Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 47 - Amusement Park : Part 2

When the 12-year-old held the gun, pointing it to the bleeding man below him with the encouragement of his brother, the boy's head pounded with tension.

Sweat made dark circles under his arms as his finger grazed the trigger, only one pull away to determine a person's death. Thousands of questions prowled through his mind as he sat on the horns of his dilemma.

He was too young to actually think about the consequences of his action. He was too young to actually hold a gun against someone.

Though in the end, with a grinning Kiaran and an aching silence, the boy let his finger slip and made a loud agonizing noise through the gun. The body of the man slumped on the floor as Kiaran took the man's phone and wallet before kicking the corpse with a disgusted face.

It was Axel's first kill that day. The day he signed to be another criminal in the Vergessene family. The day he became the yin behind the crazed yang.


"Where are we going, Kiaran?" Axel asked as he quietly followed Kiaran along the hallway of their house. "I thought this was a school day off?" The boy continued, trying to peek at what Kiaran was holding.

The oversized white sweater that Axel stole from Kiaran's room adorned the boy's body, showing how young the boy was. He raised his eyebrows at his older brother, looking at the masks in his hand.

Then suddenly, the older threw a white mask at him, and Axel caught it with ease. He looked over at the mask and Kiaran a few times, confused by what the mask was for.

"Today, my dear brother," Kiaran began, blue eyes glinting with something dark, looking at him with a playful smile. "We'll become just like father." He continued, lowering his body to Axel's height and facing the boy.

"I'll be the brain, and you'll be the brute." The 14-year-old added, taking a gun from his pocket and offering it to Axel with an overly honeyed smile. "We'll be unstoppable, don't you want that, Axel?"

Axel's eyes darted over the gun and back to Kiaran's eyes again with blue twitching eyes. "But I don't- I don't want to kill people." The boy ventured tremblingly.

"Oh, brother." Kiaran's lips tugged downward, putting a sad wail for the boy. "But you're born a murderer," His sad eyes tried to hide the dangerous glint behind the two beautiful blue pupils as the older continued. "-don't you know that?"

Kiaran sympathetically put a hand on the boy's shoulder. He used the other hand to brush the locks from the younger's face, forcing Axel to face him. "You're dangerous, Axel."

"You are a monster," Kiaran stated as he let his hand run down the side of Axel's cheek gently and stop at the boy's chin. "You are a danger to those around you."

The 14-year-old held his little brother's chin up as he gave the boy a sad smile. "The dead man last week was the proof, the real proof."

Axel's face morphed into a frown, then a confusion. "But it was your idea." Uttered the boy.

Kiaran let go of Axel's face and went back to stand before the youngest again. He sighed as he wanly stared at the boy. "I could never kill him even if you're the one who told me to."

Then the wanly smile changed into something sinister, something manipulative. "Yet you-" He paused, tilting his head down. "You, you, you-" He sang, almost mockingly.

"The saddest kid, the youngest one, the abandoned one-" Kiaran confided, moving around the boy as if he was dancing. "You killed him easily. Because it ran in your blood."

Kiaran's two ocean blue eyes caught the picture on the wall. A picture that the half of it was covered, only Cain was on display. "Father was too afraid of you. Father was denying you."

He diverted his gaze to Axel and smiled knowingly. "I'm just here to help you. I'm using you for your own good. I just want the best for you."

The older's blue eyes softened a little. The smile turned sad again for the 12-year-old. "You know that, right?"

Axel gazed down to both of Kiaran's feet, fiddling with the edge of his white sweater nervously. "But you're always angry, and now you're just... different." He confessed, still trying not to look at his brother.

"Oh Axel, I'm happy right now. I'm happy because my brother could finally use his skill and help me around!" Kiaran suddenly grasped both of the boy's shoulders, causing the younger to jolt up a little.

Axel gathered all his confidence as he hesitantly looked up at Kiaran's eyes again. "You're happy?"

"Yes!" Kiaran exclaimed almost too happily.

The older pushed the gun to Axel's hand and made sure that the boy held it. "So take this gun, and I'll tell you the next plan."

The boy hesitantly nodded. He kept nodding until it became a determined nod. Axel tightened his grip on the gun. If he could make Kiaran happy by doing this, he would do it just for his brother.

For father and Adreanna too. Axel just hoped that they would be proud of what he was about to do.

"Okay then, you just have to stay silent and never talk. Just do what I tell you to do." Kiaran showed a satisfied smile as he ruffled the boy's hair, making Axel blush a little at the contact.

"Alright, you said you want to go to the amusement park, right?" Kiaran began, smiling with a hidden madness behind his facade of lies.

"Let's go there and have some fun."


After a short walk from the house, Axel finally arrived at the amusement park. His eyes were looking at the colourful lights with a child-like wonder. Though he did not come here to have fun, he came here to help Kiaran.

The white mask covered half of his face as the wind blew his hair around, causing it to sway slightly.

A sight of a black-haired teen around Adreanna's age with pure white eyes caught his vision. The teen was running so fast to the road, not noticing how a car was coming at a fast speed.

He snapped his head toward the car so fast that he believed his neck cracked. He watched as the teen got farther away to the road. Axel ran to the black-haired teen with a beating heart, letting the wind brush off his face.

"Hey, wait! Watch out!" He yelled on top of his lung, hoping it would get to the teen's ear.

The teen seemed to not hear him or simply ignored him. He contemplated whether he should go after the teen or just pretend that he saw nothing. But he couldn't bear the thought of hearing a person dying, knowing that he could have saved him.

It was ironic that he was about to kill people right after that.

"Screw this." He fastened his speed and rushed his way over the teen. The wind around him fought with his face as he ran, struggled to keep his eyes open. When he reached the road, the wind seemed to stop.

He didn't have time to think about how weird it was, though. He still needed to catch up with the white-eyed teen. He couldn't really see the person, but he did notice the white cap on the teen's head.

"You need to stop! Hey!" He felt his legs threatened to give out. His breath became more and more laboured as each second passed.

He failed to notice that the car was gone as if it was never there. He also was unable to notice how everything stopped moving for a second.

The teen then suddenly stopped, slowly turning to face Axel. The face was achingly familiar, but he could not quite tell from the blinding lights out of nowhere.

The teen snatched the white cap on his head and put it on Axel's head. "I'm sorry, Axel. But this is the only way. I'm going to fix this, I swear." The teen's voice was distorted, though Axel could still catch the sad tone behind it.

The white-eyed teen suddenly took a sharp turn and vanished from his sight.

Axel became worried and fastened his pace, ignoring the way his legs started to hurt. As he took a sharp turn to follow the teen's trace, he was suddenly left standing on an empty road with an amusement park right in front of him.

He took the white cap from his head and stared at it with two confused eyes. He looked back at the road, searching for any sign of the teen's trace.

Axel bit his lips and decided to brush it off. He would look into it later. The boy did not have time to dwell on it.

He had to finally get into the amusement park.

And as he arrived at the scene, the boy would make his second kill in the place he always wanted to go. In the place where people should have had fun instead of facing death.

His second kill did not make the body count become two.. His second kill made the body count become twenty.

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