magical powers were even better than before.

As for Luo Yan, since she left for a few days in leap month, she has seemed unfathomable since her return.

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a headache, knowing that Xue Yunrou might not be able to delay the situation any longer and had to clear the mines as soon as possible.

So he stretched out his hand towards Le Qianqian: "Qianqian, please lend me some money first, 120,000 taels."

Le Qianqian was stunned for a while, then she pouted slightly and said, "Twenty-two thousand taels? Why didn't you ask Sister Yan to borrow it?"

It's not like she has no temper at all.

"There's nothing I can do about it." Li Xuan smiled, then clasped his hands together and begged solemnly: "Qianqian, please help me one more time! Please. I will return it to you after the court has raided the salt merchants this time. "

Of course, he didn't want to be greedy for money, but because after the imperial court ransacked his house, he had the money to buy the "Infinitely Powerful General Cannon" from the Artifact Alliance.

The reason why he didn't look for Luo Yan was because he had just had a one-night stand with Luo Yan. He couldn't turn his back and just borrow money from her to appease other women. That would be too much of a scumbag.

Although it was shameless to borrow money from Le Qianqian now, the current situation forced him to choose the lesser of two evils.

Le Qianqian had no choice but to count a stack of banknotes from the Qiankun bag and give them to Li Xuan.

At this time, Green Qiluo's figure appeared above Li Xuan, who looked at him with contempt.

"Li Xuan, you are such a scumbag."

She chose to seal herself off yesterday, shutting down her senses for a night, and then she saw this scene as soon as she recovered.

Li Xuan looked overjoyed. He ignored Lu Qiluo's despicable words and hurriedly walked to the front court.

There are no maids from the Jiang family and Yu Hongshang here, UU reading www. When Li Xuan faced Xue Yunrou's female Taoist boy alone, he looked friendly and said: "Let your mistress wait in the Taoist temple. I have something to do in the morning. I will go find her after I finish my work."

He does have a lot to do next, and Luo Yan still has a lot of loose ends to deal with, such as the Ministry of Rites, which has to decide on a posthumous title and title today.

He had to send some money there to give Xia Guangwei a better posthumous title.

In this matter, even if the emperor spoke, it would not have much effect.

I don’t know what Taizu was thinking. The salaries of officials in the Jin Dynasty were extremely low, and the Ministry of Rites was Qingshui Yamen. The officials of the Ministry of Rites and the priests depended on this for their livelihood, and they didn't care what the emperor would think. They are not afraid of the emperor's irritation. If you, the emperor, have the ability, you will demote them to the ground?

After Li Xuan had taken care of these matters, he hurried to Leng Yurou's workshop.

——Peacock Villa also recently bought a large piece of land opposite his Champion Hou Mansion and built a large-scale workshop here.

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