Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 859 Overhaul Version Ending

ps: After listening to the opinions of book friends, I overhauled the ending and the previous chapter.

There are a few extra chapters later. .


When Taishang Laojun's distracted body was scattered by the Twelve Capital Heavenly Golden Men, the leader of Tongtian Cult next to him also looked pale.

At this time, Le Qianqian, whom Empress Houtu relied on, stood in front of him.

The true body of Tongtian Cult Leader cannot enter, so he can only condense his body with the 'Four Swords of Killing Immortals'. At this time, although there was boundless sword energy coming out of his body, it was like a mud cow sinking into the sea, making no waves and disappearing without a trace.

Seeing this, Tongtian couldn't help but feel sore in his teeth.

In fact, this 'Houtu Emperor' cannot be regarded as a true saint. Just like Li Xuan, he achieved a half-step of transcendence with the help of various external forces.

But the method of 'infinite', 'earth element' and 'primordial magnetism' that this person possesses is one of the more restrained methods for him.

What's more, the First Emperor Yuan Feng, with the 'Golden Que Tianzhang' as the core, has laws and regulations jointly written by successive emperors.

——In all realms, saints cannot transcend.

Although the First Emperor Yuan Feng was torn apart at this time, the law on the 'Golden Que Tianzhang' became increasingly powerful with the blessing of Li Xuan's power.

Tongtian tried for a moment and couldn't help but shake his head: Hou Tu, you are so bold. You dare to use your true spirit to descend directly on the imperial mausoleum. Are you not afraid of repeating the same mistakes you made thousands of years ago?

Li Xuan is broad-minded, tolerant of all things, and far-sighted. He is in no way similar to the First Emperor. Leader, you know this better than me.

Hou Tu held a jade guide in his hand, which emitted immeasurable magnetic light, absorbing and eliminating the sword energy in circles.

Her expression was calm, and her breath was like the earth, thick and boundless: Senior brother, Teacher Hongjun's way to maintain the natural balance of heaven and earth is to 'reduce', but how can the common people in heaven and earth be blamed? The growth of population has put a burden on heaven and earth. Must it be purged and exterminated?

As the mother of the earth revered by mortals, I have been worshiped by them for tens of thousands of years, so I have to try my best to protect them and let them escape the disaster. And now, I want to try the ‘increase’ in Li Xuan’s words! Just three months before today's battle, Li Xuan came to my temple in person and said a word to me.

She stared at the sky: He said why should we only focus on the mortal world? With our current ability, we can explore the real outer realm of the heavens and see if the stars in the sky can have a new place to stay. . Even if it doesn't exist, with our ability, can't we open it up? Just like Daluotian now, it was also a dead land seven years ago.

Senior Brother Tongtian, ten thousand years ago, you fought for your disciples and Master Hongjun against the saints. Isn't it because your senior brother was unwilling to give up and wanted to get a chance for them? Give them the opportunity to transcend to sanctification? Now most of your disciples are under Li Xuan, why don't you fight for them again, senior brother?

Tongtian snorted softly, thinking that once the pottery figurines fell into the hands of Li Xuan, he would be controlled by the Emperor of Heaven. How could he not fight?

He then glanced sideways at the Amitabha Buddha and Chunti Buddha Mother beside him, and saw that these two were also blocked by the emperors of the past dynasties headed by Fuxi who were manifested on the stone altar.

‘Zhunti Buddha Mother’ is known as the Mother of Buddha, but the Mother of Buddhism does not represent women.

This is a Taoist who is graceful and graceful. He holds a Bodhi tree branch containing seven kinds of treasures, including gold, silver, and colored glaze, and continues to brush it down, creating countless seven-color brilliance, which can bring all magic power and all laws to justice. All disintegrated.

The Western Taoist stepped on the Nine-Rank Lotus Platform and made the swastika heart seal symbolizing 'infinite', 'eternal' and 'truth', crushing everything.

The problem is that there are too many opponents. Among the many emperors such as Fuxi, Youchao, Zhisheng, Huangdi, and Shennong, only five of them have the power of the gods.

But the combination of the three talents and the five elements evolved into the anode and the cathode, and the five elements transformed and reborn, firmly suppressing the two Western Saint Buddhas outside the steps.

Seeing this, Tongtian couldn't help but frowned.

