Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 850 The Golden Immortal of Merit

Twenty days later, the last of the thirty-six Shanhe Sheji Cauldrons, the 'Abbott Cauldron', was completely refined and was sent to the mortal world by Li Xuan for placement.

On this day, Li Xuan's cultivation level reached the level of Great Heaven.

The power of his 'Dharma Standard' has already been generated, and the path is unimpeded. All that is missing is the accumulation of true energy and the accumulation of time.

In the days that followed, the entire heaven seemed calm and unchanged, and everyone was busy preparing for military expansion and the reorganization of the Thirty-three Heavens.

But under the seemingly calm water, there are actually turbulent undercurrents and dangerous waves.

The power of the 'True Spirit Position and Industry Map' outside the Three Pure Saint Realm is getting stronger and stronger.

The number of monks’ true spirits invested in the map is also increasing day by day, with a total of more than 24,000 seats, nearly one-fifth of which has been filled. .

Others might be on pins and needles and find it difficult to settle down, but Li Xuan was able to calm down.

He eats when he should eat, plays when he should play, and pays public food when he should pay it.

Li Xuan handed over most of the government affairs to the cabinet, and only held the military power firmly in his hands.

He himself focuses on the improvement of true energy, the comprehension of Dharma, and the polishing of the physical body.

Especially the physical body, Li Xuan strives to push his domineering golden body to the eighth level of 'Dao Heng Weizhen' within one year.

At this time, Li Xuan's dragon energy and divine power were not far from the limit of the gods; the 'Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron' was also strengthened by Li Xuan to the peak of the acquired divine treasure, which made his 'Ba Cauldron' The divine body became increasingly domineering and unbreakable.

Although it is called the seventh level, in terms of defensive capabilities, it is much stronger than the eighth level of the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques, 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth'.

It has become extremely difficult for Li Xuan to continue to make breakthroughs in the hegemonic body.

Fortunately, this step of 'Dao Heng is True' has been done consistently since he developed the 'Haoyi Bading Jue'.

Li Xuan continued to refine his three powers of grandeur, dragon energy and divine power into his flesh, bone, marrow, soul and spirit. Correspondingly, the 'principles' of his majestic energy, the 'power' of dragon energy, and the 'wish' of divine power can naturally penetrate into every piece of flesh and every corner of his domineering golden body.

What must be mentioned here is that the so-called wish of divine power is the ultimate method that Li Xuan has recently condensed.

About seven months ago, Li Xuan used his boundless divine power to condense the Dharma Code of 'Faith and Wish'.

Li Xuan had never been distracted by this rule of law, but with the unity of faith of 43 million believers in the seventh year of the Reform, he naturally mastered the power of 'faith and vows'.

It's a pity that at present, this 'faith and wish', like his 'truth' and 'authority', are still at the highest level, and cannot be used without external help.

Five months later, the power of the True Spirit Position Karma Map continued to grow, so strong that even a small heaven position like Dugu Biluo could feel a certain amount of pressure even though it was hundreds of millions of miles away.

She felt as if her soul and soul would be sucked away by the True Spirit Position and Karma Map at any moment.

But after that, the filling speed of the True Spirit Position Karma Map actually slowed down.

In June of the entire eighth year of the Restoration, there were only nineteen true spirits of casual cultivators involved in it. By July, the number had dropped to less than seven.

The Xuanhuang Heavenly Court established by Li Xuan actually showed surprisingly strong tenacity at this time.

Although the heaven and earth are still in turmoil and people's hearts are scattered, no emperor has dared to openly raise a flag of rebellion, and no monk has taken the initiative to defect.

Especially when the reconstruction project of the Thirty-Three Heavens Realm was gradually completed and the fragments of the Heaven Realm they controlled were integrated into the Thirty-Three Heavens Realm again, all the Zhili and vassal ministers under Li Xuan became more respectful to Li Xuan, and they all became more respectful to Li Xuan. They invariably strengthened the control over their subordinates.

