Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 782 Resisting Shame

Li Xuan stayed in Tianshi Pavilion for half a day, and was eventually kicked out without finding anything.

But he didn't feel disappointed either. Li Xuan originally came here just to see the child and Xue Yunrou, but his interest was aroused by Yunrou's elegant and beautiful appearance while breastfeeding.

Since his desire cannot be fulfilled, Li Xuan will no longer force it.

He had a lot of fun accompanying Xue Yunrou and teasing the little tiger.

What irritated Li Xuan was that after Xue Yunrou had a child, her heart was entirely focused on the child, and she no longer had much sexual interest in him.

But obviously a year ago, this girl only cared about herself.

Li Xuan thought of that time at the end of last year, when the two of them had an all-nighter, Xue Yunrou's demands on him seemed to be endless, and she was even forced to agree to his various requests and dress up in various .

But now Yunrou is not only far less enthusiastic about him than before, she even has a bit of a coping attitude...

This made Li Xuan feel that the past cannot be pursued and thought that this was simply burning a bridge by crossing a river.

So one day she still had to persuade Yunrou to give birth to a younger brother for Xiao Huer.

Li Xuan then went to look for Luo Yan again. The place Luo Yan chose for himself was on the east side of the Tiangong, and it was also named Yunyan Tower.

But as soon as she chose the pavilion, she went into seclusion and meditated.

The consequences of devouring the Heart-Moon Lotus True Spirit are more severe than anyone imagined.

Starting from August, Luo Yan only had time to feed her children. I have been practicing quietly for more than two months, further refining the true spirit of Xinyuelian and maintaining my 'self'.

Fortunately, she now has two anchors. One is Xiaopingan and the other is Li Xuan, both of whom are closely connected to her spiritual roots and will not be confused by Xinyuelian's memories and remnants.

When Li Xuan walked into the building, he saw a wooden man wrapped in soft silk holding a swaddled baby and coaxing him.

This wooden man is actually the avatar of Li Xuan, used to take care of the children.

Luo Yan insisted on taking care of the child by herself, but also insisted on not wanting a wet nurse or a maid.

Li Xuan had no choice but to ask for a clone method from Green Qiluo, and condensed such a clone body based on a gourd vine leaf in his soul.

Its combat power is not very strong, but it can accommodate the arrival of Li Xuan's true spirit and mana at critical moments, and has 50-60% of the combat power of Li Xuan's body.

But this is mainly used to do odd jobs for Luo Yan, and to look after Xiaopingan while Luo Yan meditates and practices. The combat power is not very important.

Speaking of the innate gourd vine, the gourd vine in Li Xuan's mind had already accelerated its germination and growth as early as when he had the heavenly essence.

By now, the vines had spread all over his soul and had produced seven developing small gourds.

Li Xuan has been worried that seven gourd babies will pop out of these seven small gourds, right? That would be devastating.

Although Green Qiluo promised that this situation would not happen and said that the gourd would be of great benefit to him in the future if it successfully developed, Li Xuan did not dare to believe it.

Just when Li Xuan took Xiao Ping An from the wooden man's hand and looked happily at Ping An's sleeping little face, the wooden door next to him opened with a creak.

That was Luo Yan. She walked out of the quiet room. She glanced at Li Xuan, and then said with a half-smile: Is this coming from Master Shaotian? Tsk tsk, so I took it to Tiannan. Tiangong, the first thing I did after coming back was to look for Master Shaotian, mother and son. I wonder where Xiaoping and I are placed in someone's heart?

Li Xuan was stunned: Nonsense, Yan'er, you and Xiaopingan are the most important in my mind.

Luo Yan didn't really blame him. She knew that Li Xuan was traveling a few months before Xue Yunrou gave birth to her, so she never spent time with the Shaotian Master.

So after dealing with Xinyuelian, Li Xuan deliberately spent more time with Xue Yunrou and her son.

This guy carries the water very evenly.

But after hearing this, she still couldn't help but vomit: In your eyes, Hanyun, Hongshang, Yunrou, and Qianqian are all the most important, right?

Li Xuan just thought about Yan'er, what kind of truth could he tell?

He smiled coquettishly, and Wang Gu looked around and said to him: Yan'er, look, the child seems to be hungry.

Xiaopingan had woken up with sleepy eyes and was licking his little mouth, obviously looking for milk.

Luo Yan glared at him, snatched Xiaopingan away with one hand, and began to undress and take off his belt.

She also estimated that Xiaopingan might be hungry, so she ended her meditation.

Li Xuan was shocked and looked attentively.

