Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 486 Liu Zongquan’s hatred

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When Li Xuan entered Leng Yurou's underground workshop, Leng Yurou was dismantling her 'Peacock Thousand Machines' into pieces.

During this time, she has been studying how to make the machine puppet break through to heaven. Li Xuan is also paying attention to her progress, but it seems that there is not much progress.

Then Li Xuan's first glance saw several dolls placed on the small table next to him.

Their appearance is in a rough embryonic state, and no matter their appearance or clothing, they only have a rough prototype.

However, with just one glance, Li Xuan could tell that all the mechanisms inside these dolls were completed. He just had to wait for the appearance to be carved and painted to complete the last step.

Li Xuan was overjoyed and strode over: "Yurou, you've already done it? It's so fast."

A while ago, in order to please Yu Hongshang, he made a small puppet for Yu Hongshang by combining a music box and a mechanical puppet.

The face of the little doll is that of Yu Hongshang. Not only can she sing, but she can also dance beautifully.

The song was still the ancient song "Shangxie" that he had heard in the modern world. It told the story of an ancient general and a royal princess. The song was not bad, and Yu Hongshang was moved to tears.

But how happy he was at making Yu Hongshang happy at that time, he was so helpless now, thinking that he would never be able to dig a hole for himself in the future.

Just when Li Xuan reached out and wanted to get all these dolls in his hands. However, Leng Yurou stepped forward and slapped Li Xuan's hand away.

Then she stretched out her hand: "Give me money! Money first, goods later. As you promised, each doll will be twelve thousand taels. You must keep your word."

Li Xuan blinked, and then said with a sincere expression: "I owe you first, Yu Rou, you should know that the court is checking those salt merchants. You will have money soon, and when they place the order, you will have as much money as you want."

Leng Yurou said coldly: "Then I will give them to you when the court places an order."

Li Xuan was helpless and said shamelessly: "Yu Rou, what is the relationship between us? Isn't it just a little money!"

But Leng Yurou had already put those puppets into her Qiankun bag one by one.

"Okay! Okay! I'll give you the money. Isn't it okay if I give you the money?"

Li Xuan had no choice but to count one hundred and eight thousand taels from his pocket and handed it to Leng Yurou. .

He ordered nine puppets, each with a different dance and different music.

It may not be that much, but Li Xuan is well versed in the art of war and knows the importance of being prepared.

It's a pity that the money borrowed from Le Qianqian was spent completely. Just now at the Ministry of Rites, he counted several thousand taels of silver and went out.

"Lend me a carving knife! You should have that kind of magic paint here, right? I want the best one, the kind that can be done immediately. I'm in a hurry."

After getting the doll, Li Xuan started making it on site.

He had never studied carving before, but a few months ago, Li Xuan started practicing carving at Lu Qiluo's suggestion.

It is believed that this will not only enhance the coordination and control of his whole body, but also be beneficial to his martial arts practice.

Green Qiluo believes that he has reached the ultimate level at the current stage in terms of speed, ruthlessness, and accuracy, and now it is time to work on his skills.

Li Xuan practiced according to the rules and found that this method was really effective. So he started with carving knives, and gradually the tools became larger, including daggers, kitchen knives, and waist knives. Finally, even with a large ax like a door panel, he was able to carve lifelike human figures with both spirit and form.

The doll given to Yu Hongshang was one of his sculpture practice works.

But today Li Xuan was in a hurry, so he just used his most reliable carving knife.

Leng Yurou gave the carving knife and magic paint to Li Xuan and left Li Xuan alone. She was still concentrating on studying her 'Peacock Thousand Planes'.

However, Li Xuan kept talking to her.

"Is there no progress in your Peacock Qianji?"


"Didn't the power furnace and power drive system be modified before? Isn't it a big improvement?"


"I feel that the key is not the power furnace. Those power furnaces made by the Mo family are definitely not as good as yours in terms of power output. The key to the Heavenly Machine Puppet should be the same as the Heavenly Martial Arts Cultivator, which can draw on the great power between heaven and earth."


"If it doesn't work, you can try the nuclear fission furnace I mentioned, but it's a bit difficult and requires relatively high materials."

"I will think about it."

"By the way, aren't you going to equip my Demon-Suppressing King Kong with two fourth-level Great Five Elements Yin-Yang Exterminating Divine Needles? How long will it take?"

"Wait, it will take a few days."

"In the next two days, I will meet with Juzi and Lu Ban of the Mo family. Then I will take you there with me to ask them for advice."

Leng Yurou's expression changed slightly: "Okay, when will it be?"

"I'm not sure now." Li Xuan laughed: "I'll let you know when the time is set."

At this time, he had carved and painted the puppet of Xue Yunrou. A tall and graceful young master of Longhu Mountain, who was one foot long and carrying a long sword, had already appeared in front of him.

Vivid and lifelike.

Li Xuan directly used his magic power to dry the magic paint, and then left the underground workshop like the wind.

"I'm leaving, take it easy yourself. Don't delay your practice, it will give you a chance to rest and recuperate. You want to pursue the path of agency, but your body is your capital -"

Leng Yurou ignored it and still focused on the parts in her hands. It wasn't until a long time later that the work came to an end that she relaxed.

