Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 790 Saint 3 Immortality

A country without conquests? How could you not know. Li Xuan said, while pouring himself a cup of tea: In the past, Taizu wrote in the Ancestral Instructions of the Emperor Jin that the country would not be conscripted for fifteen years, and Fusang was one of them. one.

Taizu of the Jin Dynasty was born among ordinary people, so he had extra compassion for the people.

He believed that a vast territory is not a plan for long-term peace, and the labor of the people is the source of chaos. If the Jin Dynasty attacked those barbarian countries, the land obtained would not be enough to provide supplies, and the people would not be able to command orders. This was a vain pursuit of fame. Self-defeat the Chinese soil.

This is actually very reasonable. Li Xuan knew that those overlords in modern times had very little desire for land.

They had better ways to plunder wealth than to rule directly and bear the high costs of ruling their lands.

After all, pensions, medical insurance, various social benefits, etc. all require real money, but if they are treated differently, it will definitely cause local dissatisfaction.

Taizu Taizu of the Jin Dynasty believed that the country's use of troops is like a doctor's use of medicine. You cannot just take medicine when there is no illness... If you want to prescribe medicine, you must treat the disease and solve the problem.

This is very high political wisdom, but in today's world, the words left by Taizu of the Jin Dynasty in the Emperor and Jin Ancestral Instructions have become a weapon for the Confucian people to hinder the Jin Dynasty's foreign conquests.

And just after the tea overflowed, Li Xuan raised his eyes and looked at Shang Hong: But isn't the Annan Kingdom also exempted from the conquest?

So in the past when Emperor Taizong conquered Annan, he lost hundreds of thousands of troops and sacrificed countless people's sacrifices and sacrifices. As a result, the people's livelihood in the southwestern provinces was poor and the troops were lavishly paid and labored, but none of them benefited our Jin Dynasty!

Shang Hong's voice was sonorous and his expression was cold and solemn: Does the prince want the court to make the same mistake as Taizong?

But now the Jin Dynasty is sending troops to Annan. Li Xuan laughed, and his words were meaningful: Isn't the Shang University scholar always staring over there? Not long ago, Huangfu Mao, the Duke of Fuguo, submitted a memorial saying that this year Annan's army not only did not cost the country a single penny, but also made a profit of 2.7 million taels for the country.

Nowadays, there have been no border disputes in Heqinghaiyan on the border between Yunnan and Guangxi for a whole year. The imperial court can even mobilize 90,000 troops from the border to conquer Luchuan.

Shang Hong looked stunned. He opened his mouth, but for a moment he was speechless.

He is indeed keeping an eye on Guangxi and has been making secret preparations.

Once Huangfu Mao suffered a defeat in Hanoi, or news came back that Annan was wasting people's power and state pay, it was time for him to gather his comrades to launch an attack.

This certainly cannot shake King Fenyang. Compared with King Fenyang's achievements in pacifying Mengwu, this small defeat in the south is actually nothing.

Shang Hong's purpose was only to reverse the national policy of the Jin Dynasty and make the whole court aware of the danger of war and avoid falling further into the deep pit of Annan.

But this year, the imperial court has not sent any money to Annan.

Although Huangfu Mao stationed 50,000 elite troops and 20,000 naval troops in Annan and Hanoi, he not only did not spend a single penny from the country, but instead sent large amounts of silver, spices, iron ore, medicinal materials and other tribute tributes to Guangdong and Guangxi from time to time.

Shang Hong probably understood Huangfu Mao's approach. He only stayed in Hanoi, and then used the strategy of uniting vertical and horizontal forces to drive a wedge between the monarchs and ministers of Annan, causing Annan to fall into a substantial division.

The entire Annan warlords gathered together to segregate themselves and defend themselves, but the King of Cochin, Li Yuanlong, could only huddle in a corner of the mountainous area at this time.

Huangfu Maoze obtained a large amount of tax revenue by cooperating with maritime merchants and selling various ordnance, as well as grain, silk, cotton and porcelain locally.

These actions of Huangfu Mao were undoubtedly against Confucian principles, but recently there was a powerful force within the imperial court that forcibly suppressed these dissent.

Shang Hong knew that this was the power of those merchants. Although wars were raging in Annan at this time, the local area was rich in various medicinal materials, spices, and extremely high-quality limonite. This kind of iron ore was more suitable for iron and steel making, but it was not It is not found in the Central Plains.

Shang Hong knew that the warlords in Annan wanted to exchange protection and weapons from Huangfu Mao. Not only did they force a large number of civilians to mine the ores, but they also tried their best to collect all kinds of medicinal materials.

In order to catch an old bungar snake, they sometimes even use strangers as bait. Just because this kind of medicinal material can treat rheumatic paralysis, convulsions in children, tetanus, scabies and syphilis, it can be sold at a high price of tens of thousands of taels a piece in the Central Plains.

Many Confucian scholars in the Jin Dynasty who knew the situation were worried and could not bear to see the people in Annan living in dire straits.

But the problem is that the imperial court did not attach a single finger to the people of Annan.

On the contrary, Hanoi, where Huangfu Mao garrisoned his army, has become the last pure land in Annan.

The Annan people in Hanoi are grateful to Da Jin.

The border between Annan and Dajin is also rarely peaceful.

Shang Hong was also panicked about the situation in Annan. He not only sympathized with the people of Annan, but was also worried about future generations.

He was worried that Li Xuan would become a saint like Zhou Gongdan.

Once the Jin Dynasty enters an unprecedented prosperous age in the hands of Li Xuan, then Li Xuan's strategies for governing the country will surely become the object of imitation and study by Confucian scholars for thousands of years to come.

Doesn’t the current Confucian political policy originate from the Zhou Rites and the Rule of the Three Dynasties formulated by Zhou Gongdan?

