Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 702 Heaven wants to destroy his country

At the court meeting that day, almost all personnel appointments followed Li Xuan's wishes.

It was difficult for him to obtain half of the votes among the auxiliary ministers, but it was much easier to ensure that he and Yu Hongshang would be among the top three candidates in the court meeting.

But Li Xuan's eating appearance must not be so ugly.

This court still needs the maintenance of several auxiliary ministers, and Li Xuan also needs to unite the vast majority of the power of the government and the opposition.

Whether it is to sideline a few auxiliary ministers or drive them out of the court, it is an option to wait and see.

As the prime minister of the Jin Dynasty, he must reconcile yin and yang, make the ministers work together, and maximize their talents instead of intensifying conflicts.

It was simple and pleasant to directly denounce people with different political views like Wang Anshi did, but it caused the former Zhao Dynasty to fall into party strife for hundreds of years, and even left a legacy for future generations.

Therefore, the purpose of this court meeting is more to shock.

If everyone is willing to sit down and have a good talk, then you can share more candies. If you don't want to, then let's break up the relationship and decide the difference in the court discussion.

After this court meeting, all aspects of government affairs in the court became smoother.

Li Xuan reached a tacit agreement with the auxiliary ministers. All personnel of third rank and above in Northern Zhili, Southern Zhili and along the Yangtze River Canal will be decided by him in the future.

For those below the third rank, the Ministry of Personnel must also give priority to the candidates proposed by him.

As for the other areas, Li Xuan didn't ask at all.

The focus of his reform was concentrated on these provinces.

Li Xuan's idea is to implement the New Deal in these wealthy provinces first, and then roll it out across the board after success.

Those poor places have a conservative atmosphere and cannot withstand hardships.

By July 26, the imperial encore was opened as scheduled.

It is worth mentioning that this time Enke's president is Li Xuan, and its vice president is Shang Hong. Nearly half of the co-examiners in each room are appointed by Yu Hongshang with reference to Li Xuan's opinions.

Due to the urgent shortage of officials, several auxiliary ministers temporarily increased the number of admissions after a court meeting.

There are a total of 820 Jinshi in this subject, which is the highest number in the Jin Dynasty's annual examinations.

What relieved Li Xuan was that this time his reform of the imperial examination did not encounter much resistance in the court.

At least eight auxiliary ministers, not one of them opposed the addition of arithmetic subjects.

Emperor Jingtai knew people well and made good use of them, and promoted all capable ministers.

As long as he has the ability, he can tolerate even Shang Hong, Xiao Ci, and Gao Gu who are devoted to the Queen Mother and the Emperor.

None of the eight auxiliary ministers appointed by Emperor Jingtai before his death were mediocre, and they all knew the importance of arithmetic.

Therefore, even if they do not openly support it, they will not directly oppose it.

The results of the imperial examination were also very gratifying. Although the stereotyped essays at this time had left a legacy in the world, there were still many students who had worked hard on arithmetic.

The eight hundred Jinshi admitted by the imperial court were basically proficient in all the mathematical knowledge in Nine Chapters of Arithmetic.

Many of them have studied his Gewu. The test paper not only has clear logic, but also regards the principles of Gewu as a guideline.

Therefore, most of their rankings are very high, and they are basically at the forefront of the second and third classes.

Li Xuan didn't know that many of them were speculative, but he didn't care.

It is difficult to fake the article. Even if these people want to follow his preferences, they need to truly understand his knowledge.

Li Xuan can see those who are superficial and try to fool people.

As for those who can understand the principles of Gewu and are accomplished in arithmetic, no matter what their character is, they are at least strong in political sensitivity and can be expected in terms of ability. They are all talents that can be used.

And just as it entered mid-August, Li Xuan took his subordinate Wang Yuan as his general and led the 40,000 newly trained Shenji Third Battalion and Shenji Fourth Battalion as the core, plus 120,000 cavalry from Jizhou and Liaodong. The army conquered Liaodong.

It is approaching winter at this time, and the temperature in Liaodong is already very low due to the cold wave.

But there is an advantage to sending troops in September. The nomadic tribes in Liaodong need to spend the winter, and their positions have basically stabilized.

Li Xuan worked extra hard to protect the soldiers from the cold. Not only did he prepare two sets of cotton-padded clothes for each person, he also specially obtained a large amount of leather and prepared leather boots and gloves for all the soldiers.