After thousands of years, the power of these humane emperors seems to have increased again.

Is this because the population in the mortal world has increased greatly and the luck of humanity has increased?

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the Liuhe Immortal Sword Diagram unfolded by Li Xuan in front of him with a cold expression.

He thought for a moment and stepped in without hesitation.

But when this person stepped into the picture, he frowned slightly.

In this picture, the Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron, the two main swords 'Changhong Luoyue', the 360,000 rays of sword energy, Zhen Yuanzi and others were not taken seriously by him.

But only the few people standing in front of the Huntian Zhen Yuan Cauldron made Yuanshi Tianzun's expression slightly condensed.

Those are Gouchen, Zhenwu, Dongji, Luya, Wenchang and Luqiluo.

At this time, these emperors also entered the picture, and each controlled the two fairy swords in the picture.

In addition, Ziwei and Nanji each hold the main swords 'Changhong' and 'Luoyue'.

Tianzun has no chance.

Zhenwu looked at Yuanshi Tianzun with a calm expression: Although this sword diagram is far inferior to the Four Swords of Zhuxian. But after all, it is the object of His Majesty's life. If His Majesty's golden body is not broken, the sword diagram will not be damaged, which is enough to stop Tianzun for half a moment. .

Today, it is a foregone conclusion that His Majesty will collect the true spirits from you and others. Even if Grandmaster Hongjun wakes up, there will still be nothing he can do.

Yuanshi Tianzun did not take action. He looked through the sword picture from a distance and looked at Li Xuan on the altar.

He is just a distracted body here, and he really has no chance.

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun was too lazy to do anything. He could only look at Li Xuan helplessly and take out the pottery figurines in the coffin one by one.

At this moment, the three saints and two Buddhas all looked stern.

At this moment, a song came from the distance.

Lying high on nine layers of clouds, with the truth on a futon,

Outside of the dark and yellow world, I am the Great Dao Lord;

Pan Gu gave birth to Tai Chi, and the two rituals and four images followed.

The leader of Xuanmen City, he turned into Hongjun with his Qi.

Following this chant, a huge crack was torn open in the map of mountains and rivers.

Then a Taoist with a kind face and immortal demeanor stepped directly into the Jiangshan Sheji Map from outside the void.

This man stood still in the void and looked at the altar from a distance.

He looked at the Chaos Bell above Li Xuan's head, at the solemn-looking woman with the body of a snake and the tail of a snake standing in front of Li Xuan, and at the many emperors who were waiting for him.

King Yu's Nine Cauldrons were once again distributed by Li Xuan in the Mountains and Rivers State Map.

There is nothing but dragon energy flowing on those tripods, making the Nine Cauldrons Mountain and River Formation very majestic.

The ‘Starry Formation of the Zhoutian’ is fully manifested in this map of mountains and rivers, and the goddesses Xihe and Chang Xi each transformed into the lunar sun and dotted the star map.

The Queen Mother of the West also held a water-colored flag and sat in the Hunyuan Heluo Formation.

Li Xuan seemed to have a warning sign and turned back to look at the incoming person.

His heart trembled slightly, knowing that today's most dangerous enemy had arrived.

Among the novels about gods and prehistoric times in his memory. Hongjun is the supreme Taoist ancestor, the teacher of the Three Pure Ones and Two Buddhas, Nuwa Houtu and others, and even the manifested entity of the Taoism.

In this world, although Hongjun has never appeared in any classics or legends, he has hidden himself in the long river of time.

But after Li Xuan ascended the throne as Emperor of Heaven, he already knew that this Taoist ancestor indeed existed.

He does not need to be known or remembered by anyone. He only stands above all sentient beings and controls everything. Almost no one can go against his will.

At this moment, the thirty-six mountain and river cauldrons distributed by him in the thirty-six provinces of Jin Dynasty were all vibrating due to Li Xuan's thoughts, and they filled the sky with great aura.

The great thoughts of countless Confucian scholars condensed it, and Li Xuan temporarily condensed the second method of transcendence - fearlessness!

This method has no other use, it just allows him to stand in front of the Taoist who calls himself Hongjun and not be overwhelmed by his powerful, vast, seemingly endless soul.

Nuwa, who has the body of a snake and the tail of a snake, has a cold face and a determined look in her eyes: At this point, if the teacher wants to have his own way, the disciple can only make a desperate attempt here.

