Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

The prosperous age of the Restoration (Extra 2)

Wang Jing immediately wondered whether the emperor wanted to recognize his ancestors and change his surname to Jin Wang Li Xuan?

But then he noticed that in Long Rui's words, there was the phrase 'heir of Princess Changle'.

He then gave a soft compliment: Your Majesty is indeed a good student of King Jin. He really picked a good time. What does the Ministry of Rites say now? What does the eldest princess say?

Today is December 20th, and tomorrow is the winter solstice.

According to the etiquette of the imperial court, this is the day when the emperor goes out of the suburbs to worship the Emperor, Heaven and Empress Earth. It is the most important memorial ceremony for the imperial court in the year besides worshiping the Ancestral Temple.

Especially now that a new 'Celestial Emperor' has appeared, no longer an empty name like Haotian, but now the entire Confucianism, from top to bottom, highly respects this 'Xuanhuang Heavenly Emperor'.

After all, it has long been known to everyone that the contemporary Confucian sage, Jin King Li Xuan, is the reincarnation of the 'Xuanhuang Emperor'.

Today, the key points of government governance in the imperial court and several classics of Confucianism all come from this Emperor of Heaven, whose literary, political and military skills are unparalleled in the past and present. He is a true one of his own.

The great Confucian scholars in the Confucian sect also intend to use the Supreme God, the ‘Emperor of Heaven’, to suppress future human emperors.

Therefore, the Ministry of Etiquette has prepared an extra grand ceremony for tomorrow’s heaven-sacrifice ceremony. .

What else can the eldest princess say? Of course, it's to avoid suspicion. After your highness withdrew from the curtain and returned to power in the middle of the year, she has been hiding in Princess Changle's mansion. However, there are also rumors that this person has long since ascended to Daluotian to find her. husband.

Long Rui had a weird smile on his face as he spoke, but then he felt something was wrong and let out a light cough: As for the Ministry of Rites, I have a headache now! I guess I still have to be forced to agree. Can we really make it happen tomorrow? Why don't we stop the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven? Besides, this is not a bad thing.

You are also aware of King Jin's current reputation among the people. Moreover, in our Great Jin Dynasty, from the officials to the common people, they all worshiped the King of Jin and Emperor Xuanhuang together.

Wang Jing nodded slightly, The emperor wanted to return to his true origins, so he respected King Jin as his 'royal father' and became the heir of the eldest princess Changle. Naturally, there were many benefits.

This can not only further gain public opinion, but also stabilize the fate of the Jin Dynasty and make the royal orthodoxy deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

What's more, everyone knows His Majesty's true life experience, and his facial features and demeanor are simply cast in the same mold as King Jin.

This is the real ‘Emperor’, the son of Emperor Tian——

The problem now is that some people in the Ministry of Rites are worried that if they give in too easily this time, the emperor will take advantage of it, so they simply recognize their ancestors and return to the clan, changing the imperial line of the Jin Dynasty.

When Long Rui said this, there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

The Emperor is not only a bloodline of the King of Jin, he was also taught and raised by the King of Jin. He not only respects his knowledge, but also admires his achievements, so this is very likely to happen.

However, the common people and military households all over the world are happy to see this success and are happy to hear about it.

But from the perspective of Confucianism, it is not a good thing. It will not only cause turmoil in the court, but also damage the reputation of the King of Jin.

He then shook his head and changed the subject: Let's not talk about this. What did you get from going to Jiangnan to inspect this time on the emperor's order? Speaking of which, both of you and I have not been back to our hometown for nearly sixteen years.

Then you should really take the time to go back to your hometown and see it. It's very different there than it was twenty years ago.

Long Rui laughed when he heard this: Nowadays, the eight streets and nine streets in Jinling City, the Mirage Mountain City, are brightly lit and bustling with traffic, so densely populated that even the twenty-foot-wide Zhuque Street is often blocked. Even three-story villas have sprung up in the countryside. , gray walls and white tiles, row upon row, contrasting with the color of the water in the south of the Yangtze River, it is really beautiful.

In the entire southern Zhili, even an ordinary citizen can have enough food and clothing, and even have enough food and clothing. The weather is much better than that in northern Zhili.

When Long Rui heard this, he couldn't help but show a look of leisurely fascination: This is all the result of King Jin's reform! Listening to what you said, I feel that these ten years of official work have been worth it.

Wang Jing nodded: Today's prosperous age is exactly what our generation dreamed of and longed for when we were studying in the past. Now there is only one worry, the price of food in various places is getting lower and lower. The people use the excess food to squeeze oil and feed livestock, but If you eat more meat and oil, you will consume less food.