This is what people want.

After a court meeting in heaven, Song Lian said to several cabinet colleagues with emotion: Your Majesty's administration is very popular. After thirty-three days of integration, not only the people of Taixu in the outer realm can have food and clothing without worries, but also many immortals and gods have benefited from it. If it's short, it can extend your life for thousands of years, if it's long, it can be ten thousand years. It can even live as long as heaven and earth, and shine as brightly as the sun and moon. I wonder who among the Taixu immortals today doesn't feel the kindness of Your Majesty?

After hearing this, Li Shanchang on the side couldn't help curling his lips. He thought to himself, isn't it because he is afraid of the great Jin in Heaven?

By the beginning of June in the eighth year of the Restoration, the number of musketeers directly under Heavenly Court had expanded to 8.2 million as scheduled. At the same time, Heavenly Court's 930 steel warships were also being launched and outfitted. The number of high-ranking generals conferred by His Majesty has also reached two hundred.

Due to recent financial improvements, the cabinet has even formulated plans for a third round of military expansion.

I would like to ask the Taixu emperors, who has the confidence to dare to challenge the military front of the 'Xuanhuang Emperor'?

It should be noted that it was only a little more than two years after Li Xuan swept Taixu and eliminated the poison in his body.

Not to mention that all thirty-two heavenly realms are now surrounded by Daluotian. Even the farthest one, the voyage between Tianjing and Daluotian does not exceed two days.

This means that all their territories and people are under the suppression of heaven's military front, and naturally no one dares to act rashly.

The greatest advantage of His Majesty is that he has profound virtues and is good at convincing others with his virtues! Now in this world, inside and outside the world, in the Taixu heavens, there are countless people who have received his kindness.

Li Lexing laughed loudly and stroked his long beard with great satisfaction: But we still have to explain the truth of the 'True Spirit Position Karma Map' to the gods and gods. The 'True Spirit Position Karma Map' is said to be able to cross We have overcome the calamity of Huiyuan, but it is difficult to tell whether this is true or false, and the words of the saint may not be trustworthy.

Moreover, Your Majesty has already found a way to resolve the calamity. Since we can survive the calamity of Huiyuan, why do we need to reincarnate and rebuild?

This is right!

The middle-class layman glanced at the people present, with a cold light flashing in his eyes: However, we can never tolerate those descendants of the immortal gods who have invested their true souls. They need to be killed as soon as possible. I think the current intensity is still Some are not enough. These speculators must be killed to serve as a warning to others.

At this time, the Heavenly Court had indeed a harsh attitude towards all the immortals and gods who were involved in the True Spirit Position and Karma Map.

The gods destroyed all the statues and prohibited mortals from worshiping them. Immortal cultivators must chase and kill them.

Although more than 5,000 immortals and gods devoted themselves to the true souls in the True Spirit Position and Karma Map, in fact, two thousand people were almost dead, and only a sliver of true souls remained in the True Spirit Map.

The remaining parts must either escape to the land of body poison and the Western Region, or directly escape to the Holy Land of Three Purities.

However, the middle-class laymen still believe that the intensity is not enough to shock people's hearts, and they are very dissatisfied with the 'Four Elephants Divine Lord' who is leading this matter and the 'Antarctic Immortal Emperor' who is in charge of the Thunder Department of Heaven.

Householder, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor and the Four Elephants God Lord have indeed tried their best. Taibai Xingjun disagreed, and he burst out laughing: And today's Heavenly Court should focus on maintaining stability. The stronger the people's hearts, the more stable your Majesty's foundation will be.

Li Lexing couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard this. He knows very well that the current situation is really about the word stability and the word procrastination.

Li Xuan needs time. Even if the current situation is delayed for one more day, their strength will be stronger.