He was not fascinated by the beauty in front of him, but he thought of Yu Hongshang back then.

Two years ago, Yu Hongshang was like Luo Yan and Xue Yunrou. It smells the same, and her breasts are a little bigger.

Li Xuan was suspicious, but he couldn't figure it out.

The main reason was that the time did not match up. When Yu Youxun was revealed to the ministers by the emperor, he was not yet seven months old.

But the problem is that Yu Youxun's face has gradually grown recently, and the more Li Xuan looks at it, the more he feels that this child looks like him.

From Yu Youxun's face, he saw Yushu Linfeng, extraordinary appearance and dignified appearance.

What are you thinking about?

After a moment, Luo Yan waved her small hand in front of Li Xuan's eyes. She pouted slightly, slightly dissatisfied: Which woman are you thinking about again?

Li Xuan finally came to his senses and found that Xiao Ping'an had already eaten and fell asleep.

He replied without changing his expression: I was thinking about official business. Hasn't the shipping been cut off recently? I'm a little worried.

Originally, Li Xuan was working hard to officially open the sea and use the cheap industrial products produced in Nanjing and Tianjin to further develop financial resources for Dajin.

Taizu and Taizong's policy of banning the sea must be maintained, piracy must be severely cracked down on, and smuggling must be prohibited.

However, in view of the precedent of ‘expansion and cooperation trade’ during the reign of Emperor Taizu and Emperor Taizong, Li Xuan decided to further expand the scope of ‘expansion and cooperation trade’.

The imperial court issued a Contracting Permit to reliable private maritime merchants, which was scheduled to cost thirty thousand silver dollars for each ship with ten thousand stones, and fifteen thousand silver dollars for five thousand stones, and would be valid for three years. After three years, the qualifications will be determined to see if there is any tax evasion, and then the payment will be issued.

This move does not violate Taizu Taizong's policy of forbidden sea, and can also obtain a huge sum of up to 50 million silver dollars per year for the court.

Therefore, even the most conservative among the auxiliary ministers were convinced by the 'Qian Jing' provided by Li Xuan.

Prince Fenyang still maintained the ancestral system of the Jin Dynasty, but only made slight changes.

As soon as this news came out, the southeastern land was boiling with excitement.

The main reason is that their smuggling business has been difficult recently. At the beginning of the year, Li Xuan not only made some personnel changes to the Tianjin Navy, Fujian Navy, Chongming Island Navy and Guangdong Navy, but also strictly ordered the four major navies to inspect smuggling.

Sincerity, the Li family has a deep foundation in the navy, and has authorized the four major navy to share 60% of the captured smuggling ships.

This is legal piracy. Although it has a lot of troubles, it can effectively combat smuggling merchants.

Originally, the people were excited, and many maritime merchants brought huge sums of money to Beijing.

But the changes in the East China Sea postponed his plan indefinitely.

Fortunately, Dajin's own market is huge, so it won't have any impact if we don't open the sea for the time being.

Luo Yan didn't doubt it either. She knew that Li Xuan was indeed very busy.

If it were anyone else, there would be no way of hiding it from her.

Luo Yan has the world's best other mind. As long as she is willing, she can know every thought of others.

But Li Xuanhao's qi glass, seven exquisite orifices, and pure thoughts, Luo Yan couldn't sense his thoughts.

At this time, Luo Yan's face was already full of beauty. She looked at the inside of the bed a little shyly: Well, the child's appetite is a little small and he can't eat. I feel a little uncomfortable.

Li Xuan immediately became energetic. He rolled up his sleeves and thought, isn't this because his breasts have increased?

He's the best at solving this problem

A moment later, a scream from Li Xuan suddenly sounded in the 'Yunyan Tower', and an angry scolding from Luo Yan: You pervert! I asked you to get out of here so that I can milk you. Uh-huh.


In the cloud sky, Meng Qingfan transformed into a unicorn and galloped with all her strength. It wasn't until she vented all her irritability and anger that she stopped at the west gate of the Heavenly Palace.

Then she lay down on the city gate tower and looked ahead boredly.

It's actually quite boring in this heavenly palace, it's the same scene day after day.

In front of her is the 'Lingxiao Palace'. On the left are four increasingly perfect 'big eggs', which are what Li Xuan calls the 'Sun God Furnace'. On the right are the continuous workshops of magicians and craftsmen. The magicians and craftsmen that Xuan recently recruited also live there.

They are all old and frail people, but correspondingly, their skills are also extremely superb.

Li Xuan promised that their souls would be immortal in the future and they could live in heaven, so these people were willing to enter the Heavenly Punishment Platform and work for Li Xuan day after day with a meager salary.

