Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 816 The Battle of the Saints

When Li Xuan opened the palace door, he saw blood all over the ground.

In the center was a woman wearing a golden twelve-chapter uniform. Her body was penetrated by countless silver chains. She was hung in the center of the hall, with blood flowing from her body.

There are about 200 red-sharp beaked hummingbirds perched in the four directions of the palace. They stand on the palace beams and look down mercilessly. There were several others surrounding the woman, pecking at her flesh and blood.

The woman was in a dizzy state. It wasn't until Li Xuan and the others walked in that the woman slowly woke up. Then she looked at Green Qiluo and the people around her with a bit of surprise.

The woman's facial features were beautiful, her skin was like snow, her hair was messy, and her face that could be broken by a bomb should have been as gorgeous as a peach or plum, but now it was as white as paper.

She glanced at Green Qiluo, then glanced at Li Xuan, and then chuckled slightly: Qiluo, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

Lu Qiluo's face was ashen. She glanced at the sharp-beaked hummingbirds, and then waved her sleeves suddenly. In an instant, hundreds of Taichu sword energy directly pinned these sharp-beaked hummingbirds to the spot.

it's useless.

The woman in charge of the army laughed miserably: These 'Fire-fronted Birds' are the punishment given to me by the Taoist ancestors. No matter how many times you kill them, they will be resurrected as many times as they want. They have sucked my blood and have magical powers. They can kill me countless times. Nirvana.”

Sure enough, in the next moment, those red-pointed hummingbirds turned into fire and burned, and then returned to their original state in an instant.

Lu Qiluo pursed her lips tightly, and she moved her gaze to the woman in charge, frowning and saying nothing.

Are you sad for me? Feel guilty?

The woman in charge of the army sneered: As I said at the beginning, your power is enough. As long as you can introduce the saint into the mortal world, with the help of the emperors and emperors of all generations, and the combined efforts of more than twenty emperors, you can indeed bring the saints into the mortal world. Defeat the saint.

But as long as two or three of you betray, the battle will be a failure. So I said let Haotian continue to accumulate strength. Not many of his ministers can be trusted, and the mortal Great Qin Shihuang will definitely betray his trust.

Lu Qiluo's face was cold: During the pre-Qin period, Haotian expanded the number of Heavenly Soldiers under his command to 2.5 million. All of them had six levels of cultivation, and were equipped with the most powerful 'Cold Silver Heavenly Armor' at that time. There are high-level magic weapons made of Star Divine Iron. There are also nine million auxiliary troops guarding the Thirty-Three Heavens Realm. They are all of the second sect's cultivation. They are equipped with semi-armor and also have excellent combat equipment.

In addition, the Heavenly Court must support seventeen emperors, marshals, a total of forty-five heavenly monarchs and heavenly kings, more than two hundred high-ranking generals, and a huge private army of tens of millions under their command. I have long been overwhelmed and can no longer hold on. At that time, the war between Buddhism and Brahmins was raging, and this should have been our best opportunity.

The subdued woman was silent for a while, and then laughed: Who can say for sure? Although the 'star core' at that time was exhausted, it may not be impossible to find other things to replace it. Just like in the outer realm now, the emperors of the heavens are different. Do you have tens of millions of soldiers? Just like the Antarctic Immortal Emperor. I heard that she has more than seven million soldiers under her command?

Green Qiluo shook her head: How can the soldiers under the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor compare with the Heavenly Court at that time? Most of them are not even as good as the auxiliary troops of the Heavenly Court. There are only 360,000 gods under her command. The Thunder Guards' combat prowess is impressive.

She then looked at the submissive woman thoughtfully: It seems that you are trapped here, are you not ignorant?

Although the saint's methods are mysterious and unpredictable, he covers the sky and reflects the sun.

The subdued woman chuckled and looked out the door: But you must have forgotten that I also have a good brother.

At this moment, a fiery figure appeared outside the palace gate.

It was a Qingjun young man with a face and facial features similar to that of the Gunfu woman. He had a stern face and looked at the Gunfu woman and Lu Qiluo in the hall with strange eyes.

It's really lively here today, huh?

Especially Green Qiluo, his eyes suddenly became as sharp as a knife: You are Suiren Qiluo! You are a sinful person, and you are not dead yet?

Li Xuan also looked at the young man with serious eyes.

The extremely powerful method possessed by this person caused the temperature in the palace to rise dramatically.

He had already guessed who this person was. He should be one of the four elephants, Suzaku, the 'Lingguang Divine Lord'.

Lingguang Shenjun's eyes were condensed at this time, and with a flick of his hand, the whole bodies of Lu Qiluo and Li Xuan were ignited with red flames.

Huang Wuhuan's expression changed behind her, and she immediately took action to extinguish the flames on Li Xuan's body, but to no avail.

Compared with Suzaku, her Nirvana Divine Flame is more than one level behind.

But at this time, Li Xuan also raised his hand and took out a seal, suppressing all the red flames.

His brows furrowed, and the power of 'divine authority' in the Haotian Divine Seal had indeed been promoted to the level of the Holy Heaven by him.

But at this time, his state was like an ant swinging a sledgehammer, and all the heavenly energy had to be consumed within a few breaths.

However, when the women in Gongpao and Lord Lingguang saw this, they couldn't help but look slightly stern.

