The so-called Twelve Capital Heavens is a formation technique developed by the great shamans in ancient times who gathered the totems of the twelve human tribes.

This is the pinnacle of totem and witchcraft formations created by wizards in ancient times. It has been improved by formation masters of all generations and has become one of the most commonly used formations among magic cultivators in the world.

It can be used in many ways and has countless variations, the most famous of which is the 'Twelve Heavenly Gods Array'. It is said that it can blend the power of twelve holy heavens into one, and can also summon the power of Pangu to come.

Today, Li Xuan wanted to use this characteristic of the 'Twelve Capital Heavens' to help Luo Yan win this battle of souls.

When Li Xuan saw that the twelve most powerful Heavenly Positions in the world were all in place on the Earth Altar, and Luo Yan was also sitting in the center of the Earth Altar, he turned around and glanced sideways at Le Qianqian next to him.

It's time to start, Qianqian!

Each of the Dutian positions in this 'Twelve Dutian Suppressing Divine Formation' has its own owner, but it is Le Qianqian who presides over this formation.

She will also be the carrier of everyone's power in the near future.

Le Qianqian's special physique can almost perfectly inherit the power of twelve people...

Le Qianqian felt a little uneasy, but she still gritted her teeth, held the Immortal Jue in one hand, and shook the magic bell in her hand with the other.

Just because of this moment, they could no longer delay it.

At this moment, an illusory image of Bodhisattva had condensed outside Luo Yan's body.

The remaining spirits of Xinyuelian are gathering crazily in the direction of Luo Yan.

The more the remaining spirits gather, the more the image of the Bodhisattva becomes more and more real, and the power of the Buddha becomes more glorious and mighty.

Li Xuan noticed that the artifact called the 'Divine Power Conch' also fell to Luo Yan's side.

However, Li Xuan only took one look at this thing and didn't care anymore. Naturally, he would not allow this thing to get away from him today, but all this would have to wait until Luo Yan was safe and sound.

At this time, the 'Heart Moon Lotus' mark between Luo Yan's eyebrows was also flashing with the brilliance of Buddha's power, but then a crack opened in the mark, and the blood inside mixed with the white-gold Buddha's blood continued to flow out.

Li Xuan suddenly became energetic and thought that he was indeed his Yan'er.

When she made up her mind, she easily broke the soul mark Xinyuelian had placed on her.

At this time, Le Qianqian rang the magic bell and said the word Zhen.

The Buddha's shadow of the 'Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva', which was originally a real person, suddenly became distorted and illusory.

If you pay close attention, you can find that there seems to be something missing in this image of the Bodhisattva.

Li Xuan knew that this was actually a part of the true spirit swallowed by Luo Yan. Luo Yan was extremely powerful in the soul battle with Xinyuelian.

Le Qianqian shook the magic bell in her hand again, and then said the word Lian.

At this moment, white flames immediately appeared outside Luo Yan's body.

The flame contained astonishingly high temperatures, but it did not harm Luo Yan at all.

That was the manifestation of the burning and extinguishing method of the middle-class layman, helping Luo Yan refine the true spirit of the Heart and Moon Lotus.

If this situation continues step by step, it will only take one to two hours for the Xinyuelian true spirit to be swallowed and refined by Luo Yan.

But at this moment, Li Xuan suddenly felt something in his heart and looked above his head.

Then he saw that most of the dark clouds high in the sky had dispersed. At the same time, a pair of huge Buddha eyes appeared above them.

What's surprising is that just these eyes take up a small half of the sky.

When Li Xuan opened his 'Daw-Protecting Heavenly Eye' and looked into the distance, he could see an extremely huge Buddha, whose whole body was radiating light, appearing outside the entire mortal world, looking at them with a sight full of pity and mercy.

This scene is like a person looking at the birdcage in front of him.


Li Xuan's pupils immediately condensed slightly.

Don't worry.

Green Qiluo stood beside Li Xuan, looking at the sky with a cold expression: This person is the most incompetent among the Buddhas. He wants to plot now, but he can't compete with Sakyamuni. He wants to He dominates the light, but he is no match for the Great Sun Tathagata. Although he is called the 'Past Buddha', his past has never existed.

Although I was lucky enough to obtain many magical objects and cultivated impressive magical powers, none of them could truly reach the pinnacle. This person's strength is not enough to enter the Qin Emperor Yuanfeng with the true Ji Tian status. This is the altar of earth, and the power of the ‘Hout Tu Huang Di Zhi’ is enough to cope with it.”

The next moment, the Buddha suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the capital.

The fingertips of this finger alone are equivalent to the entire area of ​​Beizhili.

The moment it pressed down in the sky, it was as if the world collapsed and the heaven and earth were shattered.

At this time, a layer of powerful force was generated in the entire mortal world, pushing the Buddha's finger into the void outside the realm.

Li Xuan noticed that just above them, the Qin Emperor Yuan Feng was forcibly torn open with a crack.

Then countless light points swayed down from the outside, gradually forming a Buddha shadow above the altar of earth.

This time it was much more normal, and its figure was about three thousand feet tall. Although it is also majestic and tall, like a giant mountain, it is by no means unshakable.

When the lamp-burning finger came down from the sky again, everyone felt a mountain-like pressure.

Not only were the surrounding lights under their control, they also felt themselves burning.

The true spirit of ‘Heart Moon Lotus’ also stabilized at this moment.

But at this moment, the lamp-burning Buddha let out a cry of surprise and looked at the girl on the altar of earth.

