Li Xuan couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips when he saw Meng Qingfan fall.

He picked up the wine bottle with great pride, thinking that this 'immortal of wine' was really an unparalleled weapon for killing people and stealing goods.

Ao Shuying drank such a bottle of wine that was diluted a hundred times, which gave her half an hour more time to wake up and taste the extreme deliciousness of this wine.

But his little Qilin still collapsed within ten breaths.

It seems that I will have to keep this thing ready in the future, maybe I will need it sometime.

He then waved his sleeves and sneered: Bi Luo, what are you doing over there watching? Come help me and take off her armor.

Then Dugu Biluo and Lu Qiluo came over with strange eyes.

Dugu Biluo put a bed on the city gate tower with an expressionless face, covered the back and mattress, and placed Meng Qingfan on the bed...

Lu Qiluo sighed, tilted her head outward, and raised her hand to point at Meng Qingfan. In an instant, countless wooden vines stretched out, and a wooden house was built on the city gate tower.

Li Xuan was speechless when he saw this: What are you doing? What kind of bed do I want, what kind of wooden house do I want?

Dugu Biluo, who was taking off Meng Qingfan's armor, looked at him in shock: You asked me to take off her armor, aren't you going to do that to her? You don't even want a bed or a cabin?

Green Qiluo was also puzzled: This is a bit too much. This is in broad daylight, with so many people watching around. Your Majesty, you'd better hide it.

Li Xuan's face twitched, and he had an instant urge to draw a knife.

I want to make her a god, officially a god! Why do I need your bed and cabin?

Li Xuan felt that these two women did it on purpose. Xue Yunrou and Luo Yan were nearby. How could he do such a thing?

Pooh! I wouldn’t have done it in the first place!

He is a dignified Neo-Confucian protector, a noble and pure gentleman, how could he do such a shameful thing?

Dugu Biluo smiled at this, and after saying oh, she continued to help Meng Qingfan take off his armor.

She looked at Li Xuan with doubtful eyes: My lord, are you overthinking it? I just think that if there is a bed, it would be more comfortable for Miss Meng to lie on it.

Lu Qiluo also frowned slightly: Your Majesty, what are you thinking about? Although you don't need to take off all your clothes at the moment of becoming a god, your limbs will still be exposed, so it's better to hide them a little.

Li Xuan was speechless, thinking that he was really caught off guard and was played by these two women.

In the past, he was the only one who teased others, but today he fell into the gutter.

Meng Qingfan's armor was quickly stripped off, revealing his beautiful face and slim and proud body.

Li Xuan cut his fingertips with a knife, forced out a little blood, and wrote words on Meng Qingfan's exposed skin.

The situation of conferring a god on a living person is different from that on a dead person, and requires more preparation.

It's said that this is Li Xuan's first time

The middle-class layman is not actually a living person, while the Nine-Tailed Tiger is a monster.

Monsters are not much different from humans, but Tushanjun formed an alliance under the city after he was captured, which is almost like a master-servant contract.

He said he was anointing her as a god, but actually it was to give her some face.

Only Meng Qingfan can achieve the divine status of heaven by giving birth to a human body according to the Eight Sutras of Zheng'er.

Besides, this is his woman after all, so Li Xuan's devotion is naturally unmatched by other generals.

Today there is a woman who dreams of pure Brahma, with ice soul and snowy soul, with orchid heart and luxuriant nature. She is polished but not phosphorus, and nirvana is not pure. Now I am bestowing a treasure jar on you and granting you the post of 'Supervisory Divine General' to patrol the world on my behalf. Monitor the good and evil of the gods, and slay demons.”

Green Qiluo thought to herself, Grind without phosphorus, Nirvana without phosphorus? Isn't this a sarcastic statement?

Polished without phosphorus, Nirvana without 缁 means that it will not become thin after being polished, and it will not become black after being dyed. It is a metaphor that a person with a strong will will not be affected by the environment.

But this age-defying spear has long been dyed his color by Li Xuan.

Then she saw Li Xuan and used the Haotian Divine Seal to stamp Meng Qingfan's forehead, making the six characters Xuanhuang Emperor's Imperial Treasure appear on it.