But if in this era, there is a prosperous age created by a contemporary Neo-Confucian protector, which is better than the three generations of rule of peace and prosperity, what will it be like?

At that time, all the words of the Fenyang County Prince will be regarded as a model by later generations of Confucian scholars.

The immortal way of a saint is to establish virtues and meritorious services. No matter what he does, Fenyang County Prince will be better than the sage master in the future.

But the philosophy held by this King of Fenyang was completely different from what Shang Hong had learned.

It is expected that Annan's revenue will increase next year, and the commercial tax alone will reach four million. The key is that the limonite there is very rare, almost as good as Damascus steel in the past, and it is an excellent weapon material.

At this time, Li Xuan took another sip of tea: There is also this year's expedition against the Mongols. Although it cost 27 million silver dollars. But the two copper mines over there have begun production, and the annual income is expected to be as much as Thirty million. It is expected that the commercial taxes in the four provinces outside the Great Wall will also reach seven million silver dollars next year.

Shang Hong continued to be silent, he knew this was the truth.

Although he has no real power in the central place, he is well aware of the situation in various places.

Next year, the imperial court will obtain a large amount of commercial tax from wool, animal skins, tea, etc. in the four provinces outside the Great Wall.

The key is that after Mongol is pacified, the court can save tens of millions of silver dollars.

Li Xuan continued to speak, his voice cold: I think that whether it is the method of conquering Annan or the strategy of pacifying Mengwu, it can be applied to Fusang. What's more,

At this time, his voice paused, and his eyes gradually turned cold as he looked at Shang Hong: Although Taizu set fifteen countries that should not be conquered in the Ancestor Instructions of the Emperor and Jin Dynasty, he also said, 'There are foreign barbarian countries overseas. Those who cause harm to China must not be denied.'

The Fusang Japanese pirates repeatedly invaded our Jin waters and killed no less than 100,000 Jin people over the years. They have become a nuisance to China, how can we ignore them? And now the Fusang people are funding Demon Emperor Kunpeng, giving him food and grass, and making him send his army to attack our dynasty. This is even more ulterior and heinous. If the imperial court ignores it, it will inevitably encourage the ambitions of these wolves and even make them want to covet China.

The words of the King of Fenyang are serious. Shang Hong clasped his fists and said in a dry voice: The small country of Fusangzuo'er is blocked by mountains and seas and is isolated in a corner. How can it have the power to peek into the middle-earth country? Presumably they don't have the power either. How dare you have such delusions.

However, the danger of 'Japanese pirates' is real. Since the founding of the Jin Dynasty, Japanese pirates have continued to plunder the coastal areas of Jin Dynasty, making the people of Jin Dynasty unbearable.

In the past, Taizu of the Jin Dynasty also sent envoys to order the Fusang King, first to make him a vassal, and second to suppress the Japanese pirates. Otherwise, he would tie up the king and crush Fusang Japan. As a result, he was beheaded by the Fusang people.

This is also the reason why Li Xuan was able to persuade three of the seven auxiliary ministers to contract the power of the eldest princess to force the conquest of 'Fuso'.

Except for Quan Dingtian, who wore the same pants as Li Xuan, Wang Wen and He Wenyuan, the official minister, were both born in Linhai, so they were persuaded by Li Xuan.

Therefore, although Young Master Yu Jie strongly opposed this time, it was of no avail.

At this time, although there were many discussions within the court, and the ministers even forced the princess to give in and agreed to Shang Hong coming to question Li Xuan with the imperial decree, but in fact, this move could no longer prevent the conquest of Fusang.

After all, in terms of procedures, Li Xuan's eastern expedition was in line with the court's etiquette.

Li Xuan thought to himself, does Fusang really dare not have the delusion of peeking into the middle-earth country?

He didn't bother to argue with Shang Hong, so he directly raised the tea cup and expressed his intention to serve tea as a farewell to the guests.

Anyway, I would like to ask the Shang University to reply to the imperial court exactly what I said. Please also tell all the ministers that I, the king, will definitely eradicate the Japanese pirates along the coast this time.

In the past, Fusang beheaded the envoys of our dynasty. Taizu tolerated it because of the poverty of the Jin people, but he failed to gain any gratitude from Fusang. On the contrary, he intensified his efforts. Now that our country, the Jin Dynasty, is at its peak and its military strength is invincible in the world, how can we allow the Fusang people to be arrogant and wanton anymore?

After Li Xuan said these words, he sent Shang Hong away. As the saying goes, 'people with different paths do not seek each other', he and Shang Hong didn't have much to say.

Next, Li Xuan also wants to find Meng Qingfan, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net It's a pity that his jade unicorn gained wisdom every time it suffered. After that, he hid beside Jiang Hanyun and never dared to come within three feet of him again.

And just in the afternoon, the East China Sea Dragon Palace had gathered nearly 2.2 million troops to join them.

Among them, 1.9 million are underwater. Large water beasts, each dozens of feet long, have spread out in a wide formation for hundreds of miles on the seabed.

There are still 300,000 monsters in the sky, all of them with the ability to fly or control the air. Their power covers the sky and the sun, overwhelming mountains and seas.

On the sea surface were Da Jin's twenty-four armored warships and three hundred and twenty ten thousand stone blessing ships.

Compared with the army of Dragon Palace, the momentum is slightly lacking. But those huge steel battleships are also majestic and fierce.

Li Xuan personally came forward to receive Ao Shenghai, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and Ao Mengsheng, the prince of the East China Sea, who came to lead the army.

Just when he was about to have a good chat with his father-in-law, whom he met for the first time, a strong wind suddenly rose above the sea, and countless dark clouds gathered.

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