However, things went against expectations. Just two months later, the demon Rahu joined forces with the Ancestor of the Styx River and led an army of 57 million Shura demons to rush out of the Nether Sea and attack the mortal world directly along the Nine Springs of the Netherworld.

The so-called nine springs: Fengquan, Yaquan, Huangquan, Hanquan, Yinquan, Youquan, Xiaquan, Kuquan and Mingquan, all originate from the underworld sea and connect all the heavens and mortal worlds.

Li Xuan did not dare to neglect, so he ordered Gouchen Shanggong to go out on the same day to command Nezha's left army and Yue Wumu's right army, a total of 300 musket reorganized divisions, contracted 7 million auxiliary troops, and 400 ships. Steel battleships, 70,000 sail battleships, and various vassal armies totaling 35 million people crusade against the Underworld Demon Army.

At this time, the hearts of the entire Thirty-three Territory were once again in a state of flux.

However, Emperor Gouchen achieved a brilliant victory with the help of firearms on the outskirts of Minghai, wiping out no less than 13 million enemies. The slight waves that had just been raised on the lake calmed down again.

These two demons of the Underworld Sea did not give up. Although they were forced to rely on the Underworld Sea to defend, they continued to increase their troops and gradually returned to their previous strength.

But in the entire Xuanhuang Thirty-three Days, no one was optimistic that those two people could break out of the Underworld Sea.

Therefore, in November of the eighth year of the Restoration, the number of true spirits among the monks who had devoted themselves to the True Spirit Positional Chart continued to decrease, with the total number being only three.

Xuanhuang Heavenly Court suppressed Minghai with 35 million troops, while Zhili's 17 million soldiers and horses were stationed in Daluo Heaven Realm and stood still to intimidate the emperors.

On this day at the end of February of the following year, Li Xuan took the lead in pushing the 'authoritative' law he had mastered to the realm of the Holy Heaven.

At this time, he turned his attention to his 'Haotian Divine Seal'. As his own authority and law merged with the power of the divine seal, Li Xuan gradually sensed the limits of this world.

Li Xuan even had the illusion that he could break through the indescribable and ineffable barrier with just a little effort.

His authority is actually the combination of right, power and power.

This is a strange power. Although Li Xuan's understanding and application of 'authority' itself only reaches the level of the Holy Heaven, the power, power and prestige he possesses now are able to transcend the Holy Heaven. ——

The other side? Li Xuan's eyes showed strong desire, but he decisively withdrew his hand from the Haotian Divine Seal and refused the temptation to step out.

Li Xuan continued to participate in research with all his strength, operating the entire Zhoutian Xingdou Formation to the extreme, trying to calculate the secret of truth.

Seven days later, another strangely shaped ‘Twelve-pointed Heavenly Crown’ appeared in Li Xuan’s hand.

With the divine Kunpeng bone as the main body, twenty-four Dinghai divine beads are placed on the front and back of the crown, turning into pearls.

This is exactly what the Le family and his wife have been refining for a year under his order.

What is surprising is that the color of this sacred treasure is also changing.

Especially the Dinghai Divine Pearl, at this time, it was transformed from the original blue color into a colorful luster.

——This is the power of merit!

At this time, there are endless merits, and under Li Xuan's invitation, they are condensed into these twelve flat crowns, turning them into treasures of merit.

The so-called ‘merits’ are actually similar to the dragon energy of human nature and the incense of faith and wish.

They can also be regarded as manifestations of the ‘alaya consciousness’ of humanity.

Alaya consciousness is the eighth consciousness of all living beings. Buddhism believes that various activities of living beings in the world are performed by body, speech and mind, and they create good karma, bad karma, pure karma, and unrecorded karma. The consciousness is transmitted to the eighth consciousness - the Alaya consciousness is accumulated and retained.

Alaya consciousness is not only the root of all dharma, but also the root of the Three Vehicles of Buddhism. It is also the true body of the so-called dragon energy, faith, and merit.

