Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 703 The little fox escaped from marriage?

In Beijing, Li Xuan was asking Peng Babai about the details of his setback in Jiaozhi.

King Li Yuanlong of Cochin, who was in Champa, was sitting in his royal chariot, looking excitedly at Nha Trang City, which was undergoing a fierce battle in the distance.

This large and populous city, the northern gateway to the Champa Kingdom, was already crumbling under the attack of his 170,000-strong army.

Beside him were White Tiger Palace Master Shi Tianze and Jiaozhi General Li Sheng.

Further away, there is Ruan Guangming, the chief censor of the Li Dynasty. This man is in a state of grief and indignation: Your Majesty! You are also familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics. You know the books and are polite. How can you treat the envoys of the kingdom like this?

Even if the king doesn't like the Jin envoys, he can just expel them. Why do he need to be whipped and humiliated in person? Apart from irritating the Jin people, what good will your Majesty's move do to our dynasty?

He had recently returned from a mission to Siam, but as soon as he returned home, he heard the news that almost fainted.

Li Yuanlong finally turned his attention from the front and looked at his censor Zhongcheng with disdain: Provoking the Jin people? So what? Does the Jin Dynasty still dare to raise its troops to attack our dynasty?

He was slightly dissatisfied. When the Jin general Huangfu Shenji led his army to capture Jiaozhi, had he humiliated his father enough?

More than a hundred years ago, his father, King Li Li, took advantage of the opportunity when Emperor Yongle of the Jin Dynasty moved the capital to Beijing to rebel against the Jin Dynasty. He eventually drove all the Jin troops out of Jiaozhi and killed no less than 300,000 Jin people. How did the Jin Dynasty react in the end?

Didn't they hold their noses and admit it? Emperor Xuanzong of the Jin Dynasty even had to send envoys to Jiaozhi to appease him.

It can be seen that the power of the superior country is nothing more than this. .

What's more, now that the new emperor of the Jin Dynasty has succeeded to the throne, the young emperor has come to the throne, and the civil strife continues, how can there be any spare time to take care of their Jiaozhi?

In fact, Li Yuanlong also knew that his behavior in humiliating the Jin envoy was inappropriate, but Ruan Guangming could have remonstrated in private. Rather than mentioning this matter in the presence of an outsider like Shi Tianze, which would make him feel shameless.

Ruan Guangming's breath was suffocated when he heard this, and his eyes were dizzy: Your Majesty, treating the envoy harshly is an act of barbarism. How can I, Annan, govern the country with etiquette?

Moreover, I heard that the Jin Dynasty had defeated the Mongols in the north, captured the Mongolian Khan alive, and quelled the rebellion of two vassals in the country within a few months. This shows that its national strength has been restored and must not be underestimated!

At this time, although the Jin Dynasty called the old Jiaozhou land Jiaozhi, the Li dynasty always called itself Annan.

Okay! Li Yuanlong interrupted Ruan Guangming without waiting for him to finish. His face was green and cold: What exactly do you want to say?

Ruan Guangming immediately held his official hat and knelt on the ground: Please your Majesty to prepare a letter of credence and send an envoy to apologize to the Jin Dynasty to appease the anger of the superior country.

At this time, there was a boom sound on the royal chariot.

This is Li Yuanlong, shattering the armrest he was holding.

Ruan Guangming, however, continued to say indifferently: Your Majesty, have you forgotten that all the Jin's attacks on Champa in the past were due to the former King Annan's invasion of Champa, and the king of Champa sent envoys to the Jin for help? What if? If the Jin Dynasty raises troops to invade the south at this time, our dynasty may be overthrown.

Drag me down!

Li Yuanlong's eyes were as cold as a knife, and he was filled with anger: Seal his dog's mouth, drag him down, beat him with a cane, and put him in jail for interrogation for colluding with Jin people! Tell the people in the Prison Department that he must be beaten. Break his legs!

Your Majesty! Ruan Guangming was slightly stunned and looked at Li Yuanlong on the chariot.

He wanted to say something else, but a group of strong men had already swarmed him and held him down.

Someone also hit his mouth and tongue with the handle of a knife, and then drove Zhenyuan nails directly into his body, making him unable to speak again.

And even after Ruan Guangming was taken away, Li Yuanlong was still angry.