Therefore, even after they die in the future, they will still have to work for Li Xuan.

Meng Qingfan couldn't understand why people's desire for life was so strong. So strong that you would rather be driven by others and work as a coolie for others?

Li Xuan paid salaries to these people, but these salaries were less than 30% of the same level of weapon masters in the Artifact Alliance.

And on this day in the execution platform, they can’t spend it even if they have salaries, right?

No, it can still be spent.

Recently, Li Xuan launched something called 'Gu Yuan Dan' in Heaven. After being taken by strangers, it can cultivate vitality, improve physical fitness, strengthen the soul, and increase longevity. After the ghosts and gods refine it, they can further strengthen the spirit and enhance the soul power.

One would cost several thousand silver dollars, or it could be exchanged for meritorious service.

Li Xuan also provided a large number of cultivation methods and corresponding medicinal materials for exchange.

But Meng Qingfan thought that his cultivation level has become higher, his physique has become better, and his soul power has become stronger. What is the use? Are you not allowed to work longer for Li Xuan in the future?

Those silver coins and meritorious deeds were transferred together and returned to Li Xuan's hands.

Meng Qingfan once heard Li Xuan complain about Xinyuelian, saying that Xinyuelian deceives believers and uses magic to make them behave in happiness, which is no different from evil spirits.

But Meng Qingfan felt that Li Xuan's methods were more evil than evil.

He made these magicians and ghosts and gods willing to work for him, and at the same time he was full of gratitude to them.

In front of the Lingxiao Hall is the school grounds with the Tianxing Platform as the center.

Thirty-five thousand heavenly soldiers, all wearing dark gold tin cans, were practicing archery and formation formations in the open spaces.

When Meng Qingfan was first captured, these 'Heavenly Soldiers' wearing Black Gold Heavenly Armor were only in their early 20,000s, but they could be delivered in sequence with the Artifact Alliance.

The number of these 'celestial soldiers' has swelled to 35,000.

In addition, there are 30,000 ghosts and ghosts in the Heavenly Palace, waiting for equipment.

Not long ago, Li Xuan took a trip to Poyang Lake and canonized all the ghosts and gods in the Poyang Lake that were full of hostility and fierce and dared to fight as heavenly soldiers. Obtained more than 40,000 heavenly soldiers above the fifth level tower level

Li Xuan also acquired Zhang Dingbian, a fierce general from the late Yuan Dynasty and early Jin Dynasty in Poyang Lake.

This was an unparalleled general of the Chen Han Dynasty who was known as a fierce man. He once attacked Taizu of Jin Dynasty with a single sword in the Battle of Poyang Lake, and almost killed Taizu with one force, until he was shot by Kaiping Wang Chang Shiwan. Just retreated.

This man was also loyal. After the death of Han King Chen Liang, he supported his son Chen Li as emperor. He fought against the Jin Dynasty in Wuchang for two years. In the end, Chen Li insisted on surrendering with him.

However, a few years after Chen Li surrendered, Zhang Dingbian was taken to Poyang Lake and hanged on the battlefield that day.

Meng Qingfan knew that Li Xuan was interested in canonizing him as a divine general, but the second solar furnace had not yet been built. Therefore, Zhang Dingbian's evil spirit is still sealed in the Lingxiao Palace, unable to move.

Zhang Dingbian is an unparalleled general who has mastered the ultimate method of heaven. He once fought against many heroic generals in the early years of the Jin Dynasty. The key is that in the past two hundred years, his true spirit has not leaked much.

His soul is so powerful that he is even qualified to become a marshal or king of heaven.

Once Li Xuan canonizes it, it will inevitably consume a lot of divine power, so it has been delayed until now.

However, Meng Qingfan knew that this time was not far away. I don't know what happened recently. The divine power pouring into the space of the Heavenly Punishment Platform was increasing day by day.

She didn't know that Emperor Xuanhuang's followers among the people were growing rapidly since he was officially canonized as emperor by the imperial court, with followers spread all over the country.

Not only did various Taoist temples begin to erect statues of him, but many Xuanhuang Emperor Temples were being built.

She only knew that the majestic power of will that poured in turned the originally dead gray and lifeless void into a blue sky and white clouds. Everywhere was clouds, moon and earth, Yao grass and strange flowers, and colorful auspicious clouds. Surrounded by it, it feels like a real heaven.

Meng Qingfan estimated that it wouldn't take long for Li Xuan to canonize Zhang Dingbian as a divine general.

In addition, the progress of the second 'Sun God Furnace' is very fast, at most it takes about half a month.

