Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 734 Li Fenyang seeks death

After entering April, both the government and the public began to enter war preparation mode.

At the beginning of May, Yu Hongshang, the princess of the State Supervisor, issued an edict, appointing Li Xuan as the "General of the Northern Campaign" and taking charge of all military affairs and wars in the Mongolian direction. All the capital camps and guards in the north began to take action upon hearing the news.

On May 25, 130,000 troops from the Shenji Camp, 120,000 troops from the 10th Regiment Camp, 60,000 troops from the 5th Army Camp, and 90,000 elite infantry troops from the Northern Zhili and Jizhou Guard Stations all entered Xuanfu one after another. front.

Among these 400,000 people, except for the Shenji Battalion and the Tenth Regiment Battalion, which are all musketeers, the rest of the troops are also equipped with the improved old-style shotguns of the Artifact Alliance.

All the cavalry troops from Jizhou Town, Beizhili, Shandong Capital Command Division, and Liaodong Capital Command Division are also gathering at Xuan Mansion. Not only did the total number of riders reach 150,000, but they were all one man and two horses...

The great victory at Xuanfu last year greatly improved the number of war horses in Jin Dynasty.

After the busy farming season in spring, Li Xuan raised 350,000 civilians to support logistics.

In addition, the imperial court also recruited 120,000 cavalry troops from the grassland tribes who surrendered to the Jin Dynasty, bringing the total number of cavalry to 270,000.

Along the canal, there are many canals, and a large amount of grain and grass are continuously sent to Xuanfu Town and Datong Town.

At this time, the imperial court was still responsible for a large-scale war involving more than one million people in the direction of Xi'an.

In previous years, the imperial court's finances would have collapsed long ago.

But this year, due to the issuance of new coins, the imperial court still has more than enough financial resources even if it supplies war in two directions at the same time.

The Mint Supervisor of the Ministry of Industry can print hundreds of thousands of taels worth of silver and aluminum coins every day, which are continuously transported to the south in exchange for food needed by the army.

Naturally, the imperial court's Changpingcang and Yicang could not produce so much food, but powerful landlords from all over the country did.

For more than ten years after the Tumubao War, most places in the Jin Dynasty were in good weather. No matter which one of these powerful landowners has a lot of savings, their granaries are overflowing.

Originally, after May of the first year of the Restoration, it was a foregone conclusion that Huguang and other places would have a second bad harvest. Grain merchants and tycoons from all over the country are gearing up to stock up, hoping to take advantage of the grain shortage season to make a fortune or expand their industries.

But starting from this month, a large amount of 'Fenyang potatoes' and 'Champion potatoes' were put into the market by the imperial court.

Governments in various places exchanged rice and wheat directly from the people at ridiculously low prices.

In addition to the daily limit of champion potatoes, there is an endless supply of Fenyang potatoes.

Although this potato, also known as potato, does not taste good, it is enough to fill your stomach.

According to the official selling price, one stone of rice is enough to exchange for ten stones of Fenyang potatoes.

For those ordinary people, they would rather eat potatoes for three meals a day than accept the exploitation of wealthy businessmen and landlords.

What's more, after the exchange, you can also grow it at home.

Therefore, the food prices in Huguang and Jiangnan, the two major grain-producing areas, did not rise but fell after large-scale famines.

Some local tycoons who had realized that something was wrong, sold their grain to the court.

Although the price of these grains will be slightly lower than the market price, it can at least guarantee their profits.

Anyone with insight in the Jiangnan area realizes that food prices may collapse in the next few months, and it is better to sell this food as early as possible.

For this reason, in addition to supplying supplies for the war in the west of Shaanxi, the imperial court was also able to fill the granaries along the Great Wall.

At the same time, the Ordnance Supervision of the Ministry of Industry and the Internal Arms Bureau of the Internal Affairs Bureau were also busy building revolvers.

In terms of manpower alone, the human resources of these two companies are actually far superior to those of the Artifact Alliance. The number of registered craftsmen households in these two companies alone reaches 200,000, distributed in Beijing and Tianjin.

Although the two organizations are usually greedy and have people as scattered as rotten wood, when the court is determined and has enough money and food support, these two organizations can still explode into astonishing production capacity.

Since mid-May, a total of 250,000 revolvers have been delivered to the Xuanfu military camp in batches.

Li Xuan has no worries about the quality of these guns, because the most important "barrels" and "runners" of these revolvers are cast from the steel factories of the Artifact Alliance.

