Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 733: Take the Emperor out

A few days later, when Li Xuan and Yu Hongshang met again in Shennongyuan, Yu Hongshang found that Li Xuan looked gloomy.

She couldn't help but wonder: "Xuanlang, what's wrong with you? Why are you so listless?"

Li Xuan raised his eyelids and glanced at her, then sighed and said nothing.

Dugu Biluo, who was standing next to him, chuckled and said, "Why else? Of course it's financial difficulties. He's worried about money."

Yu Hongshang was startled when she heard this, with doubt in her eyes: "Where did you spend your money? Didn't you still have 70 million six months ago? The factories you opened recently are also making money every day."

"I have my own uses, and the money is spent where it should be spent." Li Xuan thought to himself that it was not for money. Although his finances were indeed very difficult, it was not yet an imminent situation.

Mainly because in the past two days, he couldn't help but secretly glance at Tubo. The scene was really eye-catching...

I really shouldn't have seen it. Snakes can really hold on for a long time in this regard. They can't let go for several days in a row.

Li Xuan had a feeling that he had sex and was no longer pure.

"Seventy million yuan, you can't spend it so quickly if you use it all to buy artifacts."

Yu Hongshang couldn't believe it and was a little worried.

But in the end, Yu Hongshang shook her head and put away her curiosity. She thought that no matter where Li Xuan spent the money, she should not be involved.

She turned and smiled bitterly: "I originally wanted to talk to you about opening a factory."

After Li Xuan's factories were put into operation, business was booming, and many noble families inside and outside the government were jealous. Those who wanted to buy various machinery from the Artifact Alliance lined up in a long queue.

Yu Hongshang was also tempted and wanted to invest in a factory.

She clearly divided the assets under her jurisdiction. Those belonging to the imperial court belonged to the people of the world, the royal properties in the inner palace belonged to Yu Youxun, and those in the princess mansion belonged to her.

Li Xuan couldn't help laughing: "You want to open a factory? This is a good thing. I can't be the exclusive owner of these businesses. Hongshang, what do you want to do? Silk reeling is the most profitable, but it must be opened in Jiangnan. Secondly, cotton spinning is the most profitable. The second is wool weaving.

Hongshang, how many machines do you want? I'll let the Artifact Alliance jump in and do it for you. If you are too busy with state affairs to take care of it, you may consider partnering with Luo Yan and others. "

Recently, Luo Yan, Xue Yunrou, and Le Qianqian each invested in two factories, each with a scale of 500 machines, and planned to open them in Tianjin.

The factory under Li Xuan's name is also expanding, and will probably increase six times in size.

The total investment is expected to be less than 3 million, but the income of these factories by the end of the year will increase to 32 million taels.

The reason why it has only expanded six times is that employees need training and the source of raw materials is not well organized.

In terms of sales, there is no need to worry at all. Whether it is silk reeling or cotton spinning, the quality of machines is better than that of manual work.

Therefore, although the shipping prices of several factories are 20% higher than the market price, businessmen from all over the country still flock to it.

In fact, it would be okay to let Luo Yan and the others invest their money in factories under Li Xuan's name. The problem is that these factories are currently managed by his sister-in-law Su Zhaojun, which is still a bit inconvenient.

Yu Hongshang thought for a moment, then shook her head slightly, "I'd better invest in a company by myself. It's no longer a partnership."

There are still several management talents in her princess mansion, and they are loyal.


Li Xuan actually didn't want a few girls to compete in the mall in the future, but he thought of the current population of 150 million in Dajin. The population may explode in ten years.

Such a big market, I don’t know how many machines are needed to fill it, so I just let it go.

After negotiating the deal, the two got off Yu Hongshang's imperial chariot and walked into Shennongyuan together.

However, their attention was attracted by a wheat field in front of them.

The reason why they gathered here today was because the hybrid wheat between Green Qiluo and Zhao Xixue had already achieved preliminary results.

Li Xuan remembered that it was much easier to hybridize wheat than rice and wheat, so he reminded Lu Qiluo and the two to specialize in wheat first.

"This wheat stalk seems to be a lot taller, at least a foot taller."

Li Xuan looked at another wheat field nearby and compared it.

He keenly discovered that not only did the wheat in his field grow taller, but the ears of wheat were also significantly larger and larger.

This is simply a miracle. Since the beginning of the cold wave, the wheat ears in various places have been more or less affected and are not as plump as in previous years.

Li Xuan's eyes couldn't help but shine, and he couldn't help but grab the hand of a girl next to him: "Senior, how much is the expected output? Can it withstand cold and drought?"

But there was dead silence around Li Xuan, and no one spoke for a long time.

Only then did Li Xuan realize that the hand he had grasped was not Lu Qiluo's, but that of the Taoist Taoist Zhao Xixue.

This cold and self-possessed young girl calmly tried to break away, her pretty face flushed.

Next to them, Yu Hongshang, Lu Qiluo, and Dugu Biluo all looked at Li Xuan's hand.

There was even a hint of murderous intent in Yu Hongshang's eyes.

Li Xuan's heart froze and he quickly let go of his hand.

He thought to himself that this was a huge misunderstanding, he had been so excited just now.

But this kind of thing gets darker the more you explain it.

Li Xuan's face remained calm: "Senior Lu, what is the output?"