However, there was also a hint of worry deep in his eyes.

Li Yuanlong knew that a Prince of Fenyang had recently emerged among the Jin people, who was known as a divine general and invincible.

It was this man who was captured alive and defeated the two rebellious vassal kings, and his military skills were unparalleled in the world.

And today's Jin Dynasty is also led by this young man who has just turned 20 and is in charge of the government.

Therefore, what Ruan Guangming said just now is still possible.

Li Yuanlong was not very afraid of Jin attacks. He had personally experienced the war against Jin many years ago.

He saw with his own eyes how his father dragged down the Jin army step by step and then defeated it.

But Li Yuanlong was worried that the Jin army's southern invasion would affect his conquest of Champa.

Is your Majesty worried about the Jin army invading south?

Shi Tianze, the master of the White Tiger Palace, glanced at the King of Jiaozhi, and then let out a chuckle: Your Majesty, you are worrying too much. In the past, the heroic kings had few soldiers and few generals. When money and food were in short supply, they could repeatedly defeat the Jin people and behead hundreds of thousands of people. , Now Annan has thousands of generals and hundreds of thousands of troops, and with a wise and capable leader like you, the king, on the throne, if the Jin army rashly goes south, it will only be defeated.

He once served as the Prime Minister Zuo of Zhongshu and Deputy Privy Envoy of the Yuan Dynasty. He was in charge of important military and political affairs in this unprecedentedly large country, and a single word could determine the life or death of the vassal state.

Therefore, in his heart, he looked down upon the monarchs and ministers of the Jiaozhi Kingdom.

But Shi Tianze's city is deep and capable of bending and stretching.

Facing the arrogant and arrogant leader of the Annan Kingdom, Li Yuanlong, he was still able to put his body down.

It's ridiculous. If I were afraid of the Jin people, how could I whip the Jin envoys in public in the court?

Li Yuanlong scoffed disdainfully, and then looked at Shi Tianze: But I hope that you, the Kunlun Faction, will keep your promise! Once the Jin army invades the south, you must send more than ten Tianzhi to help me resist the Jin army.

Don't worry, Your Majesty. Our Kunlun faction never betrays our alliance, and we need allies like Your Majesty to contain the Jin people. How can we destroy the Great Wall?

At this time, Shi Tianze, the master of the White Tiger Palace, had a dim light flashing in his eyes: Actually, if the king is willing to raise troops and invade the Jin Dynasty, not to mention ten heavenly positions, twenty can be obtained. Our Kunlun faction is even willing to help the king go north. , take over the Central Plains.

Li Yuanlong was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly showed strong interest.

But then he shook his head: Let's talk about it later. Let's wait until the king captures this city. By the way, Palace Master Shi, why are you here to find me this time? If it is to buy food, then I can't help. I heard that You have been buying grain on a large scale in your country recently, and the amount has reached 5 million shi?

Not only have you bought up all the surplus grain in Annan this year, but also the old grain of the Ruan family and the Zheng family in previous years have been wiped out by you. I don't have any extra food for you now.

White Tiger Palace Master Shi Tianze smiled bitterly: Five million dan is too exaggerated. So far, we have only collected 2.7 million dan in food.

The grain he harvested in Cochin this time was far less than expected.

Although there are a lot of fertile fields here with three crops a year and more than ten shi per mu, the local people are not in the habit of saving food.

Just because the land in the south is humid, it is not easy to store.

And now Jinque Tiangong can’t afford much money.

Since Li Xuan plundered the East Island, the finances of Jinque Tiangong have been stretched thin. Shi Tianze can only bring two million taels to buy grain this time.

But today's Xi'an city has a huge food shortage. Due to the expansion of the army and the massive recruitment of civilians, a large number of fields in Shaanxi have been abandoned. There is a food shortage of at least five million shi this year.

There is also Luchuan Si's chieftain, who is also waiting for food and grass assistance from Jinque Tiangong.

Shi Tianze took a deep breath and leaned forward slightly: I heard that the king's Changping warehouse contains three million stones of old grain. Shi was bold enough to buy half of it at the price of three hundred coins and one stone.

Li Yuanlong, the leader of the Jiaozhi Kingdom, could not help but frown and fell into contemplation. After a moment, he smiled: The price of three hundred coins and one stone is quite fair, but I can only give you 80%.