The Ordnance Supervisor and the Internal Arms Bureau are mainly responsible for polishing, gun handles, rifling, installing flint and assembly parts, and carving runes.

Therefore, no matter how low-quality these guns are, they will not explode.

And this time with Young Master Yu Jie personally supervising, no matter how bad the people in the Ordnance Supervision and the Internal Weapon Staff Bureau were, they would not dare to have their hands in this revolver order.

Li Xuan also tried several revolvers, and the quality was very good.

In addition, the Ordnance Supervisor and the Internal Weapons Bureau even had spare capacity. With the help of steel plates provided by the Artifact Alliance, they made a large number of sidecars pulled by manpower and oxen.

On the third day of June, Li Xuan officially set off northward and led his guard battalion northward to Xuanfu.

And on the day he was about to leave, Shao Si Mingyuan Taiwei came to the door.

After recuperating for more than half a year, although Yuan Taiwei's injuries have not improved much, his complexion is no longer as ugly as before.

But after meeting Li Xuan, this person had an expression that was difficult to express.

Li Xuan looked at her with a friendly but confused expression: "What's the matter with Young Siming? Just ask."

At this time, Huang Jun, who was acting as a bodyguard next to him, only glanced at Young Siming and thought, I know this expression.

She said bluntly: "She probably wants to borrow money from you."

Huang Jun had this look on his face when he came to find Ao Shuying before.

Of course Li Xuan knew that Yuan Taiwei was here to borrow money. He knew that Yuan Taiwei had been convening her old subordinates in the past six months, trying to build a heavenly palace relying on the 'Slaying the Immortal Order' and the 'Copy of the Golden Que Tianzhang' in her hands.

Although Yuan Taiwei's influence in Jinque Tiangong was purged by Da Si Ming, his background still remains.

In the past six months, Source Taiwei had actually gathered three Tianshi who had rebelled from the Heavenly Palace and more than twenty Fourth Sect members, and had become a powerful force.

Under the leadership of Yuan Taiwei, they focused on the repair of the sky gap, which greatly reduced the pressure on the Six Daosi and the court.

However, Yuan Taiwei was too hasty when he escaped from the Heavenly Palace and carried very few belongings.

And if she wants to support so many powerful martial arts practitioners and magicians, she will need an incalculable amount of money.

Li Xuan pretended not to know. He frowned and scolded Huang Jun: "What nonsense are you talking about? If you don't know how to speak, don't speak. Don't offend my distinguished guest!"

Huang Wuhuan immediately gritted his teeth and wanted to beat him back.

But when she thought about the money she owed Li Xuan, she finally endured it.

Huang Wuhuan endured her sulking. She thought that the demon market had reopened recently and the business was very good.

After I pay off the debt, I will make you look good!

Yuan Taiwei's cheeks were burning red and she was extremely embarrassed, but at this time she also gave up: "To be honest, Yuan has two things to ask for. One is to ask the King of Fenyang to lend me 30 million yuan generously. Two weeks turn into one year; secondly, I want to open several factories in Tianjin, and I need His Highness’ help.”

She has been thinking about developing financial resources recently, and Yuan Taiwei is also very coveted by Li Xuan's factories.

Li Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and his mind was agitated for a moment. He knew that the long-awaited opportunity had finally come.

Li Xuan showed a look of embarrassment on his face: "Things in the factory are easy to handle. As long as Mr. Shao Siming has money, I will let the Artifact Alliance deliver the goods as quickly as possible.

But borrowing money? If it were a few million taels, it would be fine, and Li wouldn't even frown. But this is as much as 30 million taels, and it still lasts for a year. Master Shao Siming is really embarrassed. "

Yuan Taiwei was ashamed. She had never asked for help in her life. At this time, she already had the idea of ​​​​escaping from Li Xuan.

But then she thought that rebuilding the Heavenly Palace would require several huge expenditures, and there was no need to delay.

She suppressed the feeling of shame: "Your Highness King Fenyang, the reason why our Jinque Tiangong has been able to have no worries about wealth in these thousands of years is that one is to monopolize the Silk Road and make profits; the other is to trade with Tianwai and have mutual exchanges. None. Although the thirty-six days of the past have been shattered, those outer lands can still contain a large amount of various ores that are not found in this world. I am confident that I can bypass the Golden Palace and restart these transactions, but this requires some capital. "

Yuan Taiwei hesitated for a moment, then bit out and said: "If Your Highness the County Prince feels that one year is too long, how about shortening it to eight months? I won't let you suffer, Your Highness, and I can give you three points of monthly interest afterwards, no! I will give you Five points for you!”

