Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 789 Kunpeng Baoshan

After Li Xuan beheaded Emperor Kunpeng, he naturally focused on the wealth left by the emperor.

The demon emperor's palace is located under this sea.

It was the top of an undersea mountain, four thousand feet above the sea.

The internal space of this mountain peak is somewhat similar to the Ba Snake King's Court. The interior is hollowed out to serve as a palace, and there are passages extending in all directions.

This demon emperor was also too arrogant and unscrupulous. He ordered the deep sea tribe here every day, causing countless super large water demons to come and go here. As a result, Li Xuan and the others found their lair and killed them all.

However, when Li Xuan and others entered the palace, they found that apart from its grandeur, there was nothing much to say about this underwater palace.

All the palaces inside are plain and simple. Except for the luminous pearls used for lighting, there are no unnecessary decorations, not even gold or silver.

Li Xuan also didn't find Emperor Kunpeng's wealth. All the rooms in this palace were empty. .

Li Xuan had no choice but to capture a deep-sea giant turtle that was close to the heavenly level nearby and torture it.

This one also looked at a loss: Dear immortals, we really don't know where the treasure house of Emperor Kunpeng is. This demon emperor suddenly appeared a year ago. It is said that it slept in that palace for tens of thousands of years until recently. Just woke up.

Before this, none of us in the Deep Sea Tribe knew that there was a palace there, let alone that there was an emperor sleeping there. None of us works in that palace, so naturally we don’t know if the demon emperor has any treasures.

Fuyoude and Lan Yu captured other deep-sea monsters for questioning, but the results were that they all had no idea what they were asking, and most of them couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Most of the offshore monsters around Dajin are proficient in Chinese, but they can reach the deep sea thousands of miles away. The Shui tribe here do not need to use Chinese to communicate on a daily basis, so there is no need to learn it.

In the end, Li Xuan had no choice but to call Tingtian Mastiff over.

He found that this dog was of some use. Although Xiaolei, the six-tailed spirit fox, could predict bad luck and know all things, the hearing mastiff could listen to the world and sense the voice of the heart.

At this time, Tingtian Mastiff's magical power is undoubtedly more effective.

When Tian Mastiff came, he was very reluctant. It felt like every woman here looked at it like a knife, making it tremble all over.

Tingtian Mastiff was filled with regret, thinking that he was obviously a very smart and well-versed dog, how could he have gotten to this point?

For this reason, Tingtian Mastiff is searching extra hard this time. It has to let these women know that it is indispensable to Li Xuan. You should give up those inappropriate thoughts as soon as possible!

Finally, Tingtian Mastiff found the treasure house of Demon Emperor Kunpeng in a trench fifty miles in front of the palace.

This is actually not a treasure house, but a hill made of various ores, gems, corals, etc.

According to Tingtian Mastiff, the deep-sea fishes five thousand miles away here will follow the will imposed on their hearts and blood in ancient times and carry all the things they consider precious to this trench.

Over time, it accumulated into such a large undersea mountain with a height of more than 2,000 feet.

However, this mountain is currently difficult to value. Although there are many precious ores in it, and fist-sized luminous pearls can be seen everywhere, most of them are broken copper and iron, and clam shells and fish bones can be seen everywhere.

How can these deep-sea fishes without much intelligence tell what is valuable?

They just throw what they like here.

When these deep-sea fishes improve their cultivation and become wise enough, they will be able to eliminate the influence of the will in their bloodline.

Li Xuan could only move this mountain to his own Xuanhuang Heavenly Court, and then clean up and evaluate it later.

After carrying the huge mountain, Li Xuan was on the sea and consecrated Zhang Dingbian as the 'Fubo Divine General'.

Originally the 'Suppressing Tiger Divine General', it is said that Zhang Dingbian once killed more than ten tiger monsters independently when he was young.

However, after the war in the East China Sea, Li Xuan felt that his family's navy was slightly lacking, so he changed it to 'Fu Bo Divine General'.

In the past, Zhang Dingbian was invincible in the Battle of Poyang Lake and almost single-handedly killed Jin Taizu, which shows that his water fighting ability is still very good.

After that, Li Xuan began to command five Yunzhong battleships and an army of 40,000 under his command, heading towards Fuso.

Li Xuan also took the opportunity to help Tingtian Mastiff eliminate disasters for the sake of the Kunpeng Treasure Mountain.

The first thing he dealt with was Luo Yan.

Tingtian Mastiff has not offended her recently, but after Luo Yan obtained the 'spiritual' law, he fell in love with Tingtian Mastiff's natal magical power.

Her 'spiritual' Dharma standards complement the Tingtian Mastiff's 'Tingtian' power.

Once Tingtian Mastiff achieves heavenly status in the future, her 'spiritual' Dharma standards will be greatly enhanced.

So these days Tianluo Yan is negotiating with Ao Shuying, hoping to let Tingtian Mastiff change the family and become a spiritual pet in her family's 'Yunyan Pavilion'.

But Li Xuan thought that Luo Yan must not succeed, otherwise it would be a huge disaster for himself and the girls around him.

His Liuli majesty may not be able to withstand Luo Yan's other minds at that time.

At that time, even if a few girls could endure it, Li Xuan himself would make his brother a hot pot.

