Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 48 - Amusement Park : Part 3

The moon draped over the city in vain. Everyone was laughing and screaming for the thrill and the fun they were having. Children would cry over some toys or ice cream, begging for their parents to buy them.

A Ferris wheel illuminated the back of the amusement park. The lights that adorned the side of every corner of it glimmered, shining right to the people, making the moon go ignored by them.

On the right of the Ferris wheel stood a carousel full of children. They went round and round while screaming with full of joy. Their parents stood near it, waving at their child with a camera in their hand to live up to the moments.

Right across the carousel, there were bumper cars. A family was in the zone trying to bump with each other and raced them. The father was on the steering wheel with his youngest right beside him, chasing the mother and the older sister on the other car.

Axel stood in the middle of the amusement park. Blue eyes scanned over the crowd, imagining that he was there with Kiaran to play and have fun.

Not to kill people.

His eyes caught the sight of Kiaran, who leaned back on one of the counters. A black trench coat draped over his shoulder as the back of it swayed with the wind alongside his messy hair. The black mask covered half of his face, and the soon to be mercenary stood in silence.

As their gaze met with each other, it seemed as if the people who went by them was blurry, it was as if the world was only for the two. As if the world was theirs.

Just like what Kiaran wanted.

And Axel was here to make it come true.

He was twelve- god, he was only twelve years old at that moment. A twelve-year-old with an older brother slowly ascended to madness.

He was a child. Only a child. A child that shouldn't be holding a gun, a child that shouldn't be a murderer at such a young age.

But Kiaran had done so much for him, and Axel would do just the same.

It was them against the world.

And it would always be.

The white cap was too big for him at the moment, almost falling and covering his whole eyes. Axel would search for the teen after this and give it back somehow.

The boy ignored how his hands were trembling, shaking of the knowledge that some of these people would die- of the knowledge that he would be the one who took their lives.

His blue eyes still locked on his brother, who gave him a nod of reassurance with two sharp ocean eyes. In between the boy's shaky breath, he nodded back to Kiaran.

The older smiled fondly at him behind his mask, the kind of smile that he copied from Cain. He quickly jumped inside the counter right beside him, startling the man inside.

Kiaran's eyes formed a crescent moon shape before kicking the man out of the counter with a single sweep and landing on the floor. The man's head bumped onto a wall that managed to take him out.

The older Vergessene's messy hair swayed a little as he snatched the mic on the counter that was used to promote what the man sold.

He cleared his voice before bringing the mic close to his mouth with a smirk. "Why, hello ladies and gentlemen." He began, voice illuminating the surrounded with a slight echo.

Only some of them glanced over Kiaran with a slight frown on how ominous his costume was. The rest of them were busy doing their own things and lost in their own world.

"Attention, please!" Kiaran tried again, clearly irritated by the ignorances. "I have some important things to tell."

Triggered by how only some of them glanced his way, Kiaran clicked his tongue. He brought out a gun from his pocket and pointed it to the counter's roof. His point finger moved over the trigger swiftly as he pulled the trigger.

It clearly succeeded in bringing all attention over to him from how loud the gunshot was. However, a few annoying screams were heard as they stared at the gun in his hand.

"Thank you, everyone, for finally listening to me," Kiaran stated, slowly lowering the gun to the ground as his blue eyes glanced over the crowd.

He opened his mouth to talk again just to be stopped by a man who tried to flee from the scene. Kiaran's right eye twitched in irritation as he sighed and aimed the gun at the ground right in front of the man.

Kiaran easily pulled the trigger, causing the man to yelp and freeze in his place, surrounded by some screaming here and there. The man's chest heaved up and down as he slowly turned his head over to Kiaran's dangerous eyes.

"No, no. You can't go yet. Don't you see I'm talking right now? That's quite rude now, was it?" The 14-year-old told the man through his mask with an overly sugary smile.

The mercenary snapped his gloved finger as he once again scanned the crowd with his blue eyes. "Okay, where was I?" He asked the trembling crowd in a slight chuckle.

"Right-" He snapped his finger once again as his eyes morphed into a realization. "-I'm here to tell you that some of you are going to die today."

The statement made the crowd gasp in horror, freezing as they could not do anything but stare. They just stood there like a deer in a headlight.

