Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 774 Give it a try

I hope that the Artifact Alliance can repair these five battleships as soon as possible. In addition, it also needs twelve Yunzhong battleships, 32,000 sets of black gold battle armor, and corresponding weapons. There is also the Tianxing Platform. In addition to rebuilding In addition to the sun furnace, I will add two more.

After his pockets bulged again, Li Xuanhao was furious.

The hull and electromagnetic gun of a Yunzhong battleship cost 14 million silver dollars. Including the 120 annealing cannons on the ship, the total price was as high as 20 million.

Twelve warships in the clouds cost 240 million silver dollars.

The price of the black gold armor with all weapons is twelve thousand silver dollars, and a set of thirty-two thousand is equivalent to three hundred and eighty-four million.

The Sun God Furnace costs as much as 55 million silver dollars. .

The total of these orders has exceeded 700 million.

However, Li Xuan was very confident. He had more than 300 million worth of money in his pocket before.

What's more, the things he snatched from the 'Pure Heart World' amounted to 1.8 billion in real terms.

Although Leng Yurou said that only a little over 700 million was currently available, it did not mean that the rest was not valuable.

I placed more orders this time. Li Xuan looked at Leng Yurou with a certain determination in his eyes: Peacock Villa must give me a 20% discount!

He knew that these arms orders were mainly handled by Peacock Villa.

Those steel mills and shipyards were all the properties of Peacock Villa, and many of Momen's elites also changed their identities and worked for Peacock Villa.

Nowadays, most of the twelve sects of the Artifact Alliance just work as coolies for Peacock Villa, and they earn all their hard work fees, so they can no longer lower the price.

Therefore, if you want to reduce profits, you still have to start from Peacock Villa.

Leng Yurou frowned, seemingly reluctant, and then said helplessly: 10% off, that's the most.

She thought that she could still make a lot of money at this price, and the electric furnace smelting technology of Peacock Villa had made great progress recently. The cost of a set of black gold armor can be reduced to 8,700 silver dollars.

Leng Yurou then changed her tone: However, the cost of the Yunzhong Battleship may have to be increased. The magicians we hired have recently successfully transformed the core array of the battleship's power furnace, and the output efficiency can be increased by 15%.

In addition to increasing the speed, this increased power can also be equipped with an electromagnetic gun at the bow of the battleship, using a parallel turret, but this will increase the cost of three million silver dollars.

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows and immediately thought of the Buddhist palace that they took nearly an hour and a half to blast open.

Li Xuan no longer hesitated. He waved his hand with a heroic expression: Then use parallel turrets! In addition, it is best to replace the turrets and power furnaces of the five existing warships.

This is a very simple reason. The more electromagnetic guns a fleet has, the more destructive it will be.

If there are thirty-four electromagnetic cannons, even if Xinyuelian personally guards the 'Pure Heart and Innocent World', they can smash the pure white Buddha Palace in two moments.

But I hope these battleship armors can be completed before February next year. Is it possible?

After Li Xuan received satisfactory feedback from Leng Yurou, he remembered that he had to give a share to the middle-class layman and Tu Shanjun.

He turned around and looked over: The two of you went on the expedition this time and made outstanding contributions. Of all the spoils, the middle-class layman will get half of it, and the Tushanju will get three points. The value of those Mingwang Buddha Armors cannot be calculated, but I will divide them according to the proportion. You two. The remaining assets will be calculated as 1.8 billion. I can give you half in kind and half in silver dollars.

These two people are different from Lan Yu and others. Lan Yu and Fu Youde are Li Xuan's family generals, but the middle-class layman and Tu Shanjun bring capital to invest in the shares and must participate in the division of accounts.

But the middle-class layman waved his sleeves without thinking at all: I don't need money or supplies. Your Majesty can help me order three thousand sets of Black Gold Sky Armor and two Yunzhong Battleships. They will be completed before February next year.

Jiuwei Tushanjun was thoughtful. She thought that this time the middle-class layman's contribution was almost the same as hers, so why should he get an extra 36 million silver dollars?

Isn’t it because of the three thousand ‘Mid-level Divine Refining Army’ under his name?

Why does Li Xuan want to build these battleships and Wujin Heavenly Armor before February next year?

The nine-tailed demon Tushanjun suddenly gritted his teeth and said: I am the same as the middle-class layman. Three thousand sets of black gold heavenly armor and two cloud warships.

When Li Xuan heard this, he looked at her in surprise.

Three thousand sets of battle armor is 36 million; two cloud warships are as high as 46 million.

Tushanjun's share of the money this time is far from enough.

If the money is not enough, we in the Tushan lineage will pay for it ourselves. All the remaining balance will be paid within a month. And -

At this time, Tu Shanjun was also staring at Li Xuan. She wondered if this 'Xuanhuang Emperor' was worth another try.

Tu Shanjun's mind raced, and he made a decision in an instant: After the collapse of the former Heavenly Palace, our Tushan lineage also collected a fragment of the Heavenly Palace, which is equivalent to about 80% of the area of ​​the Heavenly Punishment Platform. I can integrate it into your Majesty's Heavenly Palace. . But half of this land must be exclusively owned by our Tushan Fox Clan.

Li Xuan was overjoyed. The space in the Tianxing Platform has become increasingly tight recently.

Especially after the completion of the four solar furnaces measuring three miles in length and width, there was not much land left for use.