Lu Qiluo exclaimed, this was not a necessary move to become a god.

Dugu Biluo also had a look on his face and said: Are you planning to seal her beast body? Li Xuan, you are afraid that this will make her commit suicide.

There are also six words Xuanhuang Great Emperor's Imperial Treasure. How shameful is this?

This is actually not bad. Meng Qingfan wears the armor every day, and no one else can see these words.

The only thing about being Li Xuan's mount for so long is really quite impressive.

She felt that if she were Meng Qingfan, she would just dig a hole and bury herself.

That's why I canonized her as the Supervisory God General. There are so many evil gods and demons in the world, which is enough for her to be busy enough to forget who she is.

Li Xuan took back the seal with a proud expression: You don't understand, this is called training. I sealed her animal body so that she can no longer escape. Things like moral integrity and shame, as long as time goes by and she gets used to it. No problem.

In the future, I will have someone compile some stories and legends, so that the story between her and me can become a good story. A peerless beauty was cursed by an evil spirit and had to transform into the shape of a unicorn. She met the charming and talented Li Xuan and Li Qianzhi. Li Xuan took pity on her situation and took care of her carefully. As a result, the beauty regained her human form and promised him her body. Isn't this quite true? A good story about a talented man and a beautiful lady?

Dugu Biluo didn't know what he meant, but she felt that Li Xuan's methods seemed quite powerful.

But I’m so shameless

Green Qiluo nodded slightly: It's a good idea, but it's difficult to get through the difficulties at the beginning.

Li Xuan smiled confidently: I will ask Biluo to send her to Hanyun, and let Hanyun look at her before she gives up the idea of ​​committing suicide. After she adapts, it will not be too late to let her act alone.

Green Qiluo couldn't help but squint her eyes, thinking that this guy was indeed a treacherous ghost.

When Li Xuan asked Jiang Hanyun to watch, he was probably committing suicide just to dispel Meng Qingfan, right? This is a good idea that serves many purposes. Li Xuan deserves to be more and more stable in his harem.

This guy's self-proclaimed time management method is indeed somewhat out of place.


About three hours later, Meng Qingfan woke up.

She was alerted and immediately thought where she was? What happened when you were in a coma? What did Li Xuan do to her?

How could I be so careless and not take any precautions against the food Li Xuan gave me?

Meng Qingfan instinctively wanted to transform into an animal body, but she found that she could not transform into a unicorn.

Are you awake?

A girl's face appeared in Meng Qingfan's field of vision.

It was an incomparable beauty. From every angle, the girl's little face was flawless and stunningly beautiful.

Meng Qingfan recognized that this was Jiang Hanyun, but Meng Qingfan knew that this was not Jiang Hanyun's true appearance.

At this time, the face of this young girl was still wearing the mask 'Qingcheng'.

She had seen Jiang Hanyun's true appearance several times before when she was working as a mount in the Champion House. It was simply a beauty that should not exist in this world.

The beauty of the Nine-Tailed Tushanjun may be half as good as Jiang Hanyun's, but it definitely doesn't have the latter's vitality and innocence.

Are you the Time Spearman Meng Qingfan?

Jiang Hanyun looked away a little: Li Xuan said he would send me a helper, who is the supervisory general under Emperor Xuanhuang. I didn't expect it to be you.

Meng Qingfan's face turned red. She noticed that dozens of feet away, there were many people from the Six Daosi Division looking at her from a distance.

These should all be Jiang Hanyun's subordinates in Liudaosi, members of the 'Liudaosi Shenlei Mansion'.

This made Meng Qingfan inexplicably ashamed. Without being able to change into an animal form, she felt like she was naked and exposed in front of others.

I know everything about you. Jiang Hanyun said with a hint of guilt: Li Xuan also asked me to apologize to you on his behalf, saying that you were colluded with by that person because you were saving his life. Bai Lian’s master punished you with the Qianqiu Pen and the Heavenly Palace Forbidden Law. He has been able to only transform into animal forms and cannot regain consciousness. He doesn’t know the situation and has been treating you as a mount, which makes you feel wronged.

