Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 704 Where is my horse?

Li Xuan was stared at by Xue Yunrou's strange eyes. He felt a little panicked for no reason, and the hair on his back stood up: Rou'er, why are you looking at me like this?

Is he reflecting on whether he has done anything bad recently? Then I found that he seemed to be a little drifting these days.

Xue Yunrou remained silent. She thought that Li Xuan recently had nothing to say.

Although this guy is busy with official duties, Li Xuan can always find time to accompany her, and he will give her some small surprises from time to time - according to Li Xuan, it is romantic.

The key lies in the bed - ahem, it means working hard on important matters of human relations.

Although every time we get to the back, this guy becomes more and more lazy.

But when Xue Yunrou thought about the marriage between Li Xuan and her cousin two days later, she felt like a stone was stuck in her heart.

Obviously she can be with Li Xuan, the matchmaker is getting married, the wedding dress is red——

She felt unhappy, but this guy came over to borrow the 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon God Shuttle' from her in order to coax Hanyun.

Xue Yunrou's eyes were red, and she almost shed tears, but she restrained herself. She thought: I have been using this demon-proofing shuttle recently, so I can't just borrow it. But if you can guess what I'm thinking now, Xuan Lang, I It doesn’t hurt to lend it to you.”

Li Xuan's heart suddenly rang with alarm bells. He was approaching Dacheng's time management method, which made him instinctively realize that this was not just a matter of 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to Destroy the Demon God's Shuttle'. .

Li Xuan decided to turn to Tingtian Mastiff for help, and secretly transmitted the message with his spiritual mind: Tingtian, please help me listen. What is Yunrou thinking about now?

Listening to Tianmastiff, I couldn't help but smile ha, thinking, is it so easy to listen to the voice of a powerful person in heaven? It takes a lot of effort.

But you don’t usually burn incense, so you come here to hold the Buddha’s feet in a hurry. What a beautiful idea!

It's a pity that it traveled all the way to Beijing to seek refuge, but this guy just refused to let it become its own beast.

In the end, it was Xue Yunrou and Luo Yan who came forward and allowed Master Shui De Yuanjun to accept it and become Yuanjun's guardian beast.

Now Li Xuan remembered it and brought it in to work hard. It was no such good thing.

Their brotherhood has been completely severed! broken!

As a result, the next moment, it heard Li Xuan's spiritual message: You help me this time, turn your back and I will help you match up with the Six-Eared General of the Capital God's family. He knew that he had recently heard that the Tianmastiff was going to the Capital God's Temple in Beijing. He ran very frequently, probably because he had taken a fancy to the six-eared lion Shi Liuru under Duke Wen Zhonglie.

Hearing Tianmastiff's body trembled slightly, he thought that Li Xuan was still kind to me.

This guy is the husband of Suide Yuanjun. We can't offend him. We might as well make it difficult this time——

But at this moment, it saw Xue Yunrou's eyes staring over.

That look was so fierce and vicious that Tianma could tell what the other person was thinking without having to listen to Xue Yunrou's heartbeat.

If you dare to help Li Xuan, I will skin you——

Tingtian Mastiff immediately let out a whimper, and then shrank its body.

Li Xuan knew at first glance that this guy was a coward, and thought to himself that this guy was really unreliable, and it would be useless to burn more incense.

But this time when he goes to Jiangnan, he has to rely on the power of this local snake, so he won't kick him away.

Li Xuan could only shake his head, and then looked at Xue Yunrou sincerely: Is Rou'er worried about the marriage between you and me?

When he saw Xue Yunrou was about to cry and bit her lower lip tightly, he knew better. Li Xuan couldn't help but sigh softly, and then held Xue Yunrou's hand tightly: Although we can't announce it to the public, our marriage can still be held. I have thought about it before, and we choose a remote place to hold the wedding. Invite my mother, Mrs. Xue, and Tianshi Zhang. Then we will have three books, six etiquettes, and eight sedans, all of which will be quite a lot.

Xue Yunrou was stunned for a moment. While warmth grew in her heart, she was also secretly moved.

She looked at Li Xuan intently, and then said, I can't give you the things. Hong Shang asked me and my father to go to Yizhou to preside over the methods and divert the trend of the Nanyang storm.

This storm was very powerful, and it was said to be the largest in history. Although Hongshang summoned six hundred magicians and asked the East China Sea Dragon Clan for help, she was still unable to do anything. My father and I had to rush there as soon as possible. Therefore, I can't lend you the 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon God Shuttle'. I have to leave for Xi'an in half a day to pick up my father, and I'm not traveling with you either.

Li Xuan suddenly smiled secretly in his heart, knowing that he still had not passed the test, but the crisis was postponed.

At the same time, I am also worried about it. The Nanyang Storm is indeed a major event related to the livelihood of the people along the southern coast, much more important than my own marriage.

Then Li Xuan's expression changed: Is the storm in Nanyang very big? Is the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea helpless?

Since he handed this matter over to Yu Hongshang, he hasn't asked about it for a long time.

It is said that the eye of the storm this time is not one, but two, originating from the boundless ocean east of Luzon.

Xue Yunrou pointed to the south as he spoke: According to the astronomical experts of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, their wind power will increase, and the strength of the wind has not been seen for thousands of years. Then in a few days, they will still be in Qiongzhou (Hainan). The combination of Nanji can be said to be a wind disaster unprecedented in thousands of years.

Xue Yunrou looked at Li Xuan and said in a solemn voice: Li Xuan, what you said is right. This is because God wants to destroy his country.


Unable to borrow Xue Yunrou's 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon God Shuttle', Li Xuan had no choice but to pursue the idea of ​​the 'Red Thunder Chariot'.