Green Qiluo then answered: "It should be about fourteen stones. We won't know the exact amount until the wheat ears are fully mature in five days."

There was a slight smile on her lips, and her brows were full of joy: "I have tried planting in the dry land and cold land created by the magic, and there are a dozen or so areas next to it. It has a strong ability to withstand cold. We use Li Xuan The thermometer you made measures that it can survive even at minus 18 degrees. Its drought resistance can only be said to be average, slightly stronger than ordinary wheat seeds."

She wished she could use magic to make these hybrid wheat mature now.

But plant growth has its own process, and it is not a good thing to overdo it.

"Fourteen stones!"

Yu Hongshang's starry eyes flashed with strangeness, and she clenched her hands into fists: "Then it will at least double? I wonder when this wheat seed will be promoted?"

The excitement in Yu Hongshang's chest at this time was not only not inferior to the previous harvest of potatoes and sweet potatoes, but even exceeded it.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes can be used to satisfy hunger, but they are unlikely to be accepted by the people of Jin Dynasty as staple food. However, people in the north and south of the Yangtze River are accustomed to eating wheat.

Nowadays, for an acre of good-quality farmland in the north, the wheat yield is only about six dan.

The hybridization method Li Xuan mentioned can really be successful.

Green Qiluo shook her head: "It's still early to say. Whether this variety can be promoted all over the world, we have to plant it for a few seasons to see how it goes. It's best to test the planting in soil all over the world. If there is no problem, then I will try my best. Let’s cultivate enough wheat seeds before September.”

"September?" Yu Hongshang thought that this was the time for sowing winter wheat. She tried her best to suppress her emotions and saluted the two of them with a solemn expression: "Then I'll leave it to you two! Mr. Lu, Jue Sin Taoist, Today there is a severe cold wave, disasters occur frequently, and rice and wheat production are greatly reduced.

If this hybrid wheat can succeed, hundreds of millions of people will be alive, and it will indeed bring great merit to the world. Here in this palace, on behalf of the people of the world and the imperial court, I would like to thank you two!

"Princess, you are serious."

Lu Qiluo immediately took a step back humbly: "The one who came up with the idea this time was Li Xuan. The one who painstakingly selected the sterile ear seeds from tens of thousands of wheat ears was also a Taoist priest. Lu just did some hard work. When I don’t deserve this thank you from the princess.”

Green Qiluo was in a very happy mood. Although she only did some hard work and used magic to promote wheat fields, she still contributed to the world.


After inspecting the Shennongyuan, Yu Hongshang returned to the royal chariot, still feeling uneasy.

"I just saw it. Green Qiluo and the others tried planting hybrid wheat in simulated cold fields. In other words, in Liaodong from the south of Tieling, this kind of hybrid wheat can be planted in winter. To the north of Tieling, it can also be planted in spring Planting, there is not much difference in yield, but there will be a slight difference in taste.

In other words, the entire Liaodong can become the granary of the Jin Dynasty in the future, and Beijing will no longer need water transportation to maintain it."

Just as Yu Hongshang was saying this, she suddenly paused and grabbed a big pig's trotter that fell silently on her leg with her hand.

Yu Hongshang had a cold face and slapped it away: "I am seriously discussing state affairs with you, where are you touching? Take your hand away, don't you have a crush on Zhao Xixue? Go find her."

Li Xuan thought that this injustice could never be washed away. UU Reading He looked stern: "It was really a misunderstanding just now, Chang'er, we haven't seen each other for several days."

"You also know that we won't see each other for a few days?" Yu Hongshang sneered: "That's it for the day before yesterday and the day before yesterday. You want to accompany Luo Yan and Yunrou, that's right. They are pregnant, so you should spend more time with them , but yesterday I asked the maid to recruit you into the palace, but you went to Xifengkou to find the little mare, right?"

"I told you that I was going to inspect the military situation. There have been some changes in Duoyan's three parts recently."

Li Xuan really went to find Meng Qingfan. Xuan Chenzi lost track of him two months ago.

Then Meng Qingfan's whereabouts became uncertain, appearing and disappearing.

Yesterday, Li Xuan heard from the Xiuyi Guard that Meng Qingfan had appeared at Xifengkou, so he hurried over but missed.

But he also inspected the military situation there.

Yu Hongshang noticed that Li Xuan's movements not only did not stop, but also increased in intensity.

She blushed and struggled half-heartedly: "Don't make trouble! Look, you woke up the child."

Li Xuan found that Yu Youxun, who was lying on the bed next to him, had indeed woken up. He was sucking his fingers, blinking his big eyes, and looking at the two of them curiously.

Li Xuan's expression condensed slightly: "Bi Luo, come and take the emperor out, and avoid him!"

Yu Hongshang couldn't laugh or cry immediately. Dugu Biluo, who was waiting outside the royal chariot, also walked in a little speechlessly.

She did not hug Yu Youxun, but handed a purple-gold letter talisman to Li Xuan's hand: "Just in time, you should take a look at the urgent military situation of the Xiuyi Guards."

Li Xuan took the letter talisman in his hand, then chuckled and handed the letter talisman to Yu Hongshang.

"The progress of manufacturing revolvers seems to have to be accelerated."

This letter only said one thing. Yesterday, Da Siming appeared in the sweat tent of Wala Khan Yexian and had a secret meeting with Yexian for an hour.

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