St. Ann Financial Company is a very famous financial company throughout North America.

St. Ann Financial Company is often seen on Wall Street.

St. Ann Financial Company also has a little-known business, which is loan sharking.

Not everyone has access to St. Ann Financial Services.

The customers they develop are mainly those who have a certain ability to make money.

Due to various reasons, their finances are in short-term situations.

At this time, St. Ann Financial Company will take the initiative to contact you.

St. Ann Financial Company has a very long history. It almost appeared with the history of the United States and grew up with the strength of the United States.

In the history of St. Ann Financial Company, there have been several usurpations of power.

But in the end they all ended in failure.

No matter how carefully the subordinates plan, they cannot escape the fate of failure in the end.

Legend has it that St. Ann Financial Company controls a

When an uncontrollable situation occurs internally, this will appear.

Of course, this is no longer possible in recent years.

St. Ann's Building is a brand new building, which is also the tallest building in Los Angeles.

It was only completed in May in recent years. From the name, you can tell that this building belongs to St. Ann Financial Company.

Saint Ann loved the panoramic view of Los Angeles from the rooftop.

At this moment, a figure appeared behind Saint An.

Sheng An frowned: "Don't suddenly appear behind me. I hate people coming uninvited."

"Brother, do you hate your sister so much?" A girl appeared behind Sheng An.

"You are a wanted villain in the entire supernatural world, and I don't want to have anything to do with you."

Sheng An had an attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

The girl licked her lips: "I came here to borrow some money from you."

Sheng An frowned: "Impossible."

"Don't be so absolute. I do have information that interests you."

"There is a lot of information that I am interested in. What information can you provide me?"

"Treasure Island." the girl said.

"I don't believe what you say." Saint An glanced at his own sister.

He knew his sister very well.

Ranked fifth among the top ten villains in the supernatural world.

All negative comments from humans apply to her.

And the crimes she committed are too numerous to describe.

Even Saint Ann doesn't think he is a good person, but compared with his sister, he is simply a kind little angel.

"Brother, what you say hurts my heart so much." Cui Sigeng looked heartbroken.

"Your arrival will only cause big trouble for me. Those psychics are like hounds, attracted to you. I hate this feeling, so if you don't want me to kill you personally, you'd better do it immediately Get out of here and out of Los Angeles." St. Ann said calmly: "Besides, your bounty seems to have been increased again."

Sheng An has no burden at all for killing his sister Cui Sikeng.

Of course, if a war breaks out between them, Saint Ann is not absolutely sure.

After all, what he is facing is the disaster of one of the ten villains.

"Sheng'an, I'm here to negotiate a deal with you sincerely." Cui Sigeng's tone suddenly became low.

"I'm also serious. I hate you, Cui Sigeng, get out of my territory."

"Hmph! I believe you will come to me again." After Cui Sigeng said this, he suddenly broke through the floor-to-ceiling glass of the outer wall and disappeared into the night.

Saint Ann grinned: "Damn it, this floor-to-ceiling window costs hundreds of thousands of dollars."

The weather is a bit bad today and the sea breeze is a bit strong.

The sky was dark and it looked like it might rain at any time.

The waves were also a bit big, so the children were at home and were not allowed to go out to play.

"Portia, what makes you so happy? Just because I gave you an advance on next month's salary yesterday?"

"I found a roommate," Portia said. "My new roommate pays me two thousand dollars a month in rent."

"I remember that the monthly rent for your house is only a little over three thousand."

"My roommate is not as stingy as you." Portia glanced at Chen Zhao with disgust on her face.

"You'd better be careful what you say, or I'll ask you to pay back the money now."

This bad weather made Chen Zhao feel a little depressed.

Chen Zhao is not afraid of the storm, but is afraid of setting a bad example for the children.

After all, we went swimming in such a big storm.

The children will feel that since Chen Zhao is not afraid, they are not afraid either.

Chen Zhao occasionally consults Wright, who is an education expert.

She is not only the principal of a university, she has been a teacher in many primary schools, middle schools, universities, and even kindergartens or early childhood education classes.

Wright and Chen Zhao said that children can imitate adults.

Even adults learn certain habits from their parents.

What's more, it's a child whose mind has not yet fully matured.

Therefore, adults must not set wrong examples for children.

At this moment, two unfamiliar commercial vehicles entered the entrance of Mingyue Villa.

Chen Zhao couldn't help but frowned when he got the information from the housekeeper system.

Because the housekeeper system cannot find the identity information of the owners of these two vehicles at the vehicle management center.

Chen Zhao walked out of the house and watched ten people in black suits getting out of two cars.

The leader was a man with a moustache and an uncomfortable smirk on his face.

"Hello, are you Mr. Chen?" Peter came forward and stretched out his hand in front of Chen Zhao.

Chen Zhao did not stretch out his hand, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked at Peter coldly.

"Do I know you?"

"Then let me introduce myself. I am the head of St. Ann Financial Company. I am Peter."

"Oh, what are you doing?"

"I heard that Mr. Chen and we both have the same business." Pete said with a faint smile: "I think the market in the Los Angeles area is not big, and the economic environment in the past two years has not been optimistic, so I think Chen Mr. Chen should do business elsewhere. Los Angeles cannot accommodate more peers. Of course, with Mr. Chen’s business and channels in Los Angeles, we will give you a price that satisfies you.”

"Then I don't know what price you plan to offer?" Chen Zhao's expression was as cold as ever.

"One million dollars, I think Mr. Chen should give our St. Ann Financial Company this face."


Chen Zhao casually slapped Peter: "Go back to where you came from."

Peter was stunned by Chen Zhao's slap.

" dare to hit me?" Peter covered his face and looked at Chen Zhao in disbelief.

"You came to my house and planned to blackmail me. Shouldn't I hit you?"

Chen Zhao glanced at the people brought by Peter and said coldly: "Whoever dares to draw a gun in my house will die here today."

"Do it! Kill him..." Peter had never been so humiliated.

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