Tu Shanjun took out this piece of heaven, which was like giving him timely help.


After sending all the warships back to the Tianjin Shipyard, Li Xuan did not return to the Tianxing Platform. Instead, he flew directly with the middle-class laymen and others to the Temple of Heaven and Earth in the south of Beijing.

Due to the recent abundant financial resources of the imperial court, the Temple of Heaven and Earth, which had suffered many hardships, has been basically restored.

Whether it is the stratigraphic foundations that were previously damaged by middle-class laymen, or the Imperial Vault, the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, and the Hall of Emperor Qian that were burned down by Lin Youzhen and others, they have all been renovated.

After Li Xuan arrived, he went directly to the altar of earth, which is the 'Fangze altar' where Hou Tu was worshiped.

At this time, many people were already waiting on the altar of earth.

——Prince Princess Yu Hongshang, Jiang Yunqi, Master Zhang, Young Master Yu Jie, Minister of Rites Hu Hui, Beijing City God Wen Zhonglie, Shui De Yuanjun Ao Shuying, Shao Si Mingyuan Taiwei, Six Paths Heavenly Lord Zhu Mingyue, Xuanwu Hall Zunqiu Qianqiu and so on are all gathered here.

At this time, outside the altar of earth, there is an extremely huge rune array covering ten miles around, and its momentum is beyond measure.

After Li Xuan stood still on the altar, he clasped his fists and bowed to several people with a grateful expression: Li Xuan would like to thank you all for your generous help!

When he stood up after the ceremony, he took a special look at Yu Hongshang.

This time, the layout of the Temple of Heaven and Earth was all handled by Yu Hongshang. With the help of thousands of worship magicians from the Jin Dynasty, this array could be set up.

Li Xuan was surprised that this person could agree to his use of the 'Temple of Heaven and Earth', which was related to the rise and fall of the Jin Dynasty.

Yu Hongshang looked silent. She thought this was what she should do, not to mention that it would be beneficial to the country.

The King of Fenyang shows great courtesy.

The rest of the people returned the greetings one after another. When they stood up, Young Master Yu Jie and Minister of Rites Hu Hu glanced at the middle-class layman and the nine-tailed fox Tu Shanjun with cold eyes.

Wen Zhonglie, the City God of Beijing, was expressionless and did not speak falsely.

Although he and the middle-class layman were comrades-in-arms, they had cut off their robes and separated from each other since the White Lotus Rebellion.

Zhu Mingyue laughed and said: It's rare for you to ask me to do something so solemnly, not to mention that the matter involves our General Liudaosi, how could Zhu not do it!

He then glanced at everyone present: King Fenyang is having such a big battle today, and this formation, is it probably more than just a god-suppressing formation?

Li Xuan admitted frankly: I can't hide it from Zhu Tianzun! I really have other ideas about the remnant spirit of Xinyuelian.

Zhu Mingyue heard this, but shook her head disapprovingly: Luo Yan's talent is unrivaled, even surpassing mine. Once she steps into the heavenly position, she can generate the ultimate heavenly method in just a few seconds, which will only take more than ten years.

Xinyuelian's spiritual cultivation is very strong, but in the future it may hinder Luo Yan's own path and delay her own development of Jitian.

Li Xuan responded with a wry smile. How could he not know this?

The problem is, they may not be able to wait more than ten years.

Xinyuelian's 'soul' method will be crucial to him in the next few years.

The key is that in the long run, this will also be beneficial to Luo Yan himself.

Why does Xinyuelian covet Luo Yan? Isn't it because of Luo Yan's talent in illusion? It can complement the soul - this is the opportunity for Heart Moon Lotus to achieve the fruit of Buddhahood.

Zhu Mingyue looked at Li Xuan's expression and knew that he had made up his mind.

He also wanted to say that the Buddhist sect would definitely not give up, and would definitely not sit back and watch the True Spirit Buddha Fruit of Xinyuelian being taken away by Luo Yan.

But Zhu Mingyue immediately thought that Li Xuan invited many of the world's top experts to set up the 'Twelve Capital God Suppressing Formation' today, wasn't it just to prevent accidents?

Forget it! Zhu Mingyue flicked her sleeves: Then let's give it a try. Even if it doesn't work this time, we still need to keep General Luo Zhonglang's spirit intact!

He thought that once Luo Yan obtained the 'Ji Tian Dharma', he could kick the Fenyang King out of Liudaosi.

Years ago, Zhu Mingyue refused Li Xuan's request to resign because his foundation was damaged in the war in the Western Region and it would be difficult to recover in a short time. So he wanted to use Li Xuan's name to frighten the evil spirits in the world, but this person has only been receiving salary and doing nothing for the past year, which made Zhu Mingyue extremely disgusted.

At this moment, the void in the center of the altar suddenly opened.

Jiang Hanyun supported Luo Yan and appeared on the altar.

A few days after giving birth, Luo Yan's vitality had not yet recovered, and her pretty face was still slightly pale.

Li Xuan cast a questioning look at her, and then saw Luo Yan, looking back with resolute eyes without regrets.

At this moment, the storm surged between heaven and earth. The clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and countless thunders flashed.

Everyone on the altar felt a powerful and powerful, but fragmented and messy idea coming here at this moment.

At the same time, outside the void, a 'Buddha' emitting infinite light suddenly opened his eyes.

At this time, the eyes of this 'Buddha' were full of disdain, ridicule and expectation. 13414/9782282

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