The Taoist frowned slightly when he saw this. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, and finally chuckled, looking at Li Xuan in amazement.

What an anomaly! Even Laojun, Yuanshi and the others can do nothing to you. That's it! Although the calamity of Huiyuan is never reversible, I am willing to give you a real opportunity to become a saint, help you transcend, and lead your family to live happily in the world. , immortal.

However, Your Majesty, Yuanshi and Tongtian, their true gods of Yuanling, must let go. In exchange, they can respect you as the supreme being in the world!

Nuwa on the altar frowned slightly when she heard this, and glanced at Li Xuan worriedly.

Li Xuan did not hesitate and continued to capture the remaining pottery figurines.

Daozu Hongjun's eyes were sharp, and then he raised his hand and pointed towards Li Xuanyuan.

He didn't use any magic weapon or divine treasure, but it was the most powerful treasure in the world. With this instruction, the Nine Cauldrons of Mountains and Rivers were torn apart in an instant, it was also blasted through Hunyuan Heluo, and the immeasurable star power blasted by the 'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation' was shattered.

Nuwa's face was solemn, and she summoned five five-color spiritual beads in front of her, forming the five elements, the power of chaos and the beginning. However, under the attack of Hongjun's finger, Nuwa only resisted for a moment before her mouth and nose began to bleed, and her entire body disintegrated into pieces and was on the verge of being shattered.

But at this moment, four blue, red, and green swords intercepted Daozu Hongjun's fingers.

The four transcendent methods of annihilation, killing, strangulation, and annihilation were bombarded at the same time, and a bloody mark was cut on Daozu Hongjun's finger.

Hongjun couldn't help but frown and looked at the leader of Tongtian Cult who issued these four swords.

Forgive me, Daozu.

The leader of Tongtian Cult was apologizing, but there was no apology on his face: He has obtained my pottery figurine. Once this part of the soul is damaged, the disciple may fall from the holy position and have to be held hostage. In addition-

The leader of Tongtian Cult said for a moment: I also want to see if the 'increase' he mentioned can be achieved.

At this time, the Western leader also gave a wry smile. A 'treasure banner' with countless Sanskrit characters appeared in front of him. At the same time, he formed Sanskrit seals on his hands and instantly used countless

The Buddha's power turned into a giant palm and pressed down in the direction of Hongjun.

Just because at this time, Li Xuan had already obtained his pottery figurines.

Taishang Laojun seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and with an indifferent look in his eyes, he smashed the pole in his hand back and struck Hongjun.

The fourth pottery figurine is Yuanshi Tianzun. This one also had to step out of the Liuhe Immortal Sword Picture and blocked a ball of five-color Qingyun in front of Hongjun's finger.

Within the Qingyun, the world of Hongmeng looms, the sun, moon and stars shine in it, the five-color light illuminates the heavens, and the eight-note fairy music resounds throughout the world. First, four nasturtiums sprouted; light grew on the petals; then flowers grew on the light; and for a time ten thousand golden lotuses shone in the sky.

The power of the 'world', 'cosmos' and 'infinite' contained within it actually held Hongjun's finger forward, preventing him from making any further progress.

Mother Zhunti raised her head and glanced at Li Xuan. Seeing that the latter was about to collect the pottery figurines that belonged to her, she gave a bitter smile and turned to brush down Hongjun in the distance with the Seven Treasures Tree.

This brush stroke actually caused Taoist Hongjun's aura to turbulence outside of his Taoist body, and his Dharma almost became scattered.

After acquiring all five sage pottery figurines, Li Xuan picked up the Qianqiu pen again, opened the Golden Tower Heavenly Seal, and wrote laws and regulations on the Heavenly Seal.

——Taoist Hongjun must not be a saint!

When writing these eight characters, not only did the Qianqiu pen begin to show cracks, but the words on the Jinque Tianzhang also quickly faded and

But at this time, Li Xuan poured his infinite dragon energy into it, and the chaos bell above his head roared.

He will definitely gather the will of hundreds of millions of beings in the mortal world and the Thirty-three Heavens of Taixu, and even the power of saints such as Taishang Laojun and Tongtian Cult Master, to pull Hongjun down from the position of saint!