Comparatively speaking, merit is more pure than Dragon Qi, and faith is less troublesome. It is made up of the gratitude of all living beings, but there are very few people who can actually use it.

Li Xuan's 'merits' are naturally huge and profound. Whether it is the various actions he promoted in the mortal world, the many reforms he implemented, or the thirty-three days of reorganization in Taixu, they are enough to make him achieve merit. Golden fairy. That is to say, relying solely on merit, one can obtain power comparable to that of the Holy Heaven.

But he didn't know how to use and refine it. Although he had a treasure house, he couldn't get in.

It wasn't until he condensed the method of 'faith and wish' that Li Xuan knew how to use the power of these merits.

In April of the ninth year of the Restoration, the 60 million Shura demon army from the Underworld once again came out of Huangquan, and the second war between the Underworld and the Heavenly Army broke out.

This battle lasted for seven days. The gods and emperors between the two sides almost tore the sky of the mortal world apart, and countless ships sank in the boundless void. But in the end, the Minghai army still lost more than seven million soldiers, and had to retreat back to the Minghai again.

But at the same time, Li Xuan had already felt the alienation of Buddhism from him.

Maitreya, Peacock, Manjusri, Guanyin and others who had strongly supported him in the past all stayed behind closed doors, and there was no news for several months.

The Buddhist army, headed by the Four Heavenly Kings, who served in the Xuanhuang Heavenly Court, also withdrew from Daluotian under the pretext of resisting the poisonous gods.

Li Xuan didn't care much, he was more concerned about the mortal world at this time.

At the end of the ninth year of the Reform, the population of Dajin had increased to 230 million.

After having enough food and clothing, the people of the Central Plains continued their family lineage, and their obsession with having more children and more blessings began to erupt, and a large number of people continued to be born.

Li Xuan's followers also increased to 67 million.

This is because Emperor Xuanhuang's belief has become more and more widespread in the mortal world. Secondly, the baby boom that broke out from the 14th year of Jingtai to the second year of the Reform has gradually grown into children, which can initially provide the power of faith and wishes.

But what made Li Xuan even more happy was the completion of many academies in Zhili in the north and south, and the five-year popular education implemented by the imperial court in all provinces had begun to bear fruit. In five years, the imperial court spent a large amount of money and food, hired teachers to teach civil and martial arts, and provided free lunch and dinner to all children. This not only greatly increased the literacy rate, but also further stimulated fertility.

At the end of the ninth year of the Reform, the third round of military expansion in Heaven was also put on the agenda.

In the past year, although Xuanhuang Heavenly Court has maintained a scale of 8.2 million soldiers, the Artifact Alliance, the Heavenly Courtyard Industry Department, and the Internal Weapons Supervisor have been building armored muskets.

Therefore, the speed of the army expansion this time was extremely fast. Not only did they make up for the battle losses of Gouchen's subordinates in just one month. It also expanded the number of musketeers to 12 million.

And on the New Year's Eve of this year, Li Xuan, who was meditating in the Shentian Temple, sensed the direction of the Lvyin Tower, and suddenly a huge energy burst out. tidal.

He couldn't help but his expression moved slightly, and Yaokong looked over with the Heavenly Eye of Protecting the Dao.

Not long after, a green and graceful figure rode the light and arrived in front of his 'Shentian Temple'.

When Li Xuan saw this girl, he immediately smiled: It seems that I want to congratulate Xuannv. Her cultivation has completely restored her old outlook.

This is all dependent on His Majesty's help.

Green Qiluo is also very happy. Although she has not recovered her physical body at this time, she can further refine her body with the help of various rare treasures provided by Li Xuan. Her combat power is no less than what it was ten thousand years ago, and she has the ability to compete with the emperors. force.

But at this time, Green Qiluo was more concerned about the saint's imminent awakening.

Your Majesty, the power of the True Spirit Position and Industry Map is increasing day by day. I wonder when will Your Majesty plan to open the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?

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