ps: Following the opinions of book friends, Kaihuang has changed the endings of the first two chapters. If you can't see it, refresh it, or delete the favorite and add it again. You can see it.


On December 20, the 16th year of the Restoration, at the train station in the south of BJ City, a middle-aged vendor with a white face and a slight beard, who was more than thirty years old, was shouting: Gentlemen, distinguished guests, come and take a look. Well, those who have passed by will not suffer any loss or be deceived after seeing it.

Here are the genuine ‘Peace Talisman Bag’ from Chaotian Temple in the capital, the ‘Emperor Tathagata Buddha Statue’ hand-carved by eminent monks from Longfu Temple in the capital, the ‘Image of the Heavenly Emperor’ with the Longhu Mountain Pardon Seal, and the ‘True Spirit Position and Industry Map’ with the Longhu Mountain Pardon Seal.

There are also ‘Jin Wang Coins’ issued by the imperial court, which were personally consecrated by the contemporary Longhu Mountain Celestial Master ‘Zixu Shaojun’. You can carry them with you to ensure the safety of your family. This is an absolutely genuine document certified by the government. Take a look, this is my license, and this is the seal of the Daolu Department——

Wang Jing, who was already the censor of Youqiandu, heard the cries when she walked out of the train platform.

He glanced at the talisman stall from afar, then waved to ask his subordinate officials and secretaries to wait while he walked to the front of the stall alone.

There were quite a lot of customers here, and Wang Jing waited in line for half a moment before talking to the stall owner.

Wang Jing asked with a bit of surprise: Boss, do you still have the Jin Wang coins consecrated by Master Zixu?

The so-called Jinwang coins are actually commemorative coins issued by the imperial court.

In July of the twelfth year of the Restoration, Fenyang King Li Xuan wrote to the court, not only resigning from the throne that the emperor abdicated, but also resigned from all official positions, including auxiliary minister.

The emperor and the eldest princess of the prison country repeatedly rejected the offer, intending to persuade him to stay, but King Fenyang left immediately after saying three words.

It is said that in the early morning of that day, King Fenyang ascended to the throne with his entire family. There were thousands of rainbows, auspicious clouds and boundless rays of light all over the capital city. The bells and cauldrons of all temples and Taoist temples rang in unison, and all the monks and Taoists were praising the great emperor Haotian Miluo and the true Xuanhuang Emperor. The name of 'Emperor Tathagata'.

The emperor and the cabinet had no choice but to add nine tins and fake yellow axes, and also gave them the title of the King of Jin.

The word Jin means from the sun to the sun, which means chasing the sun and moving forward. It comes from Hou Yi shooting the sun, which means shooting two arrows at the sun in the sky.

In addition, this is also the title of the Jin Dynasty, which shows how much the court respected this person.

At the end of that year, the imperial court issued one million gold commemorative coins of King Jin, engraved with the portrait of King Jin, with a face value equivalent to ten silver coins.

As a result, the one million Jinwang gold coins were sold out less than half an hour after the issuance began, and not long after, they were sold to a sky-high price of 3,000 silver dollars.

Afterwards, public sentiment arose inside and outside the court, with calls for additional issuances coming one after another. A large group of people even surrounded the court's Mint Department, as well as the newly established Central Bank.

In the end, the imperial court may have been forced to do so, or it may have been greedy for money. Then it issued a second edition of 18 million gold commemorative coins for the Jin Dynasty, and 230 million silver commemorative coins for the Jin Dynasty, but they were still snatched up by the public.

Today, the price of the first version of King Jin coins has exceeded 20,000 silver dollars, and the price of the second version has reached more than 2,000 yuan. They are regarded as family heirlooms and house treasures by people everywhere.

However, Jin Wang silver commemorative coins are still very common and occasionally circulate in the market.

Wang Jing has three first-edition Jinwang coins at home, but what makes him curious is that these silver coins were actually consecrated by 'Zixu Shaojun'.

Four years ago, Shao Tianshi Xue Yunrou flew away with the King of Jin, and his son Zixu Shaojun Zhang Daoyi inherited the title of Tianshi.

And among the people in the world, who doesn’t know that ‘Prince Jin’ is the reincarnation of the fantasy Emperor of Heaven, here to save all suffering sentient beings in the mortal world?

Are today's sons and young master Zixu Zhang Daoyi the heirs left by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven in the human world?

It is said that this young gentleman was deeply favored by the Emperor of Heaven, and all the magical instruments, statues and paintings he had consecrated were the most efficacious.

Hey, this is an honored guest!

The vendor actually had some cultivation. He glanced at Wang Jing and his pupils shrank slightly, knowing that he had an extraordinary background and had impressive cultivation.