On the way to the Forbidden City, Li Xuan hurried back to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion and personally signed two military orders.

Order the Governor of Guangdong and Guangdong to quickly prepare the Guangdong Navy and renovate the gunboats. Consider choosing among the pirates in the South China Sea who have many gunboats and are loyal to recruit them. He has a camp of 50,000 soldiers under his command, and will go to Guangxi Commander-in-Chief Zhang Zhongzhang to listen to orders.

At this time, the Artifact Alliance was already helping him develop a cheap, steel-shelled steam gunboat.

Using steam as power and propellers for propulsion - but it was obviously too late for this battle.

Li Xuan knew the principle of propellers, so he skipped the 'paddle wheel' stage.

But since he hasn't found an oil field with large reserves yet, and coal is always available, he still uses steam and magic arrays as assistance.

It is expected that after the construction of this kind of gunboat, the Jin Dynasty can gain hegemony on the far and near seas, and even have the power to fight against most sea beasts.

But now, the keels of these gunboats have not yet been built.

Li Xuan has too many things to do now and cannot take care of them all.

The second military order is to order the general military officer of Guangxi, Huaiyuan Bo Zhang Zhong, to quickly mobilize 90,000 troops and horses, and to recruit 100,000 wolf soldiers from various chieftains in Guangxi to station at the border of Jiaozhi. The food and military pay will be provided by the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. .

The Wolf Soldiers are local armed forces formed by chieftains, also called Liao Soldiers.

Next to him, Huangfu Mao, the Duke of Fuguo, immediately looked at him: Is the King of Fenyang going to attack Jiaozhi? Reinstate the Chief Secretary of Jiaozhi?

The Duke was only twenty-two years old and served as the governor of the left army and joined the army on the right.

Not long ago, this person personally requested the order from the Princess Supervisor and was transferred to the Governor's Office of the Fifth Army. He served under Li Xuan and essentially played the role of Li Xuan's assistant and secretary.

Although Huangfu Mao was the son of Huangfu Shenji and was currently serving as the Duke of the country, he was closer to Li Xuan in the court and was at odds with his two uncles.

A few months ago, Li Xuan defeated Mengwu and captured him alive, so Huangfu Mao, the Duke of Fuguo, decided to devote all his efforts to his service.

He knew that if there was anyone in this world who could help him avenge his father Huangfu Shenji, it would undoubtedly be Li Xuan.

It can only be said that we are preparing for a rainy day. The specific strategy depends on the situation. Li Xuan's eyes showed seriousness: But before that, I have to make sure that Jiaozhi has no spare power to assist the Luchuan chieftain.

Huangfu Mao thought for a moment: I would like to ask you to go south to supervise this matter.

Li Xuan took a deep look at Huangfu Mao. He knew that Jiaozhi was brought down by Huangfu Mao's father, Huangfu Shenji. When Xuanzong abandoned Jiaozhi in the early years, Huangfu Shenji had already left Jiaozhi for many years.

But this matter may have been cited by Huangfu Shenji as a shocking incident in his life.

So he waved his hand without hesitation: You can go if you want. I can give you the title of special imperial envoy. After you go, help me pay attention to Hanoi.

Li Xuan clicked on the map: Let's see if there is a chance to occupy this place. I don't want to occupy Jiaozhi, but I need to destroy the Li Dynasty. The great power of the Jin Dynasty will not tolerate small offenses by barbarians!

At least when he was in charge of the Jin Dynasty, he would never allow it——

After arranging temporary military affairs, Li Xuan hurried into the palace to find Yu Hongshang.

Want to borrow my Red Thunder Divine Chariot to go to Jiangnan?

Yu Hongshang looked at Li Xuan up and down: I heard that Jiang Zhonglang has never returned. Is Xuanlang going to look for her?

Yes - Li Xuan was just about to nod when he remembered the setback he encountered with Xue Yunrou not long ago. He quickly stopped talking: It's for official business! Official business! The Artifact Alliance has built two steelmaking plants in Nanzhili. There are four factories. This is something that will greatly benefit the country. I am ready to go on an inspection tour to see what happens.

This is the truth. In this world, with the help of magic, no matter what you build, it will be very fast.

But when Yu Hongshang heard this, she smiled without any hint of fireworks: I see, if it's for your marriage to Jiang Zhonglang, I can lend you the Red Thunder Divine Chariot. But since it's just for inspection, Then don't be in a hurry.

Moreover, Shaofu Yu also asked me to borrow a sacred chariot before. He was going to Yunnan to inspect the military situation and observe the war situation, which was much more important than the factory matters. Let's do this. I'll ask the palace to lend you a flying boat, and you can help me check out the water transportation along the river. It is said that the water level of the canal has dropped and it has been extremely congested recently.

Li Xuan almost bit off his tongue, feeling extremely regretful.

His marriage to Jiang Hanyun will be two days later, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net How can an ordinary flying boat catch up?

But by this time it was too late for him to change his mind.

Li Xuan already instinctively felt that something was wrong. If he really dared to say this, he might be in unpredictable danger.

Li Xuan had no choice but to leave the palace in a hurry.

He had no choice but to prepare to use the power of Jade Qilin. The jade unicorn's speed is only a few lines slower than the Red Thunder Divine Chariot and the 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon God Shuttle'.

Although it is hard work along the way, it can be said that raising a horse takes a thousand days and using it only takes a while.

But when he walked out of the Forbidden City, he found that the luxurious stable specially built for his jade unicorn outside the Meridian Gate was empty.

Li Xuan couldn't help but stare blankly, thinking where is my horse?


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