Meng Qingfan couldn't help but say Hey. She heard that Jiang Hanyun's words were really full of apologies.

Did Li Xuan explain this to his woman?

But is there something wrong with this statement? At that time, he was indeed forced to become a mount, and he was indeed suppressed and restrained by the Haotian Divine Seal, which was still the 'Wenshan Seal' at that time. He had no choice but to do so, but at that time, he was still conscious occasionally.

She did help Li Xuan a few times, but that was after she became a mount.

Li Xuan also threw the blame on her master's head

But inexplicably, Meng Qingfan felt relaxed and his sense of shame receded slightly.

Meng Qingfan then thought about what to do with the great commander? Although Da Siming doesn't understand the truth, she is now in charge of Qianqiubi and can expose Li Xuan's lies.

And that damn listening mastiff

Meng Qingfan didn't realize that there was some killing intent in his eyes.

Jiang Hanyun continued: Xuanlang can only make you the God of Heaven to make up for it. He also wants to apologize to you in person, but he is afraid that you will not accept it. He said that in the past in Yichang, even though he and Qingfan had just one night together, The fate is not mutually consensual. If you are willing, you can be canonized as the emperor's concubine. If you are not willing to Qingfan, you don't have to worry about it. We will get along with each other as a monarch and a minister in the future.

When Jiang Hanyun mentioned the words one night's fate and emperor's concubine, she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Although she is usually carefree, she is not a dull person without emotions and desires, and she still feels very uncomfortable.

But in Yichang back then, fate did play a trick on people, and no one could blame it.

Jiang Hanyun thought about this, her husband really had to give an explanation.

So she then stood up grandly, with a hearty smile on her face; Qingfan, you came at the right time this time. I have recently been eyeing an evil demon. His body has the blood of the Golden Crow, and his escape skills are unparalleled. He can catch up with the purple demon of the past. Die. I chased him several times, but he slipped away. With Qingfan coming to help me, I can be at least 30% more sure of killing this man!

Meng Qingfan was slightly absent-minded, and she hesitated. However, she felt that the Jiang Hanyun in front of her was full of contagion regardless of her words or spirit.

At the same time, in the Forbidden City, in the Wenyuan Pavilion that was exclusive to Fenyang County Prince, Li Xuan looked coldly at a scroll of national documents in his hand.

The first line of words made Li Xuan's face darken.

Those are the words Emperor Kunpeng of the East China Sea tells the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty.

What is an edict? It means giving an order.

The last few crosses are particularly eye-catching.

Therefore, the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty needs to canonize me as the husband of the 'Shuide Yuanjun' within three days, and give me the title of emperor. And build 1,800 Kunpeng Emperor temples in the prosperous places south of the Yangtze River and the Central Plains. , and worship him every year, and the blood will not end day by day. Otherwise, I will raise my own troops, lead an army of millions, and flood the entire Jin Dynasty.

The person who wrote this national letter obviously had poor literary talent and was half-literate, but the meaning was clearly expressed.

This is a letter of credence seeking to be canonized by the Jin Dynasty. UU Reading is also an ultimatum.

At this time, Green Qiluo was beside Li Xuan. She couldn't help but change her face slightly, and directly communicated with Li Xuan from her heart: This Emperor Kunpeng, he is not only eyeing your millions of incense as the husband of Lord Shui Deyuan, Believers also want to become the lord of all corners of the world.”

Li Xuan burned the credential scroll into a scroll with a flick of his hand. Then he looked coldly at the person in the hall who was wearing a red official robe of the second rank, but his face had fish scales and his nose was soft. middle-aged scribe.

Go and tell your Emperor Kunpeng to come over with his troops. I happen to want to eat sashimi. Kunpeng's meat must have a different taste, and I am looking forward to it.

Stupid! The envoy of Emperor Kunpeng sneered: Just because of your words, King Fenyang, my emperor will make at least one million people along the coast of Jin Dynasty pay the price for your arrogance!

Li Xuan's pupils condensed, and then an elusive light flashed out from his waist.

The next moment, the messenger looked in disbelief. At this moment, his entire body was cut into hundreds of pieces by Li Xuan's knife.

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