Li Xuan has already labeled this young Siming as 'silly and sweet', but what he wants today is not money.

He pondered for a moment, then looked solemnly, and said to Young Master Mingtu: "I can lend you this money, and I won't ask for five cents of interest per month. Just lend it according to the normal commercial banks, and give me two cents of interest immediately. However, I need the 'Immortal Killing Order' in the hands of Shao Siming as collateral."

Yuan Taiwei's eyes immediately showed surprise and suspicion, and his face also showed some caution.

Li Xuan drank the tea with a calm expression: "It's no use saying that I want this 'Slaying Immortal Order', I just want peace of mind. Recently, Shao Siming, in order to seal the sky gap, ignored his injuries and fought against the demon god from outside the territory. After several games, Li was really worried.

Lord Shao Siming, you can rest assured that this thing is just a mortgage. If you have money, you can get it back from me at any time. I heard that you don’t seem to be able to use this thing lately? "

Yuan Taiwei frowned suddenly. She thought that Li Xuan had a reason for not trusting her, and she had indeed not been able to use the 'Slaying Immortal Order' recently.

She won't consider revenge for the time being until she recovers completely from her injuries.

But if it is just to seal the gaps in the sky and drive out the gods and demons outside the territory, then a copy of the Golden Que Tianzhang is more useful than the Immortal Killing Order.

Yuan Taiwei is not worried about the Immortal Killing Order being stolen and refined by Li Xuan, so it doesn't seem to matter if he mortgages it to him?

But somehow, Yuan Taiwei always felt that Li Xuan had ulterior motives.


On the third day of the sixth lunar month, the Great Khan of Wala also sat upright in his sweat tent, writing political orders on animal skins, and then carried them out by his nighthawks and sent them to all directions.

At this time, his general Alazhiyuan hurriedly walked in: "That great commander, she has kept her promise. The Chagatai Khanate has driven 5.5 million sheep, 170,000 cattle, and 80,000 camels. Entering the north of the Qilian Mountains."

The Chagatai Khanate was located in Turpan, which was also known as Gaochang in ancient times.

Although they were both Mongol people, the Chagatai Khanate had already turned against Oara because they had not yet established the Mongol Khan.

But not long ago, the chief commander had a secret discussion with Ye. UU Reading The Chagatai Khanate put aside its past grievances and sent a large number of cattle and sheep to the territory of Oara.

Alazhiyuan was very excited: "With these livestock, we can continue fighting for at least three months. When is the Great Khan going to launch?"

This time they are preparing to mobilize the whole clan and recruit almost all the young men in the grassland. They are expected to recruit about 800,000 cavalry.

But correspondingly, they also need more food.

These livestock provided by the Chagatai Khanate can be said to solve a big problem and are enough to serve as their food for one month.

"It's still early."

Wara Khan raised his eyes and looked outside the tent: "Autumn has not yet arrived, and the horses are not yet fat. We may have to stalemate with the Jin people until next spring this time, so we must wait until after autumn and the horses are fat."

"Autumn Queen?" Alazhiyuan frowned: "Although it is true, there is no rain in the grasslands this year, and the pasture in many places is dry and withered. Many tribes may not be able to survive until the Autumn Queen."

The Great Khan of Wala was also expressionless at first: "If they can't hold on, let them go to the territory of the Tatar tribe first. Hundreds of thousands of people from the Tatar tribe have died, and most of their pastures are empty."

There was a slight pause in Ye Xian's voice, because at this moment, a 'Nighthawk' hurriedly entered the tent and knelt down in front of the seat of Oala Khan Ye Xian.

"Great Khan! The latest news is that Li Xuan, the king of Fenyang County in the Jin Dynasty, commanded 700,000 cavalry and hundreds of thousands of civilians through Zhangjiakou. They spread out an army formation of nearly a hundred miles and swept towards Ulaanbaatar!"

The two people in the tent couldn't help being slightly stunned. They looked at each other in unison, and their eyes were not surprised but happy.

"Pass this Khan's military order and raise the troops!" The Great Khan of Wala suddenly stood up first and kicked over the wooden case in front of him: "God bless me Wala! Li Fenyang is so arrogant, he is seeking his own death!"

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