Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 818 Hue has to be sacrificed

When Xuan Chenzi looked back from high altitude, he found that both 'Wu Ciren' and 'Jia Ming' had disappeared.

She smiled coldly, and immediately appeared in the sky with a sword in hand.

Xuan Chenzi's spiritual thoughts were always locked on these two heavenly scholars, and his figures were like light and lightning.

Nowadays, the reason why she can make all the Heavenly monks in the world fear her is because of her unparalleled speed.

As long as the target is targeted by her, no matter who it is, it will be difficult to escape from her thunder and lightning sword.

But just a moment later, Xuan Chenzi's expression changed slightly.

Just because she discovered that the speed of the two heavenly monks was not very fast, but the distance between them was getting farther and farther. .


Xuan Chenzi's pupils narrowed slightly and he looked at the Qing Jun Confucian who called himself Wu Ciren.

He knew that this was an extremely powerful extremely powerful method.

That's not the Yi of transactions, but the Yi of the I Ching.

Yi, the way of transformation.

In addition, Xuan Chenzi looked at 'Jia Ming' again.

Although this person's Jitian Dharma is not as good as Wu Ciren's, it is still very powerful.

It was actually a kind of space magic standard that could control the distance between two objects.

For that moment just now, Xuan Chenzi felt cold all over his body. That was because he directly used the blade to ignore the distance, threatening his soul.

And just after this moment, the two people disappeared without a trace.


After Li Xuan returned to the mortal world, he entered a busy state.

He left the mortal world for more than a month, and there were some changes in the Jin Dynasty.

Although Li Xuan is sitting in the capital as a clone, the clone is still a clone after all.

He found that as long as the distance between the two parties was too far, the avatar's intelligence would drop significantly.

It was only thanks to Shaotianshi Xue Yunrou's idea and Yu Hongshang's pressure that the reforms he implemented did not deviate from the established track.

However, his clone still left a lot of matters waiting for him to deal with.

Then there are the various constructions in the heaven, the current status of temples in various places, etc. In short, there are thousands of things.

Leng Yurou brought people over immediately to help Li Xuan count the harvest. Li Shanchang also came after hearing the news and supervised.

When she returned from the battleship, the joy on her face became even stronger.

Many of the ores you grabbed this time can be used. They account for about 70% of all supplies. Their value should be between 430,000 and 470,000. .Tell me, what do you want to build this time?

Li Xuan was also unambiguous: There are a total of 120,000 sets of black gold armor and thirty-six cloud warships. Their driving arrays must be modified and used as the power source of the 'Star Core'.

Another big gain he gained this time in the outer void was the plunder of one hundred and seventy-nine 'star cores' of various sizes.

This thing is almost extinct, so it is extremely precious.

Using the 'star core' as power, it is estimated that it can be used for up to thirty years. If a replacement pronucleus cannot be found in thirty years, the battleship will be unable to move.

However, Li Xuan predicts that the battle for the Emperor of Heaven will be settled thirty years later.

It’s time to look at the miniaturization of the Sun God Furnace.

Besides that, there is also the Jitian Kunpeng bone——

Li Xuan pointed back with his hand. He looked hesitant, but still gritted his teeth and said: You can help me build a second Kunpeng battleship. You can estimate the price.

He was in a sour mood, as his 'Xuanhuang Emperor' had spent a total of 120,000,000 silver dollars.

It is estimated that the price of this Kunpeng battleship will not be much lower.

Leng Yurou's price offer really made Li Xuan feel like he had been stabbed in the heart: The total price of the Wujin armor is one billion and fifty million silver dollars, the thirty-six cloud battleships are seven hundred and fifty million, and the Kunpeng battleship is two hundred and twenty million. , the total price is exactly three hundred million.

Li Xuanzheng felt distressed, but Li Shanchang held his hands behind him expressionlessly: Your Majesty, I recently sorted out the bills of the Artifact Alliance. Based on the materials consumed by the Kunpeng Battleship and the Yunzhong Battleship, I think 250,000,000 is a more appropriate price. . There is also a collection of His Highness’s seizures in the outer regions. If left to me to handle, the value will not be less than 650,000,000.”

Li Xuan looked at Leng Yurou in disbelief, thinking that this girl had killed him so hard?

Leng Yurou squinted her eyes and glanced sideways at Li Shanchang, wondering why this guy was so in the way.

She then looked at Li Xuan calmly: That's true, but pre-research of materials, pre-research of talisman formations and machinery, etc., all cost money.

Li Shanchang nodded slightly: Miss Leng did invest all the money and materials in various experiments. But most of the experiments had nothing to do with guns, battleships, and armor, and were too extravagant and wasteful. I will make a list later. Your Majesty. Miss Yurou and Princess Su’s dividend from the Artifact Alliance this year is 70 million, and most of this money has gone unknown.