In short, Li Xuan coaxed and persuaded Luo Yan to give up this terrible idea, and instead planned to adopt three little 'Tingtian' from the Nanjing City God, which could relieve the pressure of the Nanjing City God.

Luo Yan thinks that Li Xuan is right. It is better to raise a spiritual pet since childhood.

It just so happened that her little Ping An could have a few playmates.

Li Xuan thought that by the time these little Tingtians grew up, his glazed majestic energy would have already derived the 'Fazhun'.

Not only can it protect its own thoughts, but it can also protect the girls around it.

After Luo Yan is Meng Qingfan.

In this crusade against Fusang, Li Xuan is still like a lion fighting a rabbit, and he will do his best.

The two previous 'divine winds' during the Mongol Eastern Expedition could not tolerate Li Xuan's carelessness. So Jiang Hanyun still accompanied him, and Meng Qingfan continued to stay on the ship.

This person is always paying attention to the Tingtian Mastiff, with eyes like swords, spears and halberds. The Tingtian Mastiff is so frightened that the Tingtian Mastiff dare not leave its master for even a moment.

But Ao Shuying also had her bad days. She resented the dog for leaking her scandal last time, and deliberately brought the Tingtian Mastiff around in front of Meng Qingfan.

Li Xuan was worried that Meng Qingfan had really killed Tingtian Mastiff, so he found an opportunity to talk to Meng Qingfan.

Qingfan, this dog actually has no bad intentions. It had good intentions last time. Why don't you let it go just once? I can guarantee that this kind of thing will never happen again. This dog actually has a tight mouth. If it wasn't greedy, it would be... Tushanjun is so confused that he will never do such a stupid thing, and I will keep an eye on him.

Meng Qingfan wore a mask and remained silent.

In fact, she didn't have much resentment towards the dog in her heart.

On the contrary, I am a little grateful. If it weren't for Tianmastiff, I would probably have to be an ostrich all the time and be Li Xuan's 'mount' for a long time.

But she had made such a big mistake, so she had to express her anger appropriately.

The Tingtian Mastiff next to him kept his head drooped, like a child following his parents to apologize to someone. He lowered his eyebrows and looked remorseful and sincerely regretful.

But at this moment, Tingtian Mastiff discovered that Li Xuan had quietly grabbed Meng Qingfan's little hand.

It couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then thought about whether Li Xuan brought it to see Meng Qingfan. Did he really intend to help it solve its troubles, or was he using it as an excuse to get close to Meng Qingfan?

Li Xuan's face didn't look strange at all. He said apologetically: Speaking of which, I can't help Qingfan. I should have woken up a long time ago. When I was in Xuanfu before, Wala Khan also That golden roc died at the hands of Qingfan, right? Fortunately, otherwise, I might not have had time to assemble the electromagnetic gun at Nankou Pass. There were several times when Qingfan was the one who rescued you secretly——

Behind Meng Qingfan's visor, his face was red.

She actually wanted to pull her hand out immediately, but Li Xuan's strength was beyond her level at this time.

He held on tightly and refused to let go.

Meng Qingfan knew that if he struggled hard, he would inevitably alert other people on the ship.

And Li Xuan's hand seemed to have magic power, making her delicate body go weak.

Qingfan, Li Xuan looked at Meng Qingfan, and the corners of his lips could not help but rise slightly.

The way he looked at Meng Qingfan was like looking at a deer about to fall into a trap.

But just when he was about to take a step further and make the deer sink deeper, a crimson light flew from a distance and landed on the battleship in the cloud.

That was Shang Hong, the great scholar. As an envoy of the imperial court, he came driving the red thunder chariot.

When Li Xuan saw Shang Hong, he wondered why this great scholar was always so out of tune with him.

It seems that someday we will still have to find a reason to transfer this person to a local government to practice and hone his political talents.

This person was born in Sanyuan and was an orthodox Hanlin official, but he lacked the experience of a local official.

Li Xuan believed that the rule of not counting prefectures and counties, not planning Taiwan provinces during the Han and Tang Dynasties still had to be picked up, and UU Reading should not let Hanlin officials direct their administration to officials and ministers to become a rule in the court.

Shang Hong didn't know what was going on in Li Xuan's mind. His expression was serious: According to the order of the seven assistant ministers and the invitation of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, I have several questions to ask King Fenyang. First, does His Highness King Fenyang know? In the former Yuan Dynasty's expedition against Fusang, they encountered the 'divine wind' twice, and an army of millions was wiped out?

Li Xuan nodded slightly when he heard the words: I know, there are records in the history books. Bachelor Shang, you can respond to the ministers in the court, the demon emperor Kunpeng has been killed alone in the ocean.

Shang Hong's face couldn't help but condense slightly.

During the Dengzhou turmoil a few days ago, there were actually some unscrupulous people in the court who were ready to jump out and accuse Li Xuan of killing the Kunpeng envoy and causing great disaster to the court.

But before the storm could form this time, Demon Emperor Kunpeng was killed in the ocean by Li Xuan.

What His Highness means is very simple. Even Demon Emperor Kunpeng died at his hands, not to mention the divine wind?

Second question, Shang Hong looked at Li Xuan intently: Does King Fenyang know that Fusang is a country without conquests planned by Taizu?

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