Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 53 Wash, wash, wash

Li Xuan inside the stone altar was also very surprised. He didn't find it difficult to replace the talisman brick.

Li Xuan only needs to dig out the damaged bricks, then fill them with identical ones from the Small Universe Bag according to their shape, place them tightly, and then pour the real energy into them.

The process was very simple, it didn't require much effort on his part, and it didn't consume much real energy. The lost part will be restored quickly, because the spiritual power in this stone altar is very strong.

This is completely different from Li Chengji's description. Li Xuan did not feel any difficulty and did not need to use those small Guiyuan Pills.

Li Xuan guessed that this might be related to the female ghost in red behind him.

After entering the stone altar, Li Xuan noticed that the female ghost's posture had changed.

It was similar to the blood sacrifice scene when she entered Jiangjun Mountain. There was a layer of red luster all over her body, and red streamers scattered from her body, dancing behind the blood-eyed girl, like a pair of wings.

Even for some reason, Li Xuan vaguely felt that the female ghost echoed the rune seals inside and outside the stone altar.

Li Xuan didn't know why, but he speeded up the replacement of talisman bricks. Then at the end of Si Shi, the sacrifice was completed.

Strangely enough, when Li Xuan arranged the three animals and put the incense on them himself, the cold power in the stone altar was greatly reduced. However, he did not delve into it and quickly retreated from the stone altar.


When Li Xuan returned to Li Chengji and Li Chengji, he found that his father and brother were looking at him with somewhat strange eyes. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows: Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with my face?

Then he thought of a possibility. Could it be that these two people had discovered the existence of the female ghost?

But Li Xuan was still disappointed. Li Yan just asked curiously: Brother, when you use up the talisman bricks, don't you feel hard? What about filling the bricks?

I don't even feel it. Li Xuan shook his head and asked: Have you done this before? Is it very difficult?

Li Yan's lips twitched and he didn't answer. He seemed to have painful memories of this stone altar.

Next to him, Li Chengji stretched out his hand: Where is the bag?

Li Xuan immediately let out a 'tsk' sound and reluctantly returned the two small universe bags in his sleeves.

This thing is very easy to use and convenient, and Li Xuan is envious of it. This is an indispensable space magic weapon in the fantasy world of Xianxia. You can throw anything into it.

However, although he returned the bag, the bottle of Xiaoguiyuan Pill was still in his sleeve.

This kind of elixir is also very precious. It can quickly restore energy to a martial artist and is very practical.

Then what's next? Go home?

That has to wait until tomorrow. Li Chengji shook his head solemnly and said: This is just one thing, there is another more important thing, and I have to trouble Xuan'er.

After the three people left the stone altar, they continued to sneak under the lake. They swam about forty miles south, and Li Xuan saw a giant grotto at the bottom of the lake from a distance.

When Li Xuan stood at the entrance of the cave and saw the things inside that were bound by many chains as thick as buckets, he couldn't help but swallowed: Dragon?

What he saw was a real dragon - a camel's head, antlers, rabbit's eyes, ox's ears, a snake's neck, a mirage's belly, carp's scales, eagle's claws, and tiger's paws.

It was a bit like a large crocodile, but its body was longer and its image was more majestic. It also had a pair of short wings on its back.

All these are similar to the dragons in ancient paintings, but the one in front of Li Xuan does not have any auspiciousness. Its scales are black, and there is a dark mud-like mist between the scales.

So this matter is more important than worshiping those old tribes of Han King Chen Liang.

At this time, Li Yan also took out a small Qiankun bag and threw it to him: Go in and give it a bath. Remember to scrub it clean, otherwise it will get angry. Especially the gaps between the dragon's scales are prone to insects. Make it tickle.”

Li Yan's Small Universe Bag is much smaller, less than half a foot. There was nothing else inside, only a set of scrubbing tools and a few fragrant green soap locusts the size of faceplates.

Li Xuan looked inside the grotto again and saw the giant dragon that was two hundred feet long with a majestic expression. He couldn't help but panic: Does this have to be me again?

What do you think? Li Yan asked back: This place is also forbidden by talismans, and no one without the imperial edict or official status can enter.