So brave——

Taoist Hongjun's beard and hair were fluttering all over his body, and there was endless murderous intent in his eyes. The power of Fa Zhun spread out layer by layer all over his body, forcing Taishang, Yuanshi, Tongtian and others to retreat thousands of feet away.

But when Nuwa, Houtu and others who were present at this moment saw this, their eyes showed infinite joy.

It's just that at this moment, Hongjun is no longer without flaws. He has seven transcendental laws, four of which have fallen to the level of gods, and his strength is actually not as good as before.

At this time, Li Xuan wrote the second law.

——Taoist Hongjun should be sealed here and never be transcended!

Li Xuan forced out a large amount of essence and blood from his hand, and stained it on the 'Jade Seal of the Imperial Family' and the 'Heshi Bi' that he had obtained from the Jin Dynasty.

Please help me, Your Majesty the Emperor!

When Fuxi, Shennong, Huangdi and others saw this, they all turned into golden dragons and wrapped around the two jade seals without hesitation.

Use this. At this time, the Taishang Laojun threw a vermilion seal over.

Li Xuan took it in his hand and took a look at it, and found that it was the 'Kongtong Seal', which was a national treasure passed down by the emperors before the Qin and Han dynasties.

He was not polite and used three seals to symbolize the past, future and present, and they were placed on the Golden Que Tianzhu.

At this moment, Taoist Hongjun’s face turned as green as iron.

He found that all his magical power had dropped to the level of the gods.

At this moment, it was as if the power of hundreds of millions of people's thoughts were exerting on him, trapping him here and locking him forever in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.


Three days later, outside the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, which was almost reduced to ruins, tens of millions of heavenly soldiers were repairing this huge imperial mausoleum under the command of Shao Si Mingyuan Taiwei.

Li Xuan stood on the edge of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, looking at the ruins in front of him with lingering fear.

At this time, he had returned the national treasure of the Jin Dynasty to the capital, and had returned Yu Youxun's abdication edict, but his imperial aura and majesty were even richer and richer.

Opposite him, Le Qianqian was also hanging in the air.

Her expression was still solemn and solemn, full of compassion, but her spiritual aura was weak.

However, Empress Houtu, who relied on Le Qianqian's body, still managed to gather her strength and said: This Shihuang Mausoleum must be done at all costs. As I said to you in the tomb, Lu Yue, the Great Emperor of Feihuang and Mitian, is the person who will be the leader of this meeting. The key to the disaster is the carrier of the world-destroying plague.

About one thousand seven hundred years from now, there will be a plague that sweeps the world and wipes out all living things in the world. At that time, even the gods and gods will not be spared, and the poisonous land in the Western Region will also be extinct.

Jiang Hanyun next to him had suspicious eyes: But I don't understand why Hongjun Daoist and the saints have to destroy the world? Is it because the resources in this world are limited and are not enough to support all living beings?

Insufficient resources are just one of them. Hou Tu looked at Jiang Hanyun: The Queen of Heaven should know about the Conferred Gods War, right? The reason is that there are too many immortals and gods in the world, and they squeeze the world and demand too much. They also fight and conflict with each other, As a result, the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Mortal Realm suffered repeated heavy losses.

As a result, before the Huiyuan Tribulation period came, the world was already overwhelmed, and mortals suffered heavy casualties, so the Battle of the Gods was launched, aiming to cleanse the world of immortals and gods. The dragon and phoenix clans long ago were exterminated by the saints for this reason.

But the Queen of Heaven did not know that if there were too many mortals in the world, it would also affect the immortals. Such as dragon energy, incense divine power, etc., if these powers originating from the alaya consciousness of mortals continue to grow, they will also pollute the spiritual consciousness of immortals and gods.

Just like Hongjun, His Majesty used the power of hundreds of millions of living beings to pull him down from the throne. And me, if my cultivation still stagnates at the current level, as long as the number of believers increases to more than 500 million in the future, my consciousness is likely to be hijacked by the will of the people, and I can't help myself. How can one person resist the will of all living beings?

And even for saints like Taishang and Yuanshi, their magical powers will gradually dim due to the rapid increase in population. That's because people in this world don't want to have power over them, and they don't want to be out of control of life and death.

This is the nature of all living things. If they don't believe in immortals and magic, there will definitely be no more immortals in this world and it will enter the so-called end of the Dharma era in Buddhism. In addition, Hongjun himself also has selfish calculations and does not allow anyone to threaten his holy position. Therefore, every Huiyuan, that is, one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred years, Hongjun and the saints will cleanse the world. This is the truth of the Huiyuan Great Tribulation.

