Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 52 It’s maintenance work

In the early morning, the sailboat arrived in the waters of Panyang Lake as expected.

That's Kanglang Mountain!

Li Yan pointed ahead at the bow of the ship: It was also the place where Taizu fought against Han King Chen Liang. In the past, Chen Liang's army of hundreds of thousands attacked the Jin Dynasty, but was defeated at Dasheng Pass first. Three years later, Chen Liang sent hundreds of thousands more The navy fought against Taizu on Panyang Lake. The water near Kanglang Mountain was the place where the navy of both sides fought.

Li Xuansi glanced at it, and then asked: What we are going to do is related to this war?

He was secretly guessing whether this was related to the first generation of Uncle Chengyi? In the past, the reason why Taizu was able to defeat Chen Liang, the king of Han, with a weak force was because of the ingenious plan of his ancestor Li Lexing.

Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured on both sides in this battle, and the bones of countless heroes are buried here.

Li Yan stepped out of the bow of the boat and fell straight into the water: Come down, let's go to the bottom of the lake.

Li Xuan did not hesitate and also jumped into the lake.

He had successfully practiced the water avoidance technique in the past few days. The moment he entered the lake, the true energy in his body came out and formed a thin film on the outside to drain away the water.

The three of them kept sinking until they reached the bottom of the lake at a height of 200 feet. Li Xuan looked around and found that the bottom of the lake was filled with sunken ships and various decayed weapons and weapons.

At this time, Li Xuan didn't even feel the pressure that the human body faced when diving deep. Two hundred feet in modern terms is six hundred meters, and the limit of diving for ordinary people without training is one hundred meters.

From this it can be seen that the Li family's water avoidance technique is indeed unparalleled in the world. Even if it is performed with the true energy of martial arts, it will not be weaker than that of martial arts.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that their family has a contract with all the dragon kings of the Yangtze River system. All direct clan members of the Li family can freely use the power of the water spirits under the river.

At this time, Li Chengji suddenly came with a magic power and led Li Xuan forward quickly. Soon they came to a huge stone altar at the bottom of the water.

This is--

Li Xuan looked at this scene with a shocked expression. The scale of this stone altar was very grand, covering an area of ​​three thousand acres. It was in the shape of an inverted pyramid and was made of strips of granite. In all directions of the inverted pyramid, there are gold and iron embedded in the stone layers, forming huge runes.

There is also a huge stone tablet to the south of it, with two lines of seal characters written on it - In the third year of Hongwu, Li Lexing was ordered to supervise the construction of this altar, and 330,000 soldiers of the Chen and Han Dynasties were buried here. ’

This is a seal and a tomb.

As Li Chengji spoke, he handed over two small bags: You go in later, replace all the damaged talisman bricks on the altar, and then start the sacrifice at 4:00 noon. Remember, all talisman bricks must be in accordance with the Their types and shapes must be changed in a precise manner; if the damage is too serious and you can't tell the difference, then you'd rather leave it alone than mess around.

After Li Xuan received it, he realized that they were two small universe bags. The first bag was slightly smaller, only two feet in diameter. It was filled with various square bricks with runes painted on them. The material was neither gold nor jade. It should have been made by fusion and smelting of various spiritual materials.

The second bag was slightly larger, with a space of nearly five feet. The contents inside were simple. They were all wine and animal sacrifices. There were quite a lot of them. There were as many as twenty cows piled up.

What's surprising is that although there are many things piled inside these two small universe bags, they are as light as a feather in his hands.

Li Chengji then handed over another pot of elixir: Those talisman bricks that have been replaced can only be activated after you pour in the true energy. You may have a very hard time later. If the true energy is exhausted, you can use this small return energy. Dan is holding on to it.”

Li Yan smiled and said: After you get in, take your time and use it. This work is very tiring.

Li Xuan asked in confusion: Am I alone? Don't you want to go in?

We wanted to, but we couldn't get in. Li Yan glanced at him with obvious schadenfreude: You must have an official status of seventh grade or above, as well as royal blood or an edict. Our Li family once had the Taizu of Jianghe. The imperial seal is granted, but now my father and I are both in danger of being punished, and we can’t get close to him.”