A lady let out a cry as she shakingly tried to walk backwards from Kiaran. Her eyes started to water while she let herself sob helplessly, staring at Kiaran wide-eyed.

"Oh no, no. Don't be afraid." Kiaran waved his hand to the lady, trying to reassure her. "Don't worry. It's not you, lady." He soothed as he tilted his head to the man beside her. "It's your husband."

"And 19 more people, but well-" He shrugged, staring at the husband's terrified eyes. "You guys deserved it anyway."

Instead of calming the lady down, she just became more hysteric, shrinking away from Kiaran as she stared at her husband bewilderedly.

"You guys are being all happy right now while the one who paid me to take your life is suffering." Kiaran spun the gun in his hand, fiddling with it as he laid his back to the corner easily with a mic in his other hand.

"I'm not a saint or something." He chuckled, shrugging a little as his gaze stopped at Axel. "I never was."

"But you see," he darted, lip tugged sideways a little behind his mask. "They paid me a lot of money for taking revenge on you people."

"How convenience was it that this amusement park just opened, and all the people that needed to die was here." He titled his head menacingly, almost taunting.

"I wasn't totally lying about the convenience part and silently planning to gather all of you so you can die in this fun place, of course." The 14-year-old sarcastically remarked.

"But it's just fun, isn't it?" He asked sardonically and paused for a moment.

"No pun intended." He added and raised his hand politely as he snapped his mouth shut.

The lady's husband jumped back and tried to run away while Kiaran wasn't looking. He thought he could make it when Kiaran noticed him too late. Instead, the mercenary just sneered at the man.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you." His voice rang to the crowd through the mic, still not doing anything to the man that tried to run away.

So the lady's husband thought this was his actual chance to run away while failing miserably at noticing the murderer in front of his face as he ran.

Axel easily kicked the man's feet, causing him to almost fall face-first to the floor. Though right before he hit the ground, the twelve-year-old shot the back of his head, letting the blood splatter around. The man's eyes became lifeless as they landed on his wife, who fainted right after.

Kiaran raised his eyebrows at the corpse as he let out a mocking snicker. "Told you so."

And everyone started to run like lightning in the thunder with the thought that it might be them that would die that night. Some were right that it was them. Some were lucky that it wasn't them.

The mercenary watched the mess he made with amusement. "Carpe Vinum," Kiaran sang the Latin words out, eyes descending to madness slowly yet surely. "-and let the party begins."

A total of 19 gunshots rang in the air, making people scream even more. As the bullets flew around, a total of 19 people dropped down to the ground with a hole in their heads. Blood flowing down like a river, painting the ground red.

Not long after the tragedy, a sound of siren started to come closer to the amusement park, flashing a pair of red and blue lights to Axel's sights. The boy stood there, counting the seconds as he waited for the police to arrive.

A whistle caught Axel's ears, and he quickly snapped his head toward the sound. The boy met the sight of Kiaran, standing on top of the Ferris wheel, squatting right on the tip of it. The older made an 'over here' sign with his hand for Axel to join him.

Axel looked around for a second before hopping onto the inside of one of the capsules. He shot the lever near the Ferris wheel with his gun and made it run slowly until his capsule reached Kiaran.

Kiaran jumped from the top of the Ferris wheel and somersaulted to the inside of Axel's capsule. He landed gracefully on the seat right across Axel with two smiling eyes.

"Nice cap. Where'd you get it?" The older pointed at Axel's head casually.

Axel moved his hand to touch the tip of his white cap, fiddling with it nervously at Kiaran's question.

Noticing why Axel hadn't answered yet, Kiaran clasped both of his hands. "Oh, you can talk, by the way. The job's done."

Axel nodded softly, feet tapping to the floor. "Someone gave it to me. I don't know how to give it back." The boy answered, looking around to the ground where the police had arrived.

A vague shadow was watching them from across the amusement park. The teen's white eyes formed into guilt and sadness for a second before letting himself get eaten by the shadow and disappear.

And that day, the name of the duo yin and yang, the mercenary and the mute murderer, rose on all over the news, adorning the city's headlines.

A certain soon-to-be lieutenant watched the news with two determined eyes.

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