Further south of the Heavenly Punishment Platform is another fragment of Heaven that the Nine-tailed Fox Tushanjun has integrated into.

Many buildings were also built there, and the military camp of the 70,000 heavenly soldiers of the Heavenly Court was built there.

They were all eight-story stone buildings, filled with small houses with less than 180 square feet of space.

According to Li Xuan, this is called an apartment-style building.

Li Xuan actually wanted to cultivate to a higher level so as to save space, but he was opposed by the middle-class laymen and the heavenly ministers headed by Green Qiluo.

They believed that the height of the military camp should not exceed eight floors, which would exceed the height of the future Tiangong wall, otherwise it would violate etiquette.

Further south, there are some pleasant and well-proportioned courtyards.

That was the territory belonging to the Tushan Fox Clan. Li Xuan kept his promise and gave half of the land there to them.

Meng Qingfan had a bad impression of it, mainly because the 'Tushan Fox Clan' did not allow her to run there to relax.

But Li Xuan's heaven was only so big, and Meng Qingfan couldn't get away at all. As soon as I exerted my strength, I could already see the edge.

It was only in the past two days that Li Xuan integrated the Nantian Palace of the former Shen Nong Yan Emperor into it, and it was a little better and he could turn her around.

That Tushanjun is also very annoying. He takes her three daughters with him all day long, trying his best to hang out in front of Li Xuan.

Sima Zhao's heart is known to all passersby.

Meng Qingfan initially thought that Li Xuan would not be able to withstand it. She knew that the fox clan's charm skills were unparalleled in the world, and she also knew that Li Xuan was a scumbag.

But in the end, this guy showed a rare sense of integrity and remained serious and non-pretentious. Although he treats the people of the Fox clan with courtesy, he strictly observes the etiquette of a gentleman.

Is this scumbag really getting over it?

Just as Meng Qingfan was muttering secretly, Li Xuan's voice suddenly sounded next to her ears: What is Qingfan thinking about?

Meng Qingfan's body trembled slightly, and then he continued to lie on the wall pretending to be lazy, looking out with dull eyes.

Li Xuan laughed when he saw this: It has been nearly four months. Qingfan, your spiritual consciousness should have woken up long ago. How long do you want to pretend to be a unicorn? This is not the way to go.

Meng Qingfan secretly hummed, and the unicorn body remained motionless.

She thinks it's not because of you, Li Xuan? Why did you force her in?

Meng Qingfan would rather keep pretending forever than face the embarrassment of returning to human form.

Li Xuan shook his head and took out all the big meals from Shanweilou in his Xumi Ring.

Including North Sea ice fish, including Yuhan candle shrimp, and ice ocean pufferfish.

Li Xuan calmly placed a bottle of wine next to him.

It was the 50,000-year-old immortal brew that knocked down Ao Shuying. After Ao Shuying fell asleep for a day and a night, he invented a more suitable way to drink it.

She mixed this magical wine with the world's top rice wine at a ratio of a hundred times, creating a fragrant and mellow aroma and endless taste.

However, its alcoholic power is still very strong, so it was named Wine Fairy.

Meng Qingfan originally wanted to pretend to be cold and elegant, but the aroma of food and wine wafted over, making his mouth water, and his animalistic consciousness was rapidly reviving.

She knows that blocking is worse than blocking. The more she resists, the stronger her animalistic consciousness will become.

So he could only get up obediently and come to Li Xuan's side.

But just before Meng Qingfan was about to speak, he was stopped by Li Xuan.

Li Xuan looked at her suspiciously: You are Meng Qingfan now, right? My little Linlin was not like you in the past. UU Reading

Meng Qingfan grinded her teeth slightly, but then she still suppressed the shame and pretended to be happy to lick Li Xuan's face and hands.

It wasn't until Li Xuan was licked that he laughed loudly that Meng Qingfan turned around to eat.

I have to say, these fish and shrimp are really delicious. Even if it is eaten raw, it is the best delicacy, not to mention that the chef of Shanwei Restaurant has reached the pinnacle of cooking skills.

After Meng Qingfan finished eating with satisfaction, he saw a bottle of wine next to him. She sniffed it with the tip of her nose, and her eyes were filled with surprise. She thought, what kind of wine is this? What a nice smell.

She didn't think much about it and swallowed it in one mouthful.

The next moment, Meng Qingfan felt that all the pores in her body were open, and the taste coming from the tip of her tongue made her mind explode.

But just ten breaths later, Meng Qingfan fell to the ground with a thud and fell unconscious.

At this time, her unicorn body was gradually returning to its human form.

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