Wang Yuan's troops were also as powerful as wind, fire and thunder. In just two months, they swept across the entire Liaodong Plain.

At this time, most of the Jurchen tribes in Liaodong suffered heavy losses in the Mongol invasions to the south. Some tribes that have preserved their vitality are inclined to the Jin Dynasty.

Therefore, Wang Yuan's army was almost invincible. With great momentum, they recaptured Huanglong Prefecture (Changchun), Huining Prefecture (Harbin), and returned to Muluhan Mountain (northeast of Hegang). Then before the colder weather arrived, the entire army returned to Shenyang.

At this time, the area further north facing Tunguska and Sakhalin Island had not yet recovered, but the best areas of the Nurgan Command were already in the hands of the Jin Dynasty.

The remaining Beishan Jurchen and Sheng Jurchen tribes can be pacified by just sending some envoys.

These tribes were far away, and the Jin Dynasty only had the power to control them, but could not actually control them.

Many of the tribes did not even know that Nurgandu's commander-in-chief had fallen into the hands of Mengwu.

They don't care who owns the Liaodong Plain in the south. Anyway, they only surrender verbally. Whether they surrender to the Mengwu or the Jin Dynasty, it makes no difference to them.

And on the day when the imperial court announced the re-establishment of the ‘Nurgan Capital Command and Envoy Department’. The whole court was excited about it, and all the ministers were excited.

The results of Wang Yuan's eastern expedition were actually not great, and he killed less than a thousand heads along the way.

But this is the first time that the Jin Dynasty has conquered lost territory since the Tumubao Incident, which means that the national power of the Jin Dynasty is recovering.

Although King Yi and Yu Jian Shen were causing trouble in the northwest at this time, the knowledgeable people in the court didn't care much about it.

Regardless of the popular sentiment, terrain, or military strength, King Yi Wang Yu Jianshen did not have an advantage. The only thing this man can rely on is the support of the so-called ‘Kunlun Sect’.

This extraterritorial Taoist sect somehow emerged with dozens of heavenly positions, fully supporting Yu Jianshen's separatist rule of Shaanxi.

But at this time, Xi'an had the Shaanxi Commandery Division (Gansu) and Guyuan Town in the north, Henan Commander-in-Chief Fang Ying in the east, and Taiyuan Commander-in-Chief Guo Tai blocked Tongguan and Henan Prefecture, making it difficult for the troops to move eastward. If you can live in a corner, it will be difficult to influence the general trend of the world.

Therefore, both inside and outside the court, there is a lot of vitality and a trend of prosperity.

However, by the end of October, two major events occurred in the court.

First, various regions in the south reported bad harvests and requested the court to reduce or reduce the amount of money and grain levied this year.

Second, in August, the envoys sent by the Jin Dynasty to Jiaozhi and Damian to reprimand the two countries for aiding the Luchuan chieftain to cause trouble to the Jin Dynasty all returned from the south one after another.

The attitudes of the two countries are different. The Burmese country respectfully sent the envoy out of the country and promised not to associate with Luchuan again.

The Jiaozhi Kingdom refused to recognize it and expelled the Jin envoys from the country, causing an uproar in the court.

The sea fleet arranged by Li Xuan failed to buy as much food from Jiaozhi and Champa as expected.

Their ship was driven away as soon as it landed in Hanoi, and they had to rely on the powerful power of Jiaozhi to smuggle some food onto the ship.

As for the Champa side, there was no food supply.

Just because the King of Cochin, Li Yuanlong, had arrived at the city, the two countries had been at war for several months.

Li Xuan was quite surprised. Champa was originally Xianglin County of Rinan County, which was established in the Han Dynasty, and was located south of Jiaozhi (southern Vietnam).

It is also a fertile and fertile land, and the Champa rice that is harvested three times a year comes from here.

In his original plan, if he could not buy food in Cochin, he would use Champa as an alternative.

When Li Xuan was about to go on an envoy to Jiaozhi, the young minister of Honglu Temple and Peng Babai hurriedly summoned him to Beijing to inquire about the details.

The fleet heading to Jiaozhi this time was led by Peng Babai.

Peng Fulai's father was not only a large salt merchant operating in Huaihe and Nanzhili, but he was also very influential in overseas trade.

This time when the imperial court was purchasing grain, Peng Babai climbed up and shouted, and ships immediately gathered at sea.