Is this Haotian's imperial seal?

The woman in Gongpao looked at Li Xuan again, with the intention of measuring and measuring: I didn't expect that you have repaired the Haotian Emperor's Seal to this extent. Speaking of which, I just felt that this person was surrounded by God's energy and filled with dragon's energy.

Is he the Xuanhuang Emperor who has risen recently? Let me tell you, a mortal who has only been around for less than a few years actually wants to become the Emperor of Heaven. It turns out it was you, Qiluo, who was bewitching and supporting me from behind. Suiren Qiluo, you want him to become the fourth generation emperor of heaven, and then help you kill the saint, right? Another idiot you fooled.

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel frightened when he heard this.

Gu: Kill the saint? What's the meaning? Kill the saint?

He waved his sleeve slightly and directly included Huang Jun behind him in his Liuhe Immortal Sword Diagram.

Li Xuan knew what was going to follow, and Huang Wuhuan was no longer suitable to listen to it. It would be a disaster rather than a blessing for her.

Unless the saint dies, the world will be restless.

Lu Qiluo said calmly with an expressionless face: At the end of the Huiyuan period, the world will be restarted, and the world will return to its origin. All people in this world, including immortals and gods, will not be able to survive. By then, all the saints will be reduced to dust.

Haotian and the First Emperor have such ambitious plans. If their interests were not at stake, I would not be able to persuade them to take risks and become enemies of the saint, even if I have a sharp tongue.

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but be startled, wondering what Lu Qiluo meant by 'Huiyuan'.

In Taoism, thirty years is one lifetime; twelve lifetimes is one fortune; thirty fortunes are one meeting.

One Yuan is also arranged according to the twelve earthly branches, so there are twelve societies.

If calculated in years, then one Hui Yuan lasts 129,600 years.

And when one yuan ends, then the next yuan begins, and a new world is created in the universe, which is called one yuan begins again, and everything is renewed.

That's true, but how can a saint be killed so easily?

The woman in Gongpao shook her head and looked disapproving: In the past, when the three generations of heaven were at their peak, the saints were helpless, let alone now? Without the 'Star Core', the heaven you created again will not be as good as what it was ten thousand years ago. high.

But after I woke up, part of the saint's power had been sealed. It can be seen that the saint was not completely unscathed in that battle.

Green Qiluo looked firm: As long as this generation of heaven can reach 70% of the power of the third generation of heaven and elevate the power of divine power to the realm of 'divine heaven', we will have hope.

So I came here this time to get back the things I had during my lifetime. There are also the fragments of the Haotian Divine Seal and the remains of Emperor Jun in your hand.


Lingguang Divine Lord Suzaku looked at Green Qiluo with a sneer: What good will this do to her? She is already like this, and you still refuse to let her go, right?

But before he finished speaking, the woman in Gongpao said, Give it to her!

Lingguang Divine Lord Zhuque couldn't believe it and turned to look at the woman in Gongpao.

I told her!

The woman in Gongpao emphasized with a cold face: Whether it is Haotian's relics or Emperor Jun's bones, they are of no use to our Feng Clan. Instead, they are missed by the Golden Crow Crown Prince. Let her give it a try, we Feng Clan are such ghosts. It seems like there’s nothing left to lose.”

Lord Lingguang thought for a moment, then threw a bag that seemed to be woven with starlight in the direction of Li Xuan: Take it, this is everything Haotian left. The fragments of the divine seal are too scattered. It’s amazing, we, the two siblings, only collected this part.”

He flicked his sleeves again and sent a forest green sword to Lu Qiluo: At that time, there were too many people fighting for your belongings, and Haotian only got your natal sword, Gongbu. '.

The style of this sword is exactly the same as the sword transformed by Green Qiluo's soul power.

The whole sword is forest green, with three red gems inlaid in the center of the hilt, and there are beautiful gold inscriptions on the sword body.

When Li Xuan heard the word Gongbu, he knew that this was one of the divine swords refined by the ancient weapon master Ou Yezi.

Legend has it that this sword 'starts from the wen and ends at the spine, like a pearl that cannot be folded, and the wen is like flowing water'. It is a sword that can compete with those ancient divine swords, such as Zhuxian, Killing Immortal and other swords.

Green Qiluo brought the sword in front of her and gently touched it with a nostalgic look.

But after a moment, she put the Gongbu sword into her sleeve: There is nothing we can do about the saint's seal for the time being. When the emperor's law reaches the gods, I will ask him to give it to UU Reading You unblock it.”

Li Xuan was nearby and also took back his spiritual thoughts from the bag.

There are indeed many fragments of the Haotian Divine Seal inside, the number of which is almost the same as those given by Emperor Fusang.

But inside, there is a ‘sun’ that cannot be looked directly at.

Although it was dead and dim, the light and heat it emitted was still at least ten times greater than the corpses of the Golden Crow Princes.

No, it's difficult to describe it in terms of multiples, but the entire level is different, giving people a glimpse of the beauty of the sun.

Li Xuan was overjoyed, and then nodded with a solemn expression: This is as it should be. If Li really possesses the divine law in the future, he will naturally not just sit idly by and ignore Mr. Yuan.

At this time, Green Qiluo looked at the woman in Gongpao again: Then the second thing, who was plotting against me in the first place?

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