So by God's blessing, Xuan'er, you were able to be promoted to the Demon-Subduing Tour before the Ghost Festival.

Li Chengji patted Li Xuan on the shoulder: Go, this is a matter of immeasurable merit.

Li Xuan already understood most of the situation. He no longer hesitated and immediately swam in the direction of the stone altar.

Just when he entered within a hundred feet of the inverted pyramid, Li Xuan felt an invisible and powerful force shrouding the place. However, Li Xuan was not hindered by it. When he walked in, he naturally blended in.

But at the same time, Li Xuan also found that he was isolated from the outside world. The inside and outside of the stone altar were like two worlds.

And just after Li Xuan entered the stone altar, Li Yan outside sneered and looked at Li Chengji with a slight sarcasm: You are just meddling in other people's business. Since you are dismissed from your job, why do you care so much? What are you doing here? Officials appointed by the imperial court are responsible for the sacrifices and repairs, so what does that have to do with me? They actually spent tens of thousands of taels of silver on someone to make so many talisman bricks out of their own pockets.

Hearing this, Li Chengji smiled bitterly and said: If it were in previous years, I would really sit back and do nothing. But this year is different. Seventeen days later it will be Wu Jiazi Sunday after the battle of Panyang Lake. This year's Ghost Festival falls on the same day. On this gloomy day of the year, I really feel uneasy. However, there is a constant dispute between Beijing, China and North Korea, and the candidate for the new admiral of the Jiangjiang Navy may not be decided for a while. But now there is chaos in the South Zhili area, and all kinds of demons are lurking in the dark. We are in Nanzhili with ulterior motives. There are actually people who are so bold as to attack the prince! This shows how turbulent the undercurrent is under the water in Nanzhili. The so-called nip in the bud, if the seal here is not reinforced, I can't sleep at night.

The Ghost Festival is also known as the Ghost Festival, and Buddhism calls it the Obon Festival. During the fifteen days before and after this festival, the Yin Gate will be opened, and the power of ghosts will greatly increase until the Ghost Festival reaches its peak.

There are many capable people in this court. Do you need you to worry about them?

Li Yan waved his sleeves disdainfully: If you ask me, UU Reading might as well have something go wrong here. Otherwise, we can't let those birdies in the court know how powerful it is. Not just anyone can play on the surface of the Yangtze River. It has to change. Without the hard work of our father and son, how could the good weather in the south these past few years have come about?

What are you talking about? Shouldn't it be our duty to eat people's salaries, be loyal to others, and maintain the peace of the river?

Li Chengji looked at his eldest son with dissatisfaction: This mistake is not a trivial matter. 330,000 evil soldiers and resentful spirits have emerged, and the entire Panyang Lake and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River will suffer. Let me ask the fishermen in this lake, how can the people on both sides of the lake deserve this? ? Why do they come to pay so many heavy taxes every year? Don’t they just hope that the imperial court can protect them in peace? Also, our sincere uncle’s house has received so much filial piety from various places in the past year. At this time, Yan’er, you can’t bear to sit back and ignore them? Can you and my father and son be allowed to suffer this unreasonable disaster because of their slight injustice?

He reprimanded solemnly: You need to remember that the reason why our sincere Li family has been relied upon by the court throughout the ages is not because of our family's powerful supernatural powers, nor because of our family's connections in the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. , but those who have been in charge throughout the ages can maintain a public heart and live up to the heaven and the earth, the people, and the ghosts and gods, so people's hearts are what they want.

Li Yan stopped talking, and continued to look in the direction of the stone altar gloomily.

Just a moment later, Li Yan's expression changed slightly: Brother, is he going a little too fast?

Li Chengji also frowned, looking extremely puzzled: It is indeed incredibly fast, but judging from the changes in his ideas, there is nothing wrong with it.

He guessed uncertainly: Or is it because the nature of Xuan'er's true energy is similar to that of his ancestors?

After all, this is the altar that the first generation Chengyi personally supervised and set up the seal.

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