At this time, Leng Yurou was suddenly startled and found that another trumpet, 'Leng Yurou', was placed on the wooden platform next to it.

At this time, Li Xuan's carving skills were already excellent, and he vividly displayed Leng Yurou's clear facial features and cold temperament.


When Leng Yurou saw this, she frowned with disdain and threw the doll to the corner next to her.

——That's where she used to place discarded parts and tools. It can be said to be a garbage dump.

But just a moment later, Leng Yurou couldn't help but use her hand to call the puppet back to her.

As Leng Yurou pressed the mechanism, the puppet danced in the music.

Leng Yurou has actually listened to this piece of music more than forty times. It is one of the eight pieces of music given to her by Li Xuan, and it is called "Silk Opera".

Because it was related to the mechanism puppet, Leng Yurou paid more attention to it.

The dancing postures of the machine dolls were designed by her herself.

But as the trumpet played "Leng Yurou", singing and dancing in that sad tune, Leng Yurou couldn't help but put her chin in her hand and gradually fell into trance.


What Li Xuan didn't know was that he had just come out of Leng Yurou's workshop when someone targeted him.

That was Liu Zongquan, the right servant of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He was holding a sword and hiding in the sky, his face extremely ugly.

Anyone who is accidentally involved in a major imperial case will feel very bad.

Liu Zongquan is now filled with anger, but also slightly worried and helpless.

Just this morning, he was summoned by Yu Shiyue, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, to go to the Ministry of Punishment to explain the truth about Xia Guangwei's case.

At that time, he was serving in the General Affairs Department and served as the deputy envoy of the General Affairs Department.

In the past, Xia Guangwei had submitted three memorials in a row within seven days, and tried to deliver evidence of some salt merchants' crimes to the imperial court.

However, although these three memorials and evidence of guilt were recorded in files, they all disappeared without a trace before and after the incident.

It was Liu Zongquan who was on duty at the General Affairs Department at that time.

What upset Liu Zongquan was that Minister Yu was very rude to him. Although he was not detained immediately, he was treated as a prisoner by his words and deeds.

What made him even more distressed was that the imperial court issued an explicit decree to rehabilitate Xia Guangwei, the salt patrol censor, without waiting for the case to be investigated. The General Affairs Department is already rushing to prepare the official newspaper and distribute it to the government and academies all over the world.

Liu Zongquan understood the thoughts of the emperor and the cabinet ministers. If there was no grievance in Xia Guangwei's case, then where would the imperial court have an excuse to search the property of Wei Zhen and many other salt merchants?

But this move also forced Liu Zongquan into an extremely dangerous situation.

Since Xia Guangwei is innocent, the emperor and the cabinet ministers also need someone to take responsibility.

In addition to the officials who presided over Xia Guangwei's trial, there were also treacherous villains who blocked the hearing, so that neither the wise emperor nor the virtuous ministers were informed of the matter.

This also made Liu Zongquan unbelievable. Why did the situation suddenly take a turn for the worse and reach this point?

His more than 30 years of management in the imperial court suddenly collapsed overnight and was in vain.

In fact, Liu Zongquan has been paying attention to the recent conflict between Wei Zhen and Li Xuan. Although he did not come forward directly, he secretly helped Wei Zhen.

For example, the case of the 'Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple' appropriating land was delayed for more than forty days in the Shuntian Mansion and the Criminal Department due to his overt and covert interference.

Another example is the meeting of elders of Liudaosi yesterday. He even personally went out to help Wei Zhen convince the elders of Confucianism and Legalism.

According to Liu Zongquan's prediction, even if they fail in the Council of Elders, this confrontation will continue for a long time, and it may take three to five years to find a winner in the court.

But in the end, Li Xuan not only directly took Wei Zhen's life, but also beat him up and overturned Xia Guangwei's case in one day, and nailed the case directly.

At this time, Liu Zongquan was only lucky that he had saved a hand and sent one of his subordinates to do this. Now he still had the option of abandoning his car to protect his commander, otherwise he would have to be directly detained by the Ministry of Punishment.

But even so, UU Kanshu He still can't escape the responsibility of an oversight.

The better situation now is that he will be demoted to a foreign post, and the worst situation is that he will be forced to take up an official position.

This made Liu Zongquan furious with hatred. He had finally climbed to the position of minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, which was only one step away from the position of the 'Heavenly Official' in the dynasty or the cabinet!

But now, everything has been ruined by this Zhu Zi!

But at this moment, Liu Zongquan was trying to calm down. He was worried that his murderous intention would alarm Li Xuan who was in his field of vision.

Seeing Li Xuan walking onto the street, Liu Zongquan quietly pulled out the long sword from his waist.

The Xia Guangwei case ruined his plans and made him lose many scruples.

He was going to find a suitable moment to attack Li Xuan. It would be best if he could capture him directly. If it doesn't work, then test what this person is capable of now and teach him a lesson!

Liu Zongquan has a top-notch magic weapon in his hand that can temporarily pull people into a temporarily generated void. Although it can only last for a short moment, his heavenly cultivation is enough to solve the problem.

But then, Liu Zongquan frowned. He found a girl dressed in Taoist robes walking up to Li Xuan on the street.

He was very familiar with that girl, she was the Young Master from the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

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