Your Majesty! That's Changpingcang. This is Li Sheng, the Jiaozhi general next to him, with a worried look on his face.

It doesn't matter!

Li Yuanlong shook his head to stop Li Sheng: My Annan rice is harvested three times a year, and the harvest season is still twenty days away. So what if I give these grains and grass to them?

——Not to mention the high price of three hundred coins. You need to know that the price of food in Annan is usually only forty-five coins per stone. This is six times more than before, enough for them to make a fortune.


After Li Xuan met Zhang Xuan and Peng Babai, the young ministers of Honglu Temple, he didn't take Annan's matter to heart.

Just because at this time, Shennongyuan had cultivated many sweet potato seeds and began to promote them on a large scale.

Green Qiluo's ability in crop cultivation far exceeded Li Xuan's expectations. It actually reduced the growth time of the sweet potatoes in Shennongyuan by half.

As for the potato harvest, during the second season of planting, the yield per acre increased slightly, reaching forty-five shi.

The key is that the officials and powerful landowners from the north and south Zhili came to hear the news and asked for seeds from Huangzhuang, which doubled the potato planting area.

Annan's food is no longer as important as he thought before.

Moreover, Yu Hongshang has taken over this matter. If nothing happens, Jiaozhi will pay the price for their arrogance and stupidity.

Li Xuan was also ready to relocate the people to Liaodong for resettlement.

There is no need to worry about the Shaanxi side for the time being, but the Shandong side is imminent.

Since Taizu Taizong, Shandong has been the most populous place in the Jin Dynasty.

It is said to have 8 million households and a population of 30 million. Therefore, there is famine every year in Shandong and rebellion every year.

The reason why the imperial court did not dare to abolish water transportation even though it was aware of its shortcomings was because the land in Shandong could not support such a large population.

Especially with the arrival of the cold wave, the situation in Shandong is even more dangerous. The White Lotus Sect, which was wiped out before, is on the verge of resurgence.

Li Xuan planned to move 500,000 households from Shandong this time. To this end, he even went to Liaodong to supervise the 200,000 troops stationed here to build wooden houses in the wild according to his plan.

Naturally, it is impossible for these soldiers to sacrifice for the people like the Rabbit Army of later generations and go to work in the fields in the winter.

However, Li Xuan used money to urge him, and the effect was pretty good.

At this time, Li Xuan was very proud, because these days, both official and private matters were going smoothly.

In the court, as long as it was government affairs promoted by Li Xuan, there was basically no obstacle.

In the private house, Li Xuan also enjoyed all the tenderness.

The girls Xue Yunrou and Luo Yan may have wanted children too much. These days they were willing to give in to him, which allowed him to know what it was like to be in a gentle land.

Although Li Xuan sometimes felt that he couldn't bear it. He was almost late for breakfast every morning, and had to order a bowl of Cordyceps sinensis and mutton soup from the kitchen at night, which was used to warm the liver and kidneys, replenish sperm and strengthen yang, but he was still secretly proud of it.

Li Xuan felt that he had perfected his time management skills, and the girls in the family were now in harmony. From now on, there was no longer any danger of capsizing, and he could enjoy twice the blessings of his family.

But as time passed, Li Xuan secretly panicked.

Just because until October 5th, UU Reading Jiang Hanyun, who went out to hunt for the criminals on the black list, still did not return to the capital.

But the wedding date set by Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Jiang a few months ago was on the eighth day of October, which was only a few days away.

Li Xuan initially thought something had happened to Jiang Hanyun, but after asking the Xiuyi Guards to investigate, he found out that Jiang Hanyun was staying in Nanjing and that he was safe and sound.

Liudaosi said that the criminals on the black list that Jiang Hanyun was chasing had already been captured and placed in Nanjing Demon Town Tower.

Li Xuan also had a suspicion in an instant. Could this half-demon little fox have a phobia about marriage, or simply want to escape from marriage?

On the sixth day of October, Li Xuan finally couldn't sit still anymore. He immediately forcibly captured the Tiantian Mastiff from Ao Shuying's Shuide Yuanjun Temple, and then ran to Xue Yunrou to borrow the 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon God Shuttle' , preparing to go to Nanjing to capture the little fox and bring him to justice.

But Xue Yunrou looked at him with her arms crossed and didn't speak for a long time.


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