Li Chengji gave Li Xuan reassurance: Our Li family has an old relationship with this Dragon Lord, and he will not hurt you. But after you enter, you must be respectful and do not offend, especially do not touch the dragon's horns.

Li Xuan had already taken out a huge brush from the Small Universe Bag, and he asked curiously: But since he is the Dragon Lord, why is he locked here? And he has to be sealed?

When Li Chengji heard this, he sighed deeply: Of course it is because of his sins. This person is related to the Battle of Panyang Lake. The founding of our Jin Dynasty was due to the power of this Dragon Lord. It seems that I, the Li family, also owe There are many of them. The details can be discussed after you are done.

Next, Li Xuan carefully walked into the cave. He first put his hands together and bowed to the lying black dragon: Your Excellency, Mr. Dragon, Li Xuan, a descendant of Li Lexing, came here on the order of his father to pay homage to the lying black dragon. You cleanse the dragon's body. If you accidentally offend, please forgive me.

The black dragon seemed to be dead in sleep, with its eyes closed tightly and its body motionless.

Li Xuan calmed down and began to wash the dragon's head with a brush.

This black dragon obviously doesn't like to move at ordinary times, so the scales are covered with various attachments, such as shells, etc. There are even shrimps and crabs making their home on the dragon's body, making it extremely difficult to clean.

Fortunately, Li Chengji and the others are also experienced. The brushes they prepared are not only extremely tough, but they also put more than 20 spatulas in the bag.

But Li Xuan still worked very hard. He had to put in a lot of effort to restore a piece of dragon scale to its original smoothness.

What made him a little annoyed was that at this time, his father and brother sat down at the entrance of the cave, and then played chess leisurely against each other - these two people even brought chess boards with them.

But being angry, Li Xuan still used the meticulousness of his days as a forensic doctor to clean every scale and gap on the black dragon's body, and then wash it with the strange soap locust.

What makes Li Xuan slightly strange is that he occasionally finds purple and black lines that look like runes on these scales. When he scrubbed hard, these lines would become lighter, and at this time, black gas would continuously flow out from the gaps in the scales, and then gather behind Li Xuan.

When Li Xuan turned around, he found that the female ghost in red was swallowing up the black mist like a bottomless pit.

Li Xuan was not sure about the situation, so he went to the entrance of the cave to ask what was going on.

But Li Yan sneered again: Where is the black mist here? It seems that Li Xuan, your illness is not cured yet. UUReading No, you must be lazy and don't want to do it, right?

Li Chengji opened his spiritual vision and took a look inside the cave. Then he also suspected that Li Xuan wanted to be lazy. He immediately felt a slight headache and rubbed his forehead: My father has never seen any black fog or patterns. In short, Xuan'er You just need to wash away everything that can be washed away. After this matter is over, my father will find a way to collect another Human Yuan Pill or something similar for you as a reward.

He decided to throw out a carrot to mobilize Li Xuan's enthusiasm.

Li Xuan was speechless and choked for a while, not knowing what to say. He could only go back the same way and continue cleaning the dragon scales.

Fortunately, apart from absorbing the black mist, there was nothing unusual about the female ghost. Li Xuan's chest did not feel any increased yin numbness. The green spot was the same as yesterday, with no sign of expansion.

Li Xuan calmly washed his hands and stopped being distracted.

This job is very boring, but for Li Xuan, who has been a forensic doctor for two years, it is actually nothing. And no matter how dirty the place is, he will clean it very carefully, even washing it back and forth several times without any impatience.

It was not until late at night the next day that Li Xuan finally washed the last scale off the black dragon's tail.

Then he bowed deeply to the black dragon, hurried out, and floated to the lake with his father and brother outside the cave.

There is no other way. He has to go back to work at Dianmao in Liudaosi tomorrow morning. Li Xuan has already returned home.

At this time, Li Xuan was at a loss. The moment he stepped out of the cave, the sleeping black dragon suddenly opened its eyes, and even poked its head out of the cave, staring deeply in his direction.

What's surprising is that even Li Chengji and Li Yan, who are highly skilled in cultivation, are completely unaware of the black dragon's great move.

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