Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 851 The time has come

The matter of the First Emperor's Mausoleum is not urgent.

Li Xuan fluttered his sleeves and said with a calm expression: Aren't the three saints still awake? Please be patient, Xuan Nu. Now the time has not come, if you rush to open the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, it may lead to overthrow.

Lu Qiluo's eyebrows were furrowed. She wanted to wait a few more months for the saints to fully recover their consciousness, but the situation was equally dangerous.

The power of 'transcendence' is difficult to measure. Although Li Xuan currently frightens Taixu Zhutian with twelve million musketeers, his authority continues to expand. But those saints also have the ability to take the heads of thousands of armies.

It's a pity. If it were Haotian, the Emperor of Heaven would probably be able to compete with the saints with these 12 million musketeers.

Lu Qiluo's expression changed slightly immediately, and she looked up and down at Li Xuan. .

She found that Li Xuan's aura was very different from the situation when she was in seclusion the year before.

When Li Xuan unified the heavens three and a half years ago, although his dragon energy was also very powerful, it was increasing or decreasing, restless, and impetuous.

But now Li Xuan is covered in purple spirit, and his luck is no longer visible to the outside, but is condensed and hidden.

Lu Qiluo's eyes lit up, and joy appeared on her face: Congratulations, Your Majesty!

She was secretly surprised. After all, theoretically speaking, Li Xuan had a shallow foundation and a short accumulation, so he would never be able to reach this point anyway.

Could it be that the completion of the 'Liuhe Immortal Sword Diagram' or the sublimation of the 'Huntian Zhenyuan Ding' gave Li Xuan the ability to suppress his own destiny?

Li Xuan smiled bitterly: It's just a slight achievement, but it's still not enough to compete with the saint. Why should I be happy?

After saying this, he looked at the stars again: Just wait a little longer, now is really not the time.

Lu Qiluo followed Li Xuan's gaze and then nodded thoughtfully.

She came to see Li Xuan this time just because the power of the True Spirit Position Karma was growing day by day and her mind was restless, without any intention of forcing him.

But today, when she saw Li Xuan's appearance with her own eyes, she felt a little calmer.

At this time, Li Xuan changed his voice again: Since Empress Xuannv has recovered, she can take on the responsibilities at Honglu Temple. At this time, the hearts of people inside and outside the heaven are in turmoil, and I need Xuannv to help me suppress and appease them. Before Taibai Xingjun is in charge of Honglu Temple, but I can't trust him alone.

Li Xuan's Xuanhuang Heavenly Court was similar to the official system of the Jin Dynasty, and also had a structure of six ministries and nine ministers.

He believes that although Jin Taizu was limited by his own age and knowledge, many laws and regulations and tax systems he established had great consequences, but the bureaucracy he designed was already very complete.

However, Li Xuan did not copy it. For example, the Honglu Temple has different powers from those of the Jin Dynasty. In addition to liaising with the emperors of foreign vassals, Honglu Temple is also responsible for unifying people's hearts, similar to the modern United Front Department.

Wei Chen takes orders! Lu Qiluo thought to herself that she was indeed responsible for this matter.

Not to mention Li Xuan, even she couldn't trust Taibai Xingjun.

Green Qiluo has still not been able to find out the identity of the culprit who lured her to Youzhou to assassinate her.

Both Taibai Xingjun and Emperor Fusang are extremely suspicious.


In the next few months, Green Qiluo was extremely busy.

Not only did she have to travel among the emperors, she also had to do her best to spread the decrees of heaven and appease people's hearts.

In addition, Green Qiluo needs to always pay attention to the changes in people's hearts inside the heaven to take precautions before they happen.

In particular, the vast majority of the 12 million soldiers and 30 million navy officers directly under Li Xuan were recruited from outside, which makes them more susceptible to external forces, so you must pay more attention to them.

Fortunately, these matters are exactly what Green Qiluo is good at.

In the past, Green Qiluo was responsible for this duty in the Third Generation Heavenly Court, but now he has a different name.

But what Lu Qiluo didn't expect was that for the next six months, there was no movement from Li Xuan. Apart from spending some time with him every month, this concubine basically spent the rest of her time in seclusion in the Shentian Temple.

Just when Green Qiluo thought that Li Xuan had forgotten the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, another war broke out in Minghai. Luo Hu and Minghe combined 67 million troops to once again try to break out of the Nine Netherlands.

But in this battle, Li Xuan unexpectedly appeared directly on the battlefield.

This Heavenly Emperor used the power of Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Wenchang to cover the sky. He also joined forces with the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng and the True Monarch Qingyuan Miaodao to rule Xu Zhongshan. During the fierce battle between the two armies, 700,000 musketeers led by Chang Shiwan , unexpectedly attacked the main formation army of the two great ancestor demon gods, surrounded the demon army's retreat, and blocked the entrance and exit of the Styx River.

This move was not only beyond the expectations of the two Origin Demon Gods, but also shocked all the emperors in the heavens.