Although this person is dressed in regular clothes, the Yunyan badge on his collar has already revealed his noble identity.

Moreover, this kind of black and yellow dress with a placket split left and right, a row of buttons in the middle, four pockets on the front, and a high collar is currently only popular among military personnel and officials.

The vendor did not dare to deal with Wang Jing in the merchant's way, so he took out a letter of silver coins from an iron box next to him and placed it in front of Wang Jing.

Dear guest, you see, this is the Jinwang coin that Shaojun consecrated. A month ago, Shaojun Zixu was invited by the emperor to return to Beijing and performed a ritual ceremony in Chaotian Palace. I left the relationship and handed over this Jinwang coin. It was stuffed under the stone bricks in front of the young master's throne at that time. There were one hundred pieces in total, but now there are only twenty-seven pieces left. If you want it, my guest, I'll give you two hundred silver dollars each.

Wang Jing's eyes flashed with inspiration as she carefully examined the silver coins. Then he showed a bit of smile.

Although this is not a formal magic weapon, it is only slightly tainted with a little bit of Master Zixu's magical power. It can be used as a gift for several children in his family to protect their safety, but it is more than enough.

He was too lazy to bargain and asked for five. Then he pointed to the side and said, Give me four more peace charm bags.

Great! The vendor made a big deal and smiled from ear to ear. While wrapping the five silver coins in talisman paper, he asked: Then what combination do you want? I have the Demon Suppression Group, the God of Wealth Ancestor, the Fulu Group, the Shousheng Group, and the Chunyang Group here.

Wang Jing knew that the so-called talisman bag usually consists of several Taoist elixirs paired with images of gods, which are placed together in a small bag to pray for the gods' protection and safety.

The portraits of the gods in the demon-suppressing group are usually Emperor Zhenwu, Emperor Antarctica, Emperor Dongji, Emperor Gouchen, and other powerful gods with magic-suppressing powers.

The ancestors of the God of Wealth are the Gods of Wealth such as Marshal Zhao Gong, who can attract wealth to people.

The Fulu group is the God of Fortune headed by Emperor Tianguan; the Shousheng group includes Emperor Fusang, Jiutian Xuannv, Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, Antarctic Baosheng Emperor, etc.

As for the Chunyang group, they are the private property of Quanzhen Tao, including many powerful immortals and gods of Quanzhen Tao such as Emperor Zhenwu and Lu Chunyang.

However, without exception, these are all headed by the statue of Emperor Xuanhuang. Otherwise, the people will not recognize it and the demons will not be afraid.

Wang Jing thought for a while and then said helplessly: Forget it, I'll take two of each.

He then glanced at the vendor's license and asked curiously: You are a true disciple of Quanzhen Longmen Tao. Have you reached the sixth level of cultivation? How come you started a business here?

It's Quanzhen Longmen Dao. Disciple Lin Shan has met Shangguan.

The vendor looked at Wang Jing with a smile, and then said helplessly: We, Longmen Taoist, opened the gate in accordance with the decree of the Emperor of Heaven to recruit talents from all over the world to study Quanzhen Taoism. Now we have a total of 36,500 true disciples, a hundred times more than Ten years ago. The reputation of this true disciple has long been worthless, and I have no choice but to make a living with it and earn some money for myself to practice.

——Besides, the business at this train station is quite easy. He can earn 170,000 or 80,000 silver dollars in a year, which is far better than being a guest at someone else's house.

After Wang Jing heard this, she couldn't help but nodded slightly.

In recent years, UU Reading www. The various Daomen are indeed expanding rapidly, and dozens of specialized schools have been built to train talisman masters, alchemists, etc., which has greatly increased the number of private practitioners.

Just as Wang Jing put the things he bought into his pocket, his expression moved slightly and he looked towards the passage ahead. He found that his good friend, Long Rui, who had been promoted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, was standing at the exit waiting for him with a smile.

Wang Jing's face showed a hint of surprise, and she strode over: Shouzhi, why are you here in person? The construction of the Huanhai Railway is about to start. Do you still have the time to come here to pick me up?

Long Rui laughed dumbly: The problem is that now, none of us in the Ministry of Communications have the intention to do this.

He looked solemn: Xiquan, you know, just this morning. The emperor said that he would respect King Jin as the 'Emperor Father' and Princess Changle as the 'Emperor Mother'. He also wanted to rebuild his own golden book and jade certificate. The heir of the eldest princess of Changle, and ordered the Ministry of Rites to change tomorrow’s ceremony to offer sacrifices to heaven.”

Wang Jing was stunned when he heard this, and immediately realized that this matter would definitely cause a huge disturbance inside and outside the court.

. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter in Baidu to enter this site

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