That was none other than 'Le Qianqian'. Her figure flew up into the sky, reaching a height of three thousand feet. Thunder and lightning flashed in her eyes, and she looked at the lamp-burning Buddha from afar.

The whole world seemed to be divided into two halves by this one Buddha.

On one side, under the light, the fire is like a prison, everything is burning; on the other side, everything is as usual, not even the temperature changes.

The huge Buddha's face also showed surprise.

His 'Burning Technique' has been completely suppressed and eliminated by the girl in front of him.

But then he felt an abnormality in the girl's consciousness, and the look in the past Buddha's eyes moved slightly: Houtu?

What he sensed was not the magic power belonging to Hou Tu, but the true spirit belonging to Hou Tu.

‘Le Qianqian’ had cold eyes and stared intently at the Lantern Buddha: “Get back! This is not a place for you and other gods to show off their power.”

The Burning Deng Buddha smiled disdainfully, and behind him appeared twenty-four groups of radiance like the big sun, emitting immeasurable light, making it impossible for everyone present to open their eyes.

Then the future Buddha detective grabbed his hand and shot directly in the direction of Luo Yan.

Li Xuan's heart twitched when he saw this, and he tightly grasped the 'Haotian Divine Seal' in his sleeve.

If Lu Qiluo's advice didn't work, he would have to use his last resort.

With his own body, he carries the power of the twelve heavenly gods, and with the dignity of the contemporary emperor, he summons the ancient power to come.

This is also Li Xuan's life-threatening method.

But the next moment, he heard 'Le Qianqian' shake her head slightly: You condensed the 'twenty-four heavens' with Dinghai Pearl to simulate the great sun, but it is not the real sun after all.

She stood motionless, and then the Buddha's body collapsed and fell apart in an instant.

At this time, on the altar of earth, Zhu Mingyue and Qiu Qianqiu both looked slightly moved.

The former sensed 'Le Qianqian' and used his 'destruction' method, but he displayed an aura and divine power that surpassed his own.

Nothing can be cut down, nothing can be destroyed!

Zhu Mingyue couldn't help but look surprised. Did he think that this girl really invited the Houtu true spirit?

Qiu Qianqiu discovered that 'Le Qianqian' condensed the annihilating martial intent in his body into the ultimate heavenly law and used it to attack the enemy.

The blend of fission and extinction shows unparalleled divine power

The whole process made him suddenly happy, as if a high wall blocking his path in front of him had been split into a path.

You can't stop me!

A small cyan ruler suddenly appeared behind the Burning Deng Buddha, and then his Buddha body stabilized again: I can measure the world, and I can also suppress all realms. It's just the power of annihilation and annihilation. , what can you do to me?

At this moment, his Buddha body became infinitely large, while the altar below and the dozen or so people on the altar became infinitely small, as if they were ants.

The lamp-burning Buddha only needs one foot to trample them all to death.

Today, it is no longer ten thousand years ago. Chengtian follows the example of Empress Tuhuang!

However, ‘Le Qianqian’s’ expression was always indifferent.

She was only slightly surprised and glanced at the chest of the lamp-burning Buddha.

This past Buddha seemed not to have noticed that there was already a faint greenness lingering in his Buddha body.

‘Le Qianqian’ glanced sideways at Green Qiluo below again, with a hint of surprise and understanding in her eyes.

And the next moment, 'Le Qianqian' took action.

She just raised her jade hand and pointed towards the three thousand feet tall Buddha in front of her, and the face of the lamp-burning Buddha changed drastically.


This is the power of destruction. In ancient legends, the god Pangu created the world and cut through the chaos of heaven and earth. Then his breath, voice, eyes and limbs, UU reading www. became wind and clouds; thunder and lightning; sun and moon; the four poles and the earth.

Regardless of whether this myth and legend is true or not, it indicates that this Pangu god has the power of destruction and creation at the same time.

At this time, the power exerted by 'Le Qianqian' on his Buddha body was the method of 'destruction'.

The Ran Deng Buddha felt it was extremely absurd. The Twelve Capital Heavens who were just twelve mortal heavenly beings could actually summon the power of Pangu?

But in just a moment, his three thousand-foot Buddha body and the twenty-four-round sun behind him collapsed completely, leaving not even the slightest remnant.

The delicate body of 'Le Qianqian' also fell from the sky at this moment and fell into Li Xuan's arms.

She did not faint, but held on her body, turned her head and looked at Lu Qiluo Yaokong, and then lost all consciousness.

At the same time, in the Landeng Buddha Kingdom which is thousands of miles away from the mortal world.

The lamp-burning Buddha sitting on the lotus platform suddenly overflowed with golden blood. At the same time, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

This made his right attendant and disciple sitting down, the 'Dapeng Wing King', look surprised.

Master? How could you be so injured?

He felt that the burning lamp at this time had obviously damaged the true spirit.

But now the First Emperor Yuan Feng has been greatly damaged, and his master Ran Deng has paid a huge price and lost at least 30% of his mana in the mortal world.

Theoretically speaking, no one in the mortal world should be able to defeat him.

Ran Deng Buddha frowned slightly, his eyes confused: It's Hou Tu from the mortal world who borrowed Pangu's remaining power to hurt me. But in this battle, I was defeated inexplicably.

But what he is more worried about is the current situation in front of him. Not only will he be damaged in this battle, but the fall of Xinyuelian will also be a foregone conclusion. This will make many of his plans for the future become empty talk. This will even shake his confidence in Buddhism. status.

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