In this battle, Minghai finally lost more than 40 million soldiers, and the rest could not escape into the Minghe River, but could only escape into the Netherworld and hide in Jiuquan.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the Ancestor of Minghe decisively abandoned his allies, then reluctantly broke out and led his disciples back to Minghai.

Luo Hu almost escaped with his life, but six of his subordinates, including the Four Evils Chaos, Qiongqi, Taotie, and Taotie; and the Four Evils Sanmiao, Huandou, Gonggong, and Chi You, were killed in the battle.

The descendants of the demon god are actually immortal. They each represent the eight evil things of laziness, rage, greed, theft, arrogance, jealousy, lust and war. They are symbols of sin in the world, so the true spirit exists in the world forever.

However, the death Li Xuan gave them this time would still allow them to remain silent for three to five hundred years.

And their subordinates do not have the ability to resurrect Rahu and the Four Evils.

These three wars in Minghai really severely damaged Minghai's vitality, destroying nearly ten thousand years of accumulation in Minghai.

It is expected that after this battle, the two Origin Demon Gods will not even be able to resist Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's counterattack.

So when the war came to an end, Green Qiluo was keenly aware that the atmosphere in the heaven had changed greatly.

Before this battle, although the emperors had no intention of rebelling, they could not help but make some rumors and even slanderous remarks.

However, in the court meeting after the Third Underworld War, all the emperors were present, and they were extremely silent and respectful to Li Xuan's order to further unify the military power of the emperors.

Green Qiluo's mood also became complicated, even secretly chilling.

The 700,000 musketeers commanded by Li Xuan did not come from heaven, but from the Beijing camp and border troops of the Jin Dynasty.

Five days before the battle, in the name of an exercise, this man summoned 370,000 people from the Beijing camp, together with all the elite border troops from Liaodong, Monan and Mobei, to Rehe, and then used the Xuanhuang II muskets accumulated by the Artifact Alliance to Armed with Ugin Wargear. As a result, he was able to hide the truth from the two Origin Ancestor Demon Gods, as well as most of the emperors and ministers in Heaven, including Lord Taibai Xing.

But among them, she, Green Qiluo, was also included.

For the next half month, Green Qiluo was obsessed with this.

Fortunately, after the victory over Minghai, the situation faced by Heavenly Court has been greatly improved. Even if Green Qiluo slacks off a little, it will not affect the overall situation.

It wasn't until September of the 10th year of the Restoration that the 'True Spirit Position and Industry Map' outside the Sanqing Holy Realm underwent another huge change, with nearly 70,000 names added to the map.

This picture not only includes more names, but also includes the names and surnames of all officers from more than 100 households in Li Xuan's direct tribe.

The first time Green Qiluo saw this 'True Spirit Position and Karma Map', he knew that something was not going well.

She set up the escape light without hesitation and came to the front of the Shentian Temple.

His Majesty!

When Lu Qiluo's escaping light landed, he found that Emperor Fusang, Lord Taibai Xing, Gou Chen, Guan Changsheng, Yue Wumu, Nezha, King Ma Ming, Lord Qingyuan Miaodao and others had gathered here.

Li Xuan stood alone on the steps in front of the palace, looking into the void with his hands behind his back.

After just a moment, Li Xuan let out a chuckle: It seems that it can't be delayed any longer. I will inform you that in three days, except for the rear army who will stay in Daluotian, the rest of the army will go out and follow me to the mortal world. Open the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

Taibai Xingjun couldn't help but look slightly moved: Your Majesty, what do you mean, is the Xuanhuang Thirty-Three Heavens Realm mobilized?

if not?

Li Xuan's eyes flashed with Youze: All the emperors are required to fight in this battle, and the troops left behind must not exceed 10% of the vassal troops. Anyone who violates this will be punished with death! Xingjun can tell the emperors that this battle is not only related to the future. The calamity of the Yuan Dynasty, the rise and fall of the Heavenly Court, is also due to this, I cannot tolerate anyone being half-hearted.


When Li Xuan gave the order, the entire Xuanhuang Heavenly Court war machine started roaring. The military system that took several years to be built by middle-class laymen, Li Lexing and others began to show results.

In just two days, Daluotian had completed the mobilization of the entire country. A total of dozens of Kunpeng warships, 1,200 steel warships, 300,000 sail warships, and a total of 37 million regular and auxiliary troops sailed into the boundless void.

And on their way to the mortal world, soldiers and horses of many emperors, such as Liuyu, Wufang, Wuyue, Sanguan, Zhenwu, Puji Tianfei, etc., also joined them one after another.

Seven days later, when this heavenly army arrived in the mortal world, it had swelled to tens of millions!

There are a total of 115 million people, and a total of 1.23 million warships of all kinds. The whole army is suspended thousands of miles away, and there are millions of boats. It is so vast that it covers the sky and the sun.

Although Li Xuan's magic power was greatly increased at this time, he could not contain the majestic majesty and majestic military power brought by the tens of thousands of troops.

Not only were the twelve purple-gold dragon auras hovering outside his body, but there was also a huge white tiger in the shape of one, hovering above his battleship.

Its body is slightly bowed, its eyes are glaring at the world, and it is powerful in all directions.