Gu: In the past few years, large quantities of food were purchased from the mortal world outside the Taixu Territory every year, but it is said that now the heaven is also self-sufficient. So now people are unwilling to grow rice, preferring to grow mulberry trees, tea, rape, corn, etc., or leave the grain fields alone and go to work in the city.

But this is a huge hidden danger. If something happens in the future, there may be fear of famine. I am going to write to the imperial court to explicitly stipulate the quantity and output of grain fields in various places, and the imperial court will enforce it. And there’s corruption——”

When Wang Jing said this, she frowned: I don't know what those people in the Institute of Integrity do for a living. Now there are some signs of corruption in Jiangnan. Officials from all over the country are eating and drinking, and public funds and state assets are being severely depleted. These people are so big. Such courage, how many years has it been since the King of Jin resigned?

Since King Li Xuan of Jin established the Integrity Council, most of the responsibility for supervising the integrity of officials has been separated from their Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Although the Metropolitan Procuratorate later established an Integrity Suppression Department within the courtyard, the main force was still with the Integrity Yuan.

The Institute of Integrity is quite attentive, but they have too few personnel. Nowadays, there is a large-scale construction in various places. Mountains are being cut, roads are being built, and bridges are being built. Construction is going on everywhere. The court's money is being spent like a sea, which is inevitable. Those villains have no chance to get involved. The Integrity Council has only more than 10,000 people. How can it control it? The cabinet has recently decided that both the Integrity Council and the Supervision Council must expand.

Long Rui smiled bitterly, and then looked solemn: There are no problems with the projects that our Ministry of Communications is building, right?

You are handing over to the Ministry of Finance. I have only had a brief understanding of it. The problem is also quite serious. Projects are subcontracted at various levels, the steel bars and masonry are substandard, and workers and monsters are deprived of food. Only the budget is good, and it is stuck. Damn it, but I suggest you check it out.

When Wang Jing said this, she had already walked out of the exit with Long Rui.

He then turned his head and looked back at the crowded front hall with a strange expression.

Twenty years ago, Wang Jing never imagined that rune railways and rune locomotives would appear in this world. It can travel 600 miles an hour, and it only takes one day to travel from BJ to Nanjing, starting in the morning and arriving in the evening.

This is really a good thing. It will be of great benefit to the military and people's livelihood.

Wang Jing couldn't help but sigh: Your Ministry of Communications should really build more lines. It would be better to connect all the provinces.

At this moment, he suddenly saw an official wearing a ninth-grade official uniform walking to the square in front and unfolding a bright yellow edict.

At the same time, a smooth and clear male voice sounded in everyone's ears.

I, Yang Kai, the official of the Department of Propaganda and Administrative Affairs, have been ordered by the emperor and the cabinet to announce the latest national edict——

Wang Jing's expression moved slightly, and she immediately listened attentively.

——I am actually the biological son of the King of Jin and the eldest princess of Changle. Because the emperor's grandfather had no heirs in the past and the ruthless emperor plotted rebellion and was forced by traitors in the court, the emperor's grandfather had no choice but to separate our flesh and blood, pretending to be pregnant with the king. My name was raised under the name of Crown Prince Duanhui. However, since I was an infant, I have been raised by the eldest princess and taught by my father Shang.

Therefore, the love of my child will always remain in my heart, and I also have the wish to be happy with the water and feed the food in return. Therefore, the purpose of issuing this edict today is to rectify the origin, to restore the golden book and the jade ultimatum, to honor the King of Jin as the emperor's father, to honor the eldest princess as the emperor's mother, to inherit the emperor's mother's heir, and to advertise the true origin of my bloodline to the people, so that they can know about it.

The crowd in the waiting room, UU reading a book www.uukanshu. net immediately made a 'boom' sound. A large number of people were gathering towards the official who declared the government, and everyone looked excited, even flushed.

The rumors are indeed true. The Emperor is actually the son of Prince Jin.

Is it still fake? It is said that the facial features and eyebrows are exactly the same as the portrait of Emperor Xuanhuang.

This is also a very regrettable thing. In the past, when the late emperor was here, the eldest princess and Prince Jin were in love. However, due to the current situation, they could not truly get married.

Haha! I heard that the Emperor and the Ministry of Rites were arguing this morning. It seems that the Ministry of Rites gave in.

Okay! His Royal Highness the King of Jin has indeed made great merits in this world. We and other military families are able to live without worries, cloth and meat, all because of His Highness's twelve years of governance. We should do our best to support the Emperor. , to repay King Jin for his great kindness!

Wang Jing glanced at Long Rui next to him, then smiled at each other.

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