The Princess Su he mentioned refers to Su Zhaojun.

It is said that when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

In terms of Confucian etiquette, once Li Xuan becomes emperor, his relatives must also be knighted.

Nowadays, Xuanhuang Tianting has not done this yet, but if they gain a firm foothold in the future, it will be certain that Li Chengji and Li Yan will become the 'Kings of Heaven'.

Li Xuan stopped talking and looked at Leng Yurou steadily.

Even if he guessed with his heels, he knew that this girl had probably invested her money in the research of the 'Mechanical Divine General' and the 'Great Five Elements Exterminating Divine Needle', which was Leng Yurou's lifelong pursuit.

Leng Yurou couldn't stand it anymore, and looked away with a blush on her pretty face: Twenty-seven million, this is the lowest price. I can also give you another ten million bullets and three hundred thousand cannon shells.

Li Xuan thought to himself that this was not bad, but for the subsequent seizure and processing, he would not dare to hand it over to the Artifact Alliance under any circumstances.

Li Shanchang is obviously more reliable than this girl.

At the same time, Li Xuan began to have a headache for Leng Yurou. This woman had nothing to pursue in her life, and her thoughts were all on the mechanical equipment.

This is not a bad thing, but currently Li Xuan hopes that the resources and energy of the Artifact Alliance and Leng Yurou will be devoted to guns, battleships, and battle armor.

So Yurou still has to worry about something so that she won't spend money lavishly.

Just when Li Xuan was having second thoughts and began to think about whether to sacrifice his lust for his great cause of being the Emperor of Heaven, his expression moved slightly and he looked outside the battleship.

He discovered that Jiang Hanyun and Luo Yan had actually started fighting with someone.

The key is that their opponents are very powerful.

Li Xuan's pupils also condensed slightly, and he recognized this as the Yi and the Space Law of the Book of Changes.

However, his two women still have a certain upper hand.

Jiang Hanyun used her own power to accurately attack the opponent no matter what changes he made.

The Bai Ze bloodline obtained from Xiaolei gave her a psychic mind. Under the strengthened legal standard, this magical power is infinitely close to the legal standard level.

Luo Yan manipulates the other person's mind.

The other party does have control over the void, and can change distance and distance, but this person's soul cannot accurately perceive the distance, and this far and near method cannot be controlled freely.

Only this person's majestic glass was powerful and pure, and Luo Yan's spiritual power could only interfere with it to a small extent.

However, she also masters 'Seal', which can also seal distance, so she can suppress her opponents.

In addition, there were middle-class laymen around, including Nine-Tailed Tu Shanjun and others, who were eyeing these two heavenly scholars with their thoughts locked away.

Gu Li Xuan wondered who these two people were? He didn't seem to be hostile.

There is also that Qing Jun Confucian who looks very familiar. Where have I seen him before?

Li Xuan thought for a long time and finally remembered it in the memory in his mind.

To be precise, it is a portrait, which has been hung in the ancestral hall of Chengyi Bofu. It is the portrait of Li Lexing, the first generation of Chengyi Bo.

Li Xuan's expression suddenly became strange. He quickly dodged and came outside the battleship.

Stop! We are all our own.

One of our own?

Jiang Hanyun felt a little strange. At this moment, she punched out with a random punch, blasting Li Lexing's figure into a ball of violent lightning.

After that, she retreated to Li Xuan and said thoughtfully: Speaking of which, I do feel that this person's face is quite familiar.

You worshiped him before, did you forget? On the second day of our wedding, we were in the ancestral hall.

Li Xuan looked at the violent thunder and lightning with sympathy in his heart.

Li Lexing should have used the method called 'Electronic Leap' to dodge and move just now, but the problem is that Jiang Hanyun's control of electromagnetic force is close to the martial arts god level.

With the blessing of the 'divine magic conch', it is close to the legal level.

Ancestral hall?

Jiang Hanyun's eyes were suspicious, and then she said Hey and was surprised: Ancestor?

Li Lexing condensed the electric light and reappeared. As expected, he looked shabby, his clothes were torn, and he looked a little embarrassed.

He looked at Li Xuan with a complicated expression, thinking that this was a really good move.

But at the same time, Li Lexing could not suppress his joy.

Li Xuan's strength was a bit beyond his expectation.

In the battle of 'Huang Dutian', Li Xuan's Kunpeng fleet was invincible, but it relied more on its sharp guns.

Huang Dutian's guarding generals withdrew early, and the many Jitians under Li Xuan were unable to exert their combat power.

But at this time, the two young women under Li Xuan were able to suppress him and Song Lian.

Li Lexing was amazed, wondering how his descendants managed to win over these two extremely talented women under his command?