Li Xuan himself stood on the bridge, looking intently at the Mausoleum of the First Emperor in the mortal world and the exposed tomb door.

At this time, several arithmetic masters from the Heavenly Court, including Emperor Ziwei, Emperor Wenchang, Emperor Zhenwu, and Li Lexing, were gathering here, trying their best to deduce the structure of the magic formation of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

Li Xuan already has the key to the First Emperor's Mausoleum and can open it at any time.

But he was always suspicious and cautious. Before opening the tomb door, Li Xuan not only wanted to figure out the formation structure inside the First Emperor's Mausoleum, but also planned to set up another large formation outside the Emperor's Mausoleum as a countermeasure.

Li Xuan looked at it intently for a while, then turned to Jiang Hanyun beside him: Hanyun, what did your master say? She is not interested in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor either?

Jiang Hanyun's master is the Queen Mother of the West, also known as the Golden Mother of Yaochi.

About three years ago, Yaochi Jin's mother went to Daluotian to pay homage to Li Xuan and receive his canonization.

At the same time, this female fairy who was closest to the realm of transcendence in the world took the initiative to accept Jiang Hanyun as a disciple, and wanted to accept Jiang Hanyun as one of her direct descendants.

Li Xuan thought for a moment and agreed. This was a good thing that he and Jiang Hanyun couldn't ask for.

The Golden Mother of Yaochi is the first female immortal in the world, and she was born from the two qi of yin and yang together with Emperor Fusang. But this man's magic power, status and situation are much stronger than Emperor Fusang.

How could she not be interested? After all, this battle is also related to Master's path. But she said that there is no need to enter the tomb, she will pay attention outside. When the time is right, she will give you her full help. Besides -

Jiang Hanyun raised her hand and took an antique bronze mirror in her hand: Master, in addition to giving me two divine treasures for self-defense, she also gave this object to me to take with me. In the imperial mausoleum.”

When Li Xuan saw this thing, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch slightly.

He then nodded slightly with satisfaction, thinking that Jiang Hanyun did not call that master in vain.

At this time, he looked back at Luo Yan, Le Qianqian, Ao Shuying and Lu Qiluo behind Jiang Hanyun.

After careful consideration, Li Xuan decided to take only these five women into the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

During the four years when Heaven unified Taixu, the girls around him also changed.

Ao Shuying has tens of millions of followers in the mortal world, and he has obtained all the treasures left by Kunpeng. He has perfected the Shui Jing Illustrated Annotation with two strands of innate water virtues, and his combat power can now keep pace with the Holy Emperor.

Luo Yan harvested two treasures from the body poison, and in the past four years, she completely digested the remaining power of the Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva, and condensed her own 'streaming light' and 'psychedelic' magic standards.

As for Le Qianqian, although she has not yet achieved heavenly status, she is an excellent carrier for the coming of Hou Tu.

These girls are enough to become his right-hand men.

Among the other girls, Yu Hongshang possesses the human dragon energy, and her fighting power is not weak, but she can exert her greatest effect by sitting in the mortal world.

Xue Yunrou received the help of the four great heavenly masters, and now her magic power is not weak, but she was entrusted by Li Xuan with the important task of supervising the country, and was responsible for the safety of the entire Daluotian.

However, when Li Xuan glanced around at the girls, he couldn't help but feel a little apologetic in his eyes.

It's my incompetence. Not only can't I protect you from the wind and rain, but I also have to involve you and take endless risks and death.

What did you say, husband? Ao Shuying couldn't help frowning: This path was not chosen by you, husband. And the current situation is like this. If we don't fight hard, no one will survive.

Le Qianqian nodded. She hid behind Jiang Hanyun and said, I also think what my husband said is wrong. As husband and wife, we should live and die together and support each other.

Luo Yan glanced at Li Xuan coldly, with a slight dissatisfaction in his eyes.

She then turned her head and looked in the direction of the First Emperor's Mausoleum; I only care about whether the three emperors Zhenwu, Ziwei, and Wenchang are reliable?

I am not sure.

Li Xuan shook his head: Theoretically speaking, the closer the emperors are to transcendence, the less reason they have to turn to the saints. UU Reading But to be on the safe side, you still have to listen to his words and watch his actions, and you can't believe them all. .”

Just as he finished speaking, a cold female voice sounded behind him: Then your Majesty treats me the same way?

At this moment, the atmosphere in the bridge suddenly became as cold as ice.

Li Xuan also followed the sound and looked at Green Qiluo. He looked at her for a moment, and then smiled casually: Of course I trust Qiluo. If Qiluo blames me for the previous battle in Minghai, , then I can only say that there is another reason for this, and it’s not that I don’t believe in Qiluo.”

After hearing this, Lu Qiluo secretly laughed, intuitively thinking that Li Xuan's words were not entirely true and were deliberately deceiving.

However, Li Xuan's words still made her feel a lot better.

Green Qiluo only secretly thought that if she could help Li Xuan obtain all the treasures of the First Emperor in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor this time and become the true Supreme Emperor of Heaven, he would immediately find a good place to live in seclusion. He worries.

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