It is a pity that although the fleet organized by Peng Babai made a lot of money this time, it could not bring back much food.

When the two met Li Xuan, the young minister of Honglu Temple was extremely ashamed: In fact, the courtiers of Jiaozhi Kingdom had a very good attitude towards the subordinates at first. They were very respectful and promised to cut off Luchuan. Si's toast's support.

However, after September, their attitude suddenly changed drastically. The Jiaozhi ceremony officer who was responsible for receiving the subordinates first avoided me. Then their king summoned me into the court, sternly reprimanded me, and gave me a full ten lashes for being rude and disrespectful, and then forcibly had my warriors twist me away and drive me out of the country!

The young minister of Honglu Temple was not only ashamed and resentful, but also filled with anger.

As an envoy of the superior country, he encountered such a shame and humiliation in Jiaozhi.

The young minister of Honglu Temple felt that he had no face to see the officials of the imperial court. During these days in Beijing, he also suffered from tremendous pressure. The officials were despised and the ministers ridiculed him.

This made him even think about committing suicide. If he hadn't reported on his errand and made a settlement, he would have committed suicide by throwing himself into the lake now.

Li Xuan's face was cold: Then do you know the reason for the great change in Jiaozhi's attitude?

Your Highness! Zhang Xuan, the young minister of Honglu Temple, took a deep breath: Xiaguan has a scholarly family for generations and is a man who knows etiquette. This time I went to Jiaozhi as an envoy, I was not arrogant or disrespectful at all. With the big and small actions, everything was ignored. Treat each other with courtesy.

Only in early September, Xiaguan rejected the Jiaozhi official's request for the imperial court to confer the king of Jiaozhi as the King of Annan. However, the Jin Dynasty had strictly rejected Jiaozhi many times, so it should not have angered him. Therefore, the change in Cochin should not be caused by our mission.

At this time, he hesitated slightly: According to Brother Peng's inquiries, we learned that in mid-September, people from the Central Plains secretly entered the palace of the King of Cochin. After that, the King of Cochin not only expelled our mission, but also launched an army to conquer the city soon after.

Li Xuan nodded slightly, then looked at Peng Babai: Uncle Peng, what do you think?

It should be the Jinque Tiangong, also known as the Kunlun Sect.

At this time, Peng Babai did not dare to claim to be an elder in front of Li Xuan. He clasped his fists and said, If my guess is correct, Jinque Tiangong should have promised King Jiaozhi to help him attack the city.

Also, recently the price of grain in places like Cochin and Champa has soared to 200 cents per stone. I speculate that the Golden Palace Tiangong’s massive purchase of grain in places like Cochin and Champa has pushed up the price of grain.

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled instead of getting angry: Interesting! This is really a country that God wants to destroy.

He thought about the yellow paper in his sleeve, which was a letter sent back by another sea fleet he sent to Luzon.

They did buy a lot of food there, but they encountered a huge sea storm and had to be stranded at the local port.

This fleet was not convened by the people, but organized by the internal officials.

Since the fleet had not returned for a long time, UU Reading the Internal Affairs Bureau did not hesitate to use the Fire Eyes Golden Crow to inquire, only to learn that a powerful storm that had not been seen in hundreds of years had broken out in the Nanyang area.

Bi Luo, please go to the palace and ask Princess Jian to summon the magicians from all over the world to the high platform of Yizhou (Taiwan) as soon as possible to help!

After Li Xuan ordered Dugu Biluo, he said to Zhang Xuan, the young minister of Honglu Temple, in a friendly manner: In the name of recuperation, go home and stay in peace. In three to five months at most, I will definitely let you return to Jiaozhi. Avenge the shame!

Zhang Xuan, the young minister of Honglu Temple, couldn't help being slightly stunned when he heard this.

He couldn't believe it at first, but then he saw Li Xuan's glorious achievements that swept the world in a few months. His astonishing ability, he was immediately impressed and said: If Your Highness can help this official to wash away this shame and humiliation, I will be willing to wipe out His Highness's heart and soul!

This is actually against the rules. His allegiance should be to the Jin Dynasty, not to the Prince of Fenyang.

But Zhang Xun, the young minister of Honglu Temple, hated the Jiaozhi country to the extreme and was willing to sacrifice everything to make the kings and ministers of the Jiaozhi country pay the price!

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