At this moment, Xuan Chenzi turned into a blue-red electric light and flew in from a distance.

Finally I found you two starving ghosts! Xuan Chenzi stopped his escape with a cold expression and pointed his sword in the distance: You came here, my lord, to throw yourself into a trap? Also, it's a loss. You are such dignified scholars that you don’t know how to pay someone before leaving?”

Li Xuan looked at Xuan Chenzi suspiciously, thinking what on earth is this senior brother Xuanchen talking about?

At this time, Li Lexing and Song Lian looked extremely embarrassed.


Two moments later, in Li Xuan's Xuanhuang Heavenly Court.

Li Xuan stood at the city gate tower, looking thoughtfully at the large factory in the distance.

The more than 20,000 craftsmen he brought back are settling down there, so it is extremely noisy and lively.

Da Luo Tian Realm?

Li Xuan frowned and looked embarrassed.

At this time, Li Lexing and Song Lian had already explained the situation in Da Luotian clearly.

Li Xuan is extremely interested in Da Luotian's Red Scarf Army, especially the founding generals headed by Xu Tiande and Chang Shiwan, who are enough to make up for his biggest shortcoming.

The question is, how can he save people from the siege of Gou Chen and Emperor Zi Wei's troops with his existing strength?

Li Xuan then looked at the talisman letter in his hand with deep meaning in his eyes.

This letter was written by Emperor Zhenwu himself two years ago and was handed over to Li Lexing for delivery to him.

The content inside made Li Xuan's heart turbulent and difficult to calm down.

There's no rush to save people!

Li Lexing sat on the coffee table nearby, drinking tea with a leisurely expression: Xu Tiande said that if he can last for half a year, he will definitely be able to last for eight months. He used to be cautious in using troops and always left a margin. So this matter can still be discussed again. Wait a minute, don't let this mess up your steps.

Li Xuan nodded, then lit a flame with his hand and burned Emperor Zhenwu's talisman letter directly.

Green Qiluo next to her frowned slightly when she saw this. She was actually very curious about what Emperor Zhenwu said in the letter.

But Li Xuan has always had his own opinion. If there is something he doesn't want Lu Qiluo to know, Lu Qiluo can't do anything about it.

You don't necessarily have to wait.

Li Xuan thought about the current situation in the Outer Territory, with a sharp look in his eyes.

He then shook his head and put away his thoughts, thinking that the time had not come yet. He was in Taixu Outer Territory, missing a crowbar and an opportunity.

But the top priority right now is to seal the First Emperor Yuan Feng!

Li Xuan looked at Li Lexing and Song Lian and thought that even people like Li Lexing could enter the mortal world. It can be seen how dilapidated the current First Emperor Yuan Feng is.

Li Lexing's 'Yi' can indeed reduce the difficulty of entering the First Emperor Yuanfeng, but he is a great emperor after all.

How can this last four years? Maybe within two years, gods and demons will be dancing in this mortal world.

Master Ancestor has come at the right time. My great-great-grandson needs your help to help me find the whereabouts of the 'Golden Que Tianzhang'.

Jinque Tianzhang?

Li Lexing thought for a moment and realized that this item was indeed very important to Li Xuan.

Yes, but it's best to have the flesh and blood of Da Siming and Shao Siming, otherwise even I won't be able to exert my power.

Li Xuan immediately waved his hand and sent the two boxes to Li Lexing: This box contains a drop of Da Siming's natal blood essence and a strand of Shao Siming's hair.

Yuan Taiwei's hair was obtained when she was in a coma. He has all the flesh and blood of Da Siming in his hands.

Li Lexing was about to say that was enough when he heard Li Xuan say again: I have asked people to prepare a talisman array to help you two ascend to the extreme sky. But after that, you two must stay in the Xuanhuang Heavenly Court as much as possible and do not go out unless there is nothing to avoid further damage. The First Emperor Yuan Feng.

At present, all the heavenly positions under Li Xuan's command, UU Reading www. Most of them stay in Xuanhuang Heavenly Court.

The number of 'Heavenly Thrones' contained within the First Emperor's Yuan Seal is limited. The greater the number of Heavenly Thrones, the faster the First Emperor's Yuan Seal will be damaged.

But for some reason, Li Xuan's 'Xuanhuang Heavenly Court' is exempt from this restriction.

Li Lexing and Song Lian were both overjoyed and looked at each other.

But at this moment, the two of them felt the void outer realm at the same time. Two extremely powerful auras penetrated from outside the void domain and descended in the direction of the East China Sea in this world.

They are the true spirits of Demon Master Kunpeng and Emperor Gouchen.

Li Lexing concentrated for a moment, then looked at Li Xuan with solemn eyes: It seems that you are in trouble——

Li Xuan looked startled, then laughed: That may not be trouble.

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