Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 817 Death of Haotian

You yourself don't know whose hands you died in, how could I possibly know?

The woman in Gongpao responded with a sneer: On the day of the incident, I also followed the plan you made. In the name of celebrating your birthday, I summoned all the emperors to come to heaven to discuss the plan of slaying the saints in my palace. But the banquet was only halfway through. At that time, Haotian learned the news that you were attacked in the 'Wuding River' and hurriedly left the table.

But by the time he arrived, you had already lost your soul and died in Wuding Hebei, and the murderer also escaped. He can only order the 'True Lord Blessing Saint' to help you arrange the soul-calling banners and gather the true spirits for you, while he hurriedly returns to the heaven and hastily launches the battle to slay the saints.

At that time, he knew that several saints were well prepared, and his chances of winning were extremely slim, but he was already riding a tiger and had no choice but to shoot. I actually want to know, what happened at that time? Suiren Qiluo, why did you rush to a place like Wuding River when you knew the war was coming?

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

The so-called ‘True Lord Yousheng’ is the current ‘Emperor Zhenwu Dangmo’. .

Lu Qiluo frowned slightly: How can I not know the importance? At that time, there was a problem with Youzhou Ding, one of the Nine Cauldrons, which caused the Jiuding Mountain and River Formation to not operate smoothly. This formation is related to the plan of killing the saint, and it should not be publicized. Haotian I was given a secret order to go and have a look.

The woman in Gunpao was shocked when she heard this, and asked in confusion: Haotian never mentioned this matter to me. Afterwards, he was still wondering, Suiren Qiluo, why did you go to Wuding River? Are you sure it was Haotian at that time? Life?

How can the Haotian handwriting sent by Li Changgeng himself be false? There is indeed something wrong with Youzhou Ding.

After Lu Qiluo said this, her face changed slightly and her eyes gradually turned cold: I will find Li Changgeng to find out what happened.

The woman in the Gong robe said softly: Li Changgeng? After he left the heaven, he is now even better than before. Look at the morning star in the sky, it is getting brighter day by day. Although he has never been emperor, he has become the emperor. His magical power is superior to that of most emperors, not inferior to Emperor Fusang.

It is said that in the mortal world, he was revered as the ‘Western Jinde Taibai Haoxing Lord’, with millions of followers and thousands of temples? But it’s unlikely to be him. I think your sister is even more suspicious. The core of the Jiuding Mountain and River Formation is King Yu Jiuding and her Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, but she was already half-detached during the prehistoric times. One of the saints, are you sure it wasn't her?


Green Qiluo's soul body attached to the Mechanical God General fluctuated violently, and then she forced herself to calm down: I will naturally investigate this matter. What I just want to know now is that you were not there at the time of the incident. How many emperors are attending the banquet in Kunyuan Palace?

A total of four people have not arrived, and three are late! The woman in Gongpao answered without hesitation: But I am not sure whether the other people attending the banquet are real. The distracted bodies of several of them, But it’s so powerful that it’s hard to tell the truth from the lie.”

When she spoke, she actually used her magic power to guide the sky, and used her own blood dripping on the ground to condense the names of seven emperors.

Li Xuan knew that this was a woman in a robe who did not dare to reveal her true name in words, and was detected and alerted by several emperors.

He immediately focused his attention and remembered it in his heart.

Now let's talk about the third thing.

Green Qiluo looked at the woman in Gongpao again: What was the situation in the Battle of the Saints? Who were the emperors who betrayed Haotian at that time?

The woman in Gongpao shook her head and fell into recollection: You can guess what happened in the Battle of the Saint, right? After your death, one of the Nine Cauldrons was missing. Haotian could only ask Prince Jinwu to take over the Yangzhou Cauldron in your place and preside over it. In the south, the emperors joined forces to stir up the origin of the saints, forcing several saints to descend to the realm and sealing them into the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map.

However, in that battle, Haotian was not defeated because his power was suppressed by the saints. He hid part of his power, such as the God of War Xingtian who should have died long ago, and Xuanming and Shebishi, one of the twelve ancestors in the past. Therefore, the process of this battle was extremely tragic. Taoist masters such as Cihang, Manjusri and others were knocked down to the realm of holy heaven, and had to seek refuge in Buddhism afterwards.

What really caused Haotian's failure was an unknown toxin that caused his imperial body to collapse at a critical moment. Then Prince Jinwu rebelled first and pierced his heart with the divine light of the sun; then Gouchen cut off his head with a sword; the First Emperor sent his 3.5 million Qin army soldiers from Shanhe Sheji in advance Withdraw from the picture.

Next is Li Jing, the King of Pagodas. He suppressed Haotian Yuanshen with the Golden Exquisite Pagoda; it was the Black Emperor Ye Guangji who gave Haotian a fatal blow. Haotian severely injured Ye Guangji in a dying move and buried the the cause of his death. But what's the point of knowing this?

The woman in Gongpao smiled sarcastically: Will you, Suiren Qiluo, avenge Haotian? In your opinion, everything is the overall situation. You will only think that if it weren't for Haotian, his defeat has appeared, this A few people probably won't have the guts to take action, but they can still use it. And times have changed, and the enemies at the time may not be able to be friends now, or join forces again.

Green Qiluo and the woman in Gongpao looked at each other, then lowered their heads and said: His Royal Highness the Queen of Heaven is too arbitrary. If there is a suitable opportunity, Qiluo will definitely take action to comfort His Majesty Haotian's heroic spirit.

What's the right time? Look, what's the right time?

The woman in Gongpao looked at Li Xuan with an unexpected smile: The future fourth generation emperor, you have to be more careful. If you fail in the future, she will just abandon you like a pair of worn shoes and leave you without any regrets. go.

Li Xuan responded with a smile: Aren't Haotian's biggest enemies the saints? Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother has been trapped here for ten thousand years and suffered such torture. Isn't the source of it the saints?

There was a thoughtful look in his eyes, wondering what was the toxin that caused Haotian to collapse? Who did it?

There are not many people who can make Haotian unaware of this and not aware of any abnormality——

Even the Queen Mother in front of him, who was severely punished by the saint, was also suspicious.

The woman in Gongpao was stunned when she heard this, and then she chuckled: You are indeed from the same group as Suiren Qiluo.

Green Qiluo didn't make any refutation of the woman's words. She signaled to Li Xuan and asked him to release both Huang Junhuang Wuhuan and Shenxue Qingluan from the picture.

Then he said to the woman in Gongpao: Although you are now suppressed and trapped by the saint, you are still the leader of the Phoenix race in the world. Should there be a way to strengthen their bloodline?

You are so shameless!

Lord Suzaku couldn't help but snorted coldly: She doesn't need to take action in this matter, let me do it.

He just raised his hand and pointed, and Huang Wuhuan and Divine Blood Qingluan instantly turned into flames, burning fiercely.

Li Xuan was shocked at first, and then felt relieved.

He knew that the Suzaku God was helping Huang Wuhuan and the others achieve nirvana.

‘Nirvana’ is the natal magical power of the Phoenix race, which can give them a new life, evolve their bloodline, and even improve their cultivation.

However, using the method of 'nirvana' to evolve bloodline consumes a lot of vitality, which neither Huang Jun nor Divine Blood Qingluan could bear.

In particular, the divine blood Qingluan is not a pure phoenix.

But at this time, with the help of the Suzaku God, the blood and bones of these two birds were changing rapidly.


About half an hour later, Green Qiluo walked out of it, but she felt a little distracted.

Li Xuan also fell into meditation, but then he was awakened by the movement in the Liuhe Immortal Sword Picture.

Those were the two beasts of Qiongqi and Chaos that he included in the picture, and they were about to demolish his sword picture.

Li Xuan immediately released the two beasts. At this time, the door behind him was slowly closing, and the Suzaku God also turned into a ball of red flames and escaped from inside.

He paused for a moment beside Li Xuan and looked at him strangely.

You, a mortal who is less than a hundred years old, actually dare to seek the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. You are simply arrogant and stupid to the extreme. But now I really hope that you can succeed. At least my sister has hope of escape.

Also, if you still want to plunder the outer lands, I suggest you be more careful. Now the soldiers and horses of Emperor Chen Ziwei are also searching for your whereabouts. Especially Emperor Ziwei, who was the son of King Wen who created the Houtian Bagua. He not only learned the true story, but also created his own Ziwei Dou Shu. Therefore, this person's divination ability is unparalleled in the world.

Also, Kunpeng left a lot of back-ups in the deep sea in the past, and they must have been activated at this moment, so you should take care of yourself!

The Suzaku God hesitated a little at this time: I suggest you open the Tomb of the First Emperor as soon as possible before the Qin Emperor Yuan Feng is destroyed. The treasures of the First Emperor and the millions of Qin soldiers inside can enable you to ascend to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. capital.

Nowadays, all the emperors and kings in heaven covet this tomb, and even think that there is the last chance of becoming a saint in it. When the Yuan Feng is opened, you won't have half a chance.

After saying these few words, it turned into a red flame and fled into the sky again.

Li Xuan looked at the flame from a distance: This divine king has some murderous intentions towards you, but the following words are sincere.

Suiren Qiluo didn't take it seriously: They think it was me who caused their siblings to fall into this situation, so how can they have a good look towards me? Even in the third generation of heaven, there are people shouting that Suiren Qiluo will be killed, and the world will be at peace.

Li Xuan nodded slightly, and then asked Lu Qiluo: Who do you think poisoned Haotian? Speaking of which, the Emperor of Heaven will also be trapped by poison?

Even a saint would be wary of the poisonous power that Shebi Zhi had in the past. However, what caused Haotian's death may not be the real poison.

Green Qiluo shook her head, with a sharp look in her eyes: But this time, I finally know why they attacked me in the first place. The power of Taichu that I possess can identify the source of all things. If they want If you want to tamper with Haotian, you must get rid of me first.

Gu: Most likely.

Li Xuan also judged this. He then pointed to the two bird eggs behind him that were in Nirvana: Speaking of which, I was just going to ask, these two guys, they should be fine, right?

Suzaku has an upright and forthright temperament. He won't do anything in front of me, and he doesn't dare to do anything in front of me. The origins of Huang Wuhuan and Niulang have not changed.

Green Qiluo shook her head: But you need to be extremely careful in the future. It is best not to leave me for more than a day. I don't want you to follow in the footsteps of Haotian when you become the Emperor of Heaven in the future.

Li Xuan laughed. He was still far away from becoming the Emperor of Heaven.

Don't think that this day is still far away.

Green Qiluo seemed to see what Li Xuan was thinking. She looked over and said, As long as you have an army of 1.2 million in your hands - no! Your Wujin soldiers are more powerful than Haotian.

With only 800,000 of the current divine army and about 400 warships, many forces in this infinite void can be decided by word of mouth. For example, the Four Elephant Divine Lords are one of the easiest forces to surrender. They are not powerful enough to be emperors and just stay on one side, so it is not difficult to surrender.

Li Xuan couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips. Eight hundred thousand black gold warriors and four hundred Taixu battleships, how easy is it?

Next time he comes out to rob, it won't be so easy.

Li Xuan thought about this and looked at the Taixu battleships ahead.

He thought how far his military power could expand in a few months would depend on the materials and craftsmen on the ship.

It's a pity that although there are various ores and natural materials and treasures in it, there are not many that are truly high-grade.

The only one that caught his eye was the Jitian Kunpeng and the pseudo-divine treasure she brought.

But what Li Xuan lacks now is not only soldiers, but also powerful magical weapons.

His foundation is extremely shallow, and compared with those emperors who have been dominant for more than ten thousand years, his foundation is really far behind.


Seven days later, Xuan Chenzi, dressed in a skirt, stepped onto the Wangcheng Restaurant in the east of Xiangyang City like a fairy.

There are two groups of guests here, each occupying a table, and they are all eating so much that the dishes beside the table have been piled as high as a mountain.

They devoured everything and turned into gluttons. Although the food from the restaurant's kitchen was served like water, it couldn't keep up with the speed at which they ate.

Xuan Chenzi didn't want another group of powerful starving ghosts to appear in Xiangyang City, so she sat down near the window, ordered a banquet, and waited patiently.

Until nightfall, the three people at the table on the left finally had enough to eat and drink, and their faces looked satisfied.

However, the two scribes at the table on the right were still eating and munching, sweeping away the food and wine on the table like a whirlwind, eating bowl after bowl of rice.

Xuan Chenzi glanced at these two people with contempt in his heart.

She thought these two seemed to be great scholars? Why is his appearance so ugly, with no trace of the demeanor of a great Confucian? How poor is the Outland, and why do the people who come from the Outland seem like reincarnations of starving ghosts?

Xuan Chenzi shook his head and could only walk to the other table of three people first: Everyone has eaten. How about we go on our way after eating? You can withdraw from the mortal world yourself, or I will send you to the underworld.

Starting from the end of the year, the cracks in Qin Huang Yuan's seal further widened.

Nowadays, even heavenly beings can occasionally enter the mortal world in the physical body.

The three people raised their heads and glanced at Xuan Chenzi with cold expressions. One of them sneered, and immediately slapped Xuan Chenzi on the head with a big hand.

A mere little heavenly figure in the mortal world actually dares to——


With the sound of blood spurting out, the man's arms and head were broken off at the same time.

The other two people at the table couldn't help but look stunned.

The woman in front of them should be using a sword, but they didn't see clearly the process of the woman drawing the sword.

Don't even think about it!

The other person snorted angrily and broke out the window: Now that I've come in, no one can think of me leaving again.

But just as this man flew out of the restaurant, his pupils suddenly shrank into needle-like shapes, and dozens of cracks appeared on his head and body, before turning into a mass of flesh and blood fragments and falling onto the street.

Xuan Chenzi held a pair of swords with lightning and lightning in his hands, and looked at the last person with a cold expression: What about you?

What a pair of thunder knives and electric swords, what a fast and accurate method. The man sighed slightly, and drank the wine in the glass with great nostalgia: I'd better go back to the outer lands, but I really don't want to go back. ctnnd, I have two hundred years. When I was invited to leave by Jinque Heavenly Palace, I thought it was a fairy world outside and I could enjoy immortal blessings forever, but it turned out that I couldn’t even eat enough, and I even had extravagant hopes for drinking, and I couldn’t eat meat more than once in a year.”

Xuan Chenzi thought to himself, is this Taixu Outer Realm really so painful? But she still said without mercy: Please leave quickly, otherwise I will draw the sword. If you want to have a full meal, you can wait a few more years. Judging from Yuan Feng's momentum, I am afraid it will not be maintained for a few more years. By the way, remember to pay.

The key is that the great commander keeps opening the back door for the Buddhist god.

Although Jinque Beigong and Liudaosi worked hard to maintain it, Emperor Qin Yuanfeng showed no sign of recovery.

The man then smiled bitterly, took out dozens of taels of gold from his sleeve and placed it on the table. Then he stood up, stepped forward, and disappeared into the restaurant.

Xuan Chenzi looked at the sky and found that the man had indeed left. He looked at the two great scholars beside him with surprise.

These two people looked at her sword and actually didn't run away——

Xuan Chenzi thought for a moment, then walked over and hugged his fist.

May I ask the names of these two noble men? I think they are both magnificent and pure. They must be famous scholars from Hongxue in history.

Her current cultivation level is getting more and more advanced. After receiving the 'Dragon Cutting Sword' rewarded by Li Xuan, there are only a few people in the world who can rival her.

Even if Yu Jie, who has been promoted to the position of Zhongtian, meets her, he must be cautious.

Xuan Chenzi did not dare to be rash and arrogant because of this.

She had learned a lesson in Nanjing City in the past, and her balls had left her since then.

Although in hindsight this was a blessing in disguise, Xuan Chenzi still grew greatly from this incident.

The two men finally raised their heads from their rice bowls, UU reading and then looked at each other.

One of them, a handsome and handsome Confucian scholar, said with a smile: I don't dare take it. I, Wu Ciren, am just an unknown Confucian scholar.

The other man was about forty years old, a gentle and elegant middle-aged man. He stroked his beautiful beard under his chin: I, Jia Ming, was a hermit in eastern Zhejiang in the past. My fellow Taoist, we two have something to discuss in this world. You can do it, and you can leave within seven days at most. The two of us are willing to guarantee it with our generosity, and we also ask fellow Taoists to show us your noble hands and let us go.

The corners of Xuan Chenzi's lips couldn't help but twitch.

I thought that there is no such person, fake names, you two are too insincere to use fake names, are you so shameless?

At this moment, he suddenly felt something in his heart and looked at the sky.

Then I saw a Kunpeng battleship with its wings spread out, suddenly piercing through the First Emperor Yuan Feng, carrying thirty-six Taixu battleships under its wings, and a huge Kunpeng skeleton behind it, falling into the mortal world,

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