Jiang Hanyun frowned at first, and his eyes became angry. Then I felt a little worried again.

Li Xuan has also followed the path of Shinto, and there is a danger of spiritual ignorance in the future.

But your husband has far-reaching wisdom and allows us to see another possibility.

Hou Tu changed his voice at this time: He said that the reason why creatures in this world have the power to change reality with their will is due to the special environment of this world. So, can we copy the environment of this world to the infinite What about other worlds in the stars?

Can we study our power clearly, use the method of studying things to make special instruments, or improve the bloodline of all living beings, so that we can get rid of the problem of dragon energy and the belief and wish of all living beings? This is a completely different path from Hongjun Daozu. This is risky, but we still want to go down this road.

Jiang Hanyun couldn't help but look at Li Xuan with admiration, thinking that this method was much better than Hongjun's subtraction method.

Li Xuan chuckled softly: What a far-reaching wisdom. I don't know how many heroes in this world have thought of this, but they were controlled by others and could not implement it. If it weren't for you all working together, and the emperors of all generations sacrificed their lives for righteousness, how could we have sealed Hongjun? possible?

At this moment, he wanted to ask himself whether this person was really fabricated by the First Emperor and all the saints, but when the words came to his lips, he hesitated.

Hou Tu saw through his mind, and she laughed dumbly: Your Majesty, you want to ask why you were born? In fact, Jiu Feng's words are completely wrong. She has not experienced what happened back then, how can she know the truth? In the past, the First Emperor intended to use the mausoleum With the power of the three inner immortal formations, he used his true spirit to seize the only variable secret besides Dayan.

His plan was finally blocked by the saint. The three pure and two Buddhas had different opinions and intrigues, and they had been dissatisfied with Hongjun for a long time. In addition, I, Hou Tu, Fu Xi, Queen Mother of the West and others interfered. In the end, these three immortal formations spontaneously operated. No one knew what happened inside them. They only knew that this formation opened up the Taixu time sequence.

Even the Sanqing Sage only knows the time and approximate location of the birth of your celestial variable, so he arranged for Green Qiluo's resurrection in advance to serve as a chess piece to guide and calculate you. But fortunately, it may also be due to the luck of my human race, you finally made them fail.

When Li Xuan heard this, his expression suddenly relaxed.

Hou Tu looked calm. He looked at Li Xuan with a pale face: Your Majesty, you still must not slack off in the future, you must steadily improve your magic power, and use the cornerstone of the saints and the power of the Emperor of Heaven as soon as possible to prove the Tao and achieve transcendence.

Now Hongjun's seals are all tied to His Majesty. Only if you truly reach the other shore, transcend the saints, and be immortal for all eternity, can Hongjun be unable to escape from his trap forever.

At this moment, Hou Tu's voice suddenly stopped, and Le Qianqian, who was leaning on her, softened to the ground.

Li Xuan knew that Hou Tu was exhausted and could not support him, so he immediately reached out and held Le Qianqian's body in his arms.

After that, Li Xuan took another look at the First Emperor's Mausoleum from a distance, and then hugged Le Qianqian and walked to his Xuanhuang Emperor with Jiang Hanyun.

At this moment, 120 million soldiers, UU reading dozens of emperors, and more than 30,000 heavenly gods and gods all paid homage to him and gave out loud shouts.

We meet the Emperor of Heaven!

Li Xuan couldn't help but raise his head and looked at the star-like battleships in the sky and the magnificent army numbering in the tens of thousands.

Then he was surprised to find that the three saints of the Taoist sect and the two sages of Buddhism were also in the distance, smiling and bowing to him.

Li Xuan sensed that his dragon energy was mixed with something inexplicable, making it more stable, powerful and vast.

But at this time, he paid no attention to it. After gesturing to the five saints, he quickened his pace again.

Just because he saw Luo Yan and Ao Shuying looking at him with expectant smiles on the deck of the Great Emperor. Green Qiluo was also there, waiting with an uneasy expression.

A smile also appeared in Li Xuan's eyebrows. He thought how lucky he was to have so many girls who depended on him for life and death.

For thousands of years to